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22.22% Dragon Ball: The Legend of an Earthling / Chapter 2: Foundation Training

Chapter 2: Foundation Training

Zentaru wandered around Mount Paozu for half a day, exploring the unfamiliar terrain. The landscape was vast and diverse, filled with thick forests, rolling hills, and jagged mountains. As he moved through the area, he encountered various kinds of beasts. Despite being in the body of a 5-year-old, Zentaru's killing intent was enough to scare those creatures away.

A large boar with tusks the size of small swords charged at him, but Zentaru stood his ground, eyes narrowed and Enma held firmly in his tiny hands. The boar hesitated, sensing the deadly aura emanating from the small boy, before turning tail and fleeing into the underbrush.

"A lot of strange creatures here," Zentaru mused, sheathing Enma. "I need to get a better understanding of this place."

Continuing his journey, he encountered more beasts: giant lizards, towering birds, and even a sabre-toothed tiger. Each time, his intense killing intent made the creatures reconsider attacking. His previous life as a warrior had left him with a presence that belied his young appearance.

As the sun began to set, Zentaru decided it was time to create a temporary shelter. He found a suitable location near a river, where the water was clear and the area was relatively safe. Using his knowledge from his previous life, he fashioned a small, sturdy house from the materials available: wood, stones, and large leaves. It wasn't much, but it would serve as a home until he could better assess his situation and make more permanent arrangements.

Zentaru stepped back and surveyed his handiwork. The house was small, with a slanted roof to keep out the rain and a makeshift door made from woven branches. Inside, he had constructed a simple bed from soft grass and leaves.

"This should do for now," he said to himself, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "At least I have a place to rest and think."

He walked to the river and knelt, cupping his hands to drink the cool, refreshing water. As he quenched his thirst, he looked at his reflection, seeing the face of a child staring back at him. The sight was still strange to him, but it was a reality he had to accept.

"First things first," Zentaru said, standing up and wiping his hands on his pants. "I need to understand this world."

As he continued exploring, Zentaru stumbled upon a small dinosaur grazing nearby. Deciding it would make a good meal, he prepared to hunt it. The dinosaur noticed Zentaru and charged at him, but Zentaru was ready. Despite his young body, he utilized the techniques he had learned from Zoro.

Zentaru quickly picked up two sturdy sticks and placed Enma in his mouth, mimicking the Three-Sword Style. "Three-Sword Style: Oni Giri!" Zentaru shouted, his voice slightly muffled by the sword. His movements were fluid and precise, cutting through the air with deadly accuracy. The dinosaur tried to counter, but Zentaru was too fast. The sticks, however, broke under the strain of the technique.

"My control is bad," Zentaru muttered to himself, frustrated. "If Father saw this, he would punish me."

He reminisced for a moment about his childhood, recalling a time when he was training with Zoro. Zentaru had struggled to control his strength and precision, often breaking his practice swords or missing his targets. Zoro, with a stern look, would make him repeat the drills endlessly until he got it right.

"Your control is everything," Zoro would say. "A swordsman without control is like a ship without a rudder. If you can't control your power, you'll never reach your full potential."

Those words echoed in Zentaru's mind as he looked at the broken sticks. He remembered the countless hours spent under Zoro's strict guidance, the frustration of failure, and the satisfaction of finally mastering a technique.

"I won't disappoint you, Father," Zentaru whispered, determination flaring in his eyes.

He followed up with a "One-Sword Style: Tatsu Maki," spinning to create a small whirlwind that disoriented the dinosaur. With one final move, he used "One-Sword Style: Shi Shi Sonson," slicing through the beast with incredible speed, leaving it immobilized.

As the adrenaline began to fade, Zentaru felt his body burning and aching from the exertion. "Looks like I need to train my strength because this body can't handle my techniques," he muttered, frustration mingling with determination.

He then set about catching and preparing his dinner. Using his hunting skills, he managed to bring down the small dinosaur. He cooked the meat over a fire he built using stones and sticks, the smell of roasting meat filling the air. As he sat by the fire, he tore into a leg of the dinosaur, savouring the taste. It was different from anything he had tasted before, but it nourished and strengthened him.

As the stars began to twinkle in the sky, Zentaru entered his small house and lay down on his makeshift bed. The sounds of the night filled the air, a symphony of insects and distant animal calls. Despite the unfamiliar surroundings, Zentaru felt a strange sense of peace. This was a new beginning, a chance to start over and become even stronger than before.

The next morning, Zentaru woke up early and decided it was time to begin his foundation training. He started with a warm-up, performing dynamic stretches to loosen his muscles and prepare his body for the rigorous exercises ahead. He remembered Zoro's training regime and tried to mimic it as best as he could.

He began with basic exercises to build strength and endurance, such as push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. Despite his young body, Zentaru pushed himself hard, knowing that this was the only way to regain his former strength and control. He continued with more dynamic movements, like jumping jacks and high knees, to increase his agility and flexibility.

"This is just the beginning," Zentaru reminded himself as he pushed through his training routine. "I will become stronger, no matter what it takes."

After finishing his strength training, Zentaru moved on to endurance training as part of his morning routine. He ran along the riverbank, maintaining a steady pace to build his stamina. The rocky terrain and uneven ground provided an extra challenge, but he welcomed it, knowing that it would make him stronger.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Zentaru took a short break to drink water and catch his breath. He then continued with his mid-morning routine, which focused on improving his sword techniques. He practiced his swings and stances, using a sturdy branch as a substitute for Enma, aiming for precision and control. Each strike was deliberate and calculated, just as Zoro had taught him.

In the afternoon, Zentaru shifted his focus to agility and reflex training. He set up a simple obstacle course using the natural environment, jumping over fallen logs, ducking under low-hanging branches, and weaving between trees. This helped him to sharpen his reflexes and improve his coordination.

As evening approached, Zentaru worked on his mental discipline. He found a quiet spot by the river and meditated, calming his mind and focusing his thoughts. This practice was crucial for maintaining his concentration and mental clarity, both of which were essential for a swordsman.

Finally, as night fell, Zentaru engaged in a cool-down routine. He performed gentle stretches to relax his muscles and prevent injury. The cool night air was refreshing, and he felt a sense of accomplishment as he reflected on his day's training.

He continued this training for five months until one night he heard a shrieking sound like a meteor falling to Earth. The noise was deafening, and the sky lit up as something streaked through the atmosphere, crashing into the ground with a tremendous impact.

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