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100% DxD: The Son Of Poseidon / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Theodore's POV:

Later That Day, Afternoon:

I stretched as I waited on the grass in the middle of the track field, taking quick glances at the four Devil girls and making sure all of the Third Years arrived in time.

Thankfully, the final period of the day was P.E. with the Third Years, so I had a chance to monitor and analyse the physical capabilities of the two Devil Heiresses and their Queens.

Yeah, for some reason, all four Third Year classes have P.E for their second period and since I'm the only P.E teacher on the staff, I have to deal with about 80 teenage girls.

…This is going to be fun.

"Good morning, everyone!" I greeted cheerfully as I finished stretching, smiling brightly as some of them giggled.

"Good morning, sensei~!" Some of them greeted me back just as cheerfully, some of them greeted me sensually, some greeted me seductively(or tried to) and some were just indifferent.

"It's good to see that most of you are as enthusiastic about P.E. as I am, so without further adieu, let's start with our warm-ups. Then, we'll start with the first mandatory activity you have to do, which I believe is soccer/ football." I muttered as I quickly scanned through my mind for the curriculum before I heard someone clear their throat.

"Yes?" I asked as I snapped out of my daydream only to contain my sigh as I saw Rias Gremory, one of the Devil Heiresses, smile.

"Will there be a chance to do extra credit work?" She asked with a smile that would have captured the sanity of the average human. For me though…

"No, there's no extra credit. P.E is just working out for a grade, so I don't know why you need extra credit." I said with a shrug and her smile wavered as some of the girls giggled, probably those that don't like how popular she is.

"T-Thank you, sensei." She said with a shaky smile and I smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then first. We need to stretch. First, take your right hand and try to put it in the middle of your shoulder blades. Then you take your left hand, grasp your right elbow with your left hand and pull it to the left as far as you can without hurting yourself." I explained as I demonstrated, the girls all nodding as they did the same.

"Okay, now keep it for 30 seconds. If you can't go past 20 seconds, it's quite alright as that is the required amount of time to do so. I just like to do 30 seconds for fun." Some of the girls giggled at that as I counted to 30, making sure everyone was doing it correctly.

"And 30! Now, do the same process except left becomes right and right becomes left." Everyone switched their arms and I walked through, making sure no one was straining themselves.

"30! Good! Now, everyone reach down and keep your legs straight as you reach for you toes." I said as I did it with ease, hearing some of them whistle at my flexibility before I stood back up as if it was nothing.

"Now you all do it as well. 30 seconds once again." They all nodded before they did it and I started counting. Most of them were doing it as I did. Some, including Rias and Akeno Himejima, Rias' Queen, were being a bit extra as their legs were spread further than necessary and Rias and Akeno had their hands on the backside of their ankles. As I walked through the group, I quickly and seamlessly weaved and moved around the girls trying to bump back into me. I heard the giggles of their friends as some of them tried to arch their backs to catch my attention, but I just kept on walking back to the front.

"And 30!" I said as I twisted around the last girl trying to bump back into me, turning to face the group of disgruntled girls as I smiled.

"And now, the final warm-up. Jogging." I said and they looked at me as I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you guys waiting for an invitation or something? Chop chop! Time waits for no man!" I said as I began running, the girls looking at each other before they followed after me.

"Pick up the pace, ladies! You're jogging, not walking!" I called out and those that were jogging at a snail's pace picked up speed a little before I grinned.

"If I finish my 5 laps before you, that means you have to 15 more laps." Their eyes widened as I gave them a mischievous grin before I kept on jogging, still keeping it at a slow pace as I watched the girls rush past me as fast as they could. I grinned as I waited for the last person to be at least a quarter of a lap in front of me before I slowly began to pick up speed.

I wasn't going from jogging to full on sprinting as fast as I could, but there was a slight difference in my speed as I slowly gained on the girl in last. She turned around only for her eyes to widen as she noticed how closer I was to her.

As she began to run faster, the girls in front of her looked back in confusion only for slight fear to appear in their eyes as they caught sight of me.

"You girls better start running~!" I exclaimed and the rest of the girls turned before their eyes widened as they saw the girls behind them running faster and me slowly gaining on them. Everyone immediately picked up speed as they ran as fast as they could, trying to finish their laps before I caught up.

