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77.27% Naruto: Different Story / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Behind The Shadows

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Behind The Shadows

High above the Rain Village, the masked man observed the unfolding chaos with a twisted sense of satisfaction. The village, once under the brutal control of Hanzo, was now firmly in the grip of Nagato, who had transformed into Pain. The masked man watched as Nagato's forces maintained their ironclad rule, enforcing order through fear and power.

From his vantage point, he could see Konan standing at the entrance of the main tower, her eyes scanning the horizon. Her distrust of him was clear, and it amused him. He thrived on manipulation and secrecy, and her suspicion only added to the game.

The masked man descended from his perch, his presence an unsettling shadow that seemed to sap the warmth from the air. Konan's gaze met his, her expression hardening as he approached.

"Konan," he greeted, his voice a smooth, sinister purr. "How is our leader today?"

Konan's eyes narrowed slightly. "Nagato is focused on our mission. The Akatsuki grows stronger every day."

The masked man nodded, a hidden smile playing on his lips beneath the mask. "Good. The world will soon understand the true meaning of pain, and Nagato will lead us to that understanding."

Konan's distrust was palpable, but she remained silent, her eyes never leaving his masked face. The masked man relished her suspicion; it meant she was paying attention, even if she didn't fully understand his plans.

As the masked man moved to enter the tower, Konan spoke again, her voice tinged with defiance. "What is your true goal, Madara? What do you hope to achieve with all of this?"

The masked man paused, turning to face her. "Peace, Konan. The same goal as Nagato. But unlike him, I have seen the world for what it truly is. Only through overwhelming power and fear can we bring about true and lasting peace."

Konan's skepticism was clear, but she knew better than to challenge him openly. Instead, she turned back to her vigil, leaving the masked man to his devices.

Inside the tower, Nagato sat upon his throne, his Rinnegan eyes glowing with a cold, unfeeling light. He was a god in his own mind, destined to reshape the world through pain and suffering. The masked man's manipulations had forged him into a weapon of unimaginable power.

The masked man watched Nagato for a moment, satisfaction evident in his gaze. Everything was proceeding according to plan. The Akatsuki was a force to be reckoned with, and soon, the world would tremble before their might.

As he left the tower, the masked man couldn't help but smile beneath his mask. The pieces were falling into place, and the world would soon know the true extent of his power. The rain fell steadily, a constant reminder of the village's sorrow, but to the masked man, it was the sound of victory.

The masked man disappeared from the Rain Village, his form dissolving into the ether. Moments later, he reappeared in a dark, cavernous space, illuminated only by the eerie glow of the Gedo Statue. The colossal figure loomed over him, its hollow eyes seeming to pierce through the darkness.

Standing beside the statue was Black Zetsu, his form partially emerging from the shadows, a sinister smile on his face. The masked man's voice echoed in the cavern, commanding and filled with an unsettling calm.

"Black Zetsu, how are things outside?"

Black Zetsu's smile widened as he bowed slightly. "Things are progressing as planned. The major villages remain distracted by their own internal conflicts and power struggles. However, I have been unable to gather any new intelligence from Konoha."

The masked man's eyes narrowed beneath his mask. "And why is that?"

"Jiraiya," Black Zetsu replied, his voice dripping with disdain. "He is always within the village, his presence making it impossible for me to infiltrate unnoticed."

The masked man considered this for a moment, his mind working through various contingencies. "Jiraiya is a troublesome factor, but not an insurmountable one. We will need to be patient and strategic."

Black Zetsu nodded. "Patience has always been our greatest asset. In the meantime, we should continue to focus on gathering the Jinchuriki. Their power will be crucial for our ultimate plan."

The masked man's gaze shifted to the Gedo Statue. "Yes. The Jinchuriki are the key. With their power, we will bring about the new world."

Black Zetsu's smile widened even further. "Nagato has already taken control of the Rain Village. His power grows with each passing day. Soon, the other Jinchuriki will fall into our hands."

The masked man turned away from the statue, his form blending into the shadows once more. "Continue to monitor the situation. Keep me informed of any developments. And ensure that Kabuto's infiltration of Konoha proceeds smoothly."

Black Zetsu bowed deeply. "As you command."

As the masked man disappeared into the darkness, Black Zetsu remained by the Gedo Statue, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of anticipation and malice. The world was moving closer to the precipice, and soon, their long-awaited plan would come to fruition.

Orochimaru's laboratory was a twisted maze of scientific horror, filled with grotesque experiments and eerie, luminescent fluids. It was in this sanctuary of dark knowledge that Orochimaru plotted his next move. The destruction of his labs near and within Konoha had been a significant blow, but it also presented an opportunity—a chance to realign his plans with a more focused ambition.

Deep within the labyrinthine corridors of his hidden lab, Orochimaru worked diligently amidst a myriad of experiments and forbidden research. His pale face was illuminated by the eerie green glow of the numerous vials and containers that lined the walls. As he meticulously handled a specimen, Kabuto entered, his expression one of controlled urgency.

"Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto began, pushing his glasses up his nose. "We have received some troubling reports."

Orochimaru barely glanced up from his work. "Go on."

Kabuto continued, "Several of our labs near Konoha have been discovered and destroyed. The ones within the village have also been eradicated. Additionally, Danzo is dead, and Root has been completely wiped out. The civilian council has been disbanded as well."

At this, Orochimaru finally looked up, his golden eyes narrowing. He clicked his tongue in irritation, a sound that echoed ominously in the sterile confines of the lab. "Danzo, you old fool," he muttered. "You couldn't even protect your own interests."

He turned his attention back to his work, but not before letting out a low, menacing laugh. "This changes things, but not necessarily for the worse."

Kabuto watched as Orochimaru resumed his experiment, a disturbing smile playing on his lips. "What do you plan to do, Orochimaru-sama?"

Orochimaru's fingers danced over the various instruments on his table, his mind racing with possibilities. "With Danzo and Root gone, there is a power vacuum in Konoha. Hiruzen is cleaning house, it seems. How predictable."

He paused, lost in thought for a moment, then continued, "The destruction of our labs is unfortunate, but they were merely a fraction of our resources. And now, with Konoha destabilized internally, we have an opportunity to strike where it hurts most."

Kabuto nodded, his loyalty unwavering. "What are your orders, Orochimaru-sama?"

The Uchiha compound was shrouded in a tense silence, the air heavy with unspoken fears and unresolved conflicts. Mikoto and Itachi moved through the shadows, their expressions a mixture of determination and dread. They had decided to confront Fugaku, hoping to find a way to prevent the looming catastrophe that threatened their clan.

They found Fugaku in his study, surrounded by the relics of Uchiha history. The room was filled with the weight of generations, the pride and burden of the clan pressing down on all who entered. Fugaku looked up from his desk, his stern face softening slightly at the sight of his wife and son.

"Mikoto, Itachi, what brings you here at this hour?" he asked, his voice calm but wary.

Mikoto stepped forward, her voice steady but filled with underlying concern. "Fugaku, we need to talk. The clan is on the brink of something terrible. We need to understand what's truly happening."

Fugaku's eyes darkened. He stood, motioning for them to follow him. "Come with me."

He led them through the compound, their footsteps echoing in the silence. They arrived at the Naka Shrine, a place of great significance to the Uchiha. Fugaku pushed open the heavy doors and led them inside, to the stone tablet hidden within.

"Activate your Sharingan," Fugaku instructed.

Both Mikoto and Itachi did as they were told, their Sharingan eyes revealing the hidden script on the tablet. As they read, their expressions turned to shock.

"This... This can't be," Mikoto whispered.

Fugaku's voice was heavy with resignation. "This is the truth our clan has guarded for generations. The desires for power, the curse of hatred... They are deeply embedded in our history."

Itachi looked up, his eyes wide with realization. "But this doesn't have to be our future. We can choose a different path."

Fugaku's face softened for a moment, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. But it was quickly replaced by a steely resolve. "I wish it were that simple. As the head of the clan, I must represent the will of the people. Right now, they are driven by the desire for a coup."

Mikoto stepped closer, her voice pleading. "Fugaku, we can still change their minds. We can find another way."

Fugaku turned

to face them fully, his eyes shifting to the Mangekyo Sharingan. Both Mikoto and Itachi gasped, the sight of those eyes confirming the depths of their father's power.

"If the clan learns of my Mangekyo Sharingan, it will only fuel their ambitions further," Fugaku said, his voice tinged with sorrow. "The coup will become inevitable."

Mikoto and Itachi stood in stunned silence, the weight of their father's words sinking in. Fugaku turned away, heading back towards their home. "This is our reality," he said over his shoulder. "We must be prepared for what is to come."

Mikoto and Itachi remained at the shrine, their minds racing with the implications of what they had learned. The path ahead was fraught with danger, and the bonds of family would be tested as never before.

In the heart of Konoha, life began to return to normalcy. The village was bustling with activity, merchants shouting their wares in the marketplace, children laughing and playing in the streets, and shinobi moving swiftly to their missions. The damage from past conflicts was slowly being repaired, and a renewed sense of hope filled the air. The village was thriving under the leadership of the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was determined to ensure the safety and prosperity of his people.

However, far to the west, in the arid lands of the Land of Wind, the situation in Sunagakure was quite different. The village was in a state of decline, and a palpable sense of desperation had taken root. The Wind Daimyo had systematically withdrawn his support, pulling mission after mission from Suna's hands. This steady erosion of work was strangling the village's economy, and the once-proud shinobi of the Sand were feeling the bite of poverty more acutely with each passing week.

In the dimly lit council room of Sunagakure, the village elders sat in tense silence. The Kazekage, Rasa, known as the Fourth Kazekage, stood at the head of the table, his expression grim. His eyes, shadowed by the weight of his responsibilities, scanned the faces of his advisors.

"We cannot continue like this," he said, his voice heavy with frustration. "The Daimyo's actions are crippling us. Our missions have dwindled to almost nothing, and our coffers are nearly empty. Our people are suffering."

