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66.66% Naruto: becoming a Tsuchikage / Chapter 8: Chakra Control

Chapter 8: Chakra Control

Having finally resolved the cheating issue, Masumi is full of expectations for his future.

In terms of previous talents, I only had strong mental power and did not consider my future talents in illusions and other aspects.

At this stage, it is only significantly useful in the practice of chakra control.

And this kind of help is because he has an average physique and little chakra, so he has no advantage over those true geniuses.

But things are different now. After successfully extracting the nearly yin-attributed chakra, the proportion of physical strength in my chakra is about one-tenth of others. In other words, it is ten times more than I can extract under normal circumstances.

With this level of foundation, Masumi will not be in the same situation as before in a short time.

It's time to start practicing control. Chakra control is the basis for using chakra. Whether to enhance physical abilities or perform ninjutsu, control is inseparable.

Among the students in Masumi's class, the slowest student has been practicing control for two months, and those like Shinohara, who had already refined chakra before entering school, have been able to use it in actual combat for a long time.

Not to mention anything else, it can be seen just by their ability to practice shuriken and kunai in their actual combat classes that they have been able to use chakra in Taijutsu.

As for the speed and strength demonstrated by the body, it is becoming less and less like that of ordinary people.

Masumi felt a sense of urgency because he knew that although Shinohara and others were the best in their class, looking at the entire ninja world, they were just ordinary geniuses. At Kakashi's age, he should already have the strength of a genin. The road is still long.

However, having successfully installed a cheat in himself, Masumi was full of confidence and believed he could always catch up with them and surpass them.

Wasting no time, Masumi first recorded all his training experiences and some conjectures. After all, he had promised Onoki that this would be used to pay for the scroll he had obtained earlier.

The next day, when Masumi arrived at school, he handed his notes to Mr. Ishikawa and then began chakra control exercises.


"Kibuki, your performance was good yesterday. When I become Tsuchikage, I'll have you and Fujino guard the village gate. I believe with your strength, you two will surely be able to handle this task, hahaha." He shouted to Kibuki with a proud expression on his face.

This guy completely defeated Kibuki and Fujino in shuriken practice yesterday and was proud all day long.

According to Eri, his family is a famous Taijutsu family in the Iwa Ninja Village. They are good at swordsmanship and basic skills like shuriken throwing.

The elders of Kibuki and Fujino's families were good at ninjutsu, so they were slowly distanced by Taniya when throwing shurikens.

In the early stages of a ninja's career, when ninjutsu has not yet been mastered by everyone, Taijutsu is the only form of attack. Therefore, Ninja Taijutsu has a great advantage in the initial stage.

In fact, due to chakra limitations, most ninjas can perform one or two ninjutsu when adults, but to save chakra, they are very cautious in using it and will not use it unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, situations like ninjutsu flying all over the sky in the memory of the previous life will only appear in the circle where the protagonist is.

Most ninjas remain genin until they die in battle, and the only ninjutsu used in battle may be the three-clone technique.

Taniya's shuriken throwing was already better than the other two, but for some reason, a few days ago, he made a significant improvement and suddenly widened the gap between him and the other two.

It can be said that if it were a one-on-one fight now, Taniya would have the advantage against the two. Don't be fooled by comic book plots. The fact that kunai can't hit people and fire attacks can't kill people is just necessary for the plot.

Kunai is very powerful in battle. Ninjas have high attack and low defense. Generally, as long as a vital part is hit by a kunai, they are basically hopeless.

Although the shuriken is less powerful, it is more flexible and versatile due to its small size and is also an important assassination weapon on the battlefield.

Furthermore, when shuriken and kunai are thrown, the ninja's power is blessed by chakra, and the speed after the throw is incredible. In the initial stage, if you can't predict it, it will be difficult to avoid.

As for waiting for the opponent to throw the shuriken and then throwing a shuriken to knock it down, only a strong person whose strength and reaction capability far exceed the opponent's can do that.

The genin stage does not exist unless it is a genin from Konoha or Iwa.

Taniya's current real combat ability should be among the top five in this class of students, and Shinohara and Eri are also strong candidates for the top five.

Shinohara's strength is very great, and the explosive speed brought by the power is also incredible. Masumi estimates that just based on strength, he may have almost reached the minimum standard of a genin.

As for Eri, this little loli is surprising. She does an excellent job of using chakra to assist in Taijutsu. She is very flexible and is a good candidate for practicing agile Ninja Taijutsu.

Masumi guessed that if Eri and Shinohara fought, it would be an embarrassing situation where you couldn't catch me, and I couldn't hurt you.

In this session, there is only one person who can 100% suppress Eri, Shinohara, and Taniya, and that person is the shota Igura.

Sometimes people are really annoying. It doesn't matter if they look good, but they have good talent. This guy is already practicing the Three-Body Technique.

Both the volume and control of his chakra are the best in the series. It would have been a grand slam if Masumi hadn't beaten him in the theoretical test.

