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The Hoover Crest Tryouts Begin

Monday morning arrived, and Jackson woke up again with the first light of dawn. The morning serenity greeted him as he slipped out of bed, stretched his limbs, and quietly left the house to avoid waking his mother.

He headed to his usual cultivation spot—the large rock at the edge of the neighboring woods. The sky was tinged with soft hues of orange and pink, the perfect backdrop for his morning ritual.

As usual, Jackson settled onto the rock, crossing his legs and closing his eyes. As the first rays of the sun kissed his skin, he began practicing the Sun Embrace Technique, feeling the warmth and energy flow into his body.

Transitioning seamlessly to the Solar Veins Mantra, he focused on directing the absorbed Sun Qi towards his abdomen. His goal this morning was to open up the meridians in his abdomen and link them to his Dantian, a crucial step towards becoming a rank-four meridian-opening stage cultivator.

The Solar Heartstone in his chest pulsed rhythmically, syncing with his heartbeat and guiding the Sun Qi through his meridians. Minutes passed, and Jackson felt an almost unbearable discomforting sensation, like hot liquid flowing through his abdominal veins.

He pushed through the pain, determined to make progress. As the mandated 30 minutes finally elapsed, he felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him. While he hadn't unlocked all his abdominal meridians or linked any of them to his mystical Dantian, he had still made significant progress. According to his estimate, he would likely break through to rank four soon. Of course, that is if nothing unexpected came up during his next few days of cultivation.

With a sense of accomplishment, Jackson jogged back home, feeling more powerful and agile than the previous day. Despite his excitement, a tinge of anxiety lingered in his mind—today was the day of the Hoover Crest High School football tryouts. He couldn't shake off the worry about whether he would perform well enough to make it onto the school roster.

As he entered the house, the comforting aroma of breakfast greeted him. As usual, his mother, Evelyn, was in the kitchen, humming a melody as she cooked. She turned and smiled at him as he eventually entered the small kitchen. "Morning, Jackson! You're back early today. Go freshen up. Breakfast is almost ready."

Jackson nodded and headed to the shower. The warm water washed away his fatigue, and he felt refreshed and ready for the day. After drying off, he put on a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt, then joined his mother in the kitchen. Evelyn had increased his portions lately, noticing his dedication to his morning jogs and training.

"Sorry, sweetheart, but today is a busy day at the hospital. I won't be able to eat breakfast with you," Evelyn said, placing a generous plate of food in front of him.

"That's okay, Mom. Thanks for breakfast," Jackson replied, digging in.

Evelyn flashed him a quick smile and darted off to her room to prepare for work.

As the door clicked shut behind her, Jackson soaked in the warm feeling of his mom's care. He quickly finished wolfing down his breakfast and then grabbed his bag before yelling a cheerful goodbye to his mom, who answered from her room. With that, he dashed out of the house and made a beeline for school, arriving just in the nick of time.

Once inside the school, he exchanged some books at his locker just as the first bell rang. He hurried to his first lesson of the day—mathematics. Usually, it was his favorite subject, but today, he struggled to hold his attention.

His mind kept drifting to the football tryouts scheduled for the afternoon. And since he was in the front row, his lack of focus didn't go unnoticed by the old mathematics teacher, Mr. Stanley, a no-nonsense educator known for his sharp eyes and strict demeanor.

"Mr. Ryder, is everything alright? You seem a bit distracted today," Mr. Stanley asked, peering over his glasses.

Jackson snapped out of his thoughts. "I'm sorry, Mr. Stanley. I'm just a bit preoccupied. I'll focus."

The rest of the morning passed in a blur. Jackson tried his best to stay attentive, but his thoughts repeatedly drifted to the tryouts. When the lunch bell rang, he breathed a sigh of relief, basking in the fact that there were no more classes in the afternoon due to the tryouts. Hustling to the cafeteria, he indulged in a satisfying meal and hydrated, knowing he needed to be at his best for the upcoming challenge.

After lunch, he stopped by his locker to retrieve his gear. The hallways buzzed with the usual chatter, though Jackson was in his own world. But as he changed into his sportswear, he caught snippets of conversation about the tryouts that finally drew his attention.

"Hey, did you hear about Liam Thompson?" one voice exclaimed, the excitement behind evident.

