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Chapter 95: 95

Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 95

Author: Jiushijiu

Albert, a strong man, was basically the master of pouring a few drinks. He was stunned by a group of people and fell down directly after just a few drinks. It can be said that he was the worst master.

No one expected that he, who was the strongest, would be the first to fall down, just like they didn't expect that the real estate agent was particularly good at drinking.

Whether a real estate agent can drink or not depends entirely on whether he wants to get drunk. If he mentions something sad and wants to drink away his sorrow, he may collapse in a short while. But if you want to talk about drinking happily, then you can see that even though he can't walk straight, he can still drink without falling down.

It's like there is a string tied to it, it depends on whether he wants to let it go.

"Ugh... ugh!"

Kinda Satoru was vomiting in the toilet. It was obvious that he was feeling very uncomfortable after drinking.

No matter how ugly he is, at this kind of gathering, everyone will temporarily put aside their prejudices and be happy first.

Especially if someone doesn't like them, they'll drink it first.

The usual resentment turned into drunkenness, which led to everyone becoming like this.

"Well... I can't drink anymore, I can't drink anymore."

Waving his hands, Kinda Satoru was still there talking drunkenly, but everyone basically left, leaving him alone against the wall.

He found a seat and sat down, staring blankly at the blue sky. It was only around two o'clock in the afternoon, and the breeze was blowing slightly, which made his wine wake up a little.

There was still excitement at the banquet, but as the banquet ended, this false excitement gradually dissipated. Kinda Satoru sat alone on the chair, but he felt a little lonely.

Perhaps, he is such an existence.

I can read, but I can only read. In his interpersonal communication, the time when he can chat with his classmates the most is probably during the study meeting. At that time, when he is teaching knowledge to two classmates, it may be the time when he is most comfortable making friends.

"Isn't this Kaneda-san? Why are you sitting here alone?"

While Kindian Satoru was in a daze here sobering up, someone came over.

He blinked to open his eyes a little wider.

He saw clearly who was coming, it was Sakayanagi Yusu.

She was holding her cane gracefully and walking over slowly step by step: "Kaneda-san looks very lonely."

"Really? Is there something wrong with Sakayanagi-san from Class A?"

Sakayanagi Arisu, the real estate agent said he was the hidden leader of Class A. On the surface, Katsuragi is easy to deal with, but behind the scenes, she is truly difficult to deal with.

Therefore, Kinda Satoru was not surprised when he saw Yusu Sakayanagi appearing here. Although his head was not spinning fast, he was not a fool by any means. He could tell that she was here for something.

"There are things, neither big nor small. It seems that Kaneda-san is very lonely. Do you need to solve the problem?"

"Whether I'm lonely or not has nothing to do with you, right?"

Maybe it was because he had just finished drinking at the bar, but he, who was usually a bit timid, dared to talk back to Sakayanagi. Maybe it's because you think the other person is a weak woman?

After all, Kinda Satoru didn't see how scary Sakayanagi Yusu was at this time. The housing agent had always treated her like a tiger, and he didn't know what was scary about her.

"It really doesn't matter, but I look at you very pitifully. You have paid so much for Class C, but in the end you don't even have anyone close to you."

"Who says there isn't? There is."

"Then where is that person? Why didn't I see him?"

Sakayanagi's words were like a knife piercing into Kinda Satoru's heart. He opened his mouth, but could not say a word.

Yes, where are the people?

Thinking of this, he became sluggish again. Looking at his posture, Sakayanagi Yusu's lips slightly raised: "Don't you think that Ryuen Garden and the house should not be in Class C?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's precisely because of the existence of the two of them that you have no friends, right? I heard it was because you didn't listen to them at the time and everyone kept away from you, right?"

"Where did you hear this rumor? It's not true at all."

"Oh? Really? Have you really never hated them in your heart? You should have had a share of Class A's points, right?"

Sakayanagi Yusu also investigated the matter of Totsuka and Albert. After all, this matter seemed a bit confusing no matter how he looked at it.

Although the reasons given are all valid, it still feels strange. So she gradually discovered the truth.

Is it useful to discover the truth? It's of no use. After all, you have to pursue evidence when doing things. Although all signs indicate that this is a conspiracy, the problem lies here. You have no evidence at all to say that this was intentional.

After all, Totsuka really punched.

Although no substantive evidence was obtained, in a certain aspect, Sakayanagi did know something interesting. The housing agency had tested loyalty.

And Kaneda Satoru obviously failed the test. He should have been the one to do this. His thinness made him a more suitable target for bullying.

But he was not obedient enough and had to give the job to Albert.

"No, I haven't thought about it."

"Have you ever thought about it, you know it in your heart. If you really want to take revenge on them, then have a good talk with me."

Sakayanagi Yusu smiled lightly and motioned to the female guard beside him to hand over his business card. She is not in a hurry. This time the other party cannot be her spy, but maybe next time?

Even if he doesn't succeed, someone else will.

Agent, agent, you are the winner and the loser. What's the use of being able to fight? There are always people who are unconvinced.

How can it be difficult to get you to fight among yourself?

Sakayanagi Yusu smiled lightly, and she left with her guards, leaving only Kinda Satoru looking at the business card in his hand and thinking.

Does he really hate houses and dragon gardens?

"Kaneda, you haven't left yet?"

Kaneda Satoru, who was thinking, suddenly heard someone calling him. He raised his head and looked at the person.

He was a classmate who had just walked out of the self-service store, and he was also the student he taught at the study meeting.

