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82% Exploring the Multiverse / Chapter 41: Chapter 39

Chapter 41: Chapter 39

The Federal Bureau of Hunters (FBH) convened a meeting in their high-security headquarters in Washington, D.C. The room was filled with the most influential figures in the American hunting community, their expressions grim and apprehensive. The recent summit in New York had left them with more questions than answers.

Director David Brennon, a seasoned politician and the head of the FBH, called the meeting to order. His steely gaze swept across the room, landing on each member in turn. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're here to discuss the recent developments in Korea and their implications for our security and global standing. Kade's emergence as the ruler of Korea has drastically altered the power dynamics."

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the room. The memory of Kade's overwhelming presence at the summit was still fresh in their minds.

Michael Connor, the Deputy Director, stood up. His normally confident demeanor was replaced with a rare seriousness. "I've felt Kade's power firsthand as you all have," he began, his voice steady but grave. "He's not just powerful—he's something else entirely. I've never felt anything like it."

This statement caused a stir among the members. Adam White, one of the Branch Chief, leaned forward. "Are you saying he's more powerful than Thomas Andre? More powerful than our National Rankers?"

Michael nodded confidently as his expression turned grim. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Thomas Andre, as powerful as he is, was visibly affected by Kade's mere presence, not only him, even Reeds and the chinese 7 star hunter. And it wasn't just Kade—his subordinates alone were enough to bring most of us to our knees. If we're to assess our military and hunter capabilities honestly, we must acknowledge that Korea currently possesses the most formidable force."

Director Brennon absorbed this information silently before addressing the group. "If Michael's assessment is accurate, we're dealing with a potential threat that could overshadow any we've faced before. Our strongest hunters might not be enough to counteract Kade's power. We need to strategize on multiple fronts."

A tactical analyst, Karen Dawson, raised her hand. "If I may, Director, our first step should be intelligence gathering. We need to understand the full extent of Kade's capabilities and his army's strengths and weaknesses. Surveillance, infiltration—whatever it takes to get a clearer picture."

Michael interjected, "We also need to consider alliances. Alone, we might be outmatched, but if we join forces with other nations, we could create a coalition strong enough to counter Kade."

Adam White frowned. "You're suggesting we rely on international cooperation? Historically, such alliances have been unstable and short-lived."

Karen responded, "It's not ideal, but it might be our best option. Besides, other nations are likely just as concerned about Kade as we are. Mutual interest can be a powerful motivator."

Director Brennon nodded thoughtfully. "Karen, begin drafting a comprehensive intelligence plan. We need eyes and ears in Korea. Michael, I want you to start reaching out to our international counterparts. Gauge their reactions and willingness to form an alliance."

The meeting continued with discussions on resource allocation, potential diplomatic approaches, and contingency plans. The atmosphere was tense but focused, a group of powerful individuals grappling with the reality of a new and overwhelming force on the global stage.

Suddenly, the doors to the conference room burst open. A junior agent, pale and breathless, stumbled in. "Director Brennon, we have an emergency situation!"

Everyone turned to look at the young agent, their expressions a mix of annoyance and concern. "What is it?" Director Brennon demanded as he was also annoyed that the meeting was interrupted.

"Multiple S-rank dungeons have appeared simultaneously," the agent reported, struggling to catch his breath. "In our territory, in Japan, and all around the world. It's unprecedented!"

A wave of shock and disbelief swept through the room. "Are you sure?" Michael Connor asked as he stood up from his position due to shock.

The agent nodded vigorously. "Yes, sir. We've confirmed the reports. Our sensors and global networks are lighting up. It's chaos out there."

Karen Dawson quickly pulled up data on her tablet, her fingers flying over the screen. "He's right," she said, her voice tinged with urgency. "We're seeing spikes in mana activity across multiple continents. This almost looks like a coordinated event."

Director Brennon's face hardened. "This can't be a coincidence. It's too coordinated. But who or what is behind this?"

Adam White leaned forward, his expression grim. "If there's someone powerful enough to trigger S-rank dungeons worldwide, we're dealing with a level of threat we've never faced before. We need to mobilize all available resources immediately."

Director Brennon turned to the junior agent. "Alert all National Rankers and top-tier hunters. We need every available hunter on this."

The room buzzed with activity as orders were given and strategies formulated. The gravity of the situation was clear, the world was facing an unprecedented threat, and their response needed to be swift and decisive.

A single S rank gate, sure they can handle with greate effort and resources, but multiple would be an impossible task.

If even one of the S rank gates have a dungeon break, the consequence would be unimaginable, last time they had to seek help from other countries just to subdue Kamish, the humanity's greatest calamity.

Given that they now have National Rankers on their side, if two or three S ranks dungeon have a dungeon break, it would still be catastrophic.

Across the Pacific Ocean, the Japanese government was also in a state of emergency. In a high-tech conference room in Tokyo, the Prime Minister and top officials gathered to address the crisis.

The Prime Minister began the meeting as his expression turned grim. "We are facing an unprecedented situation. Multiple S-rank dungeons have appeared across our country, and reports indicate similar occurrences worldwide. We need immediate action."

Minister of Defense stood up. "Our military forces are on high alert, but we need the support of top hunters to deal with these dungeons. Our resources are stretched thin."

The Prime Minister nodded. "We must seek international assistance. Contact the Federal Bureau of Hunters in the United States and other major hunting organizations"

"We have already, sir. But it seems they're facing the same problem, they refuse to help us"

The Prime Minister grinded his teeth hearing the refusal of help from their allies, thinking back to the place where they lost their greatest assest, he couldn't help but shake his head.

"We have no other choice…connect me to Korea's newly appointed leader"

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