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56.66% DC: The Silent God / Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Authority

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Authority

Havent gotten a chance to write much this week so I'm a bit behind ;-;

(POV Oionós) 

With a fire in my eyes, and the real fear of death threatening to suffocate me, I declared faith in what truly life. Faith that I could live, faith that I would. Faith that I had things to do, faith that I would accomplish them. Faith that this was but the beginning of my life, and faith that I would not fail myself. 


An unnatural feeling swelled up from within me, it was a strength, a power of intoxicating proportions. To call it control, or understanding would be an understatement. No, it was more than that. My mind, body, and soul were laid bare before me, and they were mine to do with as I pleased. 


If I could put what I felt into words, I'd call it authority. Authority over myself. My body mere inches from splatting against the pavement had halted spontaneously mid-air. With immense ease, I placed my hands in front of me and pushed myself up. Only, my hands didn't touch the ground, but the air itself. 


Despite this fact, I was easily propelled upward and onto my feet. After staring at my hands in disbelief, I noticed that my feet were still hovering above the ground, and with confusion, I attempted to take a step forward. As though taking a normal walk through the park, my foot fell solidly against the air. 


Perhaps getting a bit ahead of myself, I took off running, or at least I tried to. Only to fall flat on my face, against the actual floor this time. 


Dusting myself off I recalled that feeling of authority, and once more raised my legs. This time I didn't try to move forward, but upward. Step by step I steadily ascended into the air until I was back on my perch at the edge of the Cathedral. 


Grinning to myself, I took a small step forward before picking up the pace. What started as a casual stroll, became a brisk walk, then I started jogging, and before I knew it, I was sprinting through the night sky. 




I was giddy as I explained to V what had happened to me last night in great detail. While certain aspects of my story brought no small amount of worry to her visage, she was nonetheless proud of me. 


With a smile on her face, she ran her fingers through my hair while congratulating me on my self-enlightenment. 

"I'm glad you seem to have gained something from the Electrum. Although, I still think the risks were too dire, especially if this mysterious voice is to be taken into account. You have no idea who it was? To make the blood boil underneath your skin with just his gaze, I simply cannot imagine." 


"I haven't heard anything from him since. Though it was clear he was trying to help me, I still don't like how I felt when he looked at me. He didn't help me out of the kindness of his heart but with...unknown intentions." Opening my eyes to look up at her, I couldn't help but grimace as she reminded me of the voice. 


"No use dwelling on it now. Tell me, what are your plans from here on out? I'd assume your vigor has been renewed. Will you continue your bouts with Bane or are you...done with him." With a knowing smile, and dark tone in her voice, Veronica read me like a book. 


Closing my eyes, I couldn't help but chuckle. 

"Ah, Bane? His use has run its course. I'll fulfill his wish, and after that, I'll be coming for the Court. Though, I need you to prepare something for me in the meantime." 


Truthfully Bane had been nothing more than a grindstone for me to sharpen my edge on. He'd long since fulfilled that purpose and there was nothing more I could gain from our constant brawls. The next time I visited him; it wouldn't be for a battle but an assassination. 


I hadn't forgotten my original goal, of uprooting the garbage that existed in this world. Bane was still on that list of potential targets and his 'honor' wouldn't protect him from his inevitable fate. 


Not only that, but as a god I couldn't ignore my subjects, and V, like it or not was one of them. She'd sacrificed not only her sight, but her wealth, and life itself all in my name. As such, it was only right that I fulfilled her wish. The Court would soon come under my wing. 


Hm? I felt a sudden chill run up my spine, causing me to snap my head around. Try as I might find the source of that uneasy feeling. Deciding to ignore it I focused on the task at hand. 



(POV Bane) 

Today was the day. Looking at the vials of black liquid Scarecrow ordered his men to exchange with mine, I couldn't help but smile devilishly. Fearless Venom, a combination of our two chemical compounds, capable of removing the sense of fear from its users and granting them unparalleled strength. 


My men would be unstoppable, fearless, and heartless killing machines with this addition. Scarecrow and I meeting personally was due to me having to uphold my end of the bargain. After successfully synthesizing and combining our two chemicals, I agreed to supply him with my own Venom. 


The act of being fearless disgusted the man, but my Venom quite intrigued him. If he could have super-soldiers with Fear Gas at their disposal, things would be much more lucrative. Naturally, when he'd first requested to use my concoction, I'd declined. Venom wasn't something that was public knowledge, nor was it meant to be. 


His offer turned out to be much too enticing to offer, however, when I'd learned of its capabilities. An army of raging berserkers who lacked the definition of fear, how truly amusing. 