"Ah... I feel sick to my stomach after eating a bit too much... Do you want to go back together?"

Who said I have no friends, isn't that true?

Kinda Satoru pursed his lips and nodded his head: "Yeah, okay, let's go back together."

Does he hate Ryuuen? Maybe, but he didn't hate the house.

If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't have made friends at the study meeting.

Chapter 168: Can blow up more balloons

"What the hell is that stinky girl Sakayanagi doing again?"

Rubbing his head, the real estate agent felt his head hurt as he read the message Kinda Satoru sent him.

Now that the exams are over, can you let everyone relax and unwind? Are you planning to cause trouble again at this time?

"What did Sakayanagi do again?"

Long Yuan, who was lying on the sofa eating lychees, asked casually. She was holding lychees in one hand and looking at her phone with the other hand. The TV was still playing in front of her, and she looked like she was enjoying it no matter what.

As for how to peel a lychee peel with one hand... isn't there a real estate agency? That's what he's made for.

The real estate agent heard the message coming from his mobile phone, so he picked it up and looked at it. After seeing the message sent by Kinda Satoru, he couldn't help but muttered.

"It's not a big deal. She wanted to instigate Kinda Satoru, but he didn't agree and even told me about it."

"Oh? It seems like he's quite loyal, right?"

"Loyalty doesn't count. She probably just dislikes Sakayanagi. After all, her personality is not suitable for being a lobbyist."

If you are a qualified lobbyist, you should be persuasive and let the other party's thinking gradually follow your own, so that you can easily lead the other party into a trap.

But the result was that she only spoke her own words, and failed to completely mobilize Kinda Satoru's emotions to follow her, from sadness to anger to sadness, so that he would confront the housing agent.

But maybe she didn't take this matter seriously. She probably had her own inside information, so she just tried to ask. If she agreed, she would earn money if she didn't agree.

"Tsk, it seems like there is no unity in the class and you still have to work hard."

"Where are you touching?"

Long Yuan picked up the remote control and threw it at the housing agent. The bad guy actually scratched the soles of his feet.

Do you want to scratch the soles of girls' feet?

The real estate agent finally discovered that Long Yuan was ticklish. So his casual move had a big impact on her.

Otherwise, would she care about the housing agent touching her? How many postures have the two of you taken and are you still shy? It's just that the other party is playing with his soft flesh again.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm itchy."

"Do you want me to scratch your itch?"

As Ryuuen spoke, she stretched out her fingers. The nails on her fingers looked quite sharp. If she scratched them, she would break several layers of skin on her chest.

"No, I just think that since we haven't coughed in two days, we should..."

"You want to play in broad daylight?"

"I feel itchy~ Why don't you do it for me casually?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Look, I've fed you so many lychees..."


Don't you know what "housing agency" means? Longyuan? She stretched out her foot and kicked him directly. The real estate agent easily dodged to the side and held her leg by the way.

"If it doesn't work, my feet will do."

"You bastard."

That being said, but in the end looking at Ryuen who went to the bathroom to wash his feet, the real estate agent slumped on the sofa and entered sage mode.

The experience of working while having a bad mouth is quite novel in a way.

Maybe this is the characteristic of Longyuan.

But having said that, if my feet are fine this time, can my hands be fine next time? Is it okay to just use your mouth next time?

It seems that the sage mode failed to load, but this pervert still raised the flag high again.

"Hey, what are you doing here while I'm washing my feet? Damn it, you're done, aren't you? You bastard."

Finally, after a lot of cursing, Ryuuen switched from washing his feet to taking a bath.

The housing agency's sage mode was finally loaded successfully.

Sure enough, properly relaxing after the exam will help you feel happy physically and mentally.

Twisting his arms, the real estate agent went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Because he had a buffet for lunch, he made dinner relatively lightly. After finishing the meal, he saw that Long Yuan had not come out of the toilet, so he knocked on the toilet door: "I put dinner on the table. , I'll go downstairs to the supermarket to buy something."

"Go away, you bastard."

Listening to the strong yelling and cursing behind the door, the real estate agent felt that he had to work harder at night.

Sooner or later he would make Ryuuen look at the flag and look thirsty.

But it's okay to think about this kind of thing. In fact, except for the kind of naturally slutty guy, otherwise no one will be subdued by this thing.

No matter how skilled the real estate agent is, Ryuuen will still yell and twist his waist.

So compared to Kushida, Ryuuen is better. Although Kushida is not so talkative, his body is weak and he won't be able to do it after playing for a few times. Ryuuen is different. Good physical fitness means that he can fight and fight. It means long-lasting, long-lasting means you can feel happy, it means... you can blow up more balloons.

The real estate agent began to worry about whether the balloons were enough, and what he bought with tens of thousands of points might not last long.

Thanks to the points given by the kind people in Class A, I can live a happy life in the future.

The real estate agent went downstairs to buy some things that would be needed tomorrow, such as ingredients, wine, snacks, snacks, etc.

The two seniors are coming over tomorrow, so I have to prepare some things. seems that not many boys in my dormitory have been here.

The real estate agent rubbed his chin and gradually felt that this was outrageous.

Well, that's not important, we'll talk about it later.

How long have you been at school? Sooner or later, boys will come over.

The real estate agent nodded, feeling that this would happen sooner or later.

After settling the bill and returning to the dormitory, the housing agent saw Ryuuen Shoko, wearing only a bathrobe, drinking porridge at the table.

She has come to regard this place as her dormitory more and more, and now she doesn't even change her clothes after taking a shower.

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