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Chapter 12: 12

Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 12

Author: Jiushijiu

Ugh...what a terrible woman.

Shaking his head, the real estate agent no longer looked at the girl, but looked at Kushida Kikyo again: "But by the way, Kushida-san, were you serious when you told me that you wanted to make friends with everyone before? ?"

"Seriously...what's wrong?"

"Do you think you can do it?"

"I think as long as I work hard, I will..."

"No, no, no, I'm talking about friends, real friends, not just acquaintances."

The real estate agent crossed his arms and looked at Kushida Kikyo: "You have to understand that friends are two-way things. They can only be maintained if both parties get along. And once the two parties can no longer live in a friendly relationship, then the matter of breaking up the friendship will be Appear. It's true, Kushida-san, that you have a good personality and are very gentle, but the question is, is everyone really willing to be a true friend with you?"

"you mean..."

"Well, let's not talk about the Horikita just now, but let's talk about the Takaharaji-san we chatted with on the road. Do you think you can become friends with him? Maintaining a friendly relationship and becoming friends are two different things, what do you think?"

In the eyes of the real estate agent, what Kushida Kikyo did was not considered making friends at all. How many close friends can you have? It's already pretty good to be able to count them on both hands once you're born. What about ordinary friends? There can be many, but the relationship between them will not be very close. Fair-weather friends? It's even simpler, just drink, eat, and play games together.

Therefore, the real estate agent can clearly see what kind of friends Kushida Kikyo wants to make.

Maybe she didn't mean to be friends with everyone at all, it was just a cover. All she really wants to be is a popular girl.

Why does she antagonize Horikita in the fanfic? Quite simply, Horikita is more popular than her.

As for Horikita's grudge against her because he knew about her dark history? That's just a defensible reason.

Master knows how to create a clever name, how could she not know? Which one is easier to accept: the innocent Horikita is more popular than her so she is jealous, or the simple Horikita who knows her dark history and completely wants Horikita to shut up? Which one is more acceptable? The second type.

Even if the second one seems a bit extreme to outsiders, the second one is more tenable than the first one. Because this is not universal.

If it is the second type, then Kushida will only be a threat to Horikita, and to others, there is absolutely no reason for the two parties to become enemies. But if it's the first type...she will be jealous of Horikita and other girls, and no one likes a jealous girl. This is a general rule rather than a special case.

So the real estate agent has to tell her who her enemies are and who her friends are.

As long as you understand your enemies and friends, you can better understand who you should deal with.

Who should she deal with? Of course it's Class A.

"So Kushida-san, I hope you won't waste your time on unnecessary people. What do you want to be, do you want to be friends with everyone, or do you want to be a popular girl? If it's the former, then you I have to work hard to become friends with difficult guys like Takaharaji and Horikita, and the latter... for things like popularity, the support of 30% of the people will lead to the neutrality of the 50% of the people becoming supportive, and the remaining 20% will be ignored. If there is any opposition, it will disappear among the crowd."

The real estate agent didn't speak quickly. He was tempting, suggesting that Kushida should rethink what he wanted.

He believes in making friends with everyone? It's just about being popular. So it would be a much easier road to just ignore the process and look directly at the results.

Chapter 24: Ayanokouji Kiyohime, who is ignorant of human affairs

"But...if I don't make friends with them, am I still considered a popular person?"

"Of course, why doesn't it count?"

The real estate agent took a sip of coffee. Well, it tasted pretty good.

"Do you think either Horikita or Takaharaji care whether you are a popular person? Others will think you are unpopular just because you can't be friends with Horikita and Takaharaji? Impossible, they are a special case , when facing them, just don't make enemies, they won't affect your actions, so why should you care about them?"

Squinting his eyes slightly, the real estate agent continued to guide Kushida Kikyo: "No one is perfect, and everyone is not a banknote. You can't make everyone like you, but you just need to make sure that no one hates you. And that's it. ...You are not limited to being a popular person, right? You have other goals, right? So will being a lone ranger like Horikita or Takaharaji affect your goals? , then consider making friends or getting rid of them. If it won't affect them, what do you care about their attitude?"

"If you can really get most people to welcome you and accept you, even if Takaharaji and Horikita say bad things to you, they will feel that it is not you who are at fault, but their lack of popularity. They will feel that they are unreasonable, and they will feel that They are the ones who are wrong. Have you discovered that even if one or two people have a normal attitude towards you, you will not become unpopular. The more you try to please them, the more they will dislike you. I feel like you are like a piece of dog-skin plaster, I dislike you and find you annoying."

