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Chapter 1: Unexpected

As leanor and Cedric were discussing the recent attacks in aerethia and the neighbouring kingdoms suddenly, The royal advisor of Cedric fidelis burst through the door bleeding and hurt and injured.

Cedric immediately asked "Fidelis what has happened?" Fidelis then informed him "Something is coming, I was attacked it was large it could breathe fire it burned your children." Everyone was shocked then Cedric got up and yelled "your lying my children can't be dead."

Leanor then told him "please fidelis take us to them," They then followed fidelis and when they arrived at the castle halls, Cedric's wife leana was busy holding the body's crying they were burnt badly.

Leanor then asked "what did this do to them?" fidelis still injured answered "a dragon," suddenly at that moment a huge roar was heard through the castle and the ground was shaking.

Leanor then instructed "fidelis you go, to the servants and try to get everyone out," then fidelis asked "but don't you need my help?" leanor then just said, "no just go," leanor then ran to the balcony.

The dragon was busy burning the cities he then went to Cedric and told him "cedric the dragon is burning the city and causing destruction," Though Cedric was crying "Cedric I know this is a terrible moment, But stand up we must prepare the guards."

Cedric then got out and sent an army to go help in the city and the rest of the guards were prepared with bow and arrows slingshots and swords on guard and the gates were opened, Cedric and leanor immediately hurried into armour.

Leanor went to his wife and children he then found them in a room and his wife could see something was wrong, "what is wrong?" Anika his wife asked he then informed her "a dragon is attacking the city it could come here next, take our children and leave I must stay."

Anika then expressed her concern "wait let us go together who knows what will happen to you," he then hugged her "i know you're worried about me but please go," Anika then took the children and left following Fidelis and the royal guards evacuating the castle.

When the learner got out they were waiting for the dragon to come then yelled "we should go to the city," but at that moment another dragon a green dragon came out from a cloud and Began blasting fire at the castle.

Their shields were able to protect them but the heat of the Dragons fire was too hot and destroyed their shields, They then began to shoot at it but it was too strong. At that moment a loud roar was heard and a human tall dragon with no wings came attacking the guards outside.

Leanor then got on his horse and went to the outside all the guards were dead out of nowhere where the dragon blasted its fire towards him, Though he blocked it using his shield stolen from the raven family.

He then lunged at it and was able to cut it and hurt it jumped High and attacked him it then ate his horses head which was in far distance, at that moment it started to blast fire non stop but his shield was fire proof.

He kept going towards it and the pressure of the fire was too much and his hands were hurting, but then out of nowhere an arrow hit in its eye and when the learner saw who it was, Cedric and Eric.

Cedric then shot it again and it lunged at him but he dodged in time and then he shot it in its neck with his crossbow, he then took out a knife then tried to stab it but it lunged at him again and pushed him into a tree.

Leanor then stabbed its other eye and not being able to see it was mad and just kept running trying to attack one of them then Eric took a sharp spear from one of the dead knights.

He then stabbed it and it went through the small wingless dragon chest and came of it's back at that moment, Leanor said, "quick we have to go to the cities and then Cedric got on his horse which had tried to run and leanor got in it aswell and Eric got on his horse aswell.

The horses then marched with the other horses and knights to the city when they got there millions were dead, Eric then threw the spear at the black dragon.

The dragon immediately felt it and flew up the sky and then blasted fire at them which badly injured them the many royal Army tried but the black dragon was too strong and burned many.

During the fight the leanor saw that its wing was damaged he then took the crossbow from Erik and there was a tall building, still standing he quickly got in it and went up the stairs to the second floor of the house.

Which was destroyed and there was no roof he was near the dragon with the Dragons mouthed open it stared at him and it was about to shoot fire when he shot an arrow, into its mouth the dragon then closed its mouth.

Then swallowed the arrow it did no damage at all Cedric then kept shooting at it but it did no damage the dragon then blasted a huge amount of fire, and instantly Eric was burned alive with his flesh melting.

Leanor was in shock the dragon then blasted some children who were watching and burned them alive and then flew away. In the sky the sky after that immediately became a red darker than it already was Cedric.

