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100% Bronya Dragneel : Waifu stealer and Heretic charming extraordinare / Chapter 3: Chapter 2: I Have Severe and Crippling Mommy Issues.

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: I Have Severe and Crippling Mommy Issues.

"-u really want me to believe that this Chil-"

"-want, but i know what i saw-"

Hmmm, my head feels like the hulk just used it as a basketball, the intense trobing thankfuly going away quickly, my incredible brain and faster healing managing to flush out whatever that gorila-looking bitch injected me.

Opening one eye, i see that im on a desert, lots of scorch marks painting the greysh-yellow sand with black dots, and lots of Raptures all around, either chilling or fighting each other.

"and look who decided to wake up" a deep, feminine and rough sounding voice said behind me, making me look behind to see Chatterbitch and-

Mommy? i mean mommy? mo-mommy?

The long red wild hair, the skin thight suit-lotard, with the way those gigantic cannons on her chest wobble with the slightes movement, also them hips.

"...what time it is?" i dumbly asked, trying to take my atention off the hot lady infront of me, who lifted an eyebrow at my question while Chatty-Boy snorted.

"See what i mean, she dosen't display any fear to us, and her abilities are intrigueing, after all..." now he came closer to us, his face leaning closer to hot Bazoonka lady.

"...the chemical i infected her with, whould normally kill a human a Thousand times over, yet she shruged it off just a few hours later, how intrigueing..." he said, the lady looking him at the side, then looking back to me, now seated with my legs crossed and hands on my lap, calmly looking at her.

"And you said that this girl...can spew out fire?..." she asked looking at me directly, making me gain a look of recognition.

"i can show you if you want, just need to eat something first tough, im super hungry" i said holding my stomach...


...wich gave a very powerfull growl, making the lady lift both eyebrows and the rapture to shake his head.

"Well tough luck kid, we don't have any human food here-"

"oh! that dosen't matter! just with simple fire im good to go, i can eat any fire so long as it isn't my own" i explained, looking to a small burning rapture, quickly standing up and walking to it...


"What the..."


Both Chatty-boy and hot lady looked with surprice at me literally eating fire, wich tasted kind of bland, not gonna lie.

"*burp* thats better, although a little bland for my taste" i said, looking back-

*Intense, kinda crazy, Stare*

The hot lady was just millimeters from my face, looking at me like i was the juiciest steak on the market...

Im Scaroused.

"What are you?" she asked me, it took every fiber of my being to not look down at her hanging boulders.

"Well that is a little complicated, genetically speaking im human, Supernaturally speaking im like a coktail, im a Herrscher, a dragon slayer, a kaiju slayer, a god slayer, then from my dad i inherited the power of the spiral-" i rambled a little, making the woman groan.

"agggh! too many words! i asked you a simple question!" she yelled at me, making me stop rambling and just shrugh.

"im Human" i said, she scoffed, stands up and turns around to-

I quickly bit into my own knuckles.


Those checks are as big if not bigger than her tits, and the way her natural hip sway moves them side to side so hypnotic.

I quickly look away, trying my hardest to will down my incoming erection.

"i have a question miss..." i said, trying to get her name while she turned around, looking at me with bored eyes.

"Nihilister, and what do you want? do it quickly so i can kill you" she said, her lips forming a bloodthirsty smile.

"Are you strong?" i asked, my eyes gaining a glint in them.

"Hmm? yeah, im the stronghest around here" she replied, Chatterbox scoffing in a lower voice.

i put both hands at my side, forming fists and lighting them in blue fire.

"Then fight me!" i said pouncing right at her, her smile returning in full force, a psychopacti look in her eyes.


2 Days later...

(3rd pov)

Liberalio floated at a leisure pace, grumbling to herself.

"Why do it always have to be me who has to come whenever Nihilister does somthing stupid" she whispered to herself, rubing her eyes off her sacred sleep.


hearing explosions on the point of her objective, she rolled her eyes, knowing the stupid dragon was probably fighting those pesky Pilgrims.

Coming closer, she spoted Chatterbox seated on a clift, looking all glumy and depressed, wich got liberalio to lift an eyebrow, comimg closer.

"Chatterbox" she said, making the gorila-looking rapture to barely acknolewge her pressence.

"...liberalio..." he said, voice devoid of any emotion.

"...Are you alright?" she could not believe she was asking something like that, but his unusual actitude was... worrying.

"...just regreting all my life choises..." he said, sounding completly defeated.


"remember that report i sent, about the human child with strange powers?" he asked, she nodded, still not understanding.

"...we have a Nihilister Junior now" he said pointing to below the cliff.






Liberalio saw Nihilister fighting a little girl that somehow was able to keep up, altough barely, and was throwing either blue fire balls at the heretic or spewing blue fire from her mouth, and while Nihilister didn't take much damage and instantly healed whatever was made, any time she shoot her own fire to the girl, she would...

" she?"

