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34.37% One piece: I have Sukuna abilities / Chapter 10: Kuro joining the crew

Chapter 10: Kuro joining the crew


Nami and Kuro were both extremely shocked to see Kuro's hand regrowing, with blood vessels, bones, and skin forming in a magical way.

"That uses a lot of energy," Toshiro said, sighing as he stopped using the reverse curse technique.

Kuro was still processing what had just happened when a kick to the face from Toshiro snapped him back to reality.

"My arm... restored? Is this a Devil Fruit ability?" Kuro muttered to himself, analyzing the situation.

Nami's eyes widened in disbelief. "You can regenerate limbs?" she asked, incredulous. "What kind of power is that?"

Toshiro, his face emotionless, simply replied, "Just one of the many tricks I have."

Kuro, now fully aware of Toshiro's capabilities, knew resistance was futile. "What do you want from me?" he asked.

"Let me beat you up again first, for not listening to me from the start," Toshiro said coldly.

"Wait, I said I will accept your terms and conditions," Kuro pleaded, trying to convince Toshiro.

"I need to assert dominance, you know," Toshiro responded, ignoring him.

No matter what tricks Kuro used, it was useless. He was beaten up left and right, up and down, without a moment's rest for ten minutes straight. Toshiro showed no mercy, making it clear who was in control.

After Toshiro healed him again, he stopped and said, "Discard your crew and make your staff ready. We're leaving tomorrow."

Kuro, still reeling from the relentless beating, nodded weakly without saying a word, his pride shattered but his survival instinct kicking in.

Kuro looked at the mansion and laughed bitterly. Years of meticulous planning to live a peaceful life had gone to waste. He clenched his fist in irritation, realizing he had no choice but to comply with Toshiro, feeling that any resistance would mean his death.

But don't think just because he submitted quickly that meant he was going to be loyal. No, no. Kuro swore to get revenge on Toshiro. To do that, he needed to accept his current reality and bide his time.

"I'll play along for now," Kuro muttered to himself, his eyes burning with resolve. "But one day, that guy will pay for this."

Nami watched the brutal display with a mix of horror and resignation. She realized that Toshiro's ruthlessness was not something she could easily escape from. "So, we're really doing this?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Toshiro glanced at her, his expression unchanged. "Yes. We're setting sail tomorrow. Make sure you're ready."


Meanwhile, in Kaya's room, Merry suddenly burst in, his face pale and eyes wide with alarm. "Kaya-sama, we have a problem! Some people came and beat up Klahadore. They took him with them!"

Kaya, lying weakly in her bed, struggled to sit up. "What? Who would do such a thing?" she asked in shock, her eyes widening.

"I don't know," Merry replied, wringing his hands nervously. "They looked like pirates. We need to call for help, notify the village!"

Kaya's mind raced. Klahadore, who she knew as her loyal butler, had always seemed so gentle and kind. The idea of him being attacked and taken away was unfathomable. "We need to get him back," she said, her voice trembling. "Send word to the villagers, and see if anyone can help us."

"I'll go too," Kaya said, gritting her teeth as she swung her legs over the side of the bed.

"It's too dangerous, Kaya-sama. They could kill you," Merry said, his voice trembling with fear.

"I can't let them hurt Klahadore. Besides, almost anything can be solved with money. Don't worry," Kaya forced a determined smile as she stood up, her legs shaking but her resolve firm.

Merry hesitated, then nodded reluctantly. "Alright, Kaya-sama. But please, be careful."

Despite her frailty, Kaya's determination was unshakable. Merry hurried out to gather help from the villagers, while Kaya steeled herself for the confrontation ahead. They had to act quickly to save Klahadore.


Nami and Toshiro went back to the same restaurant to eat again. Since consuming his Devil Fruit, his hunger had grown so much that he seized any opportunity to eat. As he finished his tenth plate and called the waiter, who had cold sweat running down his forehead, a blonde girl entered the restaurant with a group of villagers and Merry.

The restaurant fell silent as Kaya, accompanied by Merry and the concerned villagers, walked in. Her presence, though fragile, carried a determined aura.

"You," she called out, her voice steady but laced with urgency. "Where is Klahadore?"

Toshiro looked up from his meal, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, you must be Kaya. I've heard a lot about you. If you hadn't shown up, I might have forgotten all about you," he added, tilting his head to the right.

Kaya's eyes narrowed. "I don't care what you've heard. Where is Klahadore?"

Toshiro leaned back, clearly enjoying himself. "He said he was being mistreated and harassed by his lady, who he was taking care of. He asked me to help him out of his misery," Toshiro said jokingly, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Kaya's expression hardened. "Enough with the games. Where is he?"

