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Chapter 52: Hinata's Progress, Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms


[Sasuke started several days of special training with the three girls.]

["Sakura, although you have learned a little of Chakra Enhanced Strength technique from me, but be careful as this technique consumes a lot of Chakra, remember not to use it casually."]

["...Also, be especially careful in close combat with others, the opponent may use poison!"]

[Sasuke commented to Sakura.]

["Yes! I will prepare an antidote in advance!"]

[Sakura said seriously.]

["Ino, as for your Mind Body Switch seems you improved it to the Mind Clone Switch Technique. Not bad!]

["However, what if I punch myself like this?"]

[Sasuke gestures to attack himself.]

["Impossible? After being hit by my Mind Clone Switch Technique, my body should be under my control. Why would I attack myself again?" Ino asked back.]

["It's impossible for a person with a medium skill to attack himself, so what about other people? What if his teammates attack him directly?"]

["Ah! is it possible? Aren't they teammates?"]

["Don't apply your existing cognition to other villages, such as Kirigakure, they even had this kind of rule: if you want to graduate from the ninja academy, you must kill one of your classmates!"]

["Ah, there is such a thing?!"]

[Not only Ino, but Sakura and Hinata are stunned.]

[Are the ninjas in other villages so cruel?]

["In short, Ino, you have to remember that if you control someone else's body, then you also have to guard against the other teammate!"]

[Sasuke reminded her seriously.]

["Yes! Thank you Sasuke-kun!"]

[Ino took the advice seriously.]

[When she is controlling someone else's body, if she is attacked, her spirit will be injured!]

Yamanaka Ino: "Indeed! There are ninjas who attack their companions directly!"

Nara Shikamaru: "Sasuke is really good, it feels like he can be a guide Jōnin!"

Aburame Shino: "No matter in terms of strength or guidance, Sasuke over there is enough to be a qualified guide Jōnin!"

Yamanaka Inoichi: "The Ino over there actually learned the Mind Clone Switch Technique in advance. Damn it, just because of that brat!"

Hyuga Hiashi: "My family Hinata also practiced harder because of this brat! Damn it!"

The eyes of the two old fathers were burning.

Yamanaka Ino: "Hee hee! I have learned a more powerful family secret technique, and solved the shortcoming of the Mind Body Switch Technique. The best performance must be me!"

Haruno Sakura: "I also performed really well!"

Hatake Kakashi: "The Sakura and Ino in the parallel world are stronger than our side, is it because of love? Tsk!"


The next scene made them astonished!

[Hinata opened her eyes, alternated her hands and quickly hit Sasuke!]

["Gentle Fist Method, Eight Trigrams...Eight Palms!"]

["...Sixteen Palms!"]

["...Thirty-Two Palms!"]

Hyuga Hiashi: "Thirty-Two Palms, Hinata over there has reached this level!"

Hinata from the parallel world is so powerful!

My daughter here... seems to be barely able to do Sixteen Palms...

Hyuga Hanabi: "My sister is amazing!"

Yuhi Kurenai: "'s not over yet!"


On the Gold frame screen.

[After hitting thirty-two palms, Hinata didn't appear to be exhausted, and continued to attack Sasuke with her hands interlacing quickly!]

[... Thirty-Six Palms!]

[... Forty-Two Palms!]

[...Forty-Right Palms!]

[...Fifty-Six Palms!]

["Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms!"]

[Hinata shouted lightly, all sixty-four palms were struck together!]

Hyuga Neji: "...Lady Hinata with a weak personality can actually do this!"

Hyuga Hiashi: "It shouldn't be! How can the difference between the two sides be so big!"

Yuhi Kurenai: "Is it because of Sasuke's influence?"

Hatake Kakashi: "It should be more than that. After hitting all sixty-four palms, for Hinata on our side, neither physical strength nor Chakra is enough to support it."

Might Guy: "It can't be because the Hinata over there eats more?"

A group of people fell silent.


This reason is outrageous!

Hyuga Hiashi: "...In short, Hinata, you can eat as much as you want in the future."

Whether it's for that reason or not, there's nothing wrong with giving it a try.


[Sasuke couldn't help applauding, approving: "Not bad."]

[Although not one palm connected, it is commendable for Hinata to be able to complete it.]

[It's not in vain that I have been blacklisted by countless restaurants with my Hinata in the past few years.]

[In addition to improving hunger, she also received feedback in terms of strength.]

[Hinata was slightly out of breath, and when she heard Sasuke's words, her mood instantly exploded like a firework.]

[I just feel that my serious cultivation in the past few years is worth it.]

[Sakura and Ino on the side are dumbfounded.]

[Is this still the soft-tempered Hinata?]

["Hinata, your current Eight Trigrams Palms, if nothing else happens, is enough for the Chūnin exam. But your Hyuga's Eight Trigrams Palms, well, how should I put it, I feel that the upper limit is not enough..."]

[Sasuke said as tactfully as possible.]

[I hit dozens of slaps in a flashy manner, but I missed every single one...]

[The supercilious eyes of the Hyuga clan are obviously the same as Uchiha's Sharingan, the blood successor of the pupil technique, why are they handicapping themselves like this?]

"Beautiful fists but no substance?!"

Hyuga Hiashi exploded directly.

This bastard!

No one in the whole ninja world has ever commented on their white eyes and Gentle Fist like this!

Fourth Raikage: "In terms of combat effectiveness, the Byakugan is around the same as the Sharingan (not including Mangekyō), and the strategic significance of reconnaissance is better."

Ohnoki: "Indeed, being hit by Eight Trigrams Palms hurts, and being stabbed by a Kunai also hurts. The difference doesn't seem that big."

Senju Tobirama: "The Hyuga clan is a group of conservative old and young, huh! Just wait to fall with their Gentle Fist."

Although he is hostile to Uchiha, he has to admit that the Uchiha clan is indeed strong!

Especially the Uchiha with Three Tomoe, who are basically Elite Jōnin, are very strong in all aspects and have no shortcomings.

Not to mention the Mangekyō.

As for the Hyuga clan, heh!

Even if Uchiha is gone, there is no need to be hostile and guard against the Hyuga!

["Hinata, your Byakugan and pupils are very powerful, but there is no need to focus on Gentle Fist to improve your strength."]

[Sasuke suggested.]

[If he has time, he would like to make a strength improvement plan for Hinata.]

[But my own problems are not resolved yet, let alone planning for others.]

["So, the best performer in the special training these days is Hinata, everyone should have no objections?"]

[Sasuke announces to the three girls.]

[Sakura and Ino, although envious, obediently surrendered.]

[They didn't expect Hinata, who is usually quiet and unnoticed, to be so powerful.]

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