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Pokémon Rebirth: Another Ash Pokémon Rebirth: Another Ash original

Pokémon Rebirth: Another Ash

Author: DaoistBLQfrY

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prólogue: To be a Master in my Own Way

Author notes:

-English isn't my first language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes

-This is my first story so I thank any constructive criticism and advice given. 

-Just to remember like in the title. Canon Will be thrown out as soon as possible. Just to make yourself an idea: Pikachu will eventually become a raichu.

The world of Pokémon is a magnificient place filled with wonders and mysteries beyond human imagination. Specially because of said creatures.

Humans have cohexisted with Pokémon since inmemorial times. Sometimes they work together, sometimes they love as families. Above all exist the Pokémon trainers, people who fight alongside Pokémon in battles to be the Best.

In this world one can become a trainer at the age of 18. At that age they are given a Starter Pokémon alongside a pokédex by their local profesor to begin their journey. Though sometimes a aspiring trainer has their, with permision of the local profesor, starter pokemon given before age to rise so they can gain experience and learn about rising pokemon before embarking on their journeys.

In Pallet town exist such a aspiring trainer, with his Starter, a pikachu, by his side looking at the green scenery with a relaxed gaze, although if one paid attention, like the aforementioned pokemon, it can catch a glint of conteplation, self reflexion, internal conflict and resignation.

This would not be the least bit of strange, but the thing is that said person is not one characterized for this kind of behavior, less for acting like that for a week.

Ash Ketchum was acting strange and pikachu was becoming very worried for his friend.


(Ash POV)

I stood there looking from the hill at this town, well my hometown despite the unusual mix of strangeness and normality at the thought of that. Seriously, The scenery is so normal to me yet bizarre at the same time it is borderline maddening. 

The green pastures, extensive croops, the mountains surrouding us, Prof. Oak Lab, the pokemon in his lab, the wild pokemon roaming, swimming, flying. It's new and old for me.

And for what reason?

Reaincarnation. To put in short I died and was reborn in the world of pokemon as the Anime protagonist, Ash Ketchum.

The mere idea of being reborn here and as him levaes me stunned. I liked the anime despites the mistakes commited in the long run. And then journeys came and finally he became a pokemon master and then he was going to leave the anime to make space for the new protagonist. 

It left me with mixed feelings. Sure he acomplished his goal, and thus no more need to continue his history. But it left me with a feeling sadness and nostalgia. I didn't hate the new anime, just I was so used to ash being the protagonist that any other character replacing him feels weird.

And now I'm him. With his body and memories, at first I possesed him, but no, we are the same person and it clickled to me after being killed my soul transmigrated in the pokemon world and reincarnated as Ash. My past life memories laying dormant until they came back.

And then there's how I died. A car crash, but strange, If I remeber correctly the street was empty and my personal driver was not stupid or reckless to allow that. So I came to the only conclusion possible. Assasination, and a sucessfull one to my changrin, against me.

Despite angering me, It didn't suprise me in the slightest someone was sent to kill me.

When you are the son of a powerful Yakuza family with enemies, you have a bullseye mark following you.

After realizing those two facts I spent the entire week, basically contemplating my situation, sometimes feeling angry, sometimes sad, sometimes pondering what to do with my life. Also dealing with gradual returning of both past and current lives memories, finishing last night by the way. 

Witch puts me in my current predicament. I died, reincarnated as Ash ketchum, and I'm a bit loss on what to do now. I'm having an existencial crisis of if I should do my own path or follow the scriped events? Can I even reach the same goal than him? Should I? Can I become a pokemon master or it will be a impossible goal this time? So manny questions in my mind.


My internal conflict suddenly comes to a stop after hearing the unmistakable voice of a yellow rodent. I turn to look at his, my, best friend and starter pokemon, pikachu. Looking at me with a worried gaze and, by his tone asking me if I'm well.

Something different from the anime is that Ash already met pikachu before getting his trainer license. Pikachu was given to him when pikachu was just a pichu at seven years old. According to those memories, Oak gave him as a sort of 'special course' for aspiring trainers in how to care for pokemon, and if the results are satisfactory said pokemon will be given as your starter. Strange, the anime didn't has that. Plus the age of getting your license os eighteen and not ten.

Anyway, I'm getting off the track, Pikachu must have sensed something was wrong with me and decided to ask. I know because like ash I have the uncanny ability to understand what my pokemon mean it despite not having the power to literaly translate their words.

"Sorry Pikachu... I must have worried you a lot this entire week" I say with a nervous smile. I need to give him a plausible reason. Saying the true won't work, who will believe that?

Something, something... I know!

"The thing is... That conversation those two old men in mom's restaurant managed to get throught me somehow and it was giving me second thoughs about my goal" Half-Truth, a week ago I was doing a request for delia, okay mother, with pikachu and happened to overhear certain conversation between to men in their fifities. 

To sumarize It spoke about one of their grandsons giving up on their dream because they deemed impossible to achieve and from there that conversation moven to them in how both wanted to be pokemon masters but they had given up because it was impossible for them and continued until they concluded in a cinical tone about dreams and goals never being achieved.

Admitely it got in my nerves and left me thinking for a while, eventually I would have shaken of that from my mind. But them I remembered.


"I know, thinking like that wont do any good. Plus I don't think on giving up. But..." I turn to look at the mountains again "Somehow I can't help but think if I'm aiming to high" Just because Ash managed his goal in one timelime, dimension, world? Whatever, the point is that just because a version of you suceeded it will not mean you will suceed like them. Witch is one of the reasons why in stuck in this dilemma.

At this pikachu jumps on me and gives me a *slap* with his tail, I barely felt that but it got my attention and look at pikachu giving me a look of that says 'you are being stupid'

"Pika, pika, chu-chu, pika, Pikachu!" He finishes by pointing his small, hand, paw? to him and the me.

I look at him for a few seconds before smiling at him. I understood what Pikachu wanted to tell me.

" 'Just because it will be hard doesn't mean it is imposible. You and me had been working so long for this day and onwards and now you think of being able to do it? That's no you ash!' Is that what you wanted to told me pIkachu?"

Pikachu looks at me with supirse at first but then nods. I must have guessed exactly what he told me.

But you know what It helped me a little. Just because is downright hard being a pokemon master, doesn't means is not impossible to achieve. I just need to find my own... way

"Thats it!" I exclaim in joy at the solution at of my dilemma "I finally know what to do. Thanks pikachu I wouldn't find it without you friend!" I hug pikachu while a bit confused by my sudden exclamation he happilly accepts it. Glad his best friend is looking more like his normal self.

I don't need follow the events like the anime, nor give up. Instead I'll make my own path, this is a world different than the anime, where I my history is still a clean slate. Witch means I can do things differently, being different from the Ash of the anime. Another Ash, another me.

Freedom to be what I want.

I let out a huge sight of reliefe as if a massive weight has been lifted from me and look at my partner, my best friend with joy and confidence "We should return home pikachu. I feel a lot better, mom and dad have to be worried for me"

Pikachu climbed on my should and responded with a energetic "pika" as we went down the hill in direction to home.

New Life here I go!

(End of POV)

Above the hill, under the sky at sunset, a camouflaged being was observing Ash with a hard evaluating look. Pondering what to do with him and his... predicament.

However after the conversation with his Pikachu the being stare softened, knowing his intervention was unnecesary.

"I suppose there's nothing to worry about him" Mewtwo thought for himself, before frowning a bit "Thought, if his new knowledge holds even a hint of possibility of happening in this timelime..." His eyes hardened at remembering the events that Ash went through, when he scanned his mind. "Better keep an eye on him just in case. If the worst comes I'll intervene. I owe that to Red" 

However there's was one thing Mewtwo couldn't take out of his mind. A certain element he would need to personally investigate "Did they sucessfully created another one...?"

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