Crying looking at Eric's burned body leanor then suggested they go back to the castle the surviving knights went along with them. They were surprised to see a group of Ravens surrounding the castle when they entered they could hear screaming.

Cedric and leanor with a few knights went to the throne room and Cedric's wife was burning alive screaming he then went to her, he tried to stop the fire but it was too late.

A lady wearing red with a ruby necklace and with ginger hair and amber eyes was sitting on his throne Eric then asked "who are you?" the knights held the swords ready to attack.

She then laughed "i am estera daughter of the sun sorceress," leanor asked "did you burn my sister in law," she then laughed again "yes and those dragons you fought were mine and the dragon that killed your children, Cedric was Mine."

Leanor then lunged to attack her but she grabbed him by the neck and threw him directly into the wall, The guards then tried to attack her but she crushed their bones using her mind killing them.

Cedric then asked "who are you, but for killing my wife I don't want to know I'll end you and your dragons," she then said, "just cause you killed my wingless dragon doesn't mean you can kill me."

She then grabbed him by the neck and made him pass out she then said, "from now I am queen," Cedric in the ground then yelled "only an aerethien can rule," she then laughed again "i am the daughter of prince Damon Aerethiens bastard so I will rule."

At that moment Anika came in with a bow and shot estera with a Arrow in the heart but estera just removed it, she then laughed "you thought you could kill me keep dreaming," Leanor still on the ground asked "what about the children?" Anika then informed him "they are okay."

Estera then said not for long my newest dragon reign is going to kill them," and in that moment Anika's head exploded. Leanor then screamed no bit he and Cedric were unable to move and the guards who tried to stop her she did the same thing she made their heads explode.

As she ripped out the heart of the knights she said, "you know the only reason I let my dragons kill you is because I knew I'd do it in a snap of my fingers." she then laughed and ripped his heart out.

Far away in the mountains of Assyria as fidelis and many successfully left the castle in carriages as Fidelis was with the kids, Elysia asked "will my parents be okay," crying he then answered "they will."

Then suddenly a large yellow dragon attacked the people on horses and those who were walking and blasted the mountain, The piece of the mountain then fell and the carriage with them Elysia was screaming.

At the bottom the Carriage was broken the horses were dead as well as some people, though Elysia her baby brother and Fidelis survived though they were injured.

Elysia was crying injured and her brother was in fidelis's arms he then hugged Elysia "stop crying,"

He then held the baby tight and the dragon flew away and he then held her hand.

Elysia then screamed " a large lizard bird, I want to go home why did mom leave me," fidelis then tried comforting "she didn't now let's go you'll see her again." she then held his hand and he took both of them and they left.

They than walked miles and arrived in a small castle in a quiet forest fidelis opened the door, he's wife seeing his condition she began to cry "what happened?" she said out of worry.

He then let them in and then asked "what happened?" Sandra asked.

"we were attacked by Dragons we were heading to the safe castle on top of the alyrian mountain, The Carriages were burned and a piece of the mountain Broke and we fell with it," he told her.

"what about these children?" she asked. He then answered "it will be dangerous for us to take them any where we'll have to raise them."

She then smiled with tears "okay we will," Elysia than asked "we'll my parents come for me." Sandra than replied "we don't know," and hugged her.

Sandra than had Elysia's brother he was just a baby when she held him she got emotional, she and fidelis noticed the sky had turned red and that it was not a good sign.

Estera in the castle locked up Cedric in the dungeons beneath the castle and locked up leanor some place else, she sat the on the throne.

Her dragons fly around the castle and now queen of aerethia a whole new danger was coming for the neighbouring, kingdoms as she was going to do anything for blood and power.

She then went to the dungeons amd beneath them was an ancient room with the elder script, a powerful script that all witches, warlocks and sorceress and sorcerers wanted. She finally had it and as she got near it she began to glow red.

nk_emmanuel nk_emmanuel

Thanks to everyone who reads this chapter it means a lot there's still more chapters coming I hope you stay tuned to be entertained.

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