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25.8% The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister / Chapter 7: 7. Act of Kindness

Chapter 7: 7. Act of Kindness

"Mya, is it?" The woman just glanced at me, she looked the way I felt, I was physically drained.

"Yes, milord." She mustered a response.

"I'm sorry for your loss, no words can replace your child. I can only hope my actions will help you, as far as I knowing, the ones responsible will no longer walk this world?"

Tears began running down the woman's cheeks. "Yes. Thank you, I am satisfied. You made those animals suffer more than I, could ever hope to make them. She was all I had left, my little girl." She spoke absently.

"I only ask that you take care of yourself. Life is too precious for you to make yourself suffer. Your daughter wouldn't want you to live a sad lonely life. You need to find something to give your life meaning." I said to her trying to comfort her as I took her hand. She looked like she was about 30. Her skin fair and her hair brown with small curls.

Her figure was slim and her breast were small, she was a petite woman, just slightly taller than me. I was already tall for my age. If she had taken care of herself like some of the women back on Earth did in modern times, some make up and good clothes, she would actually be an attractive woman. She must have had her daughter at a young age.

She had even reminded me of a single mother I had dated for a while in my previous life. The sex had been great until I figured she was trying to get knocked up. The joke was on her, I had a vasectomy a year earlier. My family, had genetic conditions on both sides, no child of mind would be born to suffer.

For the plan that I had forming I needed a servant to assist. Who better than a grieving mother who felt a debt to me. "If you need anything come see me, even if it is just to talk." At these words she finally looked at me, she wanted to say something but hesitated. After a minute she gave up and I decided to let her leave.

I looked at the other servant and asked her to take her to rest. I gave her instructions that Mya should be allowed some time to grieve for her daughter. By now, Garrand had returned from the task of dealing with the remaining 4 prisoners.

"My Lord, it has been done, the men will watch over them until. Do you need anything else?"

"Thank you, and yes. Tomorrow, I plan to take a trip to Lannisport, my brother, sister and Maester Brayan will accompany us. Make the arrangements with the guards, I would like to leave reasonably early for when the shops open. Arrange 2 carriages, I intend to make some purchases."

"Yes, my Lord."

"The men can finish off what remains in the pot of broth, and have the servants clean this place up. I think I'll be in my room until later if you need anything. If not, I'll see you in the morning."

"Yes, my Lord, I'll see you to."


I made my way to my room. On entering I stripped down to my birthday suit and discard my training gear and my clothes on the floor. 'The perks of servants.' I wouldn't have to clean the blood off my stuff, they would see to it for me. I had already asked them to refill the buckets of water in my room, so I just washed my self and dried my skin.

I finally fell onto my back just laying there in my nakedness. "Finally, some improvement."


Name; Tywin Lannister

Age; 10

Blessings; Divine Guidance

Titles; Heir to Casterly Rock, Tytos Lannister's Son

Bloodline; (Inactive)



Vitality- 6, Strength- 6, Stamina- 7, Agility- 7, Mind- 10, Will- 7, Charisma- 9, Luck- 10

(Free Attribute Points 3)

Skills- Sword Proficiency (basic-6), Dagger Proficiency (basic-2), Shield Proficiency(basic-4), Ridding Proficiency (basic-1), Archery (basic-1), Handwriting (basic-1), Reading (basic-2), Arithmetic (basic-1), Observation (basic 7), Inspire (basic 5)

Free Skill Points- 5


*Defeat 5 or more opponents in single combat. (5/5) (Completed) (rewards- 5 free SP granted)

*Slay an opponent in battle. (1/1) (rewards- 3 free AP granted)

*Tying up loose end– Aenys Frey harbors deep resentment again you and is plotting against your family. Kill Aenys Frey outside of battle before leaving the Westerlands (rewards- 5 free AP

*Slay 10 opponents in battle. (0/10) (reward- 5 free AP on completion)

*Gaining knowledge- Read 5 books. (1/5) (reward- 1 AP to Mind)



'Sigh! I had a feeling it would be like this; I've been cursed with a stingy system.' Even with this system, I would have to work and work hard, no 'gacha', no system shops and no Exp boosters. I would have to grind for Attribute points and Skill points. I had used observation again on my 'status screen' and from what I could tell there weren't any built in cheats.

For example, I was limited in increasing my Attribute points to 15 for now. What that also mean was that even when I hit 15 strength, that it wouldn't make me the strongest person in the world. No, I would just be at peak strength for my physical capability.

Luck would only help me so much as well. It affected how fortunate you were when you were born, such as if I had 15 luck, I may have been a first born Targayen during the heigh of their power. It was the only attribute that did not naturally grow after birth, only fortuitous or divine events would affect luck. Luck also only minorly affected occurrences of chance. 15 luck didn't mean that everything would go your way, just that you were luckier than most people.

I decided to sink the Attribute points into my agility. Agility was something that I would get the most tangible results from. Agility affected my reaction speed and dexterity, something I could have used today against the prisoner I had killed. He had almost gotten the better of me. Also, as much as I had been worried, I knew Garrand would have stopped him before anything truly dangerous could happen to me.

My hand still shook thinking about the day of my death. How sudden it was, the ease of which my flesh had been punctured, how quick I had bleed out. Even today, one wrong move, even with Garrand nearby. I needed to get stronger, faster, I just needed to be better so that I wouldn't get caught off guard again.

As for skills, each time a skilled ranked up, form (basic) to (???), the amount of skill points to the next rank up would double as well as the amount of effort would also double. So, I guess I would hold off on ranking up any skills for now and just raise them the good old fashion way, by grinding them. The skills like sword proficiency and observation were already progressing fairly quickly through my actions.


At some point in time, I had fell asleep. I was awakened when I had heard my door slam. As I looked down, I saw that I was completely naked. 'Must have been a servant!? Not like there was anything mind blowing, I was only 10. Yeah, I was a lot leaner, with an outline of a six pack. Below that was nothing to write home about, the only thing I saw was that there was some potential for growth as my cock looked bigger than what I had remembered in my previous life.

That would only come in when I hit puberty. 'Wait, what age do boys hit puberty again?' Did it really matter right now? I had a murder to plan. Anyway, it was close to sun down so I would try and attend dinner with the family. I would try to bond them to me as much as possible, before I leave the following week.

I got dressed and went to meet the family, I was early, so I sat in the hall and waited. I was lost in my thoughts until my mother arrived, Tygett had already been fed and was sleeping. We made small talk, she asked how my day was and I just said that it was good. At no time did I mention that I had gone to the dungeon with my new guard and taken the 5 prisoners in it.

Neither did I mention 1 was dead, killed by my hand, and that rest now hung by their feet a few levels down. That I had intentionally done it in such a way to prolong their suffering. They would die eventually, just not quickly. I had also did not warn the servant and guards present that they were to keep their mouth shut. It was only a matter of time before word got out, as the men could be seen from the sea side.

Kevan and Genna joined us. Genna refused to make eye contact and Kevan kept a scowl on his face. That all changed though when I asked my mother permission to take them to Lannisport. I told her I wanted to take them to see the city and also to buy them gifts.

This got Genna visibly excited enough that she came and hugged me, before she blushed and returned to her seat. Kevan still looked mad but his scowl had eased. Lady Jeyne only asked me about my plans and that is I would be taken guards and I reassured her that we would be safe and she eventually agreed.

Tytos eventually joined us, he looked pale. Just like Genna he also refused to look me in the eye. That was when I realized that he knew what I had done earlier. Either the jailer had spoken to him or word had gotten back to him. He would probably tell Lady Jeyne what I did later. After that dinner was quiet. I excused myself and headed to my room.


When I returned, it was still early, my room was now clean and my clothes had been taken off the floor. My training gear was laid out on a small table, the blood wiped off. Whether it was modern day Earth or a medieval fantasy world, being rich had it privileges. I was already starting to feel tired, but there was something I wanted to do first.

I sat at my desk which was illuminated by candle light. I opened the tome I had asked to borrow that had been on my desk since yesterday. There had to be something in there that I would be able to use.


A couple hours had passed and the hour was late. I was finally feeling like if I lay down, I would be able to sleep. Just like in the past, I would nap in the day because I was most productive at night. I had just stripped down to my drawers and was about to lay down when I heard a soft knock at the door.

'Who could that be?' I took up the dagger that was hidden in my clothes. I had taken it from Robar earlier today while we were in the training yard. I was the same that I had used to kill the prisoner with earlier.

"Who is it?"

"It is Mya milord, a moment of your time please?" Came a soft voice.

"Yes of course, come in." I had not been expecting her. She slowly pushed the door open and entered my room. "The hour is late. What can I do for you?" I asked while I hid the dagger behind my back, unsure of her motives. She too looked as if she was unsure of why she was here.

"I came to see you earlier, but you were having supper with your family milord." She said as she stood there; she looked like she was struggling to find her words. Her eyes were facing down and only now I remembered that I was just standing there in my underwear.

Sensing that she meant me no harm I discreetly slid the dagger onto a dresser near to my bed and approached her. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair was a mess. She looked at me searching for something. "You said that I could come to you milord, even if was just to talk. I, I cannot stay here anymore milord, I raised my daughter here at the Rock. She grew up and played here. We slept in the same bed together. Now I cannot stand to be in the same room anymore. I…I beg of you milord; I owe you a debt for what you did today for my little girl.' Tears now fell down her face.

"Sally told me this evening that you will be leaving soon to go to the Capital. You are one of the few men who has ever done anything for me without being asked to. I am asking you now, please, let me serve you milord. Let me go with you to the Capital. I will do anything you want me too. I just cannot stand to be here anymore; I think that I will lose myself if I stay here."

This was unexpected, was this a result of my high Charisma, my Inspire skill or a combination of both? I had wanted to secure her aid later if I needed it. That or at least get the aid of another servant by spreading the word that their young lord was a kind righteous boy. I hadn't expected her to literally try to beg me to let her serve me.

As we stood there her body language began to become more withdrawn. She looked as if she was thinking I would reject her. But threw away my hesitation and decided to take a gamble. I grabbed her hand and looked at her. "You owe me nothing. But if you can find some purpose in serving me, then I will not turn you away. I would welcome you if you choose to accompany me to King's Landing."

She looked at me now, her eyes had a small look of hope in them. "Thank you, milord. I promise I will not disappoint you." With that she had tried to turn to leave but I held onto her hand. She looked back at me trying to figure why I didn't let her go.

"I do not wish to take advantage of you, but you said you cannot stand to be in your room anymore. Please, I have trouble sleeping at night. I promise that I do not wish to abuse you. Please sleep tonight in my bed, you would be doing me a kindness."

' I lied, I would sleep just fine tonight. I didn't lie about the part about not abusing her, but I wanted to secure her loyalty. I would need to practice my technique on how to seduce women in the future. What better way than a grieving mother, who felt that she owed me and wanted to serve me. I would be really disappointed in myself if I couldn't even do this. She only hesitated for a moment be for she turned and faced me completely.

She slowly undressed down to her small clothes and took my hand. She lay down on my bed and I lay beside her. She turned her back to me and I took her invitation. I hugged her from behind. I could feel her shudder but I made no further movement. I could feel her body slowly relax as she felt no further movement from me. Eventually sleep would both take us. I went to sleep thinking where this 'act of kindness' would eventually lead.

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