"yes, she is, and honestly thats probably the only reason she managed to last this long" Chatterbox said, lifting himself up an then walking away.

"where do you think you are going?!" she asked, looking back and fort between the rapture and the madness below.

"An important mission from the Queen herself, so they are your problem now, later" he then took off at imense speeds, leaving a very confused liberalio behind.


(1rst person pov)

"hah...hah..hah..." i panted, my entire body aching, my vision kind of blurry, and my knucles bleeding, and yet... and yet i could not stop smiling.

"whats the matter shorty? feeling tired?" Nihilister asked, her fine body dosen't have any scratch despite the amount of roars and flaming punches i threw at her.

" yet...i can still fight..." i said, lifthing my right arm in a fist, shrouding it in a bigger flame than before, also concentrating some of void and flamescion on it as well.

"oh, good, hehe, yeah thats really good, yes i like that!" she smiled a bloodthirsty smile, rushing at me with her own right arm in a punch.

I responded in kind.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" i shouted, launching my attack, Nihilister doing the same.

Have i been paying more attention, i would have noticed my right fist being slowly coated in a black metallic substance.

But then both our fist made contact with each others checks-


Hello darkness, my old friend.

4 hours later...

i sudently woke up, flaming fist ready, looking left and right.

"Well someone is a little feisty, i like that" Nihilister, who was seated on seat made of clearly molted rock, said while idly munching on what my Herrscher powers told me was a rapture core.

"oh, i passed out...damm" i sat down with my hand supporting my upper body, sighing.

"Aww man, and here i tough i could pull a win, guess i need to train my self more" i mumbled to myself, the heretic snorting.

"That's what you are worried about?" she asked with amusement, pointing to my left, i looked where she was pointing at-

*Intense jellyfish stare*

i found the jellyfish heretic, liberalio, staring at me, while floating in the air, menacingly.

"oh, Hi" i said, waving.

*stare intensifies*

I blinked, she blinked, i blinked again, she blinked again, i turned to Nihilister while pointing at the floating liberalio.

"is she okay?"

"Nah, i think you broke her" she said with a shrug.

Looking back at liberalio, and her still intense stare, i decided to do the most logical curse of action.

"Boop" i booped her nose, wich instantly got her out of whatever trance she was in.

"...don't do that ever again" she said in a monotone yet slightly irritated, voice.

I could not help myself, i know how stupid and downright suicidal this is...

I smiled.

"Boop" i Booped her again.

"PFFAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA-" Nihilister bursted out laughing, falling backwards in her seat, her thicc legs kicking in the air.

 The cute, red angy face on liberalio probably helped on that.

" going to kill you, human" she said, this time an opressive aura setting on the area.

But still...



I got send flying by an explosive force, the world all around me spinning, yet all i could do?

Was love this shit.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeee" i whoped while repositioning myself blasting fire from my elbows to redirect my trajectory, then from my feet to fly back.

Is not my fault that she make's it very easy.

Once i come back from the miles of distance she sent me trough, i see Nihilister still laughing, with Liberalio nursing her head from a nonexistant migrane.

Coming closer to them i land, stumbling a little bit, but i quickly reincorporate myself.

"nailed it"

" are alive..." Liberalio sounded both dissapointed and...kinda happy? i don't know.

" you see why im keeping her alive..."Nihilister, who finnaly stoped laughing, said while walking towards us.

"...the Queen will like to know about this" Liberalio said, making nihilister and myself flinch.

"so, i guess it will be on your best interest to keep her alive, for now at least, once she decides what to do, then well se if she lives or dies" and with that she dissapears, literally.

wait, since when can she teleport?

"welp, out to train, i guess" i say, walking to a rock, siting down with my back to it.

Nihilister looks conflicted, and she keeps looking to me then out to the horizon.

i bit my lower lip, thinking of something very risky.

"hey, Nihilister..."


"do... do you want to get stronger?"

2 hours later, Hyperbolic time chamber...

"this...if you didn't show me this, i wouldn't have believe you..." Nihilister said, looking into the white void of the chamber.

while she was occupied with marveling at that, i was looking at the buidings themselfs, because there where more than i remember.

"try not to venture too far, the gravity gets heavier the farther you get, same with the temperature and how erratic the wheater is" i explained, walking to one door that leads to a bedroom with multiple beds, another door lead to a sauna, another lead to a really big bathroom with a big jacuzzi, another lead to a kitchen with all the accessories for cooking, and the last one lead to a living room with a big super wide tv screen and...oh...

...that R.O.B is the Goat.

Walking back to the entrance of the chamber i see Nihilister strugling to move a few steps outside of the main buiding.

i walk carefully to her and when im close enough i stumble to the ground, my body unable to move.

"Hnngggg i really should have think this through" i said, crawling to nihilister.

"you okay, dragon tits?" i asked to her, making her grunt.

"better than you shorty" she said, making me snort.

This are gonna be some very interesting 8 years, i can already tell...

