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4% Marvel: Impregnation System / Ricky's Status (SPOILERS)

Ricky's Status (SPOILERS)


Name: Ricky Luciano

Titles: Deadbeat, Royal Thug, Prodigal Son

Age: 15 

Born: October, 27, 1918

Race: Human

Strength: 32 (Lower realm of Superhuman strength)

Stamina: 28 (Nearing Superhuman)

Vitality: 36 (Lower realm of Superhuman.)

Agility: 26 (Above peak adult male)

Dexterity: 25 (Above peak adult male)

Intelligence: 7 (You've grown but that doesn't mean your not an Idiot)

Charm: 29 (Your charm is at the peak of humanity and at the cusp of superhuman)

Appearance: 30 (A superhuman appearance that transcends humans.)

IP: 300,000

Gacha: 200



Chester (Favorability: 65):

Description: The crow of Itachi who died before it could gain Shishui's mangekyou sharingan.


–Chunin Chakra Reserves:

–Eagle Eye: Chester is able to share his sights with you though only if he wishes.

–Elite Jonan Genjutsu: The Crow is adept in the art of trickery, illusion, and hypnotic suggestion.

Alexander the Gerbil (Favorability: 42)

Description: Alexander the Great has possessed your Gerbil.


(Legendary Skill) (Mastery) Battle Tactics: Demonstrates unparalleled strategic acumen in warfare, applying advanced tactics for victory.

(Legendary Skill) Adornment: Allows Alexander to don the iconic armor from his many conquests, enhancing his presence and authority.

(Legendary Skill) (Mastery) Hand-to-Hand Combat: Expertise in close-quarters combat, showcasing superior skill and technique in physical confrontations.

(Legendary Skill) (Mastery) Speeches: Mastery in oration, capable of delivering compelling and influential speeches that inspire and lead.

(Legendary Skill) (Mastery) Swordsmanship: Proficiency in sword fighting, reflecting Alexander's legendary prowess with a blade.

(Legendary Skill) (Mastery) Spearmanship: Skillful use of the spear, embodying Alexander's expertise in thrusting and defensive techniques.

(Legendary Skill) (Mastery) Bowmanship: Excellence in archery, demonstrating Alexander's precision and effectiveness with the bow.

(Epic Familiar) Henry The Mockingbird (Favorability: 67)


Mock: Can replicate the powers of anyone they mock by ¼ of a total power output

Rare Growth Familiar: Stone Golem Core (Sentience: 0%)

Description: A golem who grows by interacting with different stones, its growth is only progressed by the very stone it wraps around itself.

IP Skills:

Greater Fertility: The user's seed will be powerful and incredibly fertile as your seed can even rejuvenate the womb of a woman who cannot even give birth.

Wet To The Touch: A skill that allows for the user to instantly make any girl wet and lubricate their insides for peak insertion.

-Condition: Only can be used once a day.

Promiscuous scent(Passive): Anyone who owns this skill will passively give off a scent that will make any woman who smells it feel promiscuous.

Addicting Semen(Passive): Your Semen will become like nicotine in a sense that after having it for a while they will have withdrawals without it.

IP Items: N/A


–X Gene's:

(X-Gene)Pyro-Psionic Fusion:

Fusion Manifestation and Shape Manipulation: Ricky can materialize a harmonious blend of psychic energy and fire into solid, intricate objects or powerful weapons. His control extends to manipulating their shape, size, and complexity, showcasing a seamless integration of creativity and control. These constructs range from simple tools to complex machinery, exhibiting the duality of psychic and pyrokinetic mastery. 

Durability and Offensive Capabilities: The constructs Ricky creates possess exceptional durability, capable of withstanding significant force and damage. Infused with the fusion of psychic and fiery energy, these creations become potent offensive tools. Ricky can generate and control projectiles that combine the dynamic nature of psychic force with the destructive power of controlled fire, providing him with versatile and powerful ranged attacks. 

Defensive Capabilities and Dual Mobility: Ricky can project invisible force fields derived from his own mind, forming protective barriers, shields, or entire domes. These force fields exhibit high durability, capable of blocking telekinesis, preventing mental intrusion, and shielding against various physical and energy-based attacks. Additionally, Ricky can ride on streams of controlled fire or navigate on his psychic force fields, granting him both aerial mobility and maneuverability in battle. 