Five Minutes Later:

"Looks like no one has to do extra laps! Well done!" I cheered with a smile, ignoring their deep gulps of air as I took a deep breath before walking to the bag of footballs on the side of the field.

"Okay, Gremory, Shitouri, Yusada and Abe! Since you four achieved the highest grades for P.E. last year, you four are team captains. Pick your teams and we'll have a four-team tournament!" The four girls in question nodded as they walked forward before Akeno spoke.

"Is there perhaps a prize for winning, sensei?" All of the girls turned to me in anticipation and I shrugged.

"I suppose…a team can decide on a prize as long as it is school-friendly."

"Aw~" She pouted as some other girls pouted as well and I chuckled.

"Now, come on. We only have about 50 minutes left and I want ten minute games." The four girls then turned to the group and began choosing their teams. Rias immediately picked Akeno and Sona Sitri, the second of the Devil Heiresses, picked Tsubaki Shinra, her Queen.

"Okay, here are the rules. Standard football rules apply. Two yellow cards is automatically a red card as always. The two captains that are not playing will be telling me if a team is offside, but if they are trying to spite the team they don't like and tell me a player was offside when they weren't, that team is immediately disqualified from the tournament with their opponents winning. Everyone understand the rules?" I asked and they all nodded, to which I grinned.

"Good! Now girls, pick a number from one to twenty."

"Twenty." "One." "Five." "Thirteen." Rias, Sona, Yusada and Abe said respectively and I nodded.

"Shitouri, you're on the right side of the field. Yusada, you're on the left. Gremory, you're on this sideline as an official. Abe, you're on the opposite side." They nodded as the teams walked to their positions, Rias and Abe walking to their places as I took out a ball and my whistle.

Tossing the ball to Sona, she took it with a smile and a nod as she dropped it at her feet and waited for my whistle as Tsubaki stood beside her.

"Everyone ready?" I asked and they all nodded as the other teams relaxed on the sidelines. I nodded as I raised the whistle to my mouth before blowing it, starting the first match.


Ten Minutes Later:


"Team Shitouri wins 3-2!" I shouted as I blew the final whistle, Sona smiling as the rest of the girls on her team celebrated their win.

"Good job, ladies. And good job to you 'official' referees on the sidelines as well." Rias and Abe smiled at me before they glared at each other. I guessed there was a bit of a feud between them.

"Now then, Yusada and Shitouri, you're the officials on the sidelines. Gremory, you're on the right side of the field and Abe is on the left." Both teams went to their respectives places and I tossed the ball at Gremory as I waited for Sitri and Yusada to be ready.

"Everyone ready?" Gremory and Abe nodded while still glaring at each other and I sighed. Here's to hoping they don't take things too far.


Ten Minutes Later:


"The score is 2-2! Both teams draw! Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide the winner!" Both Abe and Rias turned to me in shock and I shrugged.

"Overtime would take too long, penalty shootouts would take too long and rock-paper-scissors is a game of luck, so let's see which one of you two is the luckiest." Rias gave a smirk and Abe looked dismayed, as if she lost already

"And Gremory. No cheating." Both girls looked at me in surprise before Abe's confident grin returned

"W-Why do you think I would cheat, sensei?"

"You just look like someone who would cheat subtly, so no cheating. I'll be watching very closely." She flushed red slightly and I chuckled before I gestured for the two to begin.


"I…I won?" Abe muttered softly as she held a hand in a paper sign, Rias looking just as shocked as she had her hand formed into rock.

"Yes!" Abe cheered as her team celebrated with her, Rias still frozen as Akeno just gave her a comforting pat on her shoulders.

"Well then, that was a surprise. A pleasant one at that. Ten-minute break before we continue with the finals of Sitri vs Abe. Don't go too far from the field and do not disturb the other classes."

"Yes, sensei~" The girls nodded in unison and I smiled before waving my hand dismissively as they scattered to their different cliques. Abe was grouped up with the girls from the Tennis Club and Rias, Sona, Tsubaki and Akeno and a few other girls were together, though both groups were slightly glaring at each other.

