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Chapter 74: 74

Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 74

Author: Jiushijiu

Chapter 132: When you don't know what to do, just apologize and that's it!

Sitting on chairs outside the ice cream shop, the real estate agent and Karuizawa were eating McFlurries.

The taste is good and the price is not expensive. The prices in this school are also very affordable. It simply shows all the beauty in order to allow students to live a good life.

Well, that's why those people think this school is good. After all, at first glance, I do think this school is great. Perfect life, perfect clubs, perfect learning environment, everything seems to be perfect.

The only problem is that this is where strength comes first.

And if Nan Yunya becomes the new president, he will carry out reforms to make this school a place where strength comes first.

Hmm...why do you feel like a halberd-eating spirit?

So then it became a showdown with the chairman?

Well, that has nothing to do with the real estate agency, he just wants to relax now.

While the two were eating here, the housing agent couldn't help but notice the students sitting around them.

For students other than first-year students, those who can come and enjoy it are definitely not students from Class D, which means that the students from Class D who can come here are basically first-year students.

For example, Karuizawa, for example... Horikita.

Well, Horikita and Ayanokouji were eating McFlurry not far away.

"Looking at my classmates who are still happy, I can't help but feel sad for them."

Horikita couldn't help but shake his head when he looked at the classmates he occasionally saw on the road.

Obviously, having learned about S points, she felt an inexplicable sense of superiority when looking at those classmates who did not know S points.

Obviously Ayanokouji told you these things you know...

Ayanokouji looked at Horikita quietly. At this time, she was still observing humans.

A real estate agent once said that people are all different. Therefore, if you want to know more about various folk customs, you should read more, listen more, think more, and observe how ordinary people live.

The rich have their own lifestyles, and ordinary people have their own lifestyles. The lifestyles of different people will also mean that their futures will be different.

Looking at these people on campus now is mostly enough to understand their futures.

In fact, from a certain perspective, there is nothing wrong with the school's setting. Class A will be the backbone of society in the future, Class B will be the social beasts in the future, Class C will be the bottom class of society in the future, and Class D will be the bottom class of society in the future. class? It is garbage that should be eliminated from society.

Yes, this is true in theory, but in practice there is a big deviation.

The most obvious one is Takaharaji. As the young master of the Takaharaji family, no matter what his grades are in high school, he will naturally inherit the Takaharaji family in the future. So what's the problem with his weird personality?

From the perspective of the real estate agency, there is no problem with the original intention of the college, maybe it is just a gimmick to get the funds.

There is a problem with their scoring system, a big problem. Otherwise, these various strange existences would not have appeared.

In normal grades, at most there will be some competition between Class A and Class B, but this year happens to be an exception. There are too many talented people and strangers.

Maybe there are too few capable people in the first grade? So this grade began to show interesting scenes.

"Housing agency..."

When the real estate agent saw Horikita, Horikita naturally saw him too. She whispered his name, which made Ayanokouji look over there.

She saw the real estate agent who was extending his hand to say hello to her, and responded accordingly.

"Hey, that's our enemy."


Ayanokouji immediately lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

This is what the real estate agent taught her. No matter what the facts are, she just needs to apologize first.

In many conflicts, both parties are unwilling to take a step back, which leads to anger gradually rising in their hearts, and various tragedies occur.

Therefore, Ayanokouji learned the passive skill of apologizing immediately.

Hmm...this is very Japanese.

"Forget it, I won't think too much about it when I see you like this. I don't know whether you are smart or stupid."

"Probably stupid."

"I didn't ask you."


Horikita took two deep breaths and chose not to care about this guy anymore.

It's just so irritating.

"What's wrong, agent-kun?"

"It's nothing, I just met my friends."

The real estate agent put down his waving hand and continued eating McFlurry: "Would you like some strawberry flavor?"

"May I?"

"Yeah, no problem, of course."

The real estate agent moved his cup in front of Karuizawa. After hesitating for two seconds, Karuizawa picked up a spoon, took a small spoonful and put it into his mouth.

"How is the taste?"

"It's delicious~ Come and try the chocolate flavor too."

The two of them started eating ice cream with each other.

Horikita looked at the sweetness between the two people there, and couldn't help but snorted: "He actually came to Class D to find a woman again, huh."

"What's wrong Horikita, do you also want to fall in love?"

"No, don't talk."


If you keep doing this, you will soon become a dragon slayer!

Ayanokouji, Dragon Slayer Warrior, Kiyohime apologized again, and Horikita was already used to her apologizing after a few seconds. Needless to say, someone definitely taught him this.

Not to mention, this trick is really effective, at least against Horikita.

She doesn't know what to do with the police if an apology doesn't work! 's move, so facing Ayanokouji's apology strategy is very tricky.

She already regretted inviting Ayanokouji to chat outside.

Originally, for her, the reason for calling Ayanokouji out was to discuss how to lead Class D.

As a result, we didn't talk much now, and my mood became very bad.

Ayanokouji was there quietly thinking about what happened the day before yesterday.

Chabashira threatened her.

In Chabashira's office, Chabashira told her that she needed to lead Class D to Class A, otherwise she would use her teacher's rights to make her drop out of school.

Lost in thought, Ayanokouji felt that this matter should be discussed with the real estate agency.

She could feel that the housing agent was a person who knew a lot. He seemed to know a lot of information that others didn't know.

So it would be right to ask him.

Well, after having thought about it in her mind, Ayanokouji looked at Horikita, waiting for her to continue talking about how to lead Class D.

"Ayanokouji, do you think Class D can still be saved?"

"No, just wait to die."

Ayanokouji's answer was very simple. In her opinion, Class D's disaster must exist.

Horikita had talked about it at that time, but when they still went their own way as before, Ayanokouji understood why the real estate agency insisted on a Ryuen.

Neither she nor the house can unite people.

"So there's nothing you can do?"

"Yes, let's put it to death and live again."

Chapter 133: Class D is such a good knife (1/14)

"Death to survive?"

Ayanokouji's answer made Horikita confused. She didn't understand what Ayanokouji meant.

"Tell me more specifically?"

Her answer indeed succeeded in attracting Horikita, and she wanted to hear Ayanokouji's specific explanation.

"Now everyone can't shed tears until they see the coffin, so they can only wait until the first of next month. Everyone learned from Chabashira-sensei that there is really only 0 points, and then they understand that we have to work hard, and that is when we unite everyone. It's the most convenient. It's useless no matter how much you say now, there are still too many people who don't believe it."

"Do they really not believe it?"

"They probably don't dare to believe it. They have already deducted too many points. If they believe this, it means they have done too much stupid things during this period."

"So you just bury your head like a camel and pretend you don't know anything?"

"If you can drag it on for a day, you can drag it on for a day. This is the result of my observation."

Well, this is the result that Ayanokouji Kiyohime saw.

She found that it was difficult for ordinary people to look at ten steps at a time, let alone take one step at a time. They usually only started to look after walking away, without any thought of preparing in advance.

This is like a famous study that gave a candy to children and told them that if the candy has not been eaten by the next day, give them another candy.

Some children are so patient that they can wait until the next day to enjoy two candies. Some children couldn't bear it at all and ate the candy in less than an hour.

Students in Class D are generally the latter.

They are people who cannot save points, they are people who are unwilling to admit their mistakes, and they have various shortcomings, which are enough to bury their advantages.

This is poor Class D.

But this is normal. After all, if you don't have any merit, you won't enter this school.

Even Yamauchi and Ike Kanji have their own advantages. For example, Yamauchi is good at playing baseball, Ike Kanji is good at surviving in the wild, and so on. But each individual has a lot of advantages, and people cannot be completely useless.

So the school has its own understanding of allowing them to enroll, right?

Ayanokouji didn't know, but she didn't mind thinking about it. After staying with the housing agency for a long time, she also understood the importance of thinking.

There are many things, just read more and think more. Comments made without knowing the full story are generally limiting.

"Then who do you think is the right person to talk to about this kind of thing?"

"Two people, Hirata and Kushida."

Ayanokouji directly expressed his opinion: "These two people are the most united in the class, so it is best to ask them to help."

"Well, go ahead and tell me what you think."

"The biggest problem in our class now is that it is easy for students to fail. Because the passing line in this school is very low, the cost of failing is very high, and the punishment is to drop out. If someone in a class drops out, the whole class will have to pay the penalty. 200 points will be deducted."

"But we shouldn't have any points that can be deducted, right?"

"Yes, but we will lose a student, which is very troublesome."

Ayanokouji explained the situation to Horikita while eating McFlurry with a small spoon: "The number of points obtained by the whole class is calculated based on the number of students. For example, if the class has 1,000 points, then one class can get it. Four million points. And if there are only twenty people left, then there are only two million points."

"So what you're saying is...our points are used for other purposes?"

"As far as I know, both Class B and Class C have done this kind of thing. It seems that Class A also has this situation. The more students there are, the more the class fee is. The more class fees there are, the more things can be done. The more you do, the more you can do. Sometimes you can do things that you would never dare to think about. After all, this is a school where you can do anything as long as you have some skills."

Ayanokouji's words made Horikita nod involuntarily. There was indeed nothing wrong with what she said, so it seems that Class D will also establish a class fee system?

"But class D can't afford the class fee now, so we have to retain as many students as possible, and at the same time let everyone increase their scores. Only in this way can we successfully recover to the point where we can compete with other classes."

Ayanokouji stuck a small spoon on the ice cream and recalled the story the real estate agent told her at that time: "It can be said that we should build the wall high, accumulate food widely, and become king slowly."

"Let's wait and see...for now, that's all we can do."

"There is another way, but that way is too radical."

"Huh? What method?"

"Since it's already 0 points and it won't get any lower, let's just start the show and everyone will get 0 points."

"But is this really appropriate?"

Horikita shook his head at this plan: "No, it's too radical, and we can't guarantee that we can win again when everyone is on the same starting line again."

Yes, this is what she is worried about. So what if everyone scores 0 points? Can everyone on their side become number one with all their scraps and scraps?

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