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87.5% Marvel: The Last Exorcist / Chapter 13: A Protest Gone Wrong

Chapter 13: A Protest Gone Wrong

"Hwaaa~" Yawning, Desmond scratched his head and sat in bed allowing himself to actually wake up. Slowly, he got out from bed and grabbed his phone checking the time.

"2pm, I can still hit up that breakfast cafe I guess. Hwaaa~" Still yawning, he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth before grabbing taking out some baggy sweatpants and a graphic tank top.

He grabbed his wallet and keys, but sighed remembering the events from last night. He put on his shades and braces before leaving the hotel. Momentarily, he walked into an alleyway and in the next instance he made his way to the rooftops.

"I guess I'll order an egg and sausage wrap. I hope they still have croissant bread though." Eyeing a certain building, Desmond jogged across the roof and jumped onto the next.

In less than a minute he made it down a city block and arrived at the building, hopping down from their rooftop.

He casually walked through the door kicking away the small curses around it. Walking to the counter he asked for the breakfast wrap, but he was out of luck on the bread.

"It's fine, I'll take that to go and some coffee I guess." Paying the woman, he got himself some coffee and sat in a chair to wait and went through news reports.

[Old Park set for restoration after community says "The vibe changed"]

'The GreenOak Park?' He thought as he scrolled past it and read about more.

[Violent increase in drug abuse state wide.]

[Woman reported missing for 5 days has her remains found…]

[Influx in statewide riots…]

[Why you should stand against local politician…]

[New York citizen happiness plummets over the years by…]

Turning his phone off, Desmond leaned back and sighed. Suddenly a delightful aroma entered his nose and he turned around.

"It's ready." The cashier said as she wrapped it and placed it inside a small paper bag.

He thanked her and grabbed his food, sipping on his coffee as he left. Afterwards, he back tracked to his hotel and went to his room.

As the doors closed, he let out a breath and sat on his bed with his legs crossed as he ate his food.

He sat in his room quietly left alone with his thoughts.

'I'm entirely too weak. With what I'm doing now I'm not even putting a dent in the curses on this street alone. It's like they respawn as soon as they're killed.'

He took a bit of his breakfast wrap.

'Rather than strength, I just don't have the versatility to get things done fast enough. Why though?'

Thoughtful, he went over everything he had in his arsenal.

1. His innit technique is the natural production of positive energy. Holy Genesis

2. Divine Impact. Basic punches and Kicks enhanced with positive energy that touches the soul for purification and purging.

3. Magical Equipment. Charms embued with his energy for activation. Different charms have different effects.

While it was a solid foundation, Desmond felt that he needed more. He felt he could DO MORE. However, he didn't know what more he could do.

Finishing his coffee, Desmond got up and threw the trash away and grabbed the necklace from around his doorknob and got back into bed.

He put his hands together with the necklace around them and spoke a prayer.

"I request guidance and understanding once again, Father. I ask you to open my eyes and focus my vision on things I have yet to understand and to sharpen my mind to comprehend the things I think I do understand. I pray to you, my King in White and my Father in life. Enlighten me."

He held his position and calmly breathed. With his mind clear, the properties of his energy came to mind. His energy alone was why he could purify things or purge the bad from the good. Essentially healing things.

"What kind of technique am I in need of right now?" He muttered to himself.

'I heal passively, so that's not needed. I need something long ranged. Something like the arrows Dani uses.' In his mind a new technique was developing.

He opened his eyes and went through his backpack, and pulled out a journal he bought a few days ago. He had the idea to just use it to write out his ideas and notes about things he found out later.

He put in his earbuds and played some music as he then began scribbling in his notebook.

[Ethereal Volley]

Conjures spears that targets curses and demons, weakening and damaging them on impact. Once the attack lands, all penetrating spears continue to weaken the target until they're broken, pulled out, or purged all impurities from said target.

