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Ch 18: Towards High Heaven Pavilion

In front of Yang Clan's ancestral hall stood ten youths with varying ages. These ten youths were the future generation of the yang clan, the ten young masters of the yang clan.

Among the ten young masters stood a boy with a height of 1.67 feet, had a muscular frame, his body filled with compact muscles, his skin devoided of any strain or mark, his face would be able to attract attention whereever he went, with facial features that were sharp and in an angular shape. His eyes that looked like a galaxy excluded mystery that drew others into it. His long black hair kept loose freely falling till his upper back.

This was our protagonist Yang Feng, although he didn't need to stand in front of the ancestral hall as he was not a blood descendant of yang clan. But he listened to his father and silently stood on the far end with his brother.

After the ceremonies were finished, he along with the other nine went towards their own parents and after meeting with them the last time headed towards the exit of capital city. "Looks like your in deep thoughts right now, ninth brother." He heard Yang Zhao say that looking at his thoughtful face.

Yang feng who was broken out of his thoughts shook his head and replied," it's nothing second brother, I was just thinking about something random."

Hearing his replay yang zhao didn't say anything and smiled. After reaching the exit, all greeted each other and went about their own ways. Yang feng and Yang Kai were both told by Yang Ying Feng to go and join High Heaven Pavilion.

So both brothers were going there. During the travel both talked to each other about there expectations from the sect their father was sending them to. Yang feng was also a bit eager to see if there were any changes in the real High Heaven Pavilion compaired to the novels.

He also didn't know much about it as the sects inner working was never revealed and was only focused around yang kai's experience in the sect.

During a time of their resting, Yang Feng looked at Yang Kai and was wondering what will fate have in store for him now, as because of his appearance there are bound to be some butterfly effects. One such change is that, yang kai in the original wasn't even at the 1st stage body tempering realm when he left the yang clan, but because of the pills he refined during his practice, that he shared some with yang kai, had allowed him to breakthrough to the 2nd stage of body tempering realm.

Though all could not be attributed to the pills as yang kai was very dedicated to raising his cultivation, so much that even yang feng started to admire his courage and will power. 'Sorry brother, I will be taking many of the things that would have belonged to you, but I will help you recover from your injuries to compensate you.', he thought to himself.

He then looked at his system and opened his mission section to see if he had any new missions.




[Mission: Breakthrough to the True Element Realm]

[Reward: Spear technique (spirit grade)]


[Mission: Successfully Enter High Heaven Pavilion]

[Reward: 100 spirit stones]


After going through the two missions he looked towards his inventory.



[5 set of clothes]

[Windstorm Spear(Low-Heaven Grade)]

[Bottle of Body Refining Pills (High-Earth Grade)] x 8

[Bottle of Qi Replenishing Pills (Low-Heaven Grade) x 5, (High-Earth Grade) x 10]

[Bottle of Qi Gathering Pills (High-Earth Grade)] x 15

[Bottle of Healing Pills (Mid-Heaven Grade) x 4, (Low-Heaven Grade) x 10]

[Spirit crystals] x 843



As he looked at his stocked up items that included many herbs and materials, ranging from high-common to low-heaven grades and some mid-heaven grades as well, and also included a few different types of weapons, he himself refined, he carries with himself in case he needed them, he was satisfied as this will last him long enough.

During the previous 4 years, he did not only made pills and weapon and left them rot in his inventory. He did what any person would do, once he was not satisfied with the product he would sell it and get some money into his pocket.

He had made more than tens of millions of gold in the last 4 years, and used much of that with buying various types of herbs, material and metals. Which he again used in refining pills and weapon and setting up a few arrays around his house and a few of yang Clan's area to increase the Qi quantity, in the whole clan area to not draw too much attention to his parents. As having an increase in the quantity of Qi in only one place of the entire clan will surely be noticed.

The weapon he got from the system, he chose to name windstorm Spear as when using the spear he can have a certain amount of control on the wind in his surroundings, enough to cause a windstorm. He didn't give the spear too significant name as he would only be using this spear until the immortal ascension realm, it may not even hold for that long.

As for the Spirit Stones, those he got from the missions by breaking through to both major realms and creating some martial techniques of his own. He had used up some to increase his cultivation or while arranging an array formation.

After about a months time they both reached the black plum village located near high heaven pavilion. Once they entered the village, they went to an inn and chose to stay the rest of the day there. Yang Kai had put his things in the room and yang feng simply throwing the near empty bag he was carrying into his inventory.

They went to eat at the inn's hall and see if they could learn about the sect they will be entering and it's surroundings. When the inn keeper heard they wanted the information about the surrounding terrain and sects in the area, he simply told them what he knew about.

It was a bit helpful for yang Kai but not so much for yang feng as he already knew nearly everything the owner said.

Just as they were eating, they heard some commotion outside the inn. A few second later a pair of young men came inside the inn with a haughty air around them. The two were body tempering realm cultivators.

He did not say anything and also told yang kai to just watch. The two youth came to the inn keeper and demanded that he hand over protection money to them. Yang feng didn't show any emotions on his face when looking at the scene in front of him. He had already seen the darkest parts of human nature and the cruel reality that 'Might Makes Right' of this world, during his travels.

He watched as the inn keeper looked to be short on money himself and tried to convince them that he will give it to them the next time. The two however, didn't bulge and kept demanding him to pay in anyway he can and they will not leave until they have the money.

Just then, they said something that made his blood boil. " I heard that you have a good daughter, let her serve us and we will consider the money paid."

Before the man could get angry at them, he felt wind blow around him and the next second the two youths were lying on the ground with their genitals bleeding and one of his most recent customer was standing in front of the two. The man gulped seeing the heavily bleeding male part of the two youths, although he thought the two deserved it, he still felt sorry for them.

Yang Feng looked at the two unconscious youths emotionlessly and turned towards yang kai and said," let's go back and rest we still have to go to the sect in the morning."

Chaos_DragonKnight Chaos_DragonKnight

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