Pursing her lips, Kushida Kikyo was gradually convinced by the housing agent.

Because the real estate agent really seems to be on her side and considering the problem for her. Has she really considered wanting to be friends with everyone?

If it were Ichinose, she would definitely think so. But Kushida is not. She is a pseudo-angel and doesn't really think that way.

That's why she was moved, and she felt that what the real estate agent said was correct.

Be friends with everyone? Forget it, those stupid pig-like things make them want to vomit just by flattering her. If it weren't for maintaining her character, she would have made a fool of herself.

"But...will this be too different from the previous performance?"

"How long have you known each other?"

The real estate agent said, looking at Kiyohime next to him: "Ayanokouji-san, how long have you and Kushida-san known each other?"

"Less than two days."

Ayanokouji answered truthfully.

"Look, you have only known each other for less than two days. You know each other well but not their hearts. How can anyone clearly know someone's heart in just two days? You just made a few small changes, not with everyone. To be a friend is to make friends with everyone. You don't need to please other people, and you don't need to think so much about it, right?"

Seeing Kushida lost in thought, the real estate agent reached out and patted her shoulder: "Okay, go back and think about it carefully, what exactly do you want? Being friends with everyone, this kind of thing sounds very strange. It's simple, but it's really difficult to do. Instead of just making friends with each other, it's better to make friends directly. The difference between the two is not big, but the time spent is very different, and you don't have to endure the discomfort. Come and do something, right?"

"Okay, then...I'll go back and rest first. See you Fusako-san and Ayanokouji-san."

Obviously, Kushida was deceived and became lame. She stood up numbly and left unsteadily.

Watching Kushida leave, the real estate agent looked at Ayanokouji Kiyohime again: "Ayanokouji-san, right?"

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to chat."

The real estate agent looked at the cup of coffee in front of him: "Why don't you drink it?"

"I bought this for Horikita."

"But Horikita is gone, so it belongs to you. Doesn't it? If she doesn't want the money you spent and the things you bought, then it still belongs to you."

The real estate agent said, looking Ayanokouji up and down: "You... don't have cognitive impairment, do you?"

"Cognitive impairment? No, I don't have anything like that."

Ayanokouji Kiyohime shook her head in denial. But he actually brought the coffee to his mouth and took a sip.

It seemed like he listened to the housing agent.

"Really? But I think Ayanokouji-san is different from ordinary people. You... don't look like ordinary people."


Ayanokouji asked back, his hands clenching slightly under the table.

At this moment, she felt that the man sitting opposite her smiled like a fox, cunning and insidious, and it was as if he had seen through everything about her.

"Yes, I briefly surveyed you, and your scores... are very interesting."

"Score, what's the problem?"

Ayanokouji has not realized the problem yet. She may be very smart, but as a perfect creature, she is not perfect.

At least from the perspective of the housing agency, she was worth taking advantage of.

She has an IQ, but not a high emotional intelligence. This can only be said to be related to life since childhood. The real estate agent didn't care about this, and he didn't intend to let Ayanokouji become a plaything in his hands. As long as she...concentrated on having a good duel with Sakayanagi, everything else didn't matter.

Well, it doesn't matter, he doesn't care that much at all. Ayanokouji has flaws and weaknesses, and that's a good thing. If he were a student in Class D, he might have to find a way to deal with this perfect creation, but he was a student in Class C. As long as he doesn't let Class D become too strong.

On the surface, only Kushida, Horikita and Hirata are enough, right? Just let her be a self-admiring beauty. As long as she is not involved in the turmoil, she will not cause trouble.

After all, as long as she doesn't drop out of school, she can do whatever she wants.

Is it simple? It's not easy, because the real estate agency knows that Chabashira Sae is capable of causing trouble. In a way, if Chabashira Sae hadn't made trouble, De Ayanokouji would not have taken action at all, and she would have been a silent bystander.

Promoted from class D to A? It has nothing to do with her.

So the real estate agent thought that he could try to be friends with her.

Well, friends, even friends who stab each other in the back, maybe he can play with this tiger.

"Let me ask you a question. A test paper has a full score of 100 points and a minimum score of 0. What do you think the average score of a class of students will be after finishing the test?"


"Do you really think so?"