Psionic Infusion and Mental Control: Ricky seamlessly infuses his constructs and force fields with emotions or thoughts, enhancing their potency against specific adversaries or situations. His mental control allows for dynamic adaptation of his creations, making him a versatile and strategic combatant who can leverage the combined psychic and pyrokinetic powers to gain the upper hand in any confrontation.

Psychic Healing: The ability to use your psychic energy to heal not only yourself, but others as you seek to accelerate natural healing processes without harm.

(X-Gene)Full Counter: The ability to counter any non physical attack at its original user with twice the power


The user must have a conduit or weapon to reflect an attackThe user must be able to react to or swing towards an attack with the proper timing in order to reflect the attackThere must be an attack to reflect.

–Other Skills:

(Legendary Skill) Intuitive Mechanical Mastery: The user possesses a heightened ability to visually perceive how an object words, allowing for quick problem-solving especially with "mechanical energy" in action, enabling them to instantly understand the inner workings of various mechanical systems. This intuitive insight extends beyond mere observation, facilitating swift and accurate problem-solving and repairs without the need for formal knowledge or training. However, it's important to note that this skill does not grant the user the ability to create or control technology; rather, it enhances their understanding and troubleshooting prowess in the realm of mechanical systems.

(Legendary Skill) Emperor Eye: A masterstroke of sensory supremacy, formerly used by the basketball genius Akashi's, this ability transcends the ordinary, endowing him with an unparalleled level of perceptual finesse. This extraordinary ability grants Akashi the extraordinary power to scrutinize not only the movements but the very essence of his opponents' bodies with meticulous precision, leaving no detail hidden from his keen gaze.

(Legendary Skill) Radiant Harmony Aura: When activated, this skill envelops you in a radiant aura that simultaneously purifies the impure and inspires cooperation among allies.

Purification Blessing: The Holy Aura aspect of this skill purges the surroundings of impurities. Those with malevolent intentions or impure motives will be affected, experiencing a weakening effect akin to poison. This effect serves as a deterrent to those who harbor negativity.

Inspiring Cooperation: The Persuasion Aura aspect radiates a compelling energy that fosters positive attitudes and cooperation. Allies within the aura's range will feel a heightened sense of unity and teamwork. This can enhance strategic coordination in battles and promote harmony in any social or diplomatic situation.

(Epic Skill) Advanced First Aid: Knowledge of semi complex medical procedures can be invaluable in emergencies. This skill can save lives and reduce the severity of injuries.

(Epic Skill) Time-Loop Awareness: Sensing and understanding temporal loops without causing harm.

(Epic Skill) Lie Detection: Anyone who tells a lie in front of you will cause a sixth sense to go off in your mind signaling the falsehood of their words.

(Epic Skill) Digital Cloaking: The power to choose when visible and invisible to surveillance cameras, sensors, and other forms of electronic detection, allowing for stealthy movements in highly monitored areas.

-Effect: This power allows the user to instinctively know and understand the potential and functional operations of any machine or technological device in his visual range, a skill that, combined with natural intelligence, would allow the user to conceive, design, and build mechanical devices; and operate, modify, and disassemble existing technology or create countermeasures for it.

(Epic Skill) Defensive Precognition: A heightened sense of awareness that allows the user to foresee and react to incoming threats, enhancing their ability to dodge attacks and counter adversaries.

(Epic Skill) Accelerated Healing: Healing at a faster rate than normal humans, but not necessarily instantaneous.

(Rare Skill) Sixth Sense: Ability to sense objects and movement without using normal vision, similar to echolocation.

(Rare Skill) Green Thumb: Turn waste that won't decompose for more than 50 years into trees.

–Effects: Works on toxic waste, plastic, rubber, and others

(Rare Skill) Proficient Marksmanship: Above the cut of the average joe, you are able to handle anything that requires marksmanship with a solid proficiency

(Rare Skill) Proficient Lockpicking: Able to break any standard lock and even some less advanced safes.

(Rare Skill) Proficient Culinary Arts: Expertise in cooking and food preparation, including knowledge of various cuisines, cooking techniques, flavor combinations, and presentation skills.

(Rare Skill) Proficient Cartography: Skill in reading and creating accurate maps, including terrain and geographical features.

