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75% Marvel: The Last Exorcist / Chapter 11: Gonna Get Some Foo-ood!!

Chapter 11: Gonna Get Some Foo-ood!!

"The view from here isn't half bad. I'll come purge it tonight." Turning his head to the right, Desmond pulled out his phone and raised it towards the huge tower with an "A" plastered on it.

But he dropped it down in anguish.

"If only curses could be seen on camera." Peeking over the rooftop he was on, Desmond watched his new target walk down the street in a fast pace and hurriedly followed him.

Looking ahead of him he saw the perfect spot to intercept him and moved forward, dropping into an alleyway a few feet from him. He hones in on the demons power and the moment he appeared in front of Desmond, the demon was snatched up and slammed into a wall.

Grunting from the recoil, it morphed from the human disguise and wrapped Desmonds arms with tentacles. Avoiding the following stab attempt, Desmond rotated his wrists and pulled the demon closer to him, before launching both his feet into its chest.

"Pathetic." Desmond smirked and ripped both its arms off. Catching himself on one foot, he followed up with a backkick, planting the demon in the wall.

The building trembled as the demon pushed itself forward.

"I gotta ask you a few questions, so I'll be postponing your purification." The demon's body recovered from losing its tentical arms and eyed Desmond.

To him, Desmond looked like an angelic being with a burning white soul. His power was godly, yet it was contained in this human vessel.

He sneered. His limbs suddenly sharpened as crystallized armor covered his body with sharp protrusions on his arms.

"You look cooler, but it's just not enough." The demon rushed him, and swung at his throat. Blocking the attack, Desmond countered with an uppercut and sidekicked the demon immediately after.

"You're tough as hell I'll give you that." Getting a grasp on how tough the demon's defenses were, Desmond flashed in front of him and with full force he pummeled the demon.

Feeling the brunt of Desmond's attacks, the demon lashed out and tried to capture him, but he was faster. Jumping off the demons body he repositioned himself and threw a charm on the demon, binding him in chains.

"Wasn't so hard." He said looking down at the demon smugly.

He noticed a chain trembling and quickly threw another binding charm on him.


«what possessed you to think that was a good name?»

<It's not that bad thoo>

«Imagine I'm dropping from the sky and do some cool hero landing and I need to announce my arrival»

«"The Preist" has arrived!! Headass»


<see now you're dtm I hope the name you choose is lame>

<and nobody likes it>

«You came up with "Mirage" for yourself but can't help me with a good name?»

«Thats crazy me personally I'd never do you like that."

<Womp Womp>


Sighing, I told her I'd call after getting back to my hotel.

"Now, let's have yoh start answering my questions." I said, looking up at the demon I had floating and restrained.


"Tsk tsk, you aren't in any position to be making demands. How about you tell me more about yourself, like what exactly are you? You're fundamentally different from what I'm used to."

The demon ignored me and continued to struggle in the chains. Seeing this, I started getting annoyed and winded up a punch that sent the demon crashing through the building they were in.

Retrieving the demon, I watched as it cackled.

"You don't even realize that you're doing no damage yo me. Once there's chains break-"

I put another set of chains on the demon and released just a bit of my cursed energy.

The feeling of my power flowing across my body was always such a sensational one. I kept the output to a minimum that I thought wouldn't completely purify the bastard.

I touched the demons armor and it cracked as the fluttering magical residue traveled across the spot I touched.

"You see how much I was sparing you before right? Real attacks from me are directed at your soul not your body. You could probably tell, but I wasn't taking you as a threat at all."

I removed the levitation charm and stood over the demon. I wanted to make this quick, but the sun was already going down. If it comes down to it, I'll just kill this guy and find more.

"Just who the hell are you?" The demon spat with anger very much present in his tone.

I casually slapped the demon and its armor shattered as parts of its face began to breakdown.

"What are you?"

"I'm the great demon Bor'an! I've-"

Slapping him again I continued.

"You're a demon? Tell me, can you see the various curses that are currently all around us?"

"The shades that are manifested from humans were caused by us demons you dolt! Our great devil Mephisto will soon come back to this world and turn these shades right back on the humans that produced them!!"

Watching the demon cackle, I runbed at the fuzz on my chin and thought about what he'd just said.

"Where's this Mephisto right now?"

"He's already here. It's just a matter of time before he awakens and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Hell, killing me would do nothing but add towards his awakening."

"I see."

"See? What you're doing is pointless. If you release me, I-"

I stepped on the demon's mouth and pulled out my phone, feeling it vibrate.

It was a message from Nick.

