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100% Pokémon Rebirth: Another Ash / Chapter 3: Chapter 2 Battling, First captures and Suprise Encounters

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 Battling, First captures and Suprise Encounters

(Ash POV)

If there's an example of how reality surpasses fiction, the route one of the Kanto Region in the Pokemon world is the prime example. Not just because how big is to the point the anime equivalent looks like a downsized version of it. Not only for even greater amount of pokemon present rather instead of pidgeys, ratttata, sentret or spearow. No the main difference with the anime and the game is this:

Is so damm long!

No, seriously, the length of this damm road put the anime to shame. It's already noon, we have walked for so long that even Pikachu is showing sing of tireness and covered so much distance that pallet town can be barely seen and we have not even covered a half of it!

If this how the other routes will be from now I need to catch a flying type and evolve it to it's final phase as soon as possible. Or at least get a bike I could afford it but flying in a pokemon is more fun.

"Guys let's stop for the moment" I just sit in a nearby tree beneath it's shadow, Pikachu who's already strating to get tired sits on my legs while Zorua, who returned to his pokeball cause he got tired first, came out of his ball went for my head. Both decided to take a nap.

While my friends are resting, I bring out my rotom phone to test somethings 

"Rotom Phone, open the pokedex app and go into dexnav mode"

The device itself, just like the first time I tested it, floated own its on and selected the Pokedex app and went into the dexnav function even expanded itself to tablet size so I could vizualize better. A more convenient device could be designed? i don't think so.

On the other hand is good having the dexnav from the start, alongside mega evolution and the battle frontier Dexnav was one of those features many, including me, missed dearly and was mad at gamefreak for not including them in the new games. It make more fun catching pokemon in the games.

Here the function not only scans the area through radio waves and magnetic fields and tells you the pokemon currently in the area. It tells their abilities, genders, moves, what time of the day can be found, tips to catch them and precautions to take when aproaching. Even has a Priority List where you can add the pokemons any trainer want's to catch the most and can search according to your current needs. Best. Dexnav. Model. Ever.

"What pokemons do you want to search for?"

"First and foremost, flying type pokemon, with a final evolution big enough to carry a human and a raichu with them and can be used for long term air travel" Pidgeot, Corviknight, Talonflame, I don't care what just as if they can carry me and Pikachu for long term journeys. And remember, unlike the anime, my Pikachu want's to be a raichu and had saved a thunder stone for the moment.

"Understood! Beging Dexnav According to specifications this will take a few seconds" The screen on the Rotom Phone stays in searching mode for a few seconds until I hear a ping.

"Search ended, the flying type pokemon with the specifications placed are Rookidee, Noibat and Pidgey, whose final evolutions Corviknight, Noivern and Pidgeot, can be used for long term flight. Rookidee and Pidgey can be found here during day while Noibat at night" The explanation ended with the device displaying a screen with said pokemon and their respctive evolutions.

I gaze the screen analitically while weighting my options. Pidgeot is a good choice specially because it can mega evolve and fly at supersonic speeds but is not a main priority for me at the moment. Noivern I definitively want one but I don't like the idea of stying here until night just for the chance of catching one, specially with Gary ahead of me.

So it leaves me with one choice, Corviknight "Rotom, where is the closest rookidee at-" I was about to say when both of my pokemon suddenly got up alert. I was about to ask when a I hear a unfamiliar pokemon cry from coming here.


I turn to the source of that pokemon cry. To my suprise is nothing more than a Rookidee in flesh and bone, a looking at us. It appears to be wanting a fight.

"Well, well, seems is my lucky day" How I could not feel like that? Two seconds I was about ask my Rotom Phone for one of those location and then one comes for me. "Pikachu!"

"Pika!" My partner doesn't need more words to know it. My starter jumps into the challenge with his cheeks sparking looking at the flying type with a determined expression. With me and Zorua following.

