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Ch 19: Sect

The next day, both reached the gates of the sect. After reaching the gates, yang feng saw that the sect was not much different than it's manhwa counterpart. On the gate of the sect were pair of disciples standing guard, with an elder sitting on a desk further behind.

Both Yang Kai and Yang Feng looked at each other, and started walking towards the elder. The disciples seeing them walking towards the elder didn't say anything as whoever wants to enter the sect for whatever reason first has to inform the said elder.

When yang feng saw the elder sitting at the desk, he remembered seeing him in the elder hall, in the manhwa, when the elders were deciding to expel yang Kai from the sect.

{A-Note: Manhwa Ch 57-58}

The elder had white long hair and a long beard of the same color, he was an old man wearing a white peice of cloth on his head and was wearing the usual sect robes.

Although the man was old, it is to be known that only someone at immortal ascension realm can become a sect elder in the sects in this lower world. So by no means was the old man weak by this world's standard.

When they reached in front of the desk, the elder looked at them and said,"state your purpose from coming to High Heaven Pavilion."

Yang Kai said," me and my brother would like to enter high heaven pavilion as a disciple."

"Hmm", the elder let out a light hum acknowledging his words. "State your names, ages, and your cultivation levels."

"Yang Kai, 12 years old, 2nd stage body tempering realm." When the elder heard about his cultivation realm he didn't think much and thought that yang Kai came from a poor background, as was the case with many in the cultivation worlds. "And you?", the elder asked while looking at yang feng.

"Yang Feng, 13 years old, 2nd stage separation and Reunion Realm." Yang feng stated clamly. "Hmm", the elder hummed. "Huh.....WHAT DID YOU SAY!!", but after registering what yang feng said, he literally sprung up from his chair while also using his divine scene to check if what he heard was the truth.

He was positively horrified after checking that it was true. He again checked and also heard yang feng repeating his words clearly now. He was in a shock for a good five minutes, with yang feng looking at the elder with amusement and yang kai sighing, which turned into an controlled but amused smile looking at the elder.

The elder was in a deep state of shock, doubt, and self-deprication. Thinking about his life he thought that he has lived in vain to only reach his own level of strength at such an old age.

When the elder came to, both brothers had changed their expressions to neutral. The elder wondered and couldn't help himself so he asked yang feng," why is it that you are joining high heaven pavilion, you would be able enter any 1st and super level sects with such talent."

Both knew what the elder was thinking, so to clear some doubts yang feng simply said, "Our father used to be a disciple of high heaven pavilion and wanted us to join the same sect as him."

The elder was enlightened and joyful that some disciples who had left the sect still had the sect in their hearts. He then lead the two towards the elder hall to meet the other elders.

This would not happen usually as the elder would just send the newly recruited disciple with a disciple token to the contribution hall and get their sect uniform, first salary and a scroll containing sect rules.

But because of yang feng's once in a lifetime case, he decided to let the other elders know about him, and see if the boy would worship someone as a master. As this will help him in his development.

He had already called the other elders, so when three reached there all elders were already present in the hall, but not the sect master.

As he told the others about yang feng, all had stars in their eyes and we're looking at yang feng like a 3 year old would look at a new toy he wanted.

Yang feng knew that they wanted to recruit him into their factions, as the sect has been divided into two factions after the sect master's disappearance. But the look in their eyes was honestly scaring him about his chastity.

The next moment the elders tried to outdo each other and let him select one of them as a master. Just as yang feng was getting annoyed, the transmission token with each of the elders vibrated and after checking the contents transmitted to the token they were shocked and seemed to be talking to each other with their divine scene.

After a minute, the elders let out a sigh and after giving him and yang Kai, who was with him the entire time, a token and send them off to the contribution hall.

Though his token looked a bit different than yang kai's, when asked he was told that he will directly become a lower base disciple of the sect. They also said that he could have been made an elite disciple directly because of his cultivation but as he was new to the sect he has to work and obtain it with his own work.

Reaching the contribution hall with the help of a disciple, they enter the hall. Yang feng took a deep breath before he entered the hall because he was going to meet one of the most iconic character till the Tong Xuan Realm, Meng Wu Ya, who resideded in the said hall.

The hall looked quite ordinary, it was made out of wood, had many shelves with different types of things on them. In front of the shelves was a desk and chair. Sitting on the chair was an old man who seems to be sleeping and having a dream.

Arriving before the desk, yang feng lightly tapped it. Meng wu ya slowly woke up from his sleep and looked at them. 'So this is Meng wu ya, a peak saint, and strongest of Tong Xuan Realm from his era, master and father figure of Xia Ning Chang, and someone who has lived for more than 500 years', yang feng though looking at the old man in front of him. 'he looks the same as he was described in the novels.'

Meng wu ya looked at them and asked,"new disciples?", to which both just nodded and showed him their tokens. Meng wu ya just gave them their supplies and shoo'd them away.

While leaving the hall yang feng felt a pair of eyes on his back, as if evaluating him. He knew that the one watching was Meng wu ya, as he might have used his divine sense on him or something.

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