(Uncommon Skill) Beginner Archery: Beginner Archery is the introductory level of proficiency in the skill of archery, which involves the use of a bow to propel arrows towards a target. Individuals with this skill are typically in the early stages of learning and mastering the fundamental techniques, including proper stance, grip, aiming, and release.

(Common Skill) Beginner Swordsmanship: Basic proficiency in using a sword. This skill includes fundamental techniques for striking, parrying, and defending with a sword, suitable for novices or those just starting their training.

(Common Skill) Beginner Spearmanship: Basic proficiency in using a spear. This skill covers fundamental techniques for thrusting, blocking, and maneuvering with a spear, appropriate for beginners or those new to spear combat.


Deadbeat: You have increased odds to flee from the responsibilities of a child and run out like a scumbag.

Royal Thug: You aren't just born into the thug life but are born into the nobility of the thug life

–Effect: A ingrained respect is giving to you by all gangster, mobsters, and thugs

Prodigal Son: Your fame has gained you considerable attention and expectations. 

–Effect: Mobsters will subconsciously demand that you match their level of expectations. Failing to meet their expectations, however, will subject you to their severe judgment and negativity.

–Effect: A ingrained respect is giving to you by all gangster, mobsters, and thugs


(Legendary Armor) Gauntlets of the Damned: Forged in the accursed forges of forbidden realms, the Gauntlets of the Damned are a sinister creation with a dark and ominous history. Infused with the essence of malevolence and bound by eldritch curses, these legendary gauntlets are both feared and coveted by those who seek power at any cost. Wielding the Gauntlets of the Damned, the chosen bearer walks a treacherous path, harnessing the malevolent energies within to achieve their dark ambitions. Legends speak of those who, driven by insatiable desires, sought the power of the Gauntlets of the Damned, only to succumb to the alluring whispers of the abyss.

Powers and Abilities: 

Cursed Grasp: The gauntlets instill a chilling touch, capable of draining the life force from foes upon contact. This stolen vitality bolsters the wearer's own strength and resilience. 

Netherfire Infusion: The gauntlets can channel otherworldly flames that burn with an unholy intensity. This eldritch fire not only damages enemies but also leaves lingering curses, sapping the willpower of those touched by its infernal blaze. Spectral Wield: The wearer gains the ability to summon and control spectral entities to aid in battle. These ghostly allies obey the commands of the gauntlet's master, haunting and tormenting enemies on the battlefield. 

Dreadful Resilience: The gauntlets confer a dark resilience, allowing the wearer to endure and resist attacks that would break the will of lesser beings. The more the wearer faces adversity, the stronger their connection to the cursed power of the gauntlets becomes. 

Eclipse's Embrace: In moments of dire need, the gauntlets can shroud the wearer in an impenetrable darkness, rendering them nearly invisible and allowing for swift and silent movements. This shadowy cloak enhances stealth and surprise in combat. 


(Legendary Weapon) Luminary Sunfire Bow: Crafted from the sacred wood of the Celestial Ember Tree, the Luminary Sunfire Bow transcends its predecessor with enhanced radiance and mystical prowess. This legendary bow channels the power of the sun itself, imbuing its arrows with ethereal flames that burn brighter and hotter than ever before. 

Powers and Abilities: 

Celestial Essence Infusion: The bowstring is now infused with the essence of celestial energy, allowing for more precise and devastating shots. Each arrow resonates with the power of the sun, gaining increased accuracy and speed. 

Aegis Solarium Coating: The bow's surface is coated with Aegis Solarium, a rare substance forged in the heart of a solar forge. This not only enhances the bow's durability but also adds a shimmering, protective aura that repels dark forces. 

Nova Cascade Quiver: Integrated seamlessly into the bow, this enchanted quiver channels a continuous flow of miniature solar flares. As the archer draws back the string, the bow absorbs the radiant energy and transfers it to the arrows. With each pull, the stored arrows become charged with this solar essence, ensuring that every shot ignites into a brilliant cascade of solar flames upon release.

Cleansing Sunlight Aura: The bow emits a soothing aura of cleansing sunlight, purifying the surroundings and providing a sense of rejuvenation to the wielder. This aura also weakens shadowy creatures and enhances the bow's potency against the forces of darkness. Solar

Convergence Mastery: Mastering the Solar Convergence technique, the archer gains the ability to focus solar energy into a single, ultra-powerful arrow. This charged shot possesses unparalleled destructive force, capable of piercing through even the toughest magical barriers.