"Zorua, pay attention to this fight. From now on will be fighting with a lot of wild pokemon, that goes the same for trainers, it will come handy when I send you to battle" The small ghost type nods to me and watches intently the battle.

"Were not holding back buddy, let's show this one our moves Quick Wave!" There's no attack called Quick Wave, of course not, but I just told him to apply a tactic far more better than many moves.

Rookidee surrounds itself in a dark aura tries to hit Pikachu with using a move I reconogize as Power Trip. However Pikachu dodges easily using a quick attack, the flying type tries to turn to him but the poor galarian bird is hit with a thunder wave before he can even do that.

I smirk at my strategy still working as usual. Quick Wave is just simply a command for Pikachu to use quick attack to doge the opponents moves and then paralyze them with a thunder wave taking adavantage of the boost of speed quick attack provides. is something we have worked alongside other tactics through the years as training in preparations for our journey.

"Good job Pikachu, now Quick Iron and finsh with this!"

"Pika!" Pikachu does as I say and proceeds to a similar maniobre to Quick Wave only instead he closes distance with his opponent and hits them with Iron tail with the added bonus of quick attack, doubles the damage.

That wild Rookidee tries to counter with Peck but the paralysis and the loss of speed that comes with it prevents it and recieves a direct hit making the flying type hit the ground. 

"Pokeball, Go!" I throw a pokeball now is my chance. It hits directly the pokemon and just like the anime the ball opened, the pokemon transformed into red light and went inside the it. The ball wiggled a few times before settling with a ding and using it's in-built functions returned to me.

I caught a pokemon, I caught a wild pokemon for the first time. Any other time I couldn't believe it bu the proof lays in my very own hands!

"Yes, I caught a Rookidee!" I couldn't avoid do the same pose as Ash when he caught a new pokemon, Pikachu and Zorua also joined with to celebrate our new friend. Is just as dad said, the best moment for a trainer is recieving his starter the second is their first caught pokemon. He was damm right.

(End POV)

"Guys, let's meet our new friend" Ash threw the ball releasing Rookidee who tried to look tought despite how clearly exhausted and beat up he was, curious eye at them. 

Ash and company tensed a bit before Ash decided to break the ice "Hello Rookidee, as you know I caught you and you are my pokemon. And, well, sorry if we went overboard with the force of our moves" Ash apologized to his new pokemon in case if he hurt him badly.

To his suprise Rookidee denied to be bothered for it.

That's when Ash remembered one of the lessons his father drilled on his head: 'Pokemon's have an instinctual interest in fighting and strengh, they are so quick to follow any trainer the moment they are caught because of the respect of the skills in catching or battling them. When a wild pokemon seeks trainers to fight is because they want to test themselves agaisnt trained pokemon and see if they can be stronger under a trainer.'

Those were the words Red said to ash when he was mentoring in battling wild pokemon.

"Well, glad there's no bad blood between us." The young ketchum smiled before going through his bag and taking some berries for the flying type "Take these are oran and cherry berries, they will help you with the Paralysis and Recover your strengh"

The tiny bird pokemon eagerly accepted the berries and ate them without restraint. He was hungry after such a instense battle. Pikachu and Zorua finally decided to get themselves to know their new team member. 

While his pokemon were making themsleves acquainted with each other Ash checked again his Rotom Phone. Now getting a flying type was finished of his list he checked on Dexnav again to see if any pokemon on his capture list or one capable to pick his interest can be found in the area.

Most of pokemon the dexnav showed dind't lit up his interest or werent on his list. Aside from noibat or pidgey, the only ones on his list or interesting enough, were nidoran, the normal variant of zigzagoon and the very difficult to find ralts.

Still that did not ruin his happy mood in the slightest. He has caught his first wild pokemon in a stroke of luck so he was very motivated. Even the massive lenght of this route wouldn't wear him down now he's one step closer to complete his list and goals.

Knowing this he decided to sit and rest for bit more so he can recharge while letting his pokemon socialize between themsleves.

Four Hours Later

(Ash POV)

It's been three hours after catching Rookidee with the sun already set and still can't see the end of this road. Yeah, I need him to be a Corviknight as soon as possible if this trend is going to continue, or at least get a bike.

Still is not like I have been only walking this marathon worthy road. I cheked my backpack, who by the way had containers that use expansion and weighteless technology, albeit inferior to pokeballs, were useful.

Inside I had the containers full of medicines, food, clothes, equipment like a rod and sleeping bag, a TM case, things to entertain myself and the best of all multiple variety of pokeballs, like ultraballs, fast balls, timer balls, dusk balls, etc.

I bought all of this so I could be prepared for any situation possible. I'm venturing in the wild full of creatures with superpowers, so I can be forgiven for being too carefull.

Speaking of said creatures, I caught a male Nidoran two hours ago. He was just eating a few berries when I spotted him and used a Moon Ball to make it easier and caught himon the first try.

It wasn't hard integrating him in the team too, he seemed to accept quite easily his situation. And managed to get some time to train and use a few TM's I had on them. Overall is been pretty good. 

Now if I could catch a noibat and, if my stroke of luck keeps going, a ralts then I'll have a full team before the first gym. But those are even more difficult to catch, the former only leaves it's caves at night and where everything is harder to see and the lather can sense your emotions from a distance. Unless I caught one, let alone two if I want to get both gardevoir and gallade, when they are distracted.

But let's not mop around what can't be done, I have four pokemon now, and once I get out of this blasted road I'll be focusing on training them to be their very best they like none ever was...

God, I almost start singing aloud the first season's theme. Well when you are just walking this tediously long and boring road save for the occasional wild pokemon you start to get impatient, I wish something could happen now, even battling a flock of spearows like the anime is better than this. But that can't happen because Oak send the best of his pokemon to make sure they leave for good after so much trouble those demonic sparrows caused.

"Pika?" I stop in my tracks when Pikachu started acting weird.

"Is something wrong Pikachu?" Pikachu just kept looking everywhere while his ears were twiching, definitive, pikachu heard something. But what?


...I don't know what is but at this point is not good if that explosion is an indicator.

I glance at Pikachu who nods at me. And let him guide me at the source of the would be problem

(End of POV)

Somwhere close to Route 1 road.

Rosa and Hilda lowered their arms to see their pokemon, Servine and Pignite, exhausted, barely standing after that last attack leaving around them a dust cloud.

Both girls thought they had driven off their assailants with the combined strengh of their pokemon. However the truth fell on the like a bucket of could water when the cloud disersed revealing most of them were still standing in spite of being looking affected by the explosion.

"No way, they are still for more!?" Hilda couldn't believe what was in her eyes

"Any other flock of Bird Pokémon would be running but these are not normal Pokémon!"

Indeed what the two unovans are facing is not a normal flock of flying types. But the worst and most infamous flying types Pokémon ever only tied it's evolved form.


Aggresive, violent, territorial, holding grudges quite easily, destroy crops, and overall a invasive species in other regios and a high number of human and pokemon injuries and deaths per year.

In this current era were humans and okemon are much closer than any era before. The aggresion and hostility between both groups is been less than ever. Even the aggresive dragón types, vengefull Ghost Pokémon or vicious Dark types, who can be violent by nature find extreme violence for the sake of it without any sort of provocation distastefull at the very least.

But Spearow and their evolved form, Fearow, somehow stand out as an exception. They have no qualm about brutally killing anyone and feasting on their corpses without any sort of provocation. Human or Pokemon. And the terrified Unovas and their pokemon are about to find out.

"SPEAR" All the Spearows rush in unison towards towards the defenseless group with instent to kill and then eat them. Two almost gets their claws near the terrified Rosa while her Servine just looks hopeless at the impending doom her trainer is about to experiment.

"Pikachu, Zorua, Nidoran! Thunderbolt, Icy Wind and Poison Sting NOW!"

Bolts of lightning, gust of cold air and poisonous barbs hit the flock of wild Spearows with enough speed and precision to push bird pokemon away the girls and their pokemon while at the same time managing to avoid hitting any of the Unovans.

Confusion and suprise was a shared sentiment between all the presents util a new voice broke in. 

"Hey, Spearows..." Everyone turned to the direction were that voice came. Coming behind a tree was boy of around the same age as the girls with. Wearing a red vest with yellow outlines, white undershirt with a red stripe, indigo shorts with black outlines, and black sneakers with blue highlights. On top of his head was a hat with a C-shape of a pokeball.

Said boy who obviosuly wasn't looking happy, was followed by a Pikachu, a Nidoran and strange looking Zorua who also shared the angry expressions of their trainer.

"...If you want blood that much you can come for us, you dammed birds from the depths of the distorsion world!" The boy said with anger and determination at the flying types, who didn't look amused by the insult, and his pokemon also screaming things in their tongue wich make the sparrow-like pokemon even angrier, prompting them to attack the new group instead of their prior targets.

"Oh no! Watch out"


Hilda and Rosa screamed at the top of their lungs in a attempt to warn their unexpected savior. However said person just stared with an impassive expression while mutering a quite comand to his team "Go..."

The pokemon acted without further command from their trainer and the Pikachu, Zorua and Nidoran used the same moves for a second time. The flock attempted to evade the attacks this time but the damage they had taken from those moves before, the loss of speed from caused by Icy Wind, and the damage taken from the previous explosion played against them and most of the spearows recieved a direct hit, some being affected by status effects like poison or paralysis and another speed loss from Icy Wind. Eventually it became too much and several spearows fell debilitated from the acumulated damage.

The boy noticed some spearows managed to avoid in time the attacks and tried to regroup but he reacted faster and threw a pokeball "Rookidee, finish the those remaining spearows up there!"

From the ball came a Rookidee and doing as his trainer said, went after the remaining spearows. With an unrivaled agility and filled with determination finsihed the spearows one for one with ease.

Meanwhile the other members of his team still kept sending attacks at the other group who was at this point down to a half of their size and kept going from it.

On the other side the Unovan girls and their pokemon had awestruck expressions just by looking at the scene before them. The flock that almost takes their lives a moment ago going down so easily. The way he carries itself while facing them and the performance of his own pokemon was simply amazing.

"He... he's good..." Hilda said marvelled.

"Very good honestly... Better than those two if I can say" Rosa while still awestruck agreed.

Hilda could not deny that last part.

(Ash POV)

I kept focusing in rookidee finishing the last one up there before allowing my focus shift back into Pikachu and the other two who by this point grinded the main group to just a quarter it's original size.

I was not even a bit worried for a bit if one of the main group tried to pass them and attack me. Back in pallet town Pikachu and I trained fighting many wild pokemon, spearow included. So we we had a lot experience fighting these kind of pokemon. Plus I knew zorua and nidoran had a good aim and trusted them in follow the attack plan and pikachu's commands. I was not wrong.

Focusing in the main issue, the last of that flock is already on it's last, they are either paralizedor or poisoned and Zorua's Icy Wind slowed down to the point they struggling to even kept themselves on the air. Well time to put the lights out of these sparrows

"Let's finish this up guy's! Thunderbolt, Icy Wind and Poisong Sting, Max Power!"

Pikachu, Zorua and Nidoran gave a cry and attacked in unison at the last remain of the flock with all their power. I guess the spearows know they are done but refuse to fall without a fight. I have to admit that kind of valor is to be respected.

The combined attack hits spot on and all the spearows fall debilitated, save one who is the biggest of the flock who somehow manages to land on it's feet to give us a glare before faling down.

"Good job team, we did better than expected" I congratulate my Pokémon when return to me.

Well the flock has been taken care of now comes what to do with them. And notify the professor, the spearows must have belonged to that flock his pokemon had driven away and somehow separate from the main one. But that will be later. First I need to check on the girls and their Pokemon. Now thinking of it they looked quite familiar...

