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Chapter 32: Fame from a Single Battle, Shaking the World

In 184 AD, the first year of the Zhongping era, the Yellow Turban Rebellion was finally quelled after eight months of nationwide chaos.


On the battlefield in Ji Province, Wang Yan emerged as a new force, killing Zhang Jue, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang. His name instantly became renowned throughout the land.


News spread quickly.


In Ye City, Wei Commandery, Wang Fen, the Inspector of Ji Province, she sat upright, staring in shock at the report sent from the front lines.


The facts proved that Wang Yan was not mad. But Wang Fen was on the verge of madness.


"Zhang Jue, with tens of thousands of followers and a hundred thousand troops, was killed by that rebellious son of mine?"


"And he did it using a horse?"


"He... has such capabilities?"


The son who defied his father's plans delivered a perfect report card, a harsh slap to Wang Fen's face. But the more it stung, the more it delighted him.


After the initial shock, Wang Fen was soon surrounded by congratulatory voices from his colleagues.


"Congratulations, Lord Wang. Your son Ziyuan is extraordinary and has achieved such great merit. His future is boundless."


"Congratulations, Lord Wang. You have taught your son well. It is indeed something to celebrate."


"Lord Wang, how did you raise such an outstanding son? Can you share some of your methods with us?"


Wang Fen, amazed by Wang Yan's recent transformation, had always seen him as a scholar, but now he had miraculously become a competent military leader.


Unable to comprehend the change, Wang Fen did not dwell on it. The immense joy had already overwhelmed him.


"This unfilial son... I didn't expect him to eliminate Zhang Jue."


"It must be that the Wang family's ancestors are smiling down on us, blessing us with such a rare talent."


The typically stern Wang Fen couldn't stop smiling. Thinking of the years he had spent painstakingly teaching Wang Yan, his heart swelled with pride and satisfaction.


"My colleagues, it's true what they say: a strict father raises a capable son. My secret? Be strict."


Everyone nodded in agreement.


"Yes, Lord Wang is right!"


"When I return home, I must also be stricter with my son. I'll give him a good beating if he dares to disobey!"


With everyone's approval, Wang Fen resumed his stern demeanor, once again becoming the overzealous father, invigorated as if injected with new energy.


"Yes, do not let them indulge in idleness, and certainly not in debauchery!"


At the mention of evil, Wang Fen instantly recalled the maid he had seen by Wang Yan's side and tightened his grip on his ruler.


"Such beauty might bring disaster if kept close."


In the palace of Luoyang:


"Appoint Huangfu Song as General of Chariots and Cavalry and Governor of Ji Province."


"Appoint Zhu Jun as General of Chariots and Cavalry and Prefect of Henan."


"Appoint Cao Cao as Chancellor of Jinan."


"Restore Lu Zhi to his original position as a Shangshu..."


After quelling the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Emperor Ling of Han, Liu Hong, distributed rewards. The eunuch read a long list of appointments.


Lu Zhi, recommended by Huangfu Song, was exonerated. Even Dong Zhuo, after bribing the Ten Attendants, avoided punishment and received the position of Governor of Xiliang.


However, Wang Yan's name was not on the list.


It wasn't that Liu Hong was unwilling, but he was indecisive. Wang Yan's performance had been too remarkable, too extraordinary.


"Facing sorcery and thunder without fear, challenging the enemy alone, luring them into a trap, and then killing them..."


Emperor Ling of Han muttered, staring at the report from the front lines, each word leaving him more skeptical.


"Brave and cunning."


"Such a heroic figure, yet not even twenty!"


"Lu Zhi and Dong Zhuo both failed where he succeeded effortlessly."


"A scholar by birth, yet versed in martial arts. How curious?"


Wang Yan's youth and brilliance even outshone Huangfu Song.


"Wang Yan killed Zhang Jue, solving my greatest concern. What rewards do you, my ministers, propose?"


The court officials pondered.


General-in-chief He Jin, burly and imposing, stepped forward. His face, slightly fleshy, bore the marks of years of slaughter. Despite his high status, He Jin's demeanor still retained traces of his former life as a butcher. However, years in the court had refined his speech.


"Your Majesty, Huangfu Song highly praised Wang Yan's bravery in his report, describing him as possessing divine strength and an exceptional talent. I propose appointing Wang Yan as a general."


Jin's voice boomed through the hall.


As the commander of all the empire's forces, He Jin naturally wanted to recruit Wang Yan. If Wang Yan joined the military, He Jin, as his superior, would gain his loyalty.


The ministers nodded in agreement, finding it reasonable.


However, Liu Hong remained undecided, his brows slightly furrowed.


To defend against the Yellow Turban rebels near Luoyang, especially those in Yingchuan, Liu Hong granted He Jin complete control of Luoyang's military. With the rebellion suppressed, Liu Hong considered reclaiming He Jin's authority. But He Jin showed no intention of relinquishing his power, arousing Liu Hong's suspicion.


Despite He Jin being his brother-in-law, Liu Hong was wary of He Jin's ambition. In an era where birth was paramount, He Jin's inferiority complex ran deep. Though he held high office, his past as a butcher haunted him. Desperate to prove himself, He Jin sought recognition from the literati, distancing himself from his humble origins.


However, this ambition led He Jin closer to the gentry, forgetting his proper position. Both Emperor Huan and Emperor Ling had tried to suppress the gentry, yet He Jin leaned towards them.


This increased Liu Hong's vigilance.


Seeing He Jin's attempt to co-opt Wang Yan, Liu Hong grew more irritated.


"Seeing a talent, you seek to recruit him as your pawn?"


"Haven't I given you enough?"


At that moment, a eunuch's sharp voice interrupted, "Your Majesty, I believe this is unwise."


Liu Hong smiled at Zhang Rang, who stood beside him. "Father Zhang, please speak."


Zhang Rang, his sleeves fluttering, revealed delicate hands, spider-like in their thinness, controlling power and wealth. His sharp eyes glanced at He Jin with contempt.


To Liu Hong, Zhang Rang was humble and submissive, yet he was confident and composed inside. Knowing the Emperor well gave Zhang Rang the confidence to confront He Jin.


"Your Majesty, though Wang Yan has achieved great merit, he is young and inexperienced. Appointing him as a general might not gain the soldiers' respect. His youth makes a high position unsuitable, potentially hindering his growth."


"I suggest appointing him to a local post, like a county magistrate. Practical governance experience will help him become a pillar of the state."


The hall's temperature seemed to drop three degrees.


Demoting Wang Yan to a county magistrate aimed to prevent him from joining He Jin's camp and suppress his rise.


Furthermore, Wang Yan's father, Wang Fen, had been persecuted by the eunuchs for over a decade during the Party Prohibition. Zhang Rang, aware of Wang Fen's ties with the gentry, couldn't let his enemy's son rise quickly.


At this moment, the elderly minister Yuan Wei, the Grand Commandant, stepped forward. Unlike He Jin and Zhang Rang, Yuan Wei's presence commanded immediate respect. Coming from the most prestigious family of the late Han, the Yuan clan's nobility was evident in his demeanor.


The court fell silent, ready to listen.


"Your Majesty, I disagree. Wang Yan, having achieved great merit by killing the rebel leader, should not be rewarded with a minor post. Doing so would dishearten those loyal to the state."


An enemy's enemy is a friend. The Yuan family, leading the gentry, naturally supported Wang Yan, who also came from a noble family.


"What does the Grand Commandant suggest?"


Yuan Wei replied, "Why not summon Wang Yan, inquire about his wishes, and then decide on an appropriate appointment based on your observations?"


Liu Hong nodded, "Summon Wang Yan to see me."


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