The real estate agent's expression became even more interesting: "That's what you think, right? It would be nice to be a student with neither high nor low grades, so you chose 50 points. So I said you have cognitive impairment. If you go to school since childhood, , everyone will undoubtedly know that the difficulty of the exam is a curve rather than a straight line. The higher the score, the more difficult the exam is. If I were you, I would score around 70, yes, around 70. It is not a coincidence that the scores in the five subjects are exactly the same. Artificial results."

Chapter 25 Why are there people everywhere?

The real estate agent didn't mind telling Ayanokouji these things. Instead, he was teaching Ayanokouji how to become an ordinary person.

"You...what do you mean? What do you want to do?"

Ayanokouji could tell that the real estate agent was not just talking nonsense, he really had something on his mind.

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering where you came from as a little princess. I don't know any of this common sense... To be honest, I'm very interested in you. How about... how about we become friends?"

"become friends?"

"Yes, don't you want to live a normal life? How about we become friends and I'll take you into a normal life?"

The real estate agent said, took out his mobile phone, quickly found the page where he added friends, and handed it to Ayanokouji: "You have two choices now: 1. Be friends with me. Maybe you can understand ordinary people." 2. Refuse to be friends with me and continue your poor disguise?"

Ayanokouji has a big problem. She said she wants to make friends, but this idea can only be said to be present, but not strong.

And there are always people who say that she is self-interested, which in the eyes of the real estate agent... is not a problem.

After all, you can't treat her as a teenager. What if you treat her as a two or three-year-old?

hungry? Peed? Crying, just crying, is to tell my parents that I am hungry, peed, and thirsty, so that they will not worry about what time it is or whether their parents have rested.

The real estate agent doesn't know whether human beings are inherently good or inherently evil in the beginning, but they are definitely selfish and self-interested. The selfless thought needs to be cultivated slowly in future education.

People are born to learn how to ask, but it takes a lifetime to learn how to give up.

In the eyes of the real estate agent, Ayanokouji's strategy is not as difficult as Kushida's.

As for whether Ayanokouji will become a white-eyed wolf... You said that Lu Bu's third-named family slave is worth using?

The real estate agent is not really her friend, so does it matter whether she is selfish or not? So what if she has an idea? Just like Ryuuen Sho, you can't blame the real estate agency for thinking she's a fool.


Looking at the mobile phone placed in front of him, Ayanokouji remained silent. She was just thinking.

"You didn't lie to me?"

"If you are really afraid that I will lie to you, just leave. Anyway, just continue with the poor disguise."

The real estate agent really didn't care. He looked like he was really not afraid of Ayanokoji.

Just leave. If the worst happens, you'll find a way to start cheating later.

Now that I have figured out how to deal with her, everything after that is easy to say.

"...I hope you didn't lie to me."

After seeing that the real estate agent wasn't lying, Ayanokouji tentatively believed him.

After adding him as a friend on her mobile phone, she continued to ask: "What happens next? What should I do?"

"After that, let's wait until the evening. I'll have a good chat with you in the evening. You should go back and rest first. You should have some things to do, right?"

"Um...actually I have nothing to do."

"It's my business, I'm just giving you a step down... Okay, it seems that the cognitive impairment is really serious, you go back first, I will send you a message in the evening... You won't be stupid Are you holding your phone like a girl and waiting for my message? "

"Of course not possible."

"That's good, otherwise I will feel guilty."

Soon, the housing agency sent Ayanokouji away. After sending him away, he couldn't help but sigh.

Why do you think there are so many bad things?

right? Beautiful brother?

Why didn't the housing agency go with Ayanokouji? Because from just now, there was a strong man with his back turned to his burly figure, pretending to be eavesdropping.

What do you think I can do if I pass five levels and kill six generals? After sending away Horikita, then Kushida, and then Ayanokouji, why is there still a beautiful brother?

More importantly, Sakayanagi in the distance, please put away the smile on your face! I told you not to drink coffee!

Forget it, I'm tired.

The real estate agent had no intention of having a good chat with the other party. He had already had enough chatting today and he just wanted to go back and have a good rest.

"Hey, Sao Nian, you've had enough chatting with the beautiful girls and are you planning to leave?"

It's a pity that the real estate agent wanted to leave, but Gao Yuanji didn't want to let him go.

He stretched his legs forward, blocking the housing agent's path.

Okay, I can't leave.

The real estate agency doesn't know how capable Gaoyuanji is. But he can beat Long Yuan Xiang, so the real estate agent will definitely not be able to offend him.

"What, Gaoyuanji-san also wants to talk to me? Please, I'm very tired, how about another time?"

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