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Chapter 11: 11

Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you a little help Chapter 11

Author: Jiushijiu

Well, to a certain extent, it is indeed laissez-faire, but it is not laissez-faire, dear.

"So do you have anything else to ask? I think you are more likely to want to chat with a pretty girl than me?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"Really? Okay."

Seeing Kushida having to chat with herself in order to maintain her image, the real estate agent felt that she was a bit pitiful.

But my temper should be better than those three idiots, right? At least she won't be too angry.

"But I also want to know about the situation of your Class D. Who is the squad leader of your Class D now?"

"We haven't chosen a monitor yet... Do we have to choose one?"

Kushida couldn't help but open her mouth after listening to the real estate agent's words. She really had never considered such a thing.

And to be honest, even if she thought about it, it would be hard to say. She could only say that most of the students would be obedient, but as for the few thorny ones, there was really nothing they could do.

"That's not true, it's just that it's easier to have a class monitor. Class B is Ichinose-san, my class is Ryuuen-san, and Class A should be Katsuragi-san, but the situation in Class A is quite complicated... although it's not like your class. It's just complicated."

The housing agent took a look at the current situation of Class D. There were not many students left.

"It's not appropriate to talk here. How about finding a better place to have a drink and chat?"

The housing agent then extended the invitation.

After thinking for two seconds, Kushida nodded and agreed to the matter.

She does have something she needs to take advantage of... ah no, she needs the help of a real estate agency.

"How about going to a coffee shop?"

"A coffee shop? That's a good choice too."

The real estate agent no longer sat around, but walked and chatted with Kushida.

Kushida wanted to take advantage of him, so why didn't he want to take advