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Chapter 8: 8

[Third person view]

Through the streets of Las Angeles, California, you can see a black and purple theme custom-made 1970 dodge charger rt swerving between the car on the streets.

In its pursuit was a black helicopter and two black suv. Upon seeing that the helicopter was catching up to the charger, the car took a sharp left then took a sharp right, making the helicopter pilot loose track of the car and with the two suvs stuck in traffic they had lost watch of the car completely.

[Back to mc]

"And that right there is how you lose the feds, damn I'm good. What's wrong with the both of you."

I said to myself as I did an imaginary victory dance in my head, but I stopped because of the faces on the sam and Mikaela were making.

Mikaela was just shocked at how insane my swerving was compared to herd while sam was looking nauseous as he was about to vomit.

"Ay boy, you better not vomit in this car cause I swear even if a drop of your vomit touches my leather or my paint,I might actually just kill you."

When sam heard this, he swallowed what was at his throat.

"OK, now let's see if we can come out now— damn it, these guys just don't give up."

As I showed my nose out of the alley, I was hiding in a flash of light that was placed on me, and from all the streets around me, black swat cars came out encircling me.

"Well, time for another joy ride. Oh, they plan to catch me well. Let's play."

I said as I drove out of the alley and stopped when I was in sector 7 men's full view.

"Get out and go behind me," I said, making Sam and Mikaela get out of the car and went behind me.

When they got out of the car. I started to transform in my robot form.

When I showed my robot form, most of the soldiers got startled and started to raise their weapons at me because of how compact my body is compared to the other transformers.

Along the startled soldiers, a 6ft man walked out from the crowd of soldiers, walking up to me and said.

"Stand down, soldiers! we aren't here to fight. Just capture and return. Unknown alien life form we would like you and those two teens behind you to come with us. By doing this, no one will be hurt, and we can live to see another day."

The man, who seemed to be the captain of this squad, stated as he finally made his way out of the crowd.

When the man stated this, the soldiers felt a little relieved but was still tense because there is a giant robot in front of them that looked like terrifying to the human perspective.

When the captain saw this, he could only sigh as this is to be expected because they are human. After all, and facing an outer world being, it's still surprising to him that they still came on the mission.

"Unkno–" " Midnight that's my name call me Midnight with madam or miss included" I interrupted him as I don't like being called an " Unknown alien life form" and I tend to make these humans know I am not no ordinary alien.

"Well, Madam Midnight , I am captain John mightier and the person who is responsible for this squad that is surrounding you at this moment."

"I am here because of these two, mostly the boy because he might be connected to something that we are currently doing research on, and this might include you as well,"

He said, walking up to me and looking up when he finished waiting for me to respond.

"Hmm and what is this research you are conducting that might include me and this young boy here and tell those your men to lower thier weapons I am nit going to hurt anyone, at least not yet."

I said, whispering the last part of the sentence.

"That information cannot be discussed in public you would have to come with us to figure that out and my men won't lower their guns because they still view you as a treat, I believe if you were in thier position you would do the same thing."

He said without fear, giving a small smile as he finished his sentence.

"Hmm, you seem interesting human you didn't show any fear when you saw me, unlike how your soldiers did when they saw me,"

I said while kneeling down, bringing my face close to him and scanned his badge. When I scanned his badge, I pulled myself back on my feet.

As I was about to continue, I heard the sound of a camero engine getting louder by the second.

"Ha, this kid, Optimus has to train him more."

When I finished saying that, a yellow camero with black stripes came from a corner and jumped. Transforming mid-air landing me.

Because of bumblebees' action, the soldiers became startled cause the soldiers on the helicopters eject the harpoon piercing his shoulders.

when bumblebee felt the pain of his shoulder being pierced, he retaliated by pulling on the rope of the harpoon connected to the helicopter.

When the other helicopter soilder saw Bumblebee raise his hand and started pulling on their companions helicopter, they shot their harpoon, making it pierced his right leg and the pilot of the flew to the left making the rope trip bumblebee be.

When Bumblebee fell on the floor, the soldiers on the ground ran up to him with fire extinguishers with nitrogen in it and started spraying him.

While this was happening, the people from where Mikaela and sam had chained to a pole came from all. Came from the sam Corner Bumblebee came from and started dragging Sam and Mikaela into the car.

When Sam heard how bumblebee was wincing in pain he started retaliating from the men who was holding him and ran to one of the handful of men who was spraying bumblebee with liquid nitrogen, tackling him to the floor, took the fire extinguisher and started spraying him.

Not long after, Sam was tackled to the floor by some of the bystanding soldiers.

After struggling for a while, they finally restrained him they both him back to the car where a man stopped them and told the boy

"Happy to see me again? Put him in the Xara with his little criminal friend. "

When the man finished, he said what he had to say. The memories who were holding Sam carried him to the car, Mikaela wad in and shoved him inside, closing the door in progress.

When everything calmed down, Captain John brought the man who just talked to sam.

"Hello, agent Simmons, I believe you're the person who is in charge of this operation that is happening right now." I said

"Yes, I am, and who might you be even though captain John hear already told me your name? I would like to have a more formal introduction. So to start of I am agent Simmons part of sector seven."

Agent Simmons said while introducing himself to me in the process.

"Good night, agent Simmons, for you already know my name is midnight, but for you guys it you will have to add a madam or miss, you will understand why in the future."

I said, introducing myself.

"Why can't we know now? If i may ask Madam midnight, "

He asked me in a mannered tone while giving a bow.

"As I said, you will figure everything out in due time. Now, let's get straight to the point. You see, that cute you guys have in your possession. Do lend it to me. "

I told him to get straight to the point because I'm getting impatient.

"We can't lend it to you, but if you come with us, you can have a chance to interact with it."

He told me in a more formal tone with a little superior tone to it.

<Oh, that wasn't a decision for you to make> I thought as I heard his response.

After a while I gave him a nod and looked at a not so far but far alley where i can see Optimus and give him a nod before transforming into my car form making the engine raw when the transformation process finished.

When agent Simmons saw this, he smiled and turned around and started walking to his vehicle, raising up his right hand with his index finger out , making his hand and wrist make a circular movement in the process, and shouted.


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