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Chapter 5

Maximus sat in his solar, the early morning light streaming through the windows. Maege and the maester joined him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. On the table lay several scrolls, detailing trade agreements and plans for the newly discovered iron mine.

"We've secured agreements with merchants from White Harbor," Maximus began, pointing to one of the scrolls. "They're selling our fish, earning us a steady income of 100 to 150 gold dragons per trade."

The maester nodded approvingly. "A profitable venture, my lord. But what are your plans for the iron mine? We have permission from Lord Stark to proceed."

Maximus leaned forward, his eyes alight with excitement. "We need to call a group of woodworkers, builders, and a blacksmith to work on the mine. I have specific plans for its development."

The maester looked puzzled. "Woodworkers and builders, I understand. But why a blacksmith, my lord?"

Maximus smiled, a hint of anticipation in his eyes. "You'll see. Just trust me on this."

The maester leaned in, curiosity getting the better of him. "My lord, I must ask – what exactly is this 'blast furnace' you speak of?"

Maximus smiled, realizing he needed to frame it in simpler terms. "Think of it as a more efficient way to smelt iron. It allows us to create stronger steel by controlling the heat and air flow better than any traditional forge."

Maege was still skeptical. "And you believe this will give us an edge in battle?"

Maximus met her gaze firmly. "I do. The steel we produce will be unlike anything seen in Westeros. It will give our warriors superior weapons and armor."

The maester, while still slightly puzzled, nodded in understanding. "Very well, my lord. I will send for the craftsmen immediately."

Maege raised an eyebrow. "And what about your training? Your sword forms are impressive, but you need more experience."

Maximus waved a hand dismissively. "I'll get back to training soon. Right now, the mines are a priority."

Maege sighed but didn't press the issue. The maester bowed slightly. "As you command, my lord."

Once the meeting in the solar concluded and Maege and the maester left, Maximus turned to Ordis, who hovered nearby, the blue optics glowing softly in the dim light of the room.

"Ordis, we need to discuss the use of the Warframe," Maximus began, a serious tone in his voice. "How long can I operate it at a time?"

Ordis hummed thoughtfully before responding. "Operator, the Warframe consumes a significant amount of void energy to function. Based on the current void energy reserves and the ambient void energy available on Bear Island, you can only use the Warframe for approximately one to two hours at a time. Extended use beyond this limit could result in a complete depletion of your energy reserves, leaving you vulnerable and unable to summon the Warframe for an extended period."

Maximus nodded, absorbing the information. "So, we need to be strategic about when and how we use it. Understood. How long does it take to recharge the void energy after use?"

Ordis's optics flickered as it processed the query. "The void energy reserves will require approximately one day to fully recharge after being depleted from extended use of the Warframe. It is advisable to use the Warframe sparingly and only in situations where its capabilities are absolutely necessary."

"Ordis, I need plans for a blast furnace. Can you help me?"

Ordis's optics glowed as he responded. "Operator, I can provide the plans. However, as a Tenno assistant, my primary function is weapon maintenance and ship operations, not construction."

"Ordis, I need more than just the plans. Can you assist with the actual construction?"

Ordis glowed as he responded. "Operator, my primary function is not construction. However, I can provide detailed instructions and oversee the process to ensure accuracy."

Maximus nodded. "That's all I need. Together, we'll make this work."

Ordis hummed thoughtfully. "Initiating download of blast furnace plans. Note, Operator: I am programmed for efficiency in weapon maintenance and ship operations. Construction is outside my primary capabilities."

Maximus scoffed lightly. "Ordis, this is Westeros. They haven't had significant technological advancements for thousands of years. It'll be fine."

Over the next few months, Maximus secluded himself in a warehouse near the iron mine. Strange noises and occasional explosions echoed from within, causing whispers among the inhabitants of Bear Island. Maximus toiled tirelessly, following the intricate plans Ordis had provided.


In the warehouse, the air thick with the smell of molten metal and burning wood. The first few attempts at constructing the blast furnace were met with failure. The furnace collapsed under the heat, or the metal didn't reach the necessary purity.

Maximus's hands were raw and blistered from the work. The first furnace he built collapsed under the intense heat. The second attempt produced impure metal that was brittle and unusable. Each failure was a learning experience.

Maximus, covered in soot and grime, refused to give up. He adjusted the design, learning from each failure. Ordis floated nearby, providing guidance and data analysis. "Operator, the current airflow is insufficient. Adjust the bellows by fifteen degrees."

Ordis floated nearby, providing constant feedback. "Operator, the current alloy mixture is incorrect. Adjust the carbon content to 0.8%."

Maximus adjusted the bellows, sweat pouring down his face. "Got it, Ordis. Increasing the airflow now."

Maximus made the adjustments, his muscles aching from the relentless work. The heat was almost unbearable, but he pushed through, driven by determination. Finally, after months of effort, the furnace roared to life, the sound a deafening crescendo that filled the warehouse.

Molten metal cooling into sword with distinctive cloud patterns. Maximus held one up, marveling at the result. He had done it. He had created Damascus steel.

Maximus carried the newly forged steel to the training grounds, where Maege was sparring with some of the warriors. He handed her a sword made from the Damascus steel. "Test it against a steel armor."

Maege took the sword, examining its beauty and balance. She swung it at a armor post set up for sword practice. The sword sliced through the armor with ease, the cut clean and precise.

Maege's eyes widened in astonishment. "This... this is incredible, Maximus. "

Maximus grinned. "It's Damascus steel. Stronger and more durable than anything we've had before."

Maximus held up a piece of the newly forged steel. "It's forged in layers, creating a pattern in the metal that's not just for show. This method increases the strength and flexibility of the steel, making it superior to anything we've had before."

Word of the new steel spread quickly. In the great hall, discussions buzzed about the beauty and quality of the metal. Lords and advisors marveled at the potential uses for the new material.

"This steel could give us an edge in battle," Maege said, her tone serious. "We need to start producing more weapons and armor with it."

The maester nodded. "And it could be a valuable trade commodity. Other houses would pay handsomely for steel of this quality."

Maximus nodded. "Agreed. We will produce weapons and armor for our own use first. Once we're secure, we can consider trading the steel."

Maege looked at Maximus, pride evident in her eyes. "You've done well, Maximus. This steel will change our future."

Maximus listened to their suggestions, feeling a sense of accomplishment and determination. The discovery of Damascus steel had opened new doors for Bear Island. With this new resource, they could strengthen their defenses, build alliances, and secure their future.



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