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29.54% Game of Thrones: King of Magic / Chapter 13: Chapter 12

Chapter 13: Chapter 12

Solomon. Essos.

The day at Iona's household was spent quite well. After lunch, Ms. Rizza took care of household chores, and Iona played outside under the supervision of Halon and me. The content of the conversations was not out of the ordinary, but his analyzing gaze never left my figure. He didn't comment on my appearance or clothing in any way, but he definitely made a couple of notes.

Halon was definitely of noble descent and behaved cautiously with me. No questions about family or money. I wondered what the story behind him was.

The morning after, he headed to the Pentos market to buy something. And since I was heading there too, I went with him.

He was dressed in his usual linen robes and took a small dagger with him. And I, after some thought, created a beige-colored cloak covering my entire body. Since I thought that my appearance... attracted too much attention, considering my first appearance in Winterfell.

He was surprised at my actions, raising an eyebrow, but not too much.

- So you're a sorcerer, Master Solomon?

- A Magician, to be exact. And you're not particularly surprised by that fact, Mr. Halon," I replied, "Besides, we can drop the formalities. If it's convenient for both of us, of course.

- Good. If we're both comfortable with it," he nodded, "Magic, though rare, is known to ordinary people. That's why my reaction is so weak. And now that I have the opportunity, may I ask who you are? You didn't have any bag or provisions, indicating either a lack of need or something to do with magic. You're definitely of noble blood, given your appearance and clothing. And your calmness hints at full awareness of the situation and knowing what to do and how to do it. But why were there no escorts? That's very strange.

- A traveling Magician. And I'm confident in my magic so I don't rely on guards or needs," I said in a measured tone, "And you're very strange too. This level of observation and skill of behavior is not typical of the average shell salesman. A fallen house or a bastard?

- So you're from Westeros," Halon nodded to himself, "And what about me? Let's just say something happened.

- I see. What can you tell me about Pentos? This is the first time I've visited the city. I assume you have more information than the average person.

- Is there anything in particular you're interested in? What you're asking me to tell you may take some time.

- Something specific, I suppose," I replied, thinking, "What would you single out for yourself?

- Hmm... Slavery, I think. Officially, it's forbidden in Pentos. In fact, there are still slaves. They're just called by a different name. Technically, they're free, but they can only leave if they're not in debt to their master. And the vast majority of the city's population is in debt, because the pay for labor is extremely low and does not cover the cost of shelter and food.

He paused for a moment.

- Pentos and Braavos had been at war six times, costing the city a great deal. One of the princes, formally the ruler of the city and elected by the council of magisters, who hold the real power, made a peace treaty with Braavos, forbidding Pentos to have its own army besides the city guard, more than twenty warships or mercenaries. And the abolition of slavery, of course. Is that enough, Solomon?

- Quite. - I answered and thought.


Such a policy makes Pentos defenseless, except for its high walls. But a couple of siege weapons, which don't exist yet, and the city can be taken by anyone. Hmm...

- From what I've heard, the Red Faith also plays an important role in ruling the city. Is that really true?

- It can be said that the Magisters count with it. When there's little hope, the only thing left to trust is faith in something. A decent portion of the city's population are followers of the Red Faith. And since there are essentially no soldiers, the magisters vehemently avoid confronting them and prefer to ignore the believers.

I nodded.

From Halon's words, we can conclude that there is an unspoken non-aggression pact between them. The Red Faith benefits from their position because of the increase in the number of believers, and the Magisters benefit from the presence of an outlet for the common people in the form of faith. Hmmm... I wonder who Halon was before his current life. He doesn't seem disgruntled and genuinely cares for his wife and daughter.

While I was busy pondering, we had already reached the gates of the city, where there was a small queue. Halon simply walked past it and, ignoring the guards, entered the city. The guards gave him a brief glance, but said nothing. They let me through, apparently realizing that I was with him.

As I entered the city, I was struck by its furnishings. The houses were built of sandy bricks, the roads were paved with cobblestones, and a great number of people in light clothes were walking back and forth. Two buildings stood out in particular: something that looked like a palace on a hill and another building on the opposite side of town.

- This is where I bid you farewell. I need to get to the market," Halon said, pointing east when we came to a fork in the road. "And I assume you're heading toward that temple of the Red God, the second tallest building in Pentos.

- I see, so that's the temple. Then that's really where I'm going," I said and headed in his direction, "I hope we meet again, Halon.

- Me too. - He said goodbye and disappeared into the crowd.

I walked through the streets of the city and was struck by how familiar the surroundings were to me. Merchants beckoned people into their stores and offered their wares, small groups of guards roamed the nooks and crannies looking for potential troublemakers, plainly dressed women sought customers for their special services, and, of course, "non-slaves" worked in sweat under the blazing sun and dressed in rags.

I even caught a glimpse of red priestesses broadcasting to the crowds about the benefits of believing in their god. They were beautiful and well-groomed, as well as dressed in their red robes. In their speeches, my senses picked up a subtle trace of magic that penetrated the minds of the crowd and made them more malleable.

At this leisurely pace I reached the temple doors. There were two guards standing at the door, watching the surrounding people with unblinking eyes and keeping a close watch on the building. But I didn't see any visitors who should be standing there listening to the sermons.

As I climbed the stairs leading to the temple, I stopped at its door.

- Good afternoon, gentlemen," I said hello, "May I come in and see the high priestess of the temple?

- Of course, Lord Solomon," one of them answered, which made me raise an eyebrow, "She is already waiting for you in the main hall.

- Do you already know about me? - I asked.

