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43.75% Private Eye

Chapter 6

The arrest of Douglas Fredericks sent shockwaves through Gotham's financial district. News outlets buzzed with speculation about the anonymous tipster who had provided the GCPD with ironclad evidence of the banker's crimes. At the Gordon household, the case was a frequent topic of discussion, with Commissioner Jim Gordon expressing both admiration for the thoroughness of the evidence and concern about the methods used to obtain it.

For Abel, it was a strange experience to sit at the dinner table, feigning casual interest while his father unknowingly discussed his alter ego's handiwork. The success of his first mission as Private Eye had left him hungry for more, but it had also forced him to confront the moral complexities of his chosen path.

As weeks passed, Abel threw himself into honing his skills and expanding his network of informants. His enhanced abilities made gathering information easier, but he was careful not to rely solely on his powers. He spent hours poring over police reports, financial records, and city archives, looking for patterns that others might miss.

It was during one of these late-night research sessions that Abel stumbled upon something troubling. A string of assaults in the Narrows had gone largely uninvestigated by the GCPD. The victims were all members of Gotham's homeless community, people society often overlooked. But as Private Eye dug deeper, he uncovered a disturbing pattern.

The assaults weren't random acts of violence. They were coordinated, methodical. And they all seemed to center around an abandoned subway station that had become a makeshift shelter for many of Gotham's homeless.

Abel knew he couldn't ignore this. But unlike the Fredericks case, this wasn't something he could solve from behind a computer screen. This would require direct intervention.

Over the next few nights, Private Eye staked out the area around the subway station. His enhanced senses allowed him to observe from a distance, gathering intel on the comings and goings of both the homeless residents and their mysterious attackers.

On the third night, his patience paid off. A group of men in dark clothing approached the station entrance, carrying duffel bags that clinked ominously. Private Eye's spider-sense tingled, warning of imminent danger.

Moving silently across rooftops, he positioned himself above the entrance. As the men descended into the darkness below, Private Eye followed, his heart racing with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

The scene that greeted him in the dim confines of the abandoned station turned his stomach. The attackers had cornered a group of homeless individuals, brandishing weapons and demanding they leave the shelter. It quickly became clear that this was about more than just clearing out an eyesore. The men were working for someone who wanted this particular piece of real estate, and they were willing to use extreme measures to get it.

Private Eye knew he had to act. With a deep breath, he dropped from the ceiling, landing silently behind the attackers. What followed was a blur of motion. His enhanced strength and agility, combined with the element of surprise, allowed him to disarm and incapacitate the men before they could seriously harm anyone.

As he zip-tied the last attacker, Private Eye became acutely aware of the stunned silence that had fallen over the station. The homeless individuals he had saved were staring at him with a mixture of fear and awe.

"You're safe now," he said, his voice low and gravelly to disguise it. "These men won't hurt you again."

But even as he spoke, Abel knew that this was only a temporary solution. These people needed more than just a masked vigilante swooping in to save them. They needed real, systemic change.

After ensuring that the police were on their way, Private Eye melted back into the shadows. But the night's events weighed heavily on his mind. He had directly intervened this time, using physical force to stop a crime in progress. The rush of adrenaline had been intoxicating, but it also scared him. How easy would it be to cross the line from protector to something darker?

The following days were a struggle in maintaining balance. At school, Abel's improved focus and performance were drawing positive attention from teachers. His old delinquent associates gave him curious looks as he turned down invitations to skip class or cause trouble. But at home, the atmosphere was growing increasingly tense.

Jim Gordon had noticed the changes in his son – the late nights, the distracted demeanor, the sudden interest in criminal cases. One evening, as Abel was heading out, ostensibly to study at the library, his father confronted him.

"Abel, wait," Jim said, his voice tinged with concern. "We need to talk."

Abel paused at the door, his heart racing. Had his father somehow discovered his secret?

"What's going on with you lately?" Jim asked. "You're out all hours, your grades are improving but you seem... distant. Are you in some kind of trouble?"

For a moment, Abel was tempted to confess everything. The weight of his double life felt crushing in that instant. But he knew he couldn't. Not only would it put his father in an impossible position, but it would also mean the end of Private Eye. And Gotham needed Private Eye.

"I'm fine, Dad," Abel said, forcing a smile. "Really. I've just been... focused lately. Trying to get my act together, you know?"

Jim studied his son's face, clearly not entirely convinced. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? Whatever's going on, we can face it together."

The sincerity in his father's voice made Abel's chest tighten with guilt. "I know, Dad. Thanks. But really, everything's okay."

As he walked away from the house, Abel felt the distance between his two lives more keenly than ever. He was walking a tightrope, balancing between the light of his family and the shadows of his alter ego. One misstep could send him plummeting into an abyss from which there might be no return.

But as he suited up that night, preparing to continue his investigation into who was behind the attacks on the homeless, Abel knew he couldn't stop. Not now.

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