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40.84% A Dragon's Perspective / Chapter 29: BEFORE THE COURT OF JUDGE JADE


Reaching his room, he pushed open the door and flicked on the lights.

The sudden brightness revealed a surprising sight: his mother, Lady Jade, seated elegantly on a red royal chair with her legs crossed.

Her presence exuded authority and grace, and her piercing gaze was fixed on him.

"I've been expecting your arrival, Diaval," she said, her voice calm but carrying a hint of curiosity.

Diaval's eyes widened in surprise.

"Mother... what are you doing here?" he asked, trying to mask his fatigue and curiosity.

Lady Jade simply smiled, a knowing look in her eyes.

"I wanted to have a word with you, dear son. It seems you've been quite busy lately, and I wanted to see for myself what has been occupying your time."

Diaval felt a mix of nervousness and pride. He was grateful for the opportunity to prove himself, but having his mother there, scrutinizing his actions, added an unexpected layer of pressure.

He walked further into the room, feeling the weight of her gaze on him.

'She definitely can't know, it'll ruin everything.'

"I... I have been helping with a project," he began, choosing his words carefully.

"Something important, s-something that could benefit all of us."

Lady Jade nodded, her expression unreadable.

"I see. Well, I'm eager to hear all about it, Diaval. But first, sit down and rest. We have much to discuss."

As Diaval sat down, his mind raced with thoughts. He knew that this conversation would be crucial, not just for his future plans but also for earning his mother's trust and respect.

He took a deep breath, ready to explain everything and face whatever questions or concerns she had.

'My mother is smart though, it'll be hard to fool her and manipulate her into believing,'Diaval thought.

'But there's no harm in trying,'he added to his already complicated thoughts.

Lady Jade's eyes were sharp, and Diaval could feel them boring into him as he sat down.

The opulent room, with its richly upholstered furniture and ornate decorations, suddenly felt like a courtroom, with his mother as the judge.

"So, Diaval," Lady Jade began, her tone casual but her gaze unwavering, "I've heard some rather intriguing things. Something about land and Eldric's involvement. Since when have you taken an interest in politics and land ownership?"

Diaval felt his heart rate spike. He knew this moment would come, and he had prepared for it.

"Oh, that," he said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"It's not what you think, Mother. The land Eldric and I are dealing with is for the people of Claire."

Lady Jade raised an eyebrow. "For the people of Claire? Do elaborate."

Diaval took a deep breath, weaving his lie carefully.

"Yes, we're planning to develop a community center of sorts. A place where the people can gather, enjoy meals, and socialize. It's meant to be a really good place for everyone to eat and relax."

Lady Jade's eyes narrowed slightly.

"A community center, you say? Since when did you start caring about public projects?"

Diaval smiled, trying to project sincerity.

"I've been thinking a lot about how I can contribute to the province. This idea came up, and Eldric thought it was worth pursuing. It's a way to give back and ensure that the people of Claire have a place that brings them joy and comfort."

His mother leaned back, considering his words.

"And how did you come up with this idea? It seems quite...out of character for you."

Diaval forced a chuckle.

"I suppose spending more time with Eldric has rubbed off on me. His passion for the province is infectious.

And besides, I've always been interested in doing something meaningful, even if it took me a while to realize it."

Lady Jade studied him for a long moment, and Diaval felt his palms begin to sweat. He needed to keep her convinced, no matter what.

"So this project," she continued, "is purely for the benefit of the people? There's no hidden agenda or personal gain involved?"

"None at all," Diaval replied smoothly. "It's all about community and creating a better environment for everyone. I just want to do something positive with my time."

Lady Jade sighed, her stern expression softening just a touch.

"I must admit, Diaval, I didn't expect this from you. You've always been more...independent."

Diaval smiled, sensing her suspicion beginning to wane.

"I know, Mother. But people can change, and I'm trying to be more responsible and proactive."

Lady Jade nodded slowly, her eyes losing some of their sharpness.

"Very well, Diaval. I will take your word for it. Just remember, if there's anything more to this, I expect you to be honest with me."

"Of course, Mother," Diaval said, relief flooding through him.

"I wouldn't hide anything from you."

Lady Jade stood, smoothing her dress.

"I trust you, Diaval. Don't let me down."

As she left the room, Diaval felt a wave of relief wash over him.

His heart was pounding, and he realized he had been holding his breath.

He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart.

"That was close," he muttered to himself, stretching out on his bed, his arms spread wide.

He stared up at the ceiling, letting the tension drain from his body.

He had managed to keep the secret of the bakery safe, but it had been a near thing.

"Just a little longer," he whispered.

"We'll make it a reality, and it will all be worth it."

With a final deep breath, Diaval let himself relax, the anxiety of the evening fading away as he closed his eyes.

Diaval was slowly relaxing, the tension of the day melting away, when the door to his room burst open with a loud crash.

Startled, he shot upright, his heart racing. Adrian stood in the doorway, looking exasperated, with little Betty perched on his head, clutching his hair like reins.

"Diaval, get her off me," Adrian demanded, trying to keep his composure.

"She's been clingy all day."Diaval blinked, rubbing his eyes as if to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Since when did you two get so close?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.Adrian sighed, gently lifting Betty off his head and placing her on the floor.

"Uncle Diaval!"Betty shouted hugging Diaval.

"Her mother has been busy in the garden after getting offered a job by Lady Jade.

Since everyone else was gone around the house, I was stuck with her. I had to take her with me to the training grounds."

Diaval raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued.

"And how did that go?"

Adrian rolled his eyes, exhaustion evident in his voice.

"It's been a nightmare. She caused trouble every five minutes, running around and messing with the equipment. I had to constantly keep an eye on her."

Diaval chuckled, imagining the chaos Betty must have caused.

"So you let her join in the training?"

Adrian nodded. "I figured it was the only way to keep her busy. I introduced her to beginner-level exercises and even gave her a sword."

Diaval's eyes widened in shock.

"You gave a child a sword? Are you out of your mind?"

Adrian waved off his concerns.

"Relax, it was wooden. She couldn't get hurt unless she got a splinter. And besides, something extraordinary happened."

Diaval's curiosity grew.

"What do you mean?"

Adrian leaned in, his voice low and serious. "While she was training, she met one of the conditions for evolution.

She jumped from the stage of eggling to youngling.

Her wings materialized, and her sclera turned black."

Diaval turned to look at Betty, his eyes widening as he saw the changes in her. Indeed, her eyes had a dark, ethereal quality to them, and small, delicate wings had sprouted from her back.

But what caught his attention the most was the green glowing key she held tightly in her hands.

Diaval's gaze snapped to his table, where the box containing the dungeon keys from the merchant lay open.

Panic set in as he realized Betty had been playing with them.

"Betty, give me that key," Diaval said, reaching out to her.

But before he could take it from her, the key began to crackle and emit a strange, green light.

The room suddenly filled with gusts of wind from every direction, whipping papers and loose objects into the air.

The key was suspended mid-air, green lightning dancing inside a keyhole that had materialized out of thin air.

Diaval and Adrian stood frozen, watching in awe and fear as the keyhole slowly began to turn, a powerful energy emanating from it.

Betty stood calmly amidst the chaos, her eyes wide with wonder.

" Pretty!"

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