"That was awesome!" I suddenly hear the voice of one the girls and footeps approaching I turn to look at said person and I almost drop my jaw at the persons that I am seeing.

What in the name of Giratina Hilda and Rosa, the female protagonists of Pokemon Black and White and it's sequels respectively, doing here !?

"The way you carried yourself in the battle was spectacular! And your pokemon performed amazing, I think you can beat Hilbert and Nate with ease. Are you perharps a veteran!?" 

I get barely any time to organize my thoughts as Rosa bombards me with questions and

barely any time to form a coherent answer.

"*Ajem* ...Excuse me?" I heard a another voice that grabs her attention and thakfully manages to get me time to recover from my shock. Once I got over it I manage to look at the other girl present, Hilda who is looking me with a expectant question.

"Um, look, thanks for saving us from those spearows. But, and sorry if being rude, I need to ask, who are you?" Hilda ask me with a look of expecting me to answer and then I see rosa looking at me with a smile asking me the same question.

Well this my be the chance to ask them "Well, my name is Ash Ketchum and I come from pallet town. And before you ask I was embarking in my journey to viridian city when I hear a big explosion near the road I was taking and I found you too being atatcked by that flock of spearow and you know the rest"

Hilda just looked down while Rosa smile turned a bit nervous "That explosion was us. Those spearows couldn't stop atatcking us so we tried to use a combined attack to chase them off but didn't work. If it wans't for you..." Her expression turned scared for a moment

"...I don't want to think of it" Hilda also seemed terrified but apparently hid it better.

"It's okay, I have taken care of them" I said trying to comfort the two girls. They went through a dangerous situation, wich would leave anyone scared.

That seemed to work because both girls look a lot more better. Now it's my time to ask questions

"If I may ask, what are two Unovans doing here in the far reaches of Kanto?" 

Is the turn of hilda to look at me with suprise "How did you know we are from Unova?"

I point at the exhausted Unovan starters "Those are Servine and Pignite. The evolutions of the respective grass and fire starters of Unova. The only way to get one is with the regional professor, Juniper, insane luck to find a wild one or a breeder cashing a favor"

Both girls suddenly went running to their Pokémon in worry, I follow up too as I want to check on the unovans starters.

Rosa was cheking up on pignite while Hilda was using a potion in servine

"Pignite, are you okay? I may need to take You to the Pokémon center or what else those beaks and claws can carry will be bad for you"

"Nite..." The pignite lets out a low groan of pain wich has Rosa worried

"I know You don't like the graze, but plase bear it until we get back to Viridian city"

On the other hand Servine, relucantly, stays still while Hilda uses the potion.

"Wait!" I call for them and trew a few oran berries. "Give them these berries. It will help them until we reach the Pokémon center"

Both girls thanks me before feeding their Pokémon berries recovering some of their energy, enough to keep themselves up and return to their pokeballs

That's when a certain question crosses My mind. "Wait a minute, however we are supposed to reach Viridian in time? This road is so long it takes three days reaching Viridian city?"

Pikachu ask the same question and the other members are looking concerned for the same reason .

"No problem. There's a shortcut were we came" I shut down for a second at the words of rosa.

"What!?" "Pika!?" My other Pokémon express the same reaction. "A shorcut? Where!?" 

"It's not well know but theres a Rivers upstream that connects to Viridian city. It can cut shorts travel to one day and half. If we hurry we can reach Viridian city by night"

I was about to tell them go but I remembered about the spearows. I can't leave them there with beating we gave them, plus the spearows with status effects or the most affected by the Icy Wind may die if we took on account the damage. And a pokemon's death, even for one as a violent as spearow, is nothing short of tragic.