(Epic Weapon) Dagger of Venom: A small, unassuming dagger that injects a deadly poison into its target with a single scratch.

(Epic Weapon) Arrow of Fate: Once fired, this arrow unerringly finds its target, guided by fate itself.

(Rare Weapon) Tungsten Machete: Made out of the hard tungsten alloy, this machete has been sharpened to be able to slice through things with relative ease.


(Mythical Item) Aetherial Nexus Core: Forged in the heart of a cosmic convergence, the Aetherial Nexus Core is a legendary magic core that serves as a conduit to the very fabric of the arcane. When harnessed by a skilled practitioner, it grants the extraordinary ability to wield magic with unprecedented mastery. Legends tell of the convergence of multiple magical dimensions, birthing this core and infusing it with the essence of pure arcane potential.


Arcane Attunement: Upon touching the Aetherial Nexus Core, the user becomes attuned to the vast reservoirs of magical energy in the surrounding environment, gaining an innate understanding of different magical disciplines. 

Mana Confluence: The core acts as a focal point for mana and combines with your own heart, absorbing ambient magical energies and storing them within its crystalline structure. The user can tap into this reserve to amplify their magical abilities. 

Elemental Affinity: The core adapts to the user's magical preferences, enhancing their affinity with specific elements, whether it be fire, water, earth, air, or a combination thereof. 

Arcane Augmentation: Spells cast through the Aetherial Nexus Core are augmented, displaying increased potency, range, and precision. The core refines the user's magical gestures and incantations. 

Riftwalker's Veil: By channeling the core's power, the user gains the ability to briefly step between dimensions, allowing for strategic maneuvers and escaping dire situations. 

The Legend Behind The Aetherial Nexus Core: Whispers of the Aetherial Nexus Core have echoed through arcane chronicles, with mages and scholars seeking the legendary item to unlock the pinnacle of magical prowess. It is said that the core holds the key to the convergence of all magical realms, offering a glimpse into the vast tapestry of arcane knowledge. However, its location remains elusive, often appearing only in times of great magical significance, waiting for a worthy mage to embrace the responsibility of wielding its cosmic power.

(Legendary Item) Vorpal Mirror Shard - Dimensional Reflector: This small, iridescent shard, hailing from a mirror shattered in the realm between dimensions, possesses the power to create a one-time dimensional reflection. When activated, it creates a mirror image of the bearer, mirroring their every action and absorbing all damage directed at them. This mirror doppelganger lasts for a short duration, acting as a decoy and absorbing a predetermined amount of harm before dissipating. The shard then crumbles into fine, sparkling dust, returning to the fractured dimension from whence it came.

(Legendary Item) Vial of Eternal Essence: Derived from the legendary Wellspring of Eternity, the elixir contained in this vial offers a remarkable communion with the essence of existence. Upon consumption, it provides a temporary sense of invigoration, accelerated recuperation, and a heightened awareness of surroundings. This vial is pursued by those seeking a reprieve from the inexorable passage of time, desiring a taste of enduring vitality though it cannot revive the dead. 


Fleeting Invigoration: Temporarily enhances resilience and speeds up recovery. 

Clarity of Being: Augments perception and sharpens awareness. 

Vitality Surge: Refreshes stamina and revives the body.

(Legendary Item) Storage Space Key: A key that can be turned on any door and will lead to a 36 x 36 room that can have anything in the mortal plane stored in it which is big enough to be considered a small house.

(Legendary Item) Vorpal Mirror Shard - Dimensional Reflector: This small, iridescent shard, hailing from a mirror shattered in the realm between dimensions, possesses the power to create a one-time dimensional reflection. When activated, it creates a mirror image of the bearer, mirroring their every action and absorbing all damage directed at them. This mirror doppelganger lasts for a short duration, acting as a decoy and absorbing a predetermined amount of harm before dissipating. The shard then crumbles into fine, sparkling dust, returning to the fractured dimension from whence it came.

(Legendary Item) Eldritch Call: A forbidden and vastly dangerous whistle that serves as a one time use item. Its call causes one eldritch being to your aid and will follow your entire wish for exactly thirty seconds; however if the whistle is not destroyed after the thirty seconds, the being gains an eternal foothold into your realm.

