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Kev and GangBanger?

{afternoon/The Alibi}

Yash enters the Bar, and sits on the stool.

"Hey you underage kid?" Kev looks at me from behind the counter.

Yash shows him his ID,"Just give me a soda."

"Heh, a kid came here for a soda haha", The fat man next to me laughed.

"Yeah a kid trying to keep his head straight and not end up like a washed-up fat fuck in a bar"

"oooooh" Kevin exclaims as the crowd cheers.

"Ok ok snappy kid gr-"

"Stop it man just drink your beer" Kevin says as he looks at Tommy.

"So I came here to introduce myself since I bought the building in the front."


"What! where did you get that kind of cash kid goddam" Tommy said as Kermit's mouth hung open.

"Stocks and shit.... anyways I just wanted to tell you to send any people you may know looking for some work. Need some furniture moved into the building."-Y

"Well you are in luck" Kev points to the plethora of people sitting behind at the tables.

"Just got laid off so probably will take the job for cheap but" He looks at Yash with a weird face.

"What? money is not a problem and If any of these fuckers try any funny business, I know how to hold my own against a few dozen."-Y

"Whoa whoa kid, you NEVER say stuff like money is not a problem around here. I don't know where you from but this is the Ghetto..... you get mugged and killed here just for looking clean much less saying stuff out loud." Tommy warns in a hush hush voice.

"Heh I am a kid who woke up in a ditch with no memory of his past when I was just 17.... yet here I sit talking to you while I own a building..... I can take care of my self, but thanks for the advice. Whats your name."-Y




"Nice to meet you good people, Kev a drink from me for these two." Yash passes a 50 to kev and walks to the tables.

"A nice kid"-Kermit

"Hah any kid who can buy me a round is amazing in my eyes"-T

"Yeah he left a 50 so you both can get a glass of the good shit"-K

"What kind of business do you think he gonna start in that building?"-Kermit

"Who cares, he will be good and scared by the end of the day and will run to his parents."-T

"He is not black.... but not white either, don't really know which group he will settle with here."-K

(A/N: K is for Kevin yeah.... I know most of you got it but this is for those who might be confused.)

"Well, this street is still one of the most secure one in the south side so that's a plus for the kid."-T

"I think he will make it"-Kermit

"You wanna bet, 20 bucks says he will be gone by tomorrow"-T

"I will take that action, I say 1 week"-K

"1 Month"-Kermit

"A month! hahaha why don't you just hand me the money now."-T

As they continued this Conversation Yash selected 5 able-bodied people to work for him and walked to the building with them where Mark is standing talking to a shady-looking gangbanger.

"You all go in and wait I will send someone to tell you what to do" Yash says as he walks toward Mark.

"What happened now"-Y


"Ayo who is this little runt"-GB

"What does this guy want", Yash ignores the man and looks at Mark.

"Protection money sir",Marks says with a worried expression.

*Please don't do something stupid and just give him the money*-M

(A/N: ** will be used for thoughts)

*For fuck sake I bought the building not a few hours ago!*-Y

"Alright how much"

"Heh Sir? alright small man for a building this big let's say starters discount.... 1000 bucks" The Gangbanger looks at Mark then at Yash.

"PFT HAHAHA" Yash bends backward while putting a hand on his face while laughing loudly.

"A 1000 bucks!"-Y

"Yeah, you got a problem with that" The GB points a supposedly gun in his jacket pocket towards Yash.

Yash with precise movement pushes the gun downward while he punches and knocks out the GB but not before GB fires a round into the ground.

"AHHHHHH",Mark screams like a bitch while jumping and the surround crowd start to run without looking back.

"Ah such a trained audience", Yash chuckles as he looks around.

"Alright get up and search this fuck head"

Mark though shaken, gets up and searches the guy to find a car key, a revolver(a small one),a few hundred bucks.

"what car is his?"-Y

"That van over there." Mark points to a white van.

"Of fucking course, a plain white van..... Put him in the back and get in. You know where his gang usually hang out."They both get into the van

"Yeah boss but what are we doing?" Mark said with a worried face... he knew what was about to happen he just didn't know that his side of the people were about to do the killing.

"Just drive to the block"

They reach the block and Yash gets out.

Music is going on in the background and Yash is calmly walking towards 10 black men sitting with a few women just doing nothing.

"Alright, please let this be a lesson they learn quickly."

Yash takes out his glock 24 with a suppressor on and shoots 5 men sitting close in rapid succession.

This seems to alarm the others, 3 out of 5 stumble around trying to run while 2 try to find the guns.

Luckily or through making a good perception check, Yash killed the 5 people with guns near them first, so then he shot the other 2 and let then 2 more.

The women had frozen in their seats since the men right next to them had been shot and the whole thing was over in under a minute.

"Alright then, go on get out of here" Yash signals the girls to run but a white woman walks toward him while the rest run away.

"What do you want?"-Y

"I like capable men" She says 

"Everyone like capable men now go on fuck off" Yash says in a sarcastic tone and goes back to the Van

"Drive what you waiting for."-Y

"You mis...missed one guy bo..boss"Mark was shaking like a leaf.

"Yeah someone needs to spread the word so that some other fucker can take this gang's place and allow the police to assume this to be another gang fight.... almost forgot" Yash got out of the van and motioned for the white Woman to come to him. 

Then he pulls out the unconscious man,"Mark give me that revolver."

Mark also jumps out and hands him the revolver, with which Yash then shoots the GB in the head.

This time Mark only makes a small sound and jumps only a little.

"Getting used to so soon Mark"-Y

"I am following a crazy ass boss so" Mark says under the effect of adrenaline.

"Heh true that, well look woman I got a job for you, you do that and I will remember your name"-Y

"What job?"-RW

"drag this body to all of them and put bullets from different guns into them and then burn the bodies in that house, You think you can handle that"

"Yeah" she nods while looking at the dead bodies.

"Good you get this done and meet me at the building in front of the Alibi, find it yourself and we will talk about what you want" Yash closes the back doors and sits in the passenger seat.

"Get in Mark unless you wanna help her"

"Coming boss" Mark sits in the Van and they drive back to the building.

Eklavya_Godkil Eklavya_Godkil

Well here I am at the weekend, The first love interest will be Fiona and second one is Jenna Ortega.... I don't really know which show's or movie's Jenna did you guys want so for now she is a OG Jenna, If you guys got any suggestions... Just comment them.

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