Toshiro sighed, still smiling. "He's fine. Just taking a break from his 'miserable' life."

Merry stepped forward, his voice shaky with anger. "You're lying! Klahadore has been nothing but loyal to Kaya."

"Is that so?" Toshiro shrugged nonchalantly. "People aren't always who they appear to be."

Kaya's determination didn't waver. "Whatever you want, I can give you. Just let him go."

Kaya exchanged a glance with Merry, then took a deep breath. "Please, I'll do anything."

Toshiro's smirk widened. "Anything, you say?"

Before the conversation could continue, Nami, who had been silently observing, stepped forward. "What are you planning, Toshiro?"

Toshiro shrugged. "Nothing that concerns you, Nami. This is between me and Kaya."

Kaya, sensing an opportunity, looked at Nami. "Please, if there's any humanity in you, help us."

Nami hesitated, her gaze shifting between Kaya and Toshiro. She then turned to Toshiro with a determined expression. "Toshiro, just tell them the truth."

"The truth?" Kaya asked, confused.

Before Kuro left to return to his crew, he explained his plans and why he was in the mansion in the first place.

Toshiro leaned back in his chair, stretching lazily. "The truth is, Kaya, your precious butler Klahadore isn't who you think he is."

Kaya's eyes widened in shock. "What do you mean?"

Toshiro sighed, feigning boredom. "Klahadore is actually Kuro of a Hundred Plans, a pirate with a bounty of 16 million berries. He's been hiding here, playing the role of a loyal servant while plotting his return to piracy."

Merry looked horrified. "That's impossible! Klahadore has been with us for years."

Toshiro shrugged. "Believe what you want, but that's the truth. I came here to recruit him, and he didn't exactly refuse."

Kaya's face paled as she processed the information. "No, that can't be true. Klahadore would never—"

"Why do you think he always wore those gloves?" Toshiro interrupted. "To hide the scars from his old pirate days. He's been playing you all along."

Nami stepped forward, placing a hand on Kaya's shoulder. "I know it's hard to believe, but Toshiro is telling the truth. I saw Kuro's true nature when he attacked us."

Kaya shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. "How could he do this? How could he betray us like this?"

Toshiro interrupted Kaya before she could cry, saying, "Now give me 10 million berries for exposing Kuro's true identity and unintentionally saving you from a future threat."

"TOSHIRO?!" Nami exclaimed in shock at his shamelessness.

Toshiro looked at Nami, puzzled. "What? I'm a pirate. I don't help anyone for free."

Kaya, still reeling from the revelations, looked at Toshiro with a mixture of disbelief and anger. "You're asking for money after turning my world upside down?"

Toshiro shrugged nonchalantly. "I did you a favor. You should be grateful."

"And I am not asking. I'm ordering," Toshiro said coldly. "Or else I'll take the money my own way."

Nami glared at Toshiro, her anger barely contained. "You don't have to do this, Toshiro. There's a better way."

Toshiro shrugged. "I'm a pirate. This is how I do things."

Kaya, trembling, nodded slowly. "Fine. I'll get you the money. Just don't hurt anyone."

Toshiro leaned back, satisfied. "Good. See? That wasn't so hard."

Nami watched Kaya with a mix of sympathy and frustration. "We'll be out of here soon, Kaya. I promise."

Merry returned shortly after, carrying a heavy bag of Berries. He handed it to Toshiro, his face set in a hard line. "Here. Now leave."

Before Merry could step back, Toshiro's fist connected with his face, sending him flying across the room. "I thought Alvida was ugly, but you are on a different level—at least from my perspective," Toshiro said with a smirk.

Kaya gasped, rushing to Merry's side. "What is wrong with you?" she screamed, her eyes filled with tears and anger.

Toshiro glanced at her, his expression cold and detached. "Save your tears. I don't have time for pointless arguments." He turned and left the restaurant without another word, Nami following reluctantly behind.

Kaya watched them go, her heart heavy with a mix of relief and anger. "We'll get through this, Merry," she whispered, helping him to his feet.

Merry nodded, wincing from the pain. "We'll be stronger for it, Kaya-sama."

Outside, Nami struggled to keep up with Toshiro. "You didn't have to hit him, you know."

Toshiro didn't slow down or look at her. "I did what I had to do."

Nami clenched her fists, trying to control her anger. "There's a difference between being ruthless and being cruel."

Toshiro stopped and turned to her, his eyes cold. "In this world, those lines blur more often than you think."

Nami fell silent, feeling a deep sense of frustration. She knew arguing with him was futile.

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