"It turned out to be a pretty solid technique on paper." Desmond said as he tapped his chin with the pencil. He closed the notebook and began practicing.

He sat on his bed with one hand out. The way he understood it, he needed his energy to transform into a complete construct for him to even use this idea.

Slowly, he let his energy ease out of his hand producing a dazzling white mist that fell from his arm. Seeing that he wasn't using enough energy to form the construct, Desmond increased his output.

'Take the shape of a javelin. Sharp ends, sharper than the sharpest needle to strike the manifestation of impurity with a heavily might! Have the endurance to withstand the impure with its purifying light and the will to purge the wretched creatures created by a wretched world.'

He opened his eyes and saw a javelin made of his energy as it frothed with a twinkling white mist.

His eyes lit up as he got ready to celebrate, but in that instance the javelin lost shape and the energy was dispelled into the surroundings.

Slouching down, he sighed and knew it'd be a long day considering how much energy he's wasting. It'd be better if he didn't have to supply the technique with so much energy just to form the shape, but he didn't have enough control to conjure a complete structure from a small amount.

He could probably do this for 35-40 minutes straight before he's completely emptied of his energy.

With an idea in his head and a goal set, he sat in his room and decided to train till he can at least conjure three spears.

"Maybe I'll order a pizza later."


[Xavior's Academy]

"That bastard keeps endorsing these guys, we can't just keep chopping at its tail if we wanna stop this guy!!" Sunspot shouted as he slammed his fist on the table.

"I don't know if your skull is as thick as your skin, but you don't think we can just go up to the guy and take him down right? He has public officals behind him, we can't take that big of a risk." Wolfsbane argued.

"So we should just keep running behind his tail? He obviously knows we haven't went after him personally because it coukd ruin mutant image even more and he's using that to his advantage!!"

"We didn't say we would leave him alone, but it's difficult." Karma replied.

"I also want to go scorch him into a pile of bones but, they're right. It's too risky." Chamber replied calmly.

Everyone at the table began talking over each other in a heated argument. Dani watched them with cold eyes as she raised her fist and slammed it on the table, breaking off the corner.

"We'll proceed like we always have. Keep taking out those that he endorses and bring in any and all data you can gather on him. Anything regarding legal matters would be better than anything. We need to get him scared. Scared enough to be so anxious he leaves an opening. For now, we'll start releasing the info that we do have regarding those that've been funded by him or paid off by him."

Without saying another word, Mirage got up from her seat and dismissed everyone. She walked down the halls, headed to her room even though she had an appointment she was staying in as well.

Sitting on her bed, Dani sighed with her head in her hands as her mind scrambled thinking about all the problems that needed her attention as the leader of the team.

Suddenly her communicator beeped, startling her before she saw what it was. It was a red message meaning there was a problem that needed urgent attention.

Her eyes harden and she scrutinized the message.

"What the hell are these people doing?!" Wasting no time, Dani jumped from her bed and hastily gathered the team and some equipment before they hopped into their ship and flew off towards a possible massacre.




[As you can see law enforcement has already started their use of gases to clear out the mutant protesters. Now, Ias we watch this event unfold I'd like to ask everyone how smart they think it is to cause distress amongst a group of empowered individuals who have yet to have full control of their powers?]

"How brainless are these people?" I couldn't help but voice the annoyance I felt watching the live footage of the protest.

It started off peaceful. No road blockins, they weren't bothering people nor were they causing any form of uproar. I know this for a fact because they went through this street a few hours ago.

I sighed and continued with my training. After a few hours I was finally able to sustain 2 javelins, but I still had to sustain them with a constant flow of energy or else the construct would break down.

Still though, this was just the beginning. My goal is to get to the point where


"The fuck was that?!" I jumped up and went towards my window. There was a huge cloud of smoke some blocks over.

I had no clue what the cause was, but that was something I definitely needed to go chexk out. I put on more comfortable clothes to fight in and attached my leg pouch before jumoing out the window and running towards the commotion.

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