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Chapter 4

Maximus awakened to the soft hum of Ordis, his body feeling the residual effects of the void energy transfer. His vision slowly adjusted to the dim light filtering through the heavy curtains. Ordis's floating form materialized before him, its blue optics glowing softly.

"Good morning, Operator," Ordis greeted, echoing with artificial warmth. "Helios is now fully operational and ready to assist you."

Maximus sat up, his thoughts racing. The weight of his responsibilities pressed heavily upon him, but he felt a renewed sense of purpose. "Thank you, Ordis. Display Helios's status."

A holographic display appeared, showing Helios's capabilities:

Helios - Scanning Efficiency: 95% - Resource Detection: 85% - Combat Support: 70%

Maximus studied the data. "This is impressive. But Ordis, how do I explain this to Maege and the others?"

Ordis hummed thoughtfully. "Perhaps you could say the information came to you in a dream, a vision granted by the Old Gods or some other mystical source."

Maximus nodded. "Yes, that could work. Let's see what Helios can do."

He activated Helios, and the sleek, spherical drone hovered gracefully in the air. Its optics glowed as it scanned the surroundings. Maximus watched intently as Helios analyzed the coastal waters, identifying new fishing routes teeming with marine life. The data displayed before Maximus was promising.

Maximus called for a council meeting with key advisors, including Maege and the maester. "I had a dream," he began, weaving the story carefully. "In it, I saw new fishing routes, rich with marine life. We must send our best sailors and fishermen to explore them."

Maege's eyes gleamed with approval. "Aye, a vision from the Old Gods themselves."

Orders were quickly dispatched, and within hours, sailors and fishermen set out to explore the newly identified routes. As they left, Maege approached Maximus with a determined expression. "A lord cannot be weak," she declared. "You must be strong, both in mind and body."

Maximus knew she was right. "Ordis," he whispered, "download the Tranquil Cleave stance from Pangolin Prime."

"Of course, Operator," Ordis replied, a stream of data flowing into Maximus's mind, filling him with knowledge of advanced swordsmanship.

Maege led Maximus to the training grounds. "Let's see what you've learned."

They sparred together, Maege's experience and strength pushing Maximus to his limits. He could feel his proficiency with the sword increasing with each session, the downloaded techniques becoming more natural. As days passed, Maximus's skills grew sharper. Maege's rigorous training regimen, combined with Ordis's enhancements, transformed him into a formidable warrior.

After several days, the fishermen and sailors returned. Their boats were filled to the brim with fish, far exceeding their usual haul. The success of the expedition lifted the spirits of the entire island.

"More than enough fish to sustain us and trade," Maximus remarked, satisfaction evident in his voice. The people of Bear Island celebrated, their faith in their new lord strengthened by this victory.

Shortly after the successful fishing expedition, men returned from another mission, bringing news that confirmed Maximus's earlier suspicions. They had discovered iron pits near the island.

"We found iron, my lord," one of the men reported, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Rich veins of it."

"More than enough fish to sustain us and trade," Maximus remarked, satisfaction evident in his voice. The people of Bear Island celebrated, their faith in their new lord strengthened by this victory.

Shortly after the successful fishing expedition, men returned from another mission, bringing news that confirmed Maximus's earlier suspicions. They had discovered iron pits near the island.

"We found iron, my lord," one of the men reported, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Rich veins of it."

Maximus's mind raced with possibilities. "This changes everything. We'll mine the iron and trade both fish and ore with neighboring lords."

Maximus gathered his advisors in the solar to discuss their next steps. The room was lit with the warm glow of candles, the scent of the sea wafting through the open windows. Maps and scrolls were spread out on the table before them.

"The iron will be a valuable asset," Maege said, her tone thoughtful. "We can forge weapons and tools, but selling it will bring us much-needed gold."

The maester nodded in agreement. "We should send ravens to the nearby houses. House Glover of Deepwood Motte could use the fish to support their population. House Manderly of White Harbor, known for their wealth, might be interested in both our fish and iron. House Umber, given their proximity, would also benefit from a steady supply of iron."

"And the Boltons?" asked Maege, her brow furrowing. "They are not known for their kindness, but they are powerful and wealthy."

Maximus considered her words. "True, but we must tread carefully with the Boltons. Their reputation for cruelty is well-earned. We cannot risk aligning ourselves too closely with them."

Maege nodded. "Then we shall start with the Glovers, Manderlys, and Umbers. They are more trustworthy, and their needs align with what we can offer."

Maximus instructed the maester to draft the messages, offering trade agreements and detailing the newly discovered resources. The ravens were sent out swiftly, carrying the hope of Bear Island with them.


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