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Chapter 2: We're Soulmates

"Cough... Cough... Huff..."

In a dimly lit room, the figure of an eighteen-year-old boy could be seen gasping for air while lying in a puddle that was made from a mixture of sweat and blood.

He had medium-length messy black hair that reached his shoulders and stuck to his face due to sweat, red eyes that seemed hazy with slight confusion hidden in their depths, and a handsome face that would make him the bane of all men.

Sitting up, the boy took in deep breaths as if his lungs were oxygen-deprived and he was trying to fill them to the brim –and that wasn't far from the truth as this body's owner had just died about fifteen minutes ago.

Soon getting a little control over the new body he had found himself in, the boy placed his hand on his head as he muttered. "I guess I lost."

"But the question is how am I still alive?" He asked, removing his hand from his head as he observed his body.

Barely being able to stand, the boy had a pondering expression on his face after he got on his feet. "I'm sure this was the reincarnation stuff James kept telling me about."

Cracking his joints, the boy looked around for a while before saying. "I wonder if my attack was able to kill that wretch."

"Well, I doubt it matters now since I'm already in another world," Leon said.

Subconsciously running his eyes through his body, he couldn't help but twitch his lips at the sight of the clothes he wore.

He was dressed in a faded black t-shirt that had 'F*ck it all' written on it in red font, blue jeans that had cuts on every part, and white sneakers that were barely fit for use.

Stumped, Leon could only stare at his body while saying. "Is it that this guy's fashion sense is shit or his parents are broke."

"It should be about time for me to gain this guy's memories, right?" Getting thoughts about the previous owner's fashion sense out of his mind, Leon placed his focus on the fact that he hadn't been assaulted by an influx of foreign memories.

"Well, they should be coming sooner or later." He shrugged, running his eyes through the dimly lit room he added. "I guess I should be leaving this place though."

Staring at the puddle of sweat and blood for some time, Leon began walking towards the door.

Cautious, Leon placed his ear on the door to see if anyone was behind it since the possibility of this body's owner getting murdered was high as he didn't find anything that pointed at suicide.

After about five minutes, Leon finally removed his ear from the door before slowly opening it –trying his best to prevent the wooden door from creaking too much.

'This guy's movements are so stiff.' Leon complained within him as he made a mental note to exercise while walking out of the room.

It wasn't purely the fault of the body's previous owner as Leon's soul isn't used to this new body so his mental and body coordination was shitty.

Walking towards a wooden pillar that wasn't too far away from him, Leon had a cautious look on his face as he observed his surroundings with scrutiny.

"I thought I killed you?"


Startled by the light feminine voice he heard, Leon wasn't given enough time to react when he found a small delicate hand with smooth silky skin moving along his chest.

"I kinda preferred your former build." A pretty-looking girl who seemed to be a year younger with black hair and amethyst purple eyes said as she seemed to be appreciating Leon's barely noticeable pecs.

"How'd you get here?" Ignoring her hands that kept roaming across his chest, Leon had his eyebrows knitted as he stared at the girl in front of him.

"Honestly, I don't know. I just found myself in this body after your last attack landed." She replied, having a sad expression on her face as she drew a heart on Leon's chest.

Feeling utter disgust from how she was acting chummy with him, Leon was barely able to stop himself from punching her face.

Aware that she was powerful enough to kill him with ease unlike before when he could at least run away, the frown on Leon's face deepened as he asked. "Do you have your previous powers?"

"And why are you asking such a question, my dear Leon?" She replied, having a seductive-looking smile on her pretty face.

Cautious, Leon stared into her purple eyes for some time before closing his eyes and saying. "It's alright if you don't want to answer."

To him, it was better to make it sound like he was curious than to let her know he was powerless as that would spell instant death.

"You're no fun." She sighed, looking back into Leon's eyes she added. "I still have my abilities. The both of them plus the one the owner of this body had."

"I see..." Leon replied, thinking deeply about why he couldn't gain access to his previous abilities and only had those of his new body.

"So tell me, Leon what do you plan to do now?" She asked, having a sadistic smile bloom across her face as spectral-looking silver chains materialized around her.

Heaving a sigh, Leon closed his eyes and said. "I guess you found out."

"It wasn't hard really, I just seeped a tiny bit of my energy into you and since you didn't react I was able to find out some things." She said, seeing that Leon had no plans to ask her about how she found out.

"So what're you gonna do to me now?" He asked with extremely calm eyes while trying his best to move his fingers.

'I guess she used her spiritual pressure to keep me in place.' Leon thought, having no change in his expression after finding out that he had literally become a sitting duck.

As her smile got wider, she said while still running her finger along Leon's chest. "For someone whose life is hanging by a thread, you're awfully calm."

After a few seconds, she backed away from Leon and said. "Well, I have no use of you currently so I guess I'll let you go."


With a snap of her finger, the spectral silver chains behind her dissolved into thin air as the pressure on Leon's body receded like it was never there.

Taking a second to crack his joints after her spiritual pressure was lifted off of him, Leon looked at her and said. "You know you could've done that with a thought."

Not giving her a chance to reply, Leon asked. "So where are you headed?"

"For now, I have no destination in mind. You?"

Looking at her for a while, Leon said as he stared into the distance. "I'll be going to this person's family so that I can have a rough idea about this world and his life."

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed as the duo kept on talking like they were good friends and had forgotten that they hated each other's guts.

"To make it clear, I will still be coming back for your head Vivian," Leon said, turning his back towards her he added. "And remember that I won't forgive you no matter what."

Leon's voice was cold as killing intent radiated off him, he had clenched his fist so tight that his knuckles turned white with memories of his loved ones getting killed flashed through his eyes.

"I'll be expecting you." She said, having a smile on her face as she looked at Leon's retreating figure.

Ignoring her remark, Leon spared her a glance before he continued walking. It was best if he didn't anger her because if he did with his current strength, death wouldn't be too far away from him.

Just as Leon was about to reach for the doorknob, the figure of a burly dark-skinned man with an ugly face entered the hallway with a plasma rifle in his hand.

"How're you still alive?" Shocked, the man stared at the figures of Leon and Vivian with a wide open jaw.

Immediately getting rid of the shock he felt, the man aimed at Leon's head as he spoke while chuckling creepily. "I'll just have to kill you again and this time ensure you stay dead. Hehehe..."


As a greenish glow radiated from the gun's muzzle, the aimed at Leon's forehead with the smile on his face getting wider than it initially was.

Barely seeing a green blur pass a few centimeters away from his face, a smile found it's way to Leon's face as he looked at the man like the latter was already dead.

"I'll kill you if you touch him." Vivian said, materializing right by Leon's side she added. "Well, I'd have killed you either way so it doesn't matter."

Trembling where he stood, the man had his body drenched in cold sweat as he asked with fear evident in his tone. "W- What the hell are you guys?"

Since he had entered into this line of work, he had seen a lot of strange abilities but nothing he had seen had come close to this and honestly, it had scared the shit out of him.

"We?" Vivian asked casually, ignoring the fear in that man's eyes she looked at Leon's face and added with a smile. "We're soulmates."

Shege Shege

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