(Legendary Item) Seeker's Orb: This orb will reveal the whereabouts of any being with a single piece of hair, drop of blood, or anything that might pertain to the beings anatomy.

(Legendary Item) Blue Eyes White Dragon: An original Blue eyes white dragon, vintage, and sealed delicately within plastic.

–Effect: Makes all those in the vicinity tremble in fear at its mere existence alone.

(Epic Item) Lorestone Pendant: A pendant containing the knowledge of the ancient civilization Cortaj. When worn, it grants the wearer wisdom, language proficiency, and historical insight at random.

(Epic Growth Item) Soulbound Grimoire: A spellbook that absorbs the knowledge and abilities of the caster. As the caster learns new spells, the grimoire becomes more powerful, granting access to a wider range of magic.

(Epic Item) Translation Ring: A ring that allows the wearer to understand and speak any language, facilitating communication with diverse cultures and species.

(Epic Item) Quiver of Chance: The quiver always has an arrow ready for the archer, magically replenishing itself however its effects can be a mystery. These arrows have the possibility of various effects, such as exploding on impact, seeking out targets, or passing through obstacles though they could result in a regular arrow.

(Epic Item) Diary Of A Tortured Soul: The diary of a man who lived nothing but a life of pain as he endlessly set out for a better life.

(Epic Item) Spectral Lantern: This lantern reveals hidden spirits and ghosts, making them visible to the bearer.

(Epic Item) Spider's Thread: A deadly poison used by the Phantom Troupe, causing excruciating pain and leading to death if not treated promptly. X 13

(Epic Item) Lunar Shard Talisman: Activating this talisman temporarily grants the user heightened senses and agility, mimicking the grace and speed of a moonlit dance. The talisman's glow fades after one use, leaving behind only a cold, dull rock.

(Epic Item) Mirage Stone: Throwing this small, shimmering stone creates a brief but convincing illusion of the user and their surroundings, perfect for misdirection.

(Epic Item) Ethereal Veil Scroll: Unfurling this scroll envelops the user in a cloak of invisibility, allowing them to move unseen for a limited time. The scroll disintegrates after use, leaving no trace.

(Rare Item) Steel Point Pens: Crafted by the finest blacksmith in the world of Forgeheim. This pens were crafted in a world entirely populated by blacksmiths for blacksmiths and these one hundred pens were all crafted in a single day by an aspiring blacksmith who sought to porve himself. X 100

(Rare Item) Everbloom Seed: A small, enchanted seed that, when planted, instantly grows into a majestic and perpetually blooming tree. The tree's blossoms have unique properties, such as healing properties, the ability to induce sleep, or the power to enhance magical abilities.

(Rare Item) Medieval Cannon: Shoots cannonballs

(Rare Item) Cross Necklace: A aura of pure holiness repluses from this cross which makes an unholy being in the area unable to look you in the eye.

(Rare Item) Courageous Thimble: Whoever adorned this thimble on their pinky will be able to gaze upon an army of 100,000 masters and simply laugh at the challenge.

Rare Item: Fine China plates

(Rare Item) Blue Print Scanner: A projector that once it scans an object, will be able to accurately make a blueprint of it.

(Rare Item) Forever Lasting Lighter: A lighter that will never run out of fuel no matter how much you use it.

(Rare Item) First Aid Kit: A compact first aid kit containing bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and other essentials for treating minor injuries and ailments.

(Rare Item) Grappling Hook: A handheld device with a hook and rope, useful for climbing, traversing difficult terrain, or disarming opponents.

(Uncommon Item) Stainless Steel Sporks x 23: A set of 23 durable and versatile utensils combining the functionality of a spoon and fork.

(Uncommon Item) Empty Portraits x 2: Two finely crafted portrait frames, waiting to be filled with memories or artwork. Each frame is elegantly designed, offering a blank canvas to showcase cherished moments or creative expressions. Ideal for personalizing your living space or as thoughtful gifts.

(Uncommon Item) Sheet's of mint scented paper x 34: A collection of 34 pristine sheets of paper, delicately infused with a refreshing mint scent.

(Uncommon Item) 9mm pistol: A reliable, compact firearm chambered for 9mm rounds. Known for its accuracy and ease of use, this pistol is an effective choice for self-defense or tactical situations. It comes with a standard magazine and safety features, ready for immediate use.

