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Are You Bloody Saying I Have an Ectopic Pregnancy?

A dozen minutes later.

[Ding! Task completed. You have earned 50 skull coins, +50 surgical ability experience, and +1 special reward.]

[Ding! Due to uncontrollable special accidental reasons, the pigfolk's goodwill has transformed into fear. The pigfolk fear level +50.]

The pigfolk, shivering uncontrollably, sat there with a blank expression.

Across the counter, Lynne, clad calmly in a white coat, sat, holding a quill, leisurely writing his medical report.

He pushed a small batch of potions forward.

"These potions, half are to be taken orally, the other half applied topically, twice a day. Take them on time, and roughly in two days, your vision should start to recover. Of course, if you want more effective potions, the price will need to be tenfold."

"Time to settle the bill, including surgery fees, potion costs, and nursing fees. You've already paid for the eye charges. In total, it's 546 skull coins. If this's no issue, sign here."

Lynne looked up, his eyes, lifeless, conveyed friendliness: "A fingerprint will do."

The pigfolk, with trembling hands, pressed a fingerprint onto the report. He tremulously took a large money bag from his bosom and placed over five hundred skull coins on the counter, asking: "May I leave now…"

Lynne counted the coins. He lifted his head, his gaze fell upon the pigfolk's still bulging money bag.

However, the next moment, his attention was drawn to his swelling belly.

[Ding! You've triggered the pigfolk's hidden task, Strange Belly. Task completion rewards: +50 Skull Coins, +50 Surgery Skill Experience, Unlock Diagnostic Ability.]

The pigfolk turned to leave.

Lynne abruptly reached out, stopping him: "Wait!"

It was evident; The pigfolk's body subconsciously shuddered.

"What now?!"

He turned back, just in time to see Lynne adjusting his monocle, and his eyeball, with a plop, fell onto the desk, only to be calmly picked up and pressed back by him.

[Sanity -1]

Lynne shook his head, "I've discerned some new problems within you; if not diagnosed, they might inflict unknown impacts on your body."

The pigfolk, gritting his tusks, retorted, "Don't you dare deceive me! I despise being lied to the most!"

Lynne, grave, responded, "I am a doctor, I do not deceive. Everyone who enters my shop is my patient. I must be responsible for my patients' health. If I see an issue and do not communicate it to you, that is truly a lack of medical ethics."

Facing Lynne's stern and earnest eyes, the pigfolk, albeit with significant reluctance, finally sat back down on the stool in front of the counter, his voice laden with uncertainty, "What's the problem? I feel very healthy."

Lynne donned a mask, "Extend your arm; I'll take your pulse."

The pigfolk hesitantly placed his arm, laden with pig hair, on the counter. In the end, he decided to trust him once more.

Lynne, his expression serene, placed his hand on his pulse, feeling it carefully.

[Diagnostic experience +1]

[Diagnostic experience +1]

[Diagnostic experience +1]

Gradually, The pigfolk noticed Lynne's brows furrowing; his heart instantly rose to his throat.

"Is this really a major issue?" he asked nervously. What he feared most was a doctor frowning before him. Because that certainly boded not well.

Lynne withdrew his hand, raised his head to look solemnly at the pigfolk, his brows still furrowed,

"The issue is neither minor nor severe; it depends on how it's dealt with."

The pigfolk, anxiously, "What is the problem?"

Lynne, seriously, "Ectopic pregnancy."



Brief silence and waves of cool wind whooshed in from the door.

The next moment, The pigfolk roared, abruptly seized Lynne by the collar, lifting him in his fury, he bellowed: "Ectopic pregnancy?! You fucking saying I have an ectopic pregnancy?! I'm fucking male!! I'm giving you one more chance to organize your words!!"

Lynne's expression remained tranquil. Adjusting his eyeball, he stated solemnly, "The pulse is revealing as such, there is no mistake, you must trust my medical proficiency."

The pigfolk roared, "I (beep) you (beep)!! I'll say it again! I am male!! I don't have a uterus!!"

Lynne nodded, solemnly responding, "That's why it's said to be an ectopic pregnancy. If there was a uterus, it would be more troublesome, necessitating more profound gender correction surgery, and your burden would be heavier."



The pigfolk, trembling, released Lynne's collar and slumped down onto the stool.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I am thinking about how to chop you up!" The pigfolk, his eyes brimming with anger and shame, gnashed his teeth.

"Let's not consider such irrelevant matters first."

Lynne straightened his collar, sat in front of the counter, took out a medical record, and quietly asked,

"Have you recently experienced abdominal distention and pain, dry heaving, loss of appetite, bleeding below, etc.?"

The pigfolk, slamming the table and standing up, endured his trembling and humiliation and questioned, "Tell me how I bleed below!! How do I bleed (gritting teeth)!"

Lynne continued his documentation, adjusting his eyeball, stating, "Please, patient, refrain from agitation. It's merely a standard inquiry. Excluding bleeding, have any of these symptoms occurred?"

The pigfolk, his eyes nearly bursting and teeth gritting, replied, "What if they have? Can't I just have food poisoning?"

Lynne, adjusting his eyeball, glanced at him, asking, "How long have these been occurring?"

The pigfolk grinding his teeth replied, "One month!"

Lynne continued to document, calmly inquiring, "When was the last time you engaged in mating behavior? Do you have any adverse habits normally, like multiple pig activities or using certain harmful implements?"

The pigfolk stood there, arms incessantly shivering, stating, "You try asking one more time?"

Clearly, he was extremely angered by this question.

Lynne calmly extended his hand to stop him, stating, "Alright, I won't ask this question anymore, next question. During your most recent mating behavior, did you feel below..."

Lynne frowned, made a tearing gesture, and asked, "A tearing pain?"

The pigfolk truly could endure no more this time. He seized Lynne by the collar, his anger mingled with embarrassment as he roared: "I've fucking well put up with you for too long! Translate for me, what is tearing pain?! Translate it for me, what! Is! Tearing pain?!!"

Lynne extended his hand, firmly pressing against his chest, shaking his head: "Calm down, further confirmation requires the assistance of professional equipment; this is just a process I, as a doctor, must follow, fundamentally for the sake of your health! It's for your own good! You wouldn't want any lingering maladies, would you?"

The pigfolk puffed angrily through his nostrils, his chest heaving violently, his face flushed with rage, but finally, under Lynne's soothing, he let go.

[Soothing Experience +1]

[Soothing Experience +1]

[Soothing Experience +1]

Lynne, once again straightening his collar and putting down his pen, glanced at him and shook his head: "Although I do know that males, most likely, can't get pregnant, the pulse does indeed relay the signs of pregnancy, so I speculate if you didn't impregnate yourself through normal mating activities..."

Seeing that the pigfolk was about to explode in anger again, Lynne spoke faster: "There's another possibility, you might have inadvertently consumed something containing strange powers, causing a mutation within you and indirectly leading to your impregnation."

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