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66.66% Bronya Dragneel : Waifu stealer and Heretic charming extraordinare / Chapter 2: Chapter 1: this is definetly detroit.

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: this is definetly detroit.


My head hurts, my legs hurts, my arm hurts, my new dick hurts, but above all else...


Me Hungy.

Opening my eyes i see a yellowish grey sky, shakingly standing up, i see im in some kind of smoking crater...huh...

Guess my entry to this world wasn't stealty heh...


My eyes grew wide, my hands coming to my head.

"FUCK!" i screamed in panic and irritation.

I forgot to say wich world i wanted to go.

i freneticaly stumbled outside the crater, me not being used to my new body yet.

Looking all around, all i see is destroyed buildings and deserted landscapes, like the apocalypse happened some decades ago.

Slowly walking to a rundown small shop, i see my reflection in a small mirror on the wall.

I look like a chibi Bronya, only my hair ended in glwoing neon blue highlits at the tip of my hair, i had the iconic drill twintails, my eyes Where a glowing red with some Blue slits on the midle, like a dragon, i was dressed in a plain white T-shirt and what would have been baggy black shorts, if it wasn't for the obsene bulge on my crotch, heh heh...

Slowly i rubed the bulge, pleasantly shuddering and feeling my new dick and balls pulse with ultra virile might.

"please let this be a world with super hot chicks, or else i would have give myself this thing for nothing" i said to myself, stoping my ministration and looking for whatever could be usefull here.

Three hours later...


"*Smack* Nice" i said having found, miracously, a few water bottles and some type of artificial food, i could not make out the name since it was all unrecognisible, but it was absolute garbage, but i ate it anyway, the stomach spoke and i carried on the mission.

Looking at my hand, i made a tiny blue flame spark to life on it, marveling at being able to produce such thing.

I have been trying out stuff while i was eating, and for now im kind of dissapointed.

The Herrscher powers i could use were basic, like i could barely make a simple calculator without passing out, same with just teleporing one of the bottles that was few meters away to my hand, i can make the lances tough, but only one a at time, and not very big, basically a kid version of the lances.

fortunatley the slayer arts where more productive, i can eat fire wich was weird as fuck, i accidentally ate some type of radiation that was permating the zone and i didn't notice it until i tried the kaiju slayer magic, the eldrich one... was weird...well, atleast now i can do some Ninomae Ina'Nis shit.

As for Spiral energy, i was able to summon a few little sparks of it but nothing more.

"once i make sure where the hell i am, im going to train on the chamber until i can use all of them in a more casual state, not out right master, because that would be boring" looking outside the window of the small room i 'rightfully' claimed ownership of, i noticed that it was turning into nigh, and i don't really want to go all 'Crazy Grindset mode' yet, i decided to simply go to sleep on the worndown bed of the room.

6 hours later...

"And what do we have here?..." A deep, rumbling and kind of syntetic sounding voice woke me up before-


Feeling a tremendous amount of force circling my entire body, opening my eyes i see i have been picked up by a massive Biomechanical looking ¿hand? and forcefully being brougth out of the little apartment, wich crumbled down after.

"What is a Human, let alone a child, doing out here?" the voice asked again and i looked back to pretty horrifying look.

A giagntic face, with mechanical red glowing eyes, and a wide disturbing smile.

I swear i recognise this fucker.

Then it clicked.


Im in fucking Nikke!.


"...who are you?" i managed to say in the most monotonous and childish way posible, wich made the giant gorila-looking Rapture laught.

"That is what you are worried about? how curious" he said, moving me closer to his eyes, i cringe a little at the smell coming from his mouth.

"to be fair, my mother was a giant blue dragon obsseced with blowing stuff up and my dad was a digger with a giant mech that once beat god, then there was my uncle who had a very... werid defintion of 'doge game'" i said in the most serious, childish and monotonous way i could muster without bursting out laughing.

When in doubt, Bulshitting is the way to go.

"...What?" he asked, his face moving in a really funny way.

"i can show you if you want, but could you stop squeezing me so hard, it's kind of difficult to breathe" i say, my mouth lighting up in blue, making him quickly point me at a two-story buiding.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" i Blasted blue fire at the bulding like a flamethrower, making it crumble before i finnaly stoped a few seconds later.

Chatterbox looked genuinely surprised, then he looked at me with intrigue and... ah Hell nah!.

"hmm... yes, she will be pleased if i take you to her" before i can even act, i feelt somthing pinch my neck.

And everything became black.


Well here it is, the first chapter done...

yeah i know, it's really fucking short.

i promise next one will be longer.

also dragon mommy will be there, just saying.

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