2 HTC years later...


I blocked a punch with my forearm, then retaliated with a kick that NIhilister ducked under, then with a swep she tried to make me stumble, but with a little back flip i managed to evade.

All around us the void had a fiery tone to it, since we where fighting at temperatures close to the earth's core, and graity 30 times greater.

Im glad i no longer struggle so much to keep up, but she IS getting stronger as well, not at the same speed as me, but that's because the special rules i put on the chamber this time to ensure that.

That R.O.B really go all out with this place, because the two other buildings where a library and a workshop, the most important being the library, because it has books on a lot, and i mean A LOT of diferent fighting styles, techniques and even blueprints from differnt anime, video games and other media from my world...

So me and Nihilister, being the basic, dumb bitches that we are, got straight into ki...

I am so mad at the fact she learned the Kaio-Ken almost instantly and dosen't have to worry about the risks, because of the nanomachines on her body making her able to use it up until times 4 before actually suffering the strain.

I instead, after we managed to master all the basics, focused on learning at LEAST the minum level of Ultra Instinct, so at least my doge game is more on point, i still haven't achieved shit.

"...hah...let's take a five, im starting to feel my muscles tearing" i said, my read aura of kaio-ken x 2 turning off, i fall to the ground on my back, sighing in relief.

"...heh, pussy" she said, her own kaio-ken turning off, the dragon heads/cannons coming from her back retracting to...well...herself. 

I still think that is both cool...and kind of gross beacuse of the sounds of flesh and technology tearing and rebuilding themselfs on her command.

The fact that im YET to fight her dragon forms scares me a little, but also excites me.

"you know, i really want to try my hand at that hakai thing that was described in that book" she said, making me snort.

"Sorry, too advanced for any of us now, we barely mastered the basics of ki, now you want to jum in to 'Godly ki'?...maybe in another round on the chamber, but not this one" i explain, making her- i kid you not- pout.

...ok, thats actually really cute.

"damm, i really liked how it sounded on that book" she then turns back to me.

"can you go back to the house? i want to practice" she told me, i nodded.

"yeah... im really hungry...want me to prepare anything?" i asked while standing up, streching my arms above my head, groaning at the fading pain on my muscles.

"...yeah, can you make those spicy thingies you did the other week?"

"the spicy chiken scramble? sure, ill will take longer tought"

Nihilister nodded, closing her eyes an putting tu fingers on her forehead, concentrating, i ogle her body for a secon since she isn't looking and then i teleported back to the 'House' using my void autority.

Giving a sigh of relief at not feeling the incrased gravity anymore, and letting my body rest and heal properly, i walked to the Bathroom, took a quick shower, and quick fap sesion to let out some sexual tension that was building up since this morning, then i changed into some moddified sports pants and white thank-top, letting my hair down instead of it usual twin tails.

walking to the kitchen with a towel around my neck and opening a door on the far right of the kitchen, i enter the massive pantry of this place that has everything, and i mean EVERYTHING, vegetables, meats, all kinds of sweets and desserts, all kinds of ingredients, and the best part is that it magically restocks itself everyday, wich is good considering my ever growing apetite and Nihilister being kind of a glutton herself.

Taking Three frozen chickens, four onions, three heads of garlic, and some very strong peppers, i walk bak to the kitchen, starting with removing the skin, then removing the organs, and finally peeling the meat from the bones and then shredding the meat, puting it all on a bowl.

then I turned on the stove, then put the pot with a little oil, and while it was heating I started cutting the onions...



i giggle, hearing Nihilister opening the kitchen door, rubbing her forehead.

"how many tries this time?" i asked, looking back at the grumbling heretic.

"four, i almost managed on the first one, but then i lost my footing on the travel dimension and ended up three kilometers off..." she said, walking up to where the rest of the ingredients where and started cutting them, i hummed and turned back to the pot.

"oh well, you'll get instant transmision eventually, by the way, can you control the chicken for a moment? i forgot to bring the eggs" i said, she grunted a 'sure' and took over for me, moving the spon on the pot with surprising delicacy and precision.

Who knew she ended up having a nack for cooking, both gastronomically, and 'torching things alive'.

Walking back from the pantry with half a dozen eggs on my hands, i find myself stopping and looking at Nihilister, her fat ass swinging slightly from side to side...

i sigh, feeling my hardening member treatening to rip my new pants off.

But i could not help but smile.

This...i can get used to this...

Aight, chapter done... yay.

im still debating myself on whatever i want this to be a serious story or more of a nonsense, crack kind of story.

Eh, ill see as i go.

Just as a fun little closing extra for you guys ( and so i can breach over the 3k word count...), here are some of the conditions Bronya put to the chamber this round:

-Minor Speed up of physical growth for Bronya only, so she can catchup with Nihilister faster.

-Minor permanent improvement overtime to Nihilisters natural healing, without the nanomachines.

-Minor adaptability boost to Nihilister.

-Major learning boost for those inside the chamber.

And thats it, after some pretty tiring days, im not gonna lie, im going to sleep.


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