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13.92% Asking for Immortality in Another World / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Future is Promising

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Future is Promising

Chapter 11: The Future is Promising

If there were no warriors in this world, Gu Changsheng was certain that the State of Chu would have fallen long ago.

Ordinary people are indeed too weak compared to warriors.

Not to mention true warriors; even a novice warrior like himself, who only knows a few moves, can easily defeat two or three ordinary people with his bare hands. And if a real warrior is fully armed, wearing armor and wielding a blade, the battlefield would look as one-sided as mowing grass.

Perhaps this is why this world is much crueler than his previous life in ancient times.

Ordinary people will never be able to overthrow the State of Chu. Only warriors can.

Just like this time, the rebellion forces in Yunchen and Chenzhou were led by warriors.

Gu Changsheng held his teacup, listening intently to the gossip in the teahouse, whether useful or not. He drank a pot of turbid tea slowly, feeling he got his money's worth despite its bitterness.

When the waiter's eyes grew more insolent, Gu Changsheng felt it was time to leave. He placed three copper coins on the table, walked out, and gave a mental review.

"Bad review! Bah, this tea is bitter and astringent!"

He swallowed the bitterness that lingered from his mouth to his throat. "Three big coins for a pot, even dogs wouldn't drink this tea," he thought as he snorted.


The bookstore's door was wide open. Gu Changsheng moved a chair to bask in the sunlight, feeling warm all over.

[Name:Gu Changsheng ]

[Talent: Immortality]


[Martial Arts: Cloud Palm - Skin]Membrane (Beginner 2/10)]

[Skills:Confucianism (Beginner 70/100)]

He had been practicing martial arts for three months. The first month was for entry-level training, and the remaining two months added only two experience points on his attribute panel.

One month per experience point! If he continued at this rate, it would take about eight months to advance to the next level in Cloud Palm.

Gu Changsheng wasn't sure what came after the entry level on the panel. Proficiency? Minor success? When the Cloud Palm reached great success, he would naturally become a second-rate warrior, with his blood and qi accumulating to form the human body's membrane—another name for a second-rate warrior.

From entry level to great success, there were still several levels to go. Saying it takes ten years to become a warrior seemed accurate.

He could afford to wait, being immortal. Even if chaos engulfed Yuzhou City, he could always retreat to the remote mountains for a hundred years and wait for peace to return.

"Take your time," he murmured to himself, holding a book to his face to shield his eyes from the sun.

Gu Changsheng took the book off his face and held it in his hand. At worst, he could run to the wild mountains outside the city, to the remote areas where few people go, and live there for a hundred or eighty years until the chaos in the State of Chu subsided. Then he could emerge again. This was his worst-case scenario.

But he was in no hurry. People only have a short life of a hundred years, so they can only fight for time. But he was different; he was fighting for the road to eternal life and invincibility. Eternal life is an invincible road. If not now, when?

"Run (crossed out) Immortal Gu Changsheng's famous saying," he chuckled to himself, imagining how his future achievements would be revered.


"Brother Gu, you missed out on the autumn boudoir! Do you know who is the mentor who is in charge of the main invigilator was? The great scholar of the southwest, Yingjiu!"

In the afternoon, Zhou Hui, whom he hadn't seen in a while, came to the bookstore, and couldn't wait to yell at him as soon as he entered the door.

  Obviously, Zhou Hui was still quite excited to meet Yingmingzhai, a famous scholar in Chu State, even though he only saw him from afar and it had been many days.

  If nothing unexpected happened, he would talk about this for many years.

Gu Changsheng, more interested in his medical book, asked without looking up, "Did you pass the examination for Tongsheng?"

Zhou Hui's excitement deflated instantly, a look of frustration replacing it. The answer was clear—he had failed.

"Alas..." Zhou Hui sighed, feeling the sting of failure. "Brother Gu, how about getting drunk with me at Baihua Pavilion tonight?"

Gu Changsheng paused, catching the important information. Finally, he looked at Zhou Hui.

"If you're inviting me..." Gu Changsheng's eyes lit up with interest.

Zhou Hui quickly added, "Of course, each pays his own way. I'm not treating you!"

"I am a gentleman; I wouldn't go to such a place!" Gu Changsheng retorted, though he had been ready to "sacrifice his principles" for a free night out.

"If you really have nothing to do, why not read more books?" Gu Changsheng handed him a book, hoping to divert his attention.

Zhou Hui glanced at the title: Swordsman [II].

"The second volume is out? Why didn't I know?" Zhou Hui's eyes sparkled with delight.

Gu Changsheng replied, "You're the first customer to see it." He had written it just days ago, but Zhou Hui didn't need to know that.

"Eighty coins," Gu Changsheng said, quickly sending Zhou Hui off.

As Zhou Hui left, muttering, "I wonder who's stronger, Dongfang Bubai or Xiao Li Feidao..."

Gu Changsheng thought, "No one knows how many characters I've ruined! But in this world, the content seems normal and sells well."

It was already the best-selling book in his store. Now, with the martial arts hall behind him, he could focus on running his bookstore.


As the day waned, Gu Changsheng continued to ponder his future. With his unique talent for immortality, he had an endless road ahead of him, filled with opportunities and challenges. The stability in Yuzhou City, for now, allowed him to cultivate his skills and knowledge.

He glanced at the martial arts manual beside him, then at the medical book in his hand. Since ancient times, medicine and martial arts have been inseparable. A doctor with excellent medical skills can also provide great help to martial artists. Reading medical books wasn't just a way to pass the time; it was a way to accumulate experience and knowledge that might prove invaluable in the future.

His eyes scanned the room, filled with bookshelves and scrolls, each representing a different facet of knowledge and power. He imagined a time when he would master not only martial arts but also the intricacies of medicine, philosophy, and strategy.

The bookstore was more than just a place of business; it was a sanctuary for his endless quest for wisdom and strength. Every book he read, every skill he learned, was a step towards becoming invincible.

The sun began to set, casting a warm glow across the room. Gu Changsheng stood up, stretched, and walked to the door. The streets of Yuzhou were bustling with life, people going about their daily routines, unaware of the silent observer among them, a man destined for greatness and eternal life.

He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his unique destiny. The future was indeed promising, filled with endless possibilities. Gu Changsheng knew that with patience and perseverance, he could achieve anything.

With a determined smile, he closed the bookstore door, ready to face whatever tomorrow would bring.

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