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54.83% Naruto: The Slaver / Chapter 17: The mercenaries

Chapter 17: The mercenaries

The group of ninja stood silently in the forest, their black garb blending with the darkness. Their eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intensity and seemed to absorb the faint moonlight.

The only sound one could hear was the soft rustling of leaves as they shifted their weight, their movements as subtle as a whisper.

"Are these all the mercenaries residing in the town?"

"no eldest young lord, about ten didn't come" Miss Jonin bowed slightly

"It's fine, this is enough"

Mizuna, together with the Hyugas and a Uchiha are currently looking at a group of mercenaries composed of 8 Jonin and 20 chunin

"Hey kid, I know you're from the Hyuga clan and all but what's with this set-up?"

"Yeah, she's right! You called us here for a mission what's with all this?"

"Why did you call so many, did you gather all the mercenaries in the town?"

"I came here because they said you're the Hyuga clan patriarch's nephew but I didn't expect you to call the others too"

"And every freaking one of you is wearing that shady black robes"

"There are also over 30 Hyugas behind you, what kind of mission do you plan on doing with this many people?"

"Hahaha don't tell me you're planning to revolt against the Hokage?"

"or do you plan to raid a small town? I can't believe a Hyuga will do something like that"

"I don't care what you plan to do like the others, I just want a share of the loot we will get"




"Alright, before we talk about the mission let's talk about how much Ryo I'll need to pay each one of you first, my friends"

"hahaha he's still young but he already understands the shinobi world" All the mercenaries laughed loudly

Mizuna walked towards them while smiling with his hands wide open. Like someone seeing their most beloved person after being separated for a long time. All the mercenaries looked at him happily some were even nodding when suddenly they froze

Mizuna's appearance changed, blood-red chakra suddenly covered him and his white eyes became red with pinwheels


"Mangekyou Sharingan"

Most of the mercenaries looking at his eyes froze, but some who were more intuitive looked away and prepared themselves to flee after seeing the red chakra start to cover him

"He's a monster! " "Run!" "Let's separate"

"4 huh, 3 Jonin and 1 chunin," Mizuna said "All the Jonins go and after them"

The Hyugas a total of 8 Jonins and Kimi nodded and started to chase after the escaping mercenaries. Only their shadows remained

Mizuna then raises his hand and put it down, Asami, Hirabi and the other chunins run towards the mercenaries frozen by Mangekyo Sharingan

"eight trigrams: thirty-two palm" eight trigrams: sixty-four palms"

The Hyuga's hand bodies weaved in and out like a mesmerizing dance. Despite the intensity of the technique, there was a hypnotic beauty to their movements, as if they were performing a choreographed routine

*thud* *thud* *thud*

*thud* *thud* *thud*

The mercenaries who became weak after their chakra was sealed started falling on their knees like soulless dolls

"Good work everyone, I'll take it from here. Scan our surroundings and prevent anyone from coming towards this area"

"Yes eldest young lord"

The darkness of the night gradually gave way to the warm glow of morning, as the sun slowly rose over the horizon, casting a gentle light over the world, and bringing with it a new day full of promise and possibility.

"You monster, how many loyal followers do you have now?" Kimi asked while sitting on a tree branch and looking down at Mizuna


[Title: The Slaver]

[Health: 100%]

[Chakra: 100%]

[Position: Chunin]

[Chakra Amount: 17 (+5.9) years]

[Rank: Middle B rank] [Slave: 114]

[Daily Health and Chakra reset 1/1]

"114 Aunt Kimi"

'hm 17? Is today my birthday?

"Were they good? The Jonins you chased I mean"

"well they are not bad, they even managed to injure some of the Hyugas but there's nothing special about them" Hiyori then sat beside them and asked "What are you planning to do now son? Are you planning to send them somewhere?"

"No Mother, I'll station them at Tanzaku Quarters along with their families so they can guard the Senjus with Pakira"

"Guard the Senjus?"

"Yes, I plan to gather all the Senjus here at Tanzaku Quarters"

Kimi nodded and said "Yeah I get why you placed a high importance on the Senju, they were one of the strongest clans but their numbers are slowly decreasing day by day"

"do you think someone is targeting them, son?"

"I can't say for sure Mother, but I have a feeling we will find it out soon"

"Also we will leave this place for a while"

Hiyori and Kimi looked at each other and asked Mizuna "Where are we going, son?"

"Back to Konohagakure, we need to report what we found at the border Mother, it will be bad if the land of wind shinobis suddenly invades us" Mizuna smiled at them playfully

"Do you think I'll believe you, what are you really after there?"

"Haha, you'll know it once we get there Mother"

"*sigh* I understand let's return to Konohagakure and see your grandparents and uncle"


A few minutes ago, after Mizuna enslaved the mercenaries

The eerie silence of the vast, dark expanse was palpable, punctuated only by the occasional faint rustling of an unknown creature lurking in the shadows, the ominous presence of the monster that dwelled within, its very existence seeming to draw the air out of the space, leaving only a sense of foreboding and dread.

"Master you've come" A gigantic beast with seven wings glowed and Illuminated the dark expanse greeted Mizuna as he came close to it.

"Its been a few days since I last saw you Chomei" He then jumped on Chomei's shoulders and sat down on it

"Why did you come here, master?"

"Can you talk to the nine-tail fox for me?"

"Although he is sealed inside a human, I can still communicate with him telepathically"

"Where is he right now?"

"He is at Konohagakure master but he doesn't wanna tell me where exactly he is"

"Do you think you can bring him to our side?"

"I will try Master, but he's the most arrogant among my siblings so please give me some time. What do you plan to do to Kurama's Jinjuriki?"

Mizuna stood up and looked at the void

ElvenHero ElvenHero

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