(Uncommon Item) Medkits x 10: A set of 10 comprehensive medkits, each containing supplies for treating a variety of injuries and emergencies. With enough provisions to care for up to 20 people, these kits are essential for ensuring health and safety in challenging situations, whether at home, in the field, or during emergencies.

(Uncommon Item) Stainless Steel Insulated Mug: A durable, insulated mug to keep beverages hot or cold for extended periods, ideal for coffee, tea, or cold drinks on the go. X 13

(Uncommon Item) Collapsible Water Bowl: A collapsible bowl for pets, allowing them to drink water or eat during walks or travel, promoting their comfort and hydration. X 9

(Uncommon Item) Self-Watering Planters: Planters equipped with a self-watering system, ensuring that indoor plants receive adequate moisture and reducing the frequency of watering. X 6

(Uncommon Item) Stainless Steel Reusable Straw Set: A set of reusable metal straws, often accompanied by a cleaning brush and a travel pouch, reducing single-use plastic waste. X 5

(Uncommon Item) Reading Light: A clip-on or portable reading light with adjustable brightness, allowing for comfortable reading in low-light conditions. X 3 

(Uncommon Item) Portable Clothesline: A lightweight and compact clothesline with clips or hooks, ideal for drying clothes while traveling or camping. X 4

(Uncommon Item) Bike Repair Kit: A compact kit containing essential tools for bicycle repair, including tire levers, patch kits, and a mini pump, ensuring riders can handle common issues during bike trips. X 6

(Uncommon Item) Wooden Chess Board Case: A wooden case filled with a handcrafted chessboard and pieces. X 20

(Uncommon item) Antique Compass: A beautifully crafted compass from the 19th century, complete with intricate engravings. X 35

(Uncommon Item) Crystal-Crafted Music Box: A delicately designed music box made from fine crystals, playing a soothing melody when opened. X 20

(Uncommon Item) Edible Insects Sampler: A selection of edible insects in various flavors, suitable for adventurous food enthusiasts. X 15

(Common Item) Rolls of Charmin Ultra Strong Soft Toilet Rolls: A roll of four ply toilet paper that feels like you're wiping your ass with a cloud. X 67

(Common Item) Traveler's Satchel: A sturdy leather bag with numerous compartments and a comfortable strap, ideal for carrying essentials on the go. X 60

(Common Item) Sturdy Travel Flask: A durable flask made from polished steel, perfect for keeping beverages hot or cold during long journeys. X 44

(Common Item) Pair of fingerless Biker gloves: Made for bikers who just wanted to ride a Harley. X 33

(Common Item) Safety Whistle: An emergency whistle with a loud, piercing sound, essential for attracting attention during outdoor adventures or emergencies. X 12

(Common Item) Foldable Travel Umbrella: A durable and compact umbrella that folds into a small size, making it easy to carry in a purse or backpack for unexpected rain. X 34

(Common Item) Travel Spice Containers: Small, refillable containers for carrying spices and seasonings, allowing travelers to add flavor to meals while on the road. X 23

(Common Item) Travel Sewing Kit: A compact sewing kit with threads, needles, buttons, and scissors, allowing for quick repairs on clothing and fabrics while traveling. X 7

(Common Item) Portable Folding Chair: A lightweight and foldable chair that is easy to carry, perfect for outdoor events, picnics, or camping trips. X 8

(Common Item) Reusable Shopping Bags: Durable, foldable bags that can be reused for grocery shopping, reducing the use of single-use plastic bags and contributing to environmental conservation. X 41

(Common Item) Bike Lock: A sturdy bike lock to secure bicycles and prevent theft, allowing peace of mind when parking bikes in public places. X 20

(Common Item) Cobwebs x 76: A delicate network of sticky silk threads spun by a spider, this cobweb is an emblem of neglect and time's passage. 

(Common Item) Scented Mint Lotion x 10: Gives off the masculine scent of mint.

(Common Item) Broken clocks x 4: Clocks that were once in use but have broken down overtime until they simply stopped working.

(Common Item) LED flashlight: A compact, powerful light source equipped with energy-efficient LED technology. 

(Common Item) Wine Cooler: A sleek, modern appliance designed to chill and store wine at the optimal temperature. 

(Common Item) Rusted Ax: A heavy, weathered ax with a blade tarnished by rust and years of neglect. 

(Common Item) Napkins: Use it to wipe whatever is dirty. X 99


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