I just grinned as I played with the ball, flicking and kicking it up in the air as I flawlessly did a free-style in the middle of the field. Football was the first sport my dad taught me, so it always had a special place in my heart. Besides, the Raging Tridents were the reigning champions in Atlantis for a decade straight thanks to me, so I knew I had the skill to use a football.

"Impressive, sensei." I stopped juggling the ball as I bounced it off my knee before catching it with my right hand, staring at Yusada who has been watching me from the beginning.

"That was just basic moves, but I'm sure you know that considering you're the captain of the Football Club." She just shrugged with a smirk and I chuckled as I dropped the ball to my feet.

"So why did you purposefully lose the match against Sitri? We both know you could've easily dominated the match." I said as I slowly rolled the ball around and her amber eyes flitted back and forth to keep looking at the ball as she played with a curly strand of her dark brown hair before she shrugged.

"It wouldn't have been much of a final if the Football Team won the tournament. This way, it's more entertaining for everyone."

"Good point." I said and she giggled as I kicked the ball to her, which she quickly flicked into the air and kept it in the air with her right foot.

"Cool. So, why are you actually here? I'm pretty sure I'm not that charismatic that you've already fallen for my charm." She just rolled her eyes as she kicked it back and I tapped it off my knee, catching and balancing it with my head.

"Well, sensei. The previous P.E. teacher, Aoi-sensei, was also the previous manager and coach of the Football club and with her gone, there's a vacancy…" She trailed off and I smirked.

"And you want me to fill that vacancy?" I finished and she nodded shyly, looking down at the ground. I hummed softly before grinning as I dropped the ball from my head, letting it fall on the ground.

"It would be my pleasure. Just remember that I'm going to put you guys through the ringer. We are winning every single match you are playing in." Her head snapped back up and there was a bright grin on her face.

"Really, sensei?!" She asked excitedly and I nodded with a chuckle.

"Sure, I don't have anything to do and I'm not making you guys write tests as P.E. exams, so yeah."

"Yes! Girls, he said yes!" The girls of the Football team all cheered as soon as they heard her and the other girls looked confused as I blinked at that.

"…They send you, didn't they?" I deadpan and she gave a sheepish giggle. I just sighed with a smile.

"Thank you again, sensei."

"Like I said, it was my pleasure. Tell the club I'll be busy this afternoon, but starting tomorrow, we'll start as soon as school ends and we'll train until 5 o'clock."

"I'll make sure to let them know, sensei. Once again, thank you!" She bowed before rushing to her friends and I chuckled.

'Looks like I won't be bored after school.' I thought to myself with a smirk before looking down at my watch and noticing that ten minutes has passed.

"Okay girls! Time for the Finals! Team Shitouri, on the left side of the field! Team Abe, on the right! Gremory, you're on the opposite sidelines! Yusada, you're on this sideline! Let's get moving girls!" I shouted and everyone rushed to their places, the teams rushing to their positions and I tossed the ball to Abe as soon as she go to her position. She caught it before dropping it to her feet as I nodded.

"Alright! This match is going 15 minutes instead of 10 minutes and the five minutes is for extra time! Everyone understand?!" They all nodded and I grinned before I blew on the whistle.


Fifteen Minutes Later:


"Final whistle! Shitouri wins 4-3! Congratulations on the winners of the 1st Football Champions for the semester!" I said as I clapped, the girls on the sidelines clapping as well with Rias probably cheering the loudest. Abe looked a bit dismayed, but a quick smirk and a thumbs-up from me made her giggle as her smile returned.

"Alright, ladies! Gather around, gather around! Himejima, too close! Take a few steps back!" I said as I pointed at the guilty culprit and she just gave a mischievous smirk as she moved back to stand next to an amused Rias.

"Now first off, well done to everyone. You all performed amazing, especially the goalkeepers and the strikers. Good job on stopping those potential goals and delivering those amazing shots. I would like to give a special congratulations to the captain of our winning team. The tactics you came up with and the way you guided your team from the midfield in that final match was incredible." Sona blushed slightly under my praise and I saw Rias give her teasing bumps in her side.

"Abe. Don't be disgruntled that you lost. Your tactics were just as impressive as Shitouri's, but it's just a shame she picked the better roles for her team." She gave a smile and a nod and I nodded back before I turned to Rias and Yusada.