"Yeah, I know him. He's Coach Linda Thompson's son, who won the 400-meter school championship as a sophomore. I heard he's also a talented football player with great instincts for the game. He's bound to make it onto the football roster."

Another voice chuckled. "You guys are missing out on the latest news. Trustworthy sources have confirmed that Alex 'Xander' Johnson will also participate in the tryouts. He's the brother of Ethan 'Tank' Johnson."

The first voice gasped. "You mean Ethan 'Tank' Johnson, our Varsity team's captain and star linebacker?"

"Exactly. Alex has a good chance of making the Junior Varsity or even the Varsity team. I'd love to join the excitement, but you know Coach Harris— he doesn't tolerate any untalented slackers on the football team."

Jackson's heart pounded as he processed what he had just heard. Liam Thompson and Xander Johnson—tough competitors, no doubt. But he wasn't intimidated. Not anymore.

He knew he had undergone a transformation, becoming stronger and more agile than his former self, thanks to the power of the Solar Heartstone and his practice of the Eternal Radiance Scripture. Battling the anxiety that threatened to grip him, he laced up his cleats and strode purposefully towards the football field, ready to give it his all.

The football field was already alive with activity. Dozens of boys milled about, stretching and warming up. Coach David Harris, a tall, stern black man with a no-nonsense attitude, stood near the bleachers with a clipboard, observing the hopefuls.

Jackson spotted the other coaches as well. There was Coach Linda Thompson, the offensive coordinator and one of the few female coaches in the league; Coach Eric Reynolds, the defensive coordinator; and a few more trainers.

The senior Varsity team members were also present, including Ethan 'Tank' Johnson, the assertive team captain and linebacker, and Kevin 'Ace' Brown, the leading star quarterback, among other stars Jackson didn't fully recognize.

Jackson's eyes then landed on the influential Junior Varsity team members overseeing the tryouts: Mike Larson, the rising star quarterback, and Trent McGee, the fast-rising linebacker who usually gave Jackson a hard time.

These guys were in the same junior year grade as Jackson, but already everything Jackson wanted to be. They were powerful, famous around the school, and natural athletes. Nevertheless, he wouldn't let their success intimidate him. He had his strengths now.

Jackson began warming up and stretching, attracting a few surprised stares. Everyone seemed to wonder what the super nerd was doing on the field. Did he finally go bonkers after reading so many books to the point of mistaking the football field for the library?

Jackson ignored them, focusing on warming his body like he had read and seen in books and football videos. As always, he dedicated his entire mind and focus to the task, firmly blocking out the whispers and stares.

Finally, Coach David Harris called for everyone to gather up. On cue, Jackson and the other boys stopped whatever they were doing before quickly forming a semi-circle around him.

The coach grinned fiendishly, exposing a sparkling golden tooth. "Alright, boys, today we're here to see what you're made of. We'll start with warm-ups, move on to drills, and finish with scrimmages. Give it your best shot."

The whistle sounded, and the first group of boys quickly lined up for the first drill: the 40-yard dash. Jackson's heart raced as he waited for his turn. He watched as Liam Thompson, with his confident stride, took off, his speed impressive. Next up was Alex 'Xander' Johnson, who ran with the powerful grace of a natural athlete, no doubt influenced by his older brother.

Finally, it was Jackson's turn. He took his place at the starting line, feeling the familiar surge of power fueled by the Sun Qi within him. He had trained for this.

"Go!" Coach Harris shouted.

With a burst of explosive energy, Jackson surged forward, propelled by the sheer power and agility he had meticulously cultivated during his hours of training with the Eternal Radiance Scripture. Every sinew of his body coiled and unleashed, driving him forward at breakneck speed.

Gasping for breath, Jackson eventually crossed the finish line as the waves of exhilaration rippled within him. Despite the fatigue, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, knowing that his time would stand clear as a testament to his unwavering dedication and hard work.

Mujunel_the_Mystic Mujunel_the_Mystic

Note: The JV team is a secondary sports team comprising younger or less experienced players who are not yet prepared for varsity-level competition. In high school sports, the JV team offers a platform for players to develop their skills and gain experience before potentially moving up to the more competitive varsity team. Typically, the JV team is mostly made up of freshmen and sophomores. But occasionally, juniors and even seniors who require further development may also play on the JV team.

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