<How've you been using the gift I gave you?>

He was talking about the $10k he gave me as a "gift" but it was more like a bribe. I rolled my eyes and replied.

«Currently interrogating a demon right now»

Seconds after the message was delivered, I was getting a video call notification from his number.

Sighing, I answered the call.

"Hey N-"

"Flip the camera, I gotta see this."

I flipped the camera and watched his eyelid widen as he saw Bor'an on the ground under my feet.

"How the fuck did it get this bad?" Nick said with a tired sigh.

"Alright, send me everything you know about this. Maybe I can figure out a counter measure or-"

"Nick. I'm the countermeasure." Saying that I crushed the demon's head under my feet and let Nick watch as the demon began to vanish into a sparkling mist.

"Noted. So what're you going to do now?"

"What I've always done."

"And what's that? From what I know, you just go and defeat curses whenever you felt like it and used your power with no real purpose! What are you hoping to accomplish, Desmond?"

Side eyeing him on my phone, I hung up and left the building. I got enough information and although it's faint, I can definitely sense something from that tower.

Even now, as I stood on the streets I could see its head peaking over the other buildings touching an orange sky.

I got on my motorcycle and rode further into the city. Heavy thoughts should always be consolidated with a heavy meal after all.

"Oh, I wonder if I should invite Dani."


Miles away from Desmond, Dani was currently in the midst of taking down a warehouse of an imprisoned drug lord. Bursting through the window she shot three constructed arrows into her unsuspecting targets.




Diving into a roll, she continued to disaable her adversaries.

"It's a mutant!! Capture her!!"

Mirage jumped from cover and shot four more of the men.

"Seven more." She peaked around and saw the lackies had all took cover and the gunmen couldn't find her.

Inhaling, she popped up and struck all seven gunmen with ease, clearing the station. The henchmen there were speechless at what they saw, but were powerless to do anything.

Slowly they all got up and dropped to their knees with their hands up and heads down.

"Don't worry, some of you won't be going straight to prison." Mirage pulled out a communicator and pressed a button causing a red light to flash.

"There's gonna be a unit here to get you guys soon and don't even think of running." Feeling the sternness of her voice, the hench men flinched. Above them, her eyes dropped on them like ice as she spoke.



Dani reached down into her utility belt and checked her phone. She knew her teammates didn't normally text her when she's out on solo missions, so she knew it could only be Desmond.


«Wanna get some food??»


«I just finished fighting some baddies»

The henchmen watched as Dani stood there typing while occasionally cracking a small smile and chuckling to herself.

«Dude had one job and he folded"

«How tf you let yourself get caught putting your drugs into your street food»

Now laughing at his reply she told him how he was scared just seeing mutants even though he was a member of the Anti-Mutant Union.

Their texting went back and forwards for a while before the communicatir beeped and the sound of engines weren't too far away.

<The units almost here, I'm gonna go back and get rdy>

<I'll call you once I get there>

«In the meantime I'll look for a good spot»

<Not too fancy though>

<I got an appetite right now yk>

«same I planned to eat like a pig tonight»

Sending him a luhhing GIF, she put the phone in her pocket and turned around just as the warehouse doors were opening.

A small unit of agents geared in all black equipment with a yellow 'X' on there chest walked into the building.

"There's 14 disabled and 20 henchies. Pretty small team, but as you can see, they managed to stock up nicely." Her hands gestured to all the stockpiles of crates containing numerous samtof a very effective drug.

"Nice work as always Mirage." The unit leader shook her hand and got straight to business.

"Get the slobbing fuckers onto the car and cuff the henchies!!" The unit got to work loading up everyone into the truck and checked how many crate units there were and performed other detailed investigation.

Mirage was already gone, on her way back home to take a much needed shower.


"You said nothing too fancy, but everything looks fancy here." I scrolled through images of good places to eat and every sit in diner or restaurant looks nice I couldn't pick one.

"Ouuu actually there's a food truck I've been eating at a lot we can go there! I had some lamb chops the other day and they perfecto~" I heard her kiss her hand as she said that and laughed, but I had to remind her of one thing.

"Now Dani…if we get there and the food bad your ass gonna be the one getting grilled the whole night."

"Shut up, the food's better than anything you've had in DC." Her tone was laced with displeasure, but I digressed.

"You've never been to 'The Diner', so I'll forgive your ignorance tonight."

"Riiiight, I'm almost done getting ready you can start driving."

"Alright, I'm on the way."

Hanging up the call, I pushed off from a rooftop and landed on the ground, next to my motorcycle.

I put on my helmet and started the engine while singing to myself that I was gonna get some food.


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