"You two were just as amazing, even though you didn't make it to the finals. Gremory, you managed to tie with Abe, but unfortunately, it seems luck was on her side. Yusada, the handling skills of your entire team were just incredible, but next time, try to play at least and not lose on purpose." I said with an amused grin and she just gave a sheepish giggle as her team looked amused.

"I will try, sensei."

"That's all I ask. Now then, since I think we have enough time, Team Sitri, what is your request of me?" I asked with a flourish and the girls giggled as Team Sitri huddled up around each other. As soon as they came out of their huddle, I went a bit cold as I saw the smirks on their faces.

"Sensei, we want you to teach tomorrow's P.E. class…without a shirt." Sona said with a mischievous smirk, which her team mirrored, and soon every girl turned to me with looks of anticipation as I raised an eyebrow.

"And just like that, Team Shitouri lost their prize. Well done." I said with a deadpan and a slow clap before I grinned at their shocked faces.

"Now then, for the last part-!"


"-which I'm going to talk about tomorrow. Everyone, go take a shower and have a wonderful afternoon. Yusada, don't forget about the Football Club's first meeting tomorrow after school!" I called over my shoulder as I quickly gathered up everything.

"Will do, sensei!" She said with a nod and I grinned as I gave her a thumbs-up before rushing to the storage shed, where I put away the bag of footballs before walking towards the main building.

"That wasn't even enough to get a drop of sweat from me. Looks like I'll be doing the usual training when I get home." I muttered to myself as I stretched and stopped in front of the main building's front entrance. I waited for a few seconds, waving and smiling at the giggling girls walking home before grinning as I saw Yasaka and Rossweisse walking towards me.

Both ladies had taken off their jackets and were now just dressed in white dress shirts and black and dark blue pencil skirts. It didn't help that both ladies' shirts had two buttons that were undone, revealing a slight sheen of sweat on their milky white cleavage, and that it was a bit warm outside, so their shirts were slightly sticking to their skin.

I can't exactly complain considering my shirt completely showcased my upper body to the world.

"Hey, ladies. Ready for the meeting?" I asked and Rossweisse just giggled as Yasaka rolled her eyes, linking our arms together and ignoring the whispers of the girls around us.

"We're still keeping up the facade?" I whispered to her and she just giggled as she tightened her grip and snuggled into my arm, with me giving Rossweisse a helpless look that made her giggle.

"Kaa-san!" Kunou waved as we arrived at the middle school building and Yasaka smiled as she let go of the tight grip she had on my arm to wrap Kunou in a hug. I just sighed in relief as I rubbed my sore bicep and Rossweisse gave me an amused smile.

"Hey, Kunou. How was your first day of school?" I asked with a smile as soon as she got free of her mother's death hug and she giggled as I patted her on the head.

"Great! I made a ton of friends and the classes were nice!" She excitedly told us about her first day and I smiled and nodded as I listened, walking to the car to put our bags away before we turned and walked towards the old school buildings. The Occult Research Club, which was actually Rias Gremory and her peerage, was located there and I did see Sitri along with her entire peerage walk towards there as we walked to get Kunou, so I guess it was just us that was missing from the party.

"Is it wise to bring her along?" I whispered/ asked Yasaka as I gestured to Kunou, who was unaware of our discussion as she skipped in front of us, and Yasaka sighed.

"Unfortunately. Since it's only us four living in the giant mansion and the fact that assassins might try to get her while we're at the meeting, she will have to come with." I nodded before turning to Rossweisse.

"Keep a teleportation spell hidden on Kunou at all times. If the possibility exists that Gremory might try to take Kunou and use her as a hostage piece to get one of us to join her peerage, teleport her to Yasaka as quickly as you can. When you do that, you and Yasaka protect Kunou. I'll take care of the rest." She nodded and Yasaka gave me a thankful smile, which I returned before we arrived at the old school building.

"Kunou, you're with Rossweisse. Always stay close to her, no matter what. You can do that for me, right?"

"Hai, Kaa-san!" Kunou said with a salute and Rossweisse giggled as she took Kunou's hand, Yasaka rolling her eyes before we walked into the building. Yasaka took point with Rossweisse and Kunou in the middle and me in the back to make sure no one tries to ambush us.

Time to speak with some Devils.


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