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10.71% Satoru Gojo in Black Clover / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Echoes of the Past

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Echoes of the Past

The air crackled with dark magic as Gojo parried the cloaked figure's assault. The figure, a mere pawn in a larger game, possessed surprising power, fuelled by a twisted version of the Clover Kingdom's mana. But against Gojo, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, it stood no chance.

With a swift maneuver, Gojo delivered a precise blow, disrupting the dark magic flow and sending the figure sprawling. He crouched beside the unconscious form, his blindfold flickering open briefly. The crimson eye stared back, devoid of recognition, a hollow vessel for the malevolent force manipulating it.

"Just a puppet," Gojo muttered, a flicker of frustration crossing his features. He needed answers, and this weakened husk wouldn't provide them.

Yuno, his wind magic swirling defensively around him, approached cautiously. "Gojo, are you okay?"

Gojo chuckled, his voice echoing in the alleyway. "Just peachy, kid. Though, I wouldn't mind knowing who's been pulling the strings of this little show."

Suddenly, a voice, cold and disembodied, echoed from the darkness. "So, the rumors were true. A sorcerer from beyond has indeed arrived in the Clover Kingdom."

Gojo whipped around, his senses on high alert. Nothing was visible, yet he felt a presence unlike anything he'd encountered in this world. It was ancient, powerful, and shrouded in an aura of dark magic unlike the twisted version he'd been battling.

"Show yourself, coward," Gojo challenged, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

A chuckle, devoid of humor, filled the alleyway. "There is no need for theatrics, Gojo Satoru. We are aware of who you are, and your...interesting abilities. It seems you've taken an interest in our little operation."

"Operation?" Gojo scoffed. "More like a pathetic attempt to disrupt the flow of mana in this kingdom."

"Disrupt? No, my dear Gojo," the voice replied, a hint of amusement creeping in. "We are merely restoring balance. This world has forgotten its true potential, its connection to the primal source."

Gojo narrowed his eyes. This being spoke of a primal source, a concept that vaguely resonated with his own understanding of cursed energy. Could there be a connection?

"And what exactly is your primal source?" he countered, trying to draw the entity out.

"That," the voice responded, a hint of malice entering its tone, "is not for you to know. However, you would be wise to stay out of our way. This world is not for the likes of you."

With those final words, the voice faded, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake. Gojo remained motionless for a moment, his brow furrowed in thought. This entity, whoever they were, held the key to understanding the dark magic and its connection to the Clover Kingdom's mana.

Turning to Yuno, who stood wide-eyed and bewildered, Gojo offered a reassuring smile. "Seems like things just got a little more complicated, kid. But don't worry, we'll figure it out."

Despite Gojo's confident words, a sliver of unease gnawed at him. He'd underestimated this world, its magic, and the forces lurking beneath the surface. He needed to learn more, and fast.

The next morning, Gojo decided to pay a visit to the Clover Kingdom's Royal Capital, a towering city that pulsed with magical energy. He figured the Magic Knights, this kingdom's elite magic force, might have some answers about the whispers of a primal source and the dark magic threat.

Yuno, ever determined to prove himself, insisted on accompanying him. Gojo, seeing the fire in the young mage's eyes, reluctantly agreed.

The journey to the capital was an eye-opener. They travelled through bustling towns and serene landscapes, each brimming with magical energy. Gojo witnessed mages channeling their mana into everyday life, using it for construction, transportation, and even entertainment. It was unlike anything he'd seen in the jujutsu world, where cursed energy was a constant threat.

As they approached the capital, a towering structure dominated the skyline – the Magic Knight headquarters. It was a magnificent building, adorned with intricate carvings and radiating a sense of power.

Inside, the atmosphere buzzed with activity. Mages in various uniforms scurried around, their mana pulsing faintly. Gojo, ever the showman, decided to make a grand entrance. He deactivated his blindfold, unleashing the full power of his sky-blue eyes. The surrounding mages gasped, momentarily stunned by the sheer power radiating from him.

"Excuse me," Gojo said, his voice booming through the hall, "but I'm looking for someone in charge.


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