I gave a heavy sight before looking at the girls "Can you give me a moment, I need to catch the spearows first"

The unovan girls look at me with confusion. I explain my reasons, adding the evolutionary line has very good and long memories and held grudges easily. Recorded instances of Fearow attacking a specific person to enact revenge are countless. And the dead of other memebers of the same flock only makes those grudges worse.

Rosa and Hilda albeit looking warily at flock, with their pokemon looking ready to use some of strengh regained, said they understood my reasons, even if is to prevent the flock from becoming a even bigger problem in the future.

"Just in case, any spare pokeballs you cand lend me?" Both girls unquestioningly lend me two pokeballs each. With the ones I have this should suffice.

I thank them before turning towards the flock with focused eyes "I'll make this quick... Pokeball Go!"

One by one I throw the balls at each spearow sucking them inside until I hit the largest of them to finish. I noticed that one still has it's eyes open looking at me until it got sucked in the ball.

Save for the last one every other ball wiggled just once before the usal ping came and coming back to me the twenty of them. And find myself struggling to hold them before my team, Hilda and Rosa came to help me.

"Hold them for a bit, I'll just send them to the lab. Rotom Pokeball Transfer function!" Apart from having a pokedex the latest model of Rotom Phones count with a program installed to transfer your pokemon to any professors lab in situations like this.

"Pokeball Transfer initiated, what pokemon do you want send to the laborraotory?"

"All these Spearows!" 

"Understood. Commencing the Transfer function"

There was a sound of the program working. It went for a few second before the phone annoucing the pokeballs had been syncronized and teleportation Will commence.

Not a second later the pokeballs dissapeared in flash of light and the Rotom Phone said the transfer was succesfull.

Technology never ceases to amaze me...

"Well, let's go, I'll follow your guide"

Both girls smile me and we begun running and then a minute later my rotom starts floating on itself and I notice is not just me, Rosa's and Hilda's own phones start acting on their own too.

"What is going on with our phones?" Hilda ask a bit wierded. Rosa and I share concerned looks. 

"Dexnav Mode Activated. *Bep**Bep**Bep* Pressence of new Pokemon species confirmed in the Area. Scanning for specimen location *Bep**Bep**Bep*"

(End of POV)

"New species in the area? Is this normal for the Rotom Phones?" Ash asked while looking


"The new model was supposed to do so but... it was stated to be in unique occasions..." Hilda answered with the same concerned looks.

Meanwhile Rosa decided to get near her own Rotom Phone up close. She had the same concerned look like the other two but she was also curious about the reaction "But it was mentioned on what unique occasion would warrant them act like that...?"

Wathever response that question brought was silenced by a collective ping from the floating devices bringing the attention of all the presents.

"Análisis ended. Fire/Flying pokemon of unusual size confirmend. Data incomplet due to not know sightings since two centuries ago. Data recolección mode comencing"

Hilda and Rosa now we're curious, a pokemon not seen in since centuries? They didn't expect soething like that when starting their journey in Kanto. On the other side Ash was pondering for a moment before the realization hit him like a lightning. And decided to look up for something he was sure, no, he knew it was coming.

"Hey Girls" Ash spoke not taking apart his sight from the dusk sky "Look up for a moment. I think I know what Pokemon the Rotom Phones are crazy" 

The Unovan girls looked at each other before sitting to stare at the sky like he said and wait.

Their pokemon on the other side were strangely silent and looking alert. The humans barely notied it due to issue with the rotoms distracting them. It was not just them, the wild ones had been acting the same. Silent and alert ready to run, or in case of the tamed pokemon, jump up to battle or take by force their trainers to safety regardless of their protest. 

Ash isn't the only one who knows what's is coming.

While the Pokemon were busy being alert the three humans just focused in looking the sky for any sing of the pokemon. They just stood there for minutes looking there seeking any trace.

And it came.

At first it there was nothing but stillness and total silence. Not even the smallest bug type made a sound. But that was about to change in seconds

Like a lightning in a quiet night, a pacifying but undescriptibable powerfull pressence filled the place. Every being from the Humans present to the most secluded wild pokemon in the route could feel it. It was as calming as it was destructive. It was a oxymoronic feeling on how it could be se soothing like the oceans waves yet strike like multiple hurricanes spreading thousands of wildfires upon the land.