Oh, by the way, now if he tries to throw kunai and shuriken, he might lose to Taniya.

As for Masumi, his current combat power is the last in the class, and he is the only one who hasn't practiced chakra control.

He has been practicing extracting the near-yin chakra during this period.

Except for practicing chakra control for a while on the first day, he basically didn't practice anything.

In fact, he failed to extract chakra successfully a few times in the past two months.

Occasionally, he accidentally extracted chakra according to the original ratio, but it was immediately consumed by Masumi indiscriminately.

But Masumi also has an advantage, which is that the process of chakra refinement is more instinctive for him than for others.

Since Masumi's chakra extraction method is based on finding the one that suits him best, he doesn't need to concentrate much while refining.

Although it is still not possible to extract chakra during the fight, it is still possible to extract it while speaking.

At this moment, Masumi was extracting chakra and deliberately talking to Eri in a voice that Shinohara could hear: "Eri, I saw Igura eating three-colored meatballs at the meatball shop yesterday. If you stay at the meatball shop after school, you might have a chance to meet Igura."

Hearing this, Eri moved her body and was obviously a bit excited. She turned slightly and looked at Igura secretly but also hesitated.

This scene had already been seen by Shinohara, who was paying attention to Eri's actions. He quickly said before Eri could speak: "Eri, don't listen to Masumi. The girls follow him, even if you meet by chance, others will see."

Hearing this, Eri immediately gave up the idea of acting.

Eri is still very reserved in this regard. Not only did Masumi notice this, but Shinohara also knew it, so he pointed out the biggest flaw in this and then turned his head to look at Masumi with a proud expression on his face.

Masumi naturally knew Eri's situation and dared to encourage her like that only because he had a good idea of Eri's character. The goal was very simple, just to provoke Shinohara.

When the plan failed, Masumi did not get discouraged and continued, "It doesn't matter if there are other girls. It would be good to leave Igura with the impression that you both have common interests. The next time he wants to eat meatballs, he might think of you."

"And if one day he wants to eat meatballs and it's not convenient for him to buy them, he will ask you, a classmate who also likes meatballs?"

Hearing this, Eri became even more excited and whispered, "Masumi, you said Igura... he would ask me to buy meatballs for him."

Eri had become very familiar with Masumi these days; he could understand what she was thinking, so instead of hiding it like before, she consulted Masumi.

Hearing Eri's trembling voice, Masumi knew his goal had been achieved and looked at Shinohara. Sure enough, he was so angry that his whole body was trembling.

Masumi added, "Although it's not necessarily true, it can be considered preparation. As long as you give the impression of having common interests, you'll be closer to him than other girls."

Shinohara had no way to refute this and said bitterly to Masumi, "The teacher said that starting next semester there will be real combat. Student Masumi, please give me some advice."

Masumi was not afraid of his threat. If you are scared now, how will you have fun in the days to come?

Seeing that Masumi wasn't concerned enough, Shinohara had no choice but to plan in his mind how to defeat Masumi violently next semester. He should change it every day without repeating any method.

After a long debate with Shinohara, Masumi's chakra extraction reached its limit. Although the chakra is now ten times more than before, the total amount is still very small. Due to physical limitations, it is not possible to extract any more chakra. As soon as I realize this, my body starts to emit warning signals.

Masumi stopped talking and started practicing chakra control.


Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, almost two years have passed since Masumi and his friends entered the school. They are no longer freshmen. The changes they have made this year are surprising.

First, they said goodbye to the much-hated cultural classes. Now, in addition to a theoretical class in the morning, practical classes have become one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Usually, various basic principles are practiced in the morning, and various skill trainings are carried out in the afternoon, such as kunai throwing, basic swordsmanship, battle exercises, etc.

As an upper class, Masumi's class can already use chakra to aid in combat. During the battle, several wooden kunai shurikens flew around and looked impressive.

Among them, some people like Masumi can already perform one of the three body techniques.

Masumi chose the Transformation Technique, not because he thought it was practical, but because it was simple.

The Transformation Technique is the only ninjutsu among the three body techniques that does not require the release of chakra outside the body and consumes relatively little.

For the past two years, Masumi has suffered from insufficient chakra.

When he began to practice the flow of chakra in his body, the chakra was still insufficient. Since his mental power was new in this aspect, he felt tired easily.

But soon, due to his good mental talent, Masumi adapted to this kind of control. After the mental consumption decreased, the deficiencies due to the lack of chakra became more and more obvious.

The feeling of doing nothing every time after running out of chakra once reminded Masumi of the uncomfortable feeling of counting the seconds after running out of energy while playing a game.

For this reason, Masumi had to increase the intensity and time of his physical training thanks to the timely payment of village pensions.

With more suitable and nutritious food and medicinal supplements than before, Masumi's training could barely be maintained. This was because he obtained the method of preparing medicinal materials for free from Eri. Otherwise, just one recipe would have turned Masumi's hair gray.

(End of chapter)

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