- The Lord of Light has informed us of your visit, my lord," the other replied, "We have been preparing for your arrival and hope you will be satisfied with our hospitality.

The two guards bowed and opened the doors of the temple, letting me inside. Once inside, I was immediately greeted by a red priestess of East Asian appearance with long black hair, who made a bow upon seeing me.

- I welcome you to our temple, Lord Solomon. My name is Fina, and I will escort you to the High Priestess. I hope we will live up to your expectations," she said in a melodious voice, to which I nodded briefly, "In that case, please follow me.

And with those words I followed her. Fina led me down a wide brick corridor lined with columns with torches hanging from them. On the way to the main hall where I was expected, every follower of R'Glor bowed respectfully when he saw my figure, even though I was still wearing my cloak with the hood over my head. Apparently Kinvara's words about loyalty to R'Glor were true, though she is a fanatic to the core.

Fina stopped at a large door with a heart carved in flames on it.

- We are here, Lord Solomon," she said and bowed. "The High Priestess awaits you behind those doors.

I nodded and gently pushed the doors open. The hall was a rectangular room with a giant brazier in the middle with a fire dancing in it, standing on a pedestal.

In front of it, in a bowed posture, stood a woman, as I realized, the High Priestess of Pentos. Long blond hair, smooth skin, and Caucasian appearance.

- It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you to our temple, Lord Solomon. You may call me simply Erin, and I hope we can make your stay in this city as comfortable as possible. - she said and straightened up.

- Thank you, Erin. Did R'Glor inform you of the reason for my arrival? - I asked as I removed my hood, causing a slight blush to appear on her face.

- Of course you have come for the Targaryen children. Our men will notify you of their arrival.

Hmm... I suppose the Red Faith is more in control of the flow of information in the city than the Magisters. Though that's not particularly surprising, given the ability of Red priests and priestesses to use magic. And the "children"? There was only a girl in the vision. Was there a relative with her? Interesting. But that could be dealt with when we met them, but for now....

- Erin.

- Yes?

- What can you tell me about the man I arrived with? I'm sure your people know something about him.

She thought for a few seconds.

- He is the son of one of the magisters named Ordello. As far as I know, he fell in love with one of the slave girls, or "free maids" as they are called here, and wanted to marry her. Ordello was extremely unhappy with his son's decision and offered him a choice: either Halon would give up his decision, or he would do as he wished and leave the city, losing his status and money. Reputation and gold were all that mattered to magisters. And he didn't want to risk the first factor.

- Interesting. But why didn't he just get rid of his son and his chosen one? The solution, though drastic, was quick and reliable.

- That is true," she nodded, "But Halon has impressive skills in management and business, and he took advantage of them by making an arrangement with his father. He would handle Ordello's affairs from time to time, and in return, he would not touch his son's family. Halon also benefited from the fact that he was his father's most capable child, something the latter did not want to lose. Ordello is old, but he hasn't lost his touch. And losing such an asset would be a foolish decision.

- I see.

So Halon wasn't coming to town to shop, but to work for his father. I have to say, I'm impressed. To be able to negotiate on that level and know one's worth in the eyes of others is a rare skill, even in modern times. Excellent for a ruler or counselor, I'd say.

- Should I send some men to watch him? I understand you're interested in this man.

- Not at all," I shook my head, "If fate wills it, we will meet again, and then we can make plans. Besides, a man like him will notice the surveillance, and I see no point in undermining his confidence.

- As you command, my lord," Erin bowed, "If that's all you're interested in, I suggest you get some rest. Fina!

When she heard her name called, she entered the hall.

- She will be your personal maid for the duration of your stay in Pentos and will take you to your chambers.

- Although I am not as skilled as the High Priestess Kinvara, I will do my best to fulfill your every need, Lord Solomon," Fina said confidently, "Please follow me.

I nodded and headed to my assigned room, accompanied by Fina.

Well, the journey to Pentos was certainly going to be interesting.


Eddard Stark. Winterfell.

- What can I do for you, Lady Kinvara? - I asked, looking up from my papers.

- Some information has come in that will interest you, Lord Stark.

- What kind of information?

- There is an assassination attempt on John Arryn.

I froze and stared into her face, searching for signs of a lie.

An assassination attempt? I know King's Landing is full of rats and snakes, but something like this? What exactly does John do to bring this on himself.

- Details?

- Something to do with the royal family. Unfortunately, that's all we've been able to find out.

- I see," I nodded, "Thank you for reporting it.

- Of course. And if I may, I suggest we send more men to the King's Landing," Lady Kinvara suggested, "There is a storm brewing, just as my king predicted. I think we should prepare.

- So do I.

- In that case, I'll take my leave," she bowed and headed for the exit, "Have a good day, Lord Stark. And may the Lord of Light and my king help us.

With those words, she left my office, and I wondered.

Given Robert's attitude toward all these intrigues and conspiracies, he doesn't pay much attention to them. But who's planning the assassination attempt? I don't think it's the master over the whisperers. He's more of a passive player, and taking such action is not his style. A Lannister, perhaps? That's a pretty solid assumption if the case involves royalty. Besides, Renly and Stannis wouldn't do something like this.

I rubbed my temples. And while I was doing so, a silver ring engraved with a wolf's head, a gift from Solomon I'd found in my room, caught my eye. It looked rather ordinary, but my, as he put it, hereditary penchant for magic told me that the ring was enchanted. Though I had no idea how or what it was enchanted with.

Standing up from the table, I went to the window and looked out at the sky.

What would Solomon have done in my shoes? Who knows...


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