One of the elders, a seasoned shinobi with graying hair, leaned forward. "Kazekage-sama, we must find a way to convince the Daimyo to restore our missions. Without his support, we are doomed."

Rasa clenched his fists, his gaze turning towards the window where the harsh desert sun beat down relentlessly. "I've tried to negotiate, but the Daimyo remains unmoved. He believes we are no longer necessary, that we cannot protect his interests."

Another elder, a woman with sharp eyes and a shrewd mind, spoke up. "We must show him our strength. If we can prove our worth, perhaps he will reconsider. We need to undertake high-profile missions, ones that will demonstrate our capabilities."

Rasa nodded slowly, considering her words. "It's a risk, but it might be our only option. We will need to be strategic, choose our missions carefully. We cannot afford any failures."

As the meeting continued, the sense of urgency grew. Sunagakure's very survival was at stake, and the weight of that responsibility rested heavily on Rasa's shoulders. He knew that the future of his village depended on their ability to adapt and overcome this crisis.

Orochimaru was particularly interested in the Sharingan and the Byakugan, the prized dōjutsu of the Uchiha and Hyuuga clans, respectively. He believed that these powerful eyes held the key to achieving his ultimate goal: immortality and omnipotence.

As he pondered this, Kabuto entered the room, his face as composed as ever. "Orochimaru-sama, everything is ready. I have prepared the necessary documents and credentials for my infiltration of Konoha."

Orochimaru nodded, a satisfied smile creeping across his face. "Good. You will enter Konoha under the guise of a traveling medic-nin. Gain their trust, blend in with the population, and find the perfect opportunity to acquire the Sharingan and Byakugan."

Kabuto bowed slightly. "Understood. I will make sure to stay undetected and gather as much information as possible about the Uchiha and Hyuuga clans."

Orochimaru's eyes gleamed with a sinister light. "Remember, Kabuto, patience is key. We cannot afford any mistakes. These clans are deeply rooted in Konoha's structure. Any misstep could lead to our discovery."

Kabuto nodded once more before leaving the lab to prepare for his mission. Orochimaru watched him go, his mind already racing with thoughts of the power he would soon hold. "With the Sharingan and Byakugan, my power will be unmatched. Not even Konoha will be able to stand against me."

His laughter echoed through the dark corridors of the lab, a chilling promise of the chaos he intended to unleash.

Meanwhile, the streets of Sunagakure reflected the village's hardships. Shops were closing, families struggled to make ends meet, and the once-busy mission center now stood eerily quiet. The morale of the shinobi was at an all-time low, and whispers of discontent were beginning to spread.

In a small training ground, Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara, the children of the Kazekage, were honing their skills. Despite the harsh circumstances, they were determined to grow stronger. Temari swung her giant fan with precision, generating gusts of wind that sent sand swirling through the air. Kankuro meticulously adjusted his puppets, his concentration unwavering. Gaara, the youngest, stood alone, his sand swirling protectively around him, his eyes reflecting a mixture of anger and sadness.

Temari paused, wiping sweat from her brow, and looked towards her brothers. "We have to be strong," she said firmly. "Father is counting on us. The village is counting on us."

Kankuro nodded, his expression serious. "We need to show everyone that we can still be powerful. If we can prove ourselves, maybe things will change."

Gaara remained silent, his eyes fixed on the ground. The weight of his unique abilities and the fear they inspired in others were a constant burden. But even he understood the gravity of their situation. They had to find a way to save their village.

As Sunagakure struggled, the masked man continued to weave his webs of manipulation from the shadows. He observed the village's plight with interest, seeing an opportunity to exploit their desperation for his own ends. His ultimate goal of sowing chaos and bringing about his vision of the world required the destabilization of all major powers, and Suna's current vulnerability presented a perfect opportunity.

From his hidden lair, he dispatched his agents to infiltrate the Land of Wind, spreading whispers and rumors, further deepening the rift between the Wind Daimyo and Sunagakure. Every move he made was calculated to ensure that the village remained isolated and weakened, a pawn in his grand design.

Black Zetsu reported regularly, his shadowy presence a constant reminder of the masked man's far-reaching influence. "The seeds of discord are growing," Black Zetsu said with a malevolent grin. "Suna's desperation will soon reach a tipping point. They will either rise stronger or crumble into the sand."

The masked man's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Good. Keep the pressure on. We will use their plight to further our plans. Soon, the world will be reshaped in our image."

As the masked man continued to manipulate events from the shadows, the fate of Sunagakure hung in the balance. The village faced a difficult road ahead, but the resilience and determination of its people would be tested as never before.

HikaruMC HikaruMC

I must say motivation does many things to man, one second your ready to give up and the next your just out there doing the best you can, this one might be a lot longer and lot more complicated than it should be, but I try my best to make it digestible for all, though not something that I can say is for everyone, with my incoming headache I might have to pass on uploading a chap for a few hours or a day, don't need a break necessarily but need a breather.

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