Only one kind of Pokémon could have such aura on them. And it did not delay on revealing itself.

Suddenly a rainbow colored pokemon with an apperance resembling to a phoenix appeared flying over the dusk sky. It's magnificient pressence only equaled for the fearsome power radiating it leaving in awe both humans and pokemon.

Ho-Oh, the Raibow Pokemon revealed itself in all it's seven colored glory.

Rosa, Hilda and above all Ash could only stare in awe at observing the majesty of the Legendary Pokemon. The Rotom Phones on the other side acted on their own again, using their own pokedex functions to collect data, recording and taking photos as much as possible. The Pokemon were also awestruck for the presence of one, albeit more for the power they feel from the Rainbow Pokemon than anything else. Though any tension or worry faded knowing is just benevolent.

"Amazing..." Ash could only say that. 'Seeing a legendary in real life feels so different than anything the anime, manga or even games offered.' Thought for himself.

"It's beautifull..."

"Luck must have smiled us today..."

Rosa and Hilda were just caught up on witnessing the majesty of the Fire/Flying legendary. The unovan girls briefly thought about using this for ideas in their works.

They kept watching Ho-Oh until the Rainbow Pokemon flew above them and continued flying towards the horizon until dissapearing from sight.

"That was amazing..."

"Yeah, never in my life I expected to see a Legendary. And you saw those colors? The Rainbows just gives me enough ideas for my next streaming! And the video would put people crazy"

"And how majestic he flew over us! Arceus, I can use this for my performances and dances!"

"And you had seen how his colors mixed perfectly with the twilight sky?"

Rosa and Hilda were still amazed for the whole event and inspired for it started speaking ideas for their own set of works.

On the other side Ash was silently looking at the sky in direction were Ho-Oh left with a serious expression and, uncharacteristic from his part, calculating eyes. 

'Ho-Oh... it was incredible and I'm happy to have seen him and in my first day of all things. But...' Ash couldn't avoid shuddering at remebering the other aspects of the Legendary's pressence.

'That power... It was like a sun literally flew above us. And unleash a eruption at any moment' The only comparision the Pallet native had was if all the existent nukes in his old world detonated all at once. Not a pretty thought.

That was a legendary pokemon. A force of the nature, a living cataclism, a god. And Ash got to know it first hand.

If is that the power of the Legendaries, better not fight them. This is not like the games were they can be battle and caught like any other pokemon. 'This is the real world ' 

"Pika..." The voice of his starter came from behind snapping out of his thoughts. Ash did turn his head towards Pikachu looking at him concerned.

"Oh... I'm okay, sorry buddy. But that Pokemon left me quite the impression... If you know what I meani"ng about?"

Pikachu gave him a understanding nod. That reminded Ash on checking on his team to see if they are well. They had been rather silent during the whole thing so is better to check. Also he did remember about Rosa and Hilda, who were still speaking about the whole thing with Ho-Oh.

"Excuse me, you two? We must to go to Viridian city! We must be at the pokemon center by night!"

The unovan girls snapped out of their conversation remembering they had get their pokemon checked.

"Shit, you are right. Our Pokemon need to be in the center!" Rosa returned her pignite in a hurry with hilda doing the same. Ash followed returning his pokemon save for pikachu. Without more delay the the trio started running in direction towards the shortcut, the girls guiding Ash through the path river up to the shorcut.

"By the way. I did't hear your names" Asked Ash wihout slowing down the run.

"My name is Rosa"

"And I'm Hilda" 

"Rosa and Hilda. I'll remember your names" Ash responded quickly and continued following them without any other word towards viridian city trying to pay attention to the path.

However, the young ketchum coudn't a stop a dark thought creeping on his mind.

''Will I see more legendaries?... and survive then?

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