"Scarecrow, things certainly took longer than expected, but you've nonetheless pulled through for me. As agreed, here's this month's supply of Venom. A piece of advice, if you find yourself tempted to try and reverse engineer it, remember who I am." Giving him a bright smile and veiled threat, I extended a hand for him to shake. 


Scoffing underneath his mask, Scarecrow slapped my hand away. 

"It would've been faster if you'd just given me Venom's formula. Also, this was mutually beneficial, but when it ceases to be so, our business will conclude." 


My smile turning into a grimace, I prepared to offer a rebuttal, or at least put him in his place, only to have the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It was sudden, extremely so. No one else in the vicinity seemed to notice as time seemed to slow down. Scarecrow had turned on his heel and was walking back to his entourage, preparing to leave. 


A miniscule shadow entered my peripheral vision, though at the moment I hadn't thought much of it. The next second, that thought proved fatal. A blade easily pierced the back of my knee, nearly causing me to buckle. Fuck. Pissed at my carelessness, I withdrew the blade before throwing it into the darkness from whence it came. 


Seemingly in response, from all around me blades whizzed through the air aiming for my vital areas. Those I could dodge, I did to the best of my ability, and those I couldn't I deflected. Eyes, ears, arteries, joints each blade was meant to cripple or incapacitate me in some way. Whoever this was meant to kill me. 


Tired of this game of hide and seek I released a bestial shout. My muscles tensed, and the floor cracked beneath me as I leaped with all my strength, bursting through the ceiling. As rain drenched my body, I landed on the roof of the building circling the truck-sized hole I'd left in the roof. 


By now, Scarecrow and the others in audience had noticed the commotion. While things had happened extremely quickly, with my trail of blood and sudden outbursts, it was clear that things were awry. 


"Scarecrow, it looks like somebody isn't taking kindly to our new business venture. He's hiding in the shadows like a rat. Why don't you draw him-" Looking down at Scarecrow and his goons who'd halted entering the vehicles I attempted to request his assistance. 


A blade lodged itself directly between his feet, followed by a chilling voice. 

"Mind your business. Or the next one won't miss." 


That was all he needed to hear, as Scarecrow ordered his men to get him the hell out of there. One by one they entered their cars before peeling out of the abandoned building. Before I could even begin cursing his cowardice in my head, I felt my vision swim and my legs grow wobbly. 


Extending a hand to grab my head, I discovered my movements were extremely slow and difficult. It was as if my body was struggling to follow my will. I felt heavy, extremely so, like I'd been submerged in the depths of the ocean and forced to move. Glancing at the various cuts that marred my body and were still leaking blood, only one word came to mind. Curare. 


Any doubt in my mind was gone now, whoever this was meant to kill me. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. In a rare feeling of danger, I injected myself with an unsafe amount of Venom hoping to counteract and stall the effects of the Curare for as long as possible. My already trembling and bulging veins began to glow bright green as my already monstrous form doubled in size. 


With a guttural roar, I turned my attention back to the hole in the roof, peering over the edge, I was struck with a familiar feeling of dread. Once more something traveling at frightening speeds had escaped my detection. A chain of sorts wrapped itself around my neck before I found myself being yanked against my will off the edge of the building. (IMAGE)


As I began my freefall the chain unwrapped itself around my neck, allowing me to land safely on my own two legs. However, placing a hand to my throat I discovered that my neck had been left ragged, as though it had been wrapped with barbed wire. As rain washed the blood from my body, I was quick to note that there was no trace of Curare from that wound. At the very least, I didn't feel my motor functions growing any worse. 


Glancing about the alleyway I'd been so unceremoniously brought to, I desperately peered through the shadows for any sign of my assailant. Try as I might, I couldn't see, smell, or hear anything. People who could mask themselves this well could be counted on one hand. Wait, sudden realization struck me like a bag of bricks, though it was too little too late. 


Lightning decided to strike at that exact second, momentarily illuminating the surroundings. From all around me dozens of familiar after-images dove forward, though the feeling they exuded was nothing like our previous encounters. Gazing into those four pairs of eyes I noticed the unnatural glow within them. 


Literal fire was spat from their depths, as Oionós zeroed in on my form. That sense of dread finally became one of terror as an undeniable fact flooded my mind. I was going to die. All this time, I thought that I fought in search of death, and lived to die. That was wrong, it was a lie. I wanted to live, I needed to live. I fought for life and killed for it. 


A mix of shame and anger filled my being as I came to this eye-opening conclusion. Without hesitation, I took one of the vials of Fearless Venom in my possession and emptied its contents into my mouth. My previously bright green veins turned pitch black in color, and a newfound sense of confidence and strength overpowered all else. 


A maddened smile spread across my face as I kicked off the pavement, sending debris and all manner of shrapnel flying in my wake. As though, sensing my chaotic state the world responded in kind. Flashes of lightning filled the night sky in an unnaturally erratic and swift tempo. Oionós used this to his advantage, opting to strip me of my sight, only to return it when these bright flashes of lightning appeared. 


In the same instant, my ability to feel the ground beneath my feet was stripped causing me to slip on the wet ground beneath me. Not one to miss an opportunity, Oionós rather quickly appeared underneath my slowly tilting form, delivering a vicious slash to my midsection. Blood erupted like a fountain, dying the dark alley a dark red and filling it with the scent of copper. 


My eyes threatening to bulge out of their sockets, I screamed unintelligible insults at the rat whilst unsteadily re-gaining my footing. The second I did, I felt something sharp nick at my calves causing me to hastily recoil my leg. Was it more Curare? My swift motion only caused me to run into another unforeseen slice, only this time on my arm. 


Resisting the urge to recoil, I stood my ground and found the culprit. From one side of the alley to the other, a web of chains had been created with me caught in the middle. Any way I could move was restricted by the same chain that had so effortlessly pulled me off my feet and managed to slice open my iron skin. (IMAGE)


I had just barely acknowledged the chain's existence before my sense of sight was stripped once more. Without a moment to reorient myself, I was besieged from seemingly nowhere yet everywhere as a fist dug itself into my ribcage, my spine, my liver, and finally one that went for my throat. 


Violent coughs of phlegm and blood left my mouth, as I wheezed in search of air. While seemingly done with the beatdown, I was yet to be given a moment of reprieve as I felt the chains around me suddenly constrict, as though they were not a web but a noose that had been tightened. 


With the sudden constriction came the return of my sense of sight, revealing Oionós's ghost-like form. He had changed, in more ways than one. His familiar white mask was now a dark red, as was the once silver lining of his suit. The atmosphere about him was no longer that of the child I'd fought so many times. 


How foolish of me, I'd forgotten, no... perhaps I'd just underestimated him from the beginning. He'd been a Talon all along and had used me to better himself. He was a killer, through and through. Here it was, the death I'd so-called 'wished for' and yet I was being so pathetic. 


With soundless footfalls, he seemed to hover above the ground as he waltzed toward my bound form. In his hand was a blade that connected to my makeshift prison. 


"It was fun while it lasted, but you've served your purpose. Thanks for giving me something I wasn't even aware I lacked. Consider your wish granted." With those final words, the boy casually pulled his arm, causing the chains around me to tighten. 


Against expectations, the force of the pull was deceivingly violent. His chains easily tore through both flesh and bone, savagely and mercilessly mutilating my body. Like a volcano erupting, blood seeped from every inch of my body, as the chains seemed to embed themself within me. 


Slowly but surely my vision began fading, as I saw Oionós make another twitch of his hand. The chains responded obediently, uncoiling from my body. When they did so, pieces of my body began to fall one by one, until finally, my head rolled across the ground, stopping at his feet. 



(POV Drunk Gothamite) 

"Heh, yeah, you like that you bitch? Smile for the camera!" I yelled whilst slapping the ass of the whore in front of me. 


"Yes, you're so big! Too big! Don't stop!" She moaned in reply, whilst looking back into my video camera. 


"Damn right, I am! Understand how lucky you are?" Continuing to mount the whore in front of me like a wild animal, I was suddenly interrupted. 


Huh? Turning my head, a loud boom and rain of debris caught my attention. What the fuck was that? 

"Hey, we're tryna fuck here! I suggest you get a move on befor-" 


My words were caught in my throat as I panned my camera around to what lay before me. A figure in all black could be seen falling from the roof of the building above us, however, that wasn't all. In his hands was a chain that seemed to be pulling someone or something along with him. 


As the black figure descended, I finally caught sight of what was on the other end of his lasso. A hulking figure of large renown, one you wouldn't forget a day in your life. As a Gothamite, it would be criminal to not know of Gotham's most powerful Crime Lord. He who had no equal, Bane. Realization donning my face, I instantly motioned for the woman beneath me to shut the fuck up and stay still. 


Whatever was going on we couldn't afford to draw Bane's attention, lest he paint the pavement with our insides. What happened next caused me to rub my eyes in disbelief, the black figure seemed to split into multiple versions of himself before besieging the hulking Crime Lord. 


Thunder boomed and lightning crashed chaotically, illuminating the two figures as they dove forward to meet one another. While Gotham was naturally gloomy, a storm on this level was unprecedented. Through the various flashes of lightning, I could make out Bane's hulking form as it seemed to stumble and fall to the side. 


In the next moment, blood erupted from his stomach, like someone had spilled a packet of ketchup he began leaking all over the wet pavement. It wasn't the first time I'd seen blood, but it was certainly the first time I'd seen Banes. He was akin to God around here, and to make God bleed was a terrifying notion. 


I began seeing the mysterious figure in black in a whole new light. Just who was he? What did he want? These questions and their answers were put to a halt as Bane roared in silent anger toward the night sky. For some reason, I couldn't actually hear him. Perhaps anger wasn't it. This was distress, angst, and denial of his current dire situation. 


In response to his roar, there was silence, followed by the swift and utterly mind-boggling creation of a steel web. With a simple wave of his hand, the figure in black had created a maze of chains embedding themselves in the ground, and walls surrounding Bane's form. Rather clumsily, Bane ended up waltzing directly into their visibly sharpened edges causing more blood to fall from the behemoth. 


Without notice, a shadow blurred forward impacting delivering a crushing blow to Bane's ribcage, before leaping above him and appearing to step on the air itself. Rocketing itself forward the shadow sent another devastating blow to his spine, that resulted in a visible splitting of bone. His next two attacks were no less violent, however, he seemed to have finally finished his onslaught. 


Just when I thought things had ended and either Bane would break free of this situation, or the two would engage in a conversation. The figure slowly but surely approached Bane's trembling form, and in the same instant, the chains constricted around him. Resembling a trussed roast, the once intimidating being was reduced to no more than a plaything. 


With another swift and casual tug of his hand, the figure in black squeezed the life out of Bane...literally. I could physically feel the squelch, as those chains that had embedded themselves within his body were loosened, causing piece after piece of him to fall. The last being his head. 


Finally unable to contain myself, I began to retch all over the woman beneath me, whilst falling on my ass. This in turn caused a chain reaction as she puked all over the floor. Lifting my head, I found the figure in black staring in the direction of our displeasing forms. 


Two pairs of bright orange eyes seemed to burn their way into my very soul, my very being was laid bare before his gaze and I thought I may die from fear alone. Thankfully, after a quick glance, he picked something up, placed something on the floor, and then vanished from sight. 


Scrambling to my feet, I quickly pulled up my pants before running toward Bane's corpse with my camera. Placed directly in the center of the mess of body parts was a dark red metallic symbol of several wings, with an eye at the center. A calling card? (IMAGE)


With trembling breaths, I shakily panned my camera around and spoke to my viewers. 

"What the actual fuck." 


NOTE: This idea is a combination of some Viltrumite shit and my own take of things, in that the MC can create/control his own inertia/propelling force. Enabling him to move and exhibit the full force of his abilities regardless of the situation/environment, whilst also being able to resist force.  


For instance, he can just walk on air itself. Without needing a physical thing there to propel himself forward with (i.e. the ground)  


He can dish out full-force attacks while being in the air, without having his feet planted, whilst experiencing zero gravity, i.e. when having no leverage to pull force from. 


He can also resist counterforce meaning if someone pushes bro, he's not moving/being pushed back unless he wants to. The damage remains but he doesn't move unless he wills it. Of course, there's limits like with anything. (one example: if you knock him out in one hit) 


It's just that you can't bulldoze your way through him. Fighting fire with fire doesn't work. Again, the force/damage of the attacks is real, he's just rejecting the natural law of inertia. Like when driving and you slam on the brakes you unconsciously lean forward.  


More than that though, his body does what he tells it. If he needs to bend and break himself in strange ways for the situation, he will.  


Hopefully this makes sense and isn't too OP too soon in the story. As I said, it's more of bodily AUTHORITY than anything. (This is why I gave him the chain as his weapon. He can make it an extension of his body)


 I've got the rest of his abilities mapped out but am wary about when to introduce them because most of them are ridiculous IMO 


P.S. Hopefully it's clear that the MC is NOT strong enough to go toe-to-toe with Bane fairly. So don't complain about him being nerfed in the future. Once the Particle Accelerator explodes, he'll be buffed.  


Will also, no longer use Electrum, unless in extremely dire circumstances i.e. bringing him back to life. He's permanently enhanced to peak human form. (NOT superhuman) Imagine Captain America. 

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