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43.33% DC: The Silent God / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Bane

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Bane

Might drop twice this week, if I finish another two chapters on my days off.

(POV Oionós) 

Creeping through the factory we'd soon discovered what could only be considered the motherload. A room filled to the brim with massive vats of bright green liquid I recognized as 'Venom'. 


"Destroying these vats won't stop Bane, but it should at least put a hamper on his plans. See those cords running through and connecting everything? We're going to place explosives on each one and then book it out of here." Turning to me, Black Bat's eyes suddenly went wide. 


Raising an eyebrow, I turned around only to find that Robin had vanished. Fuck me, I should've been paying attention. I'd given them some level of professional respect and expected them to have the basic ability to walk in a straight line. 


"Where the hell is Bird Boy?" I asked with clear exasperation in my voice. 






"GET EM!" 


My answer came in the form of a multitude of shouts and comments from the various thugs within the facility. It seemed that while the element of surprise had been lost, we could still blow this place to high heaven with Robins's distraction. 


A black shadow suddenly flew past me and bolting directly toward the shouts and screams squashed that plan. What did their file say again, something about always getting captured when trying to save one another. Whatever, hopefully, bird kids not dead. 




Arriving on the scene, I found the young duo were making rather quick and efficient work of the numerous goons that lined up one after another to face their doom. A stark contrast from the rather humiliating and disappointing sight of the previous night. 


"Hey, psycho! Are. You. Just. Going. To. Watch." Said Robin between breaths, as he leapt and whirled around one assailant after another. 


A small smile gracing my lips, I replied sarcastically. 

"You seemed to have it handled, and I figured I'd give you a chance to make up for last time." 


Darting forward, I bulldozed a path through the goons encircling them and stood back-to-back with the duo. The three of us with relative ease began dispatching the walking punching bags one by one. While they opted for more reserved methods, I may or may not have snapped a neck or two. Don't judge. That's my job. 


Pretty soon morale was utterly shattered, whether from watching their friends get made fools of, seeing the twisted necks of a few, or just the collection of bodies piling up around us. The dozen or so men left decided to opt for a 'tactical retreat' which I was more than happy to oblige. 


Seeing this as our opportunity to at least get out of here alive, we prepared to turn tail and run only to have our advance stopped. 

"Oi, oi, you think you can come into my home, and leave without saying goodbye?" 


Before I had time to think, a massive figure blurred passed me and sent Robin flying across the floor. Wha- the wind was knocked out of me. As I glanced downward noticing the unnatural-sized fist buried in my gut, I saw Black Bat in a similar situation. In slow-mo, we both were sent propelling backward with overwhelming force. 


Bouncing and rolling across the floor, I swear I lost consciousness for a moment before gasping and wheezing with ragged breaths. My vision was blurry, as I sought for any semblance of balance or situational awareness. Slowly, I made out Robins's colorful form curled up on the floor. 


In the blink of an eye, like a ghost, the hulking figure's shadow loomed over him. Lifting its hands above its head and bringing them down. Hard. The ground seemed to crack from the impact and Robin's body folded in on itself. Blood, saliva, and stomach acids all flew followed by a hoarse and pain-filled cry. 


Eyes beginning to water, I frantically searched for Black Bat, only to find the living muscle had found her first. Grabbing one of her legs, he reeled his arm back and sent her sailing in an arc directly in Robin's direction. The sound of her body impacting the floor spread throughout the surroundings, along with the splash of blood that followed. 


Images began flooding my mind. I'd experienced this before. I'd seen this before. Wha-what was happening? I didn't have much more time to think as a pair of glowing red eyes locked onto me. I blinked and found a twisted smile before me. 


"Cómo Estás, muchacho. Who're you I wonder?" Patting my face with his massive hand seemed to rattle my brain. 


His question appeared to be rhetorical as he wrapped that same hand around my arm and began squeezing. My bones didn't stand a chance, not putting up any resistance and completely crumbling beneath his strength. Without giving me a chance to cry out in pain, he held me by the arm and slammed me against the ground like a ragdoll. 


Consciousness and reasoning fading, I couldn't help but think back to my initial introduction with the Court. This was like that. I was a child, faced with insurmountable odds, an opponent I had no hope of beating. How did someone like this even exist? If someone like him was normal, then I wasn't strong, I was weak. 


The second time he slammed me against the floor, I felt one of my legs crack. It hurt. I didn't like it. I wanted it to stop. The third time I bounced off the floor, I lost sight in one of my eyes, whether it was from blood, or because it exploded, I couldn't tell. I just knew it hurt and I didn't like it. 


The fourth time I ricocheted off the floor, I swore my jaw had shattered, and it fucking hurt. 


A bubbling boiling sensation throughout my body shook violently, begging and demanding to be released but I refused to bend to its will. Instead, like a man possessed I did something I didn't know I could do. I removed my sense of pain. 


Along with the now clear mind, I felt something strange rush through my veins, providing me with newfound strength. Kicking off the floor, I spun 360 degrees, utterly ignoring my arm still within the giant's vice-like grip. 


In the same instant, I removed his sense of touch, managing to slice through the fingers that wrapped around my limb. As he recoiled, from both the sudden turn of events and his loss of balance I stumbled to my feet. 


Body drowning in blood, with one limb hanging uselessly at my side, I looked at the behemoth with burning eyes. Using what little sanity I had left, I created multiple after-images...echoes if you will. We quickly encircled him, having no time to waste. 


One after another we dove forward, though not in senseless rage. Instead of simply blinding, I went for something a bit different, granting and stripping his ability to see at a rapid pace. A strobing effect was created, clearly disorienting the monstrous creature. 


Roaring at me in surprise and confusion, he took wild swings, at my various after-images, however, gradually he began to notice small things. This was my chance. Instantly I erased all aspects of my presence, before making my last-ditch attempt. 


I spread my voice to each of my after-images causing it to bounce off the walls, appearing right behind him, at his side, in front of him, whispering in his ears. It was a sensory overload, and with a narrow window of opportunity, I struck. 


With immense effort, luck, and skill I managed to drive a clawed finger through his eye and put an end to his miserable life. At least, that's what I'd hoped. Instead, a massive arm swung upward, catching my talon at the last moment, whilst a deep and unnerving chuckle left the monster's mouth. 


"Oi, Oi, that was kinda scary. Who trained you, kid? No, how are you even moving right now?" Seeing him, seemingly gather himself, regaining both his cool and utter control of the situation sent shivers down my body. 


Kinda...scary? Was he joking? This thing was fucking terrifying and had the nerve to say I was kinda scary. What little strength I had left finally left my body, causing me to limply fall to the floor before him. All I could do was kneel there while awaiting my fate. 


"Oh? Are you broken now? A shame, things were just getting good. Tell me, that fear you're feeling, does it make you want to give up? Do you feel hopeless? Disappointed in yourself? Whatever it is, don't. How many people can claim to have injured he who broke the Dark Knight, he who has no equal, he who lives to die, Bane!" That monstrous smile of his threatened to tear his face in two as he spread his hands grandiosely. 


Ah, so this was Bane. Rumors and word of mouth didn't do him justice. I should have done some real research and asked Veronica for more information, or something. Breathing heavily, I struggled to remain conscious. 


"Boy, tell me your name." Crouching down to my level, Bane tapped my head a few times to keep me awake. 


"I-It's, O- Oionós." I gargled out, in between coughs of blood. 


"Oi-o-nós, huh. Hey, do you want to kill me?" He asked with a threatening smile. 


Staring him down, I nodded my head without care. 

"Definitely. But I can't, at least not now." 

"HA! You mean to say you think you could kill me in the future? I'll tell you what, I'll let you and your little friends leave if I can hold you to that." Extending a hand, he suddenly gave me a way out. 


What? He wants me to promise to kill him? 

"Huh? You want to die?" 


For the first time, a serious look appeared on his face. Inching closer, he spoke in a grave tone. 

"I fight to die! I live to die! If you believe you can give me death, then why don't I give you the chance. Though I'll warn you, don't appear before me again until you're ready to do so, or I WILL kill you." 


Ignoring the pain, I slowly but surely lifted my arm upwards. Sadly, it only got about an inch off the ground. Seeing this, a smile returned to his face as he laughed uproariously and grabbed my hand, shaking it. 


NOTE: Anyone upset by this iteration of Bane too bad. Bros past his prime, arrogant, bored, and gained an interest in the MC. Not to mention he mistakenly sees lil bro as nothing more than a child who can amuse him for a bit, not an actual threat. Also, MC will be using him as a steppingstone so, pre-L.

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