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Ch 1: Death and Wishes

In a white expense of space, where you could only see white wherever you look was sitting a man or what looked like a man.The being only had the outline that indicated that it was a human, while the other features being blank as a sheet of paper.

The being was not alone and was talking to the only non-white being in the white space. The man said," so let me get it straight... I died and you erased most of my memories so that I don't have a panick attack?"

A being covered in golden light said," Yes, and I have already told you about that 5 times. So let's leave all the drama and get to the main point shell we?"

The man was still in a daze but the golden being continued," I am what you call a ROB and I am giving you a chance to live a new life, in the world of your choosing with 5 wishes, do you follow."

The man came out of the daze and went into shock. But before the man could speak the ROB continued," Yes, the so-called fiction worlds are real and I can send you to one of them. Although there is a catch."

The man who had seemingly been jolted awake, nervously asked," and what is that?"

" you can only live in the one plane you wish to reincarnated into and not travel to another one. Unless that is you breakthrough the barriers of the said plane." The ROB said as if he had stated the most obvious thing.

" Huhhhh!!!, can't I just wish for the power to travel to those other planes!?" I man said in a slightly loud and confused voice. ' those protagonists from fanfiction can travel to other realities and do anything, so why can't I? '

The man could see disdain dripping from the ROB's eyes as he said," those fanfiction those you read seems to have given you the idea that you can gain illogical power without any work or consequences."

The man gulped with unease and fear,"...consequences?"

ROB said mockingly," So you did think so huh. Those who give you power do so with their own agendas and the ones those who give the power so freely do so to absorb you in the end. There are a few beings who do so to increase there strength to reach our(ROB) level of strength."

As the ROB finished speaking the man was scared to his core and shuddered thinking about the consequences,' will I also be absorbed into this being?'. Then he felt some unknown power forcefully calming him down.

Once the man calmed down and started to think,' he said that he will give me power within the limits of a plane and about the consequences of illogical powers so he should not be trying to absorb me in the end... right?'

ROB spoke up as if he knew what he was thinking," Yes I am not trying to absorb you as the level of power I have already at the peak anyone can gain and even If I absorb you or eat you my power will not increase. Now shell we get to the main part."

The man sighed,' thought reading, should have expected that ', and asked," so how do we do it."

The ROB said," first you will tell me in which world you want to be reincarnated in, then we will proceed with the wishes and finally the background."

The man thought,' well easy enough', and said without thinking," I want to be reincarnated in 'Martial Peak'." Like really anyone who watches anime or reads manhua and novels would have a world that he wishes he lives in, right?

The ROB nodded and the man continued after some thinking," My first wish is to have limitless growth." The ROB nerrowed his eyes and said," like I said, the wish needs to have a limit to not break the reality. So although you will have limitless growth in all your attributes there will be restrictions on you. As you are going to a cultivation world those restrictions will be in accordance to the world."

The man sighed regretfully as how could he argue to a being with the level of power in front of him and continued," My second wish is that I want a mind Palace with all my memories and all types of cultivation, martial and profession related techniques stored in it." The ROB said," you can have the mind Palace but the techniques you cannot have as you will have access to all the knowledge and techniques of the plane which your current soul will not be able to handle, and it can make your soul collapse."

The man said angrily, " What do you mean by that." The ROB looked at him unbothered by his anger and said," how long have you lived, only 20 years. The information you asked for is enough for you to be sitting in your mind Palace for tens of thousands of years and finish only a fraction of the total knowledge in there."

The man went silent hearing that." Then I want one technique for all types cultivation (qi, body, soul) and knowledge of all professions from the start to the peak master since the beginning of the plane." The ROB said," this will count as your third wish."

The man just could not hold it anymore and demanded," why!". The ROB said flatly," the mind Palace will give you the ability to remember everything you want and also give your memories protection to some extent. The techniques on the other hand are counted as another wish as they were not originally counted as your own knowledge."

After some calming down the man stated his next wish," I want to have highest comprehension and talent to all the daos." The ROB thought for a few seconds and agreed.

The man thought for a long time and finally said," I want a system that will have my status panel, an analysis panel to analyze everyone and everything, a mission panel that will reward me for tasks but will not have any control over my existence and cannot punishment me or force me to do a mission, and also has an inventory." The ROB just plainly stated "granted".

" Now all that's left of your wishes are the techniques/scriptures for your cultivation. These scriptures will be made through the thoughts you have when you imagine making the said techniques/scriptures, is that alright?" The ROB asked and the man nodded.

" Now last but not least, your background.", ROB said. The man after some light thinking said," Make me an orphan that was adopted by Yang Ying Feng and Dong Su Zhu 1 year before the birth of Yang Kai, as for my appearance... well make me handsome and masculine."

"Done," stated ROB," Now that all the process is complete, I will be informing you that the system will start at your 5th birthday and the techniquesand scriptures will be added to your mind palace at the same time, your new life awaits you.". Just as he finished speaking a black portal opened up and swallowed the man whole.

Chaos_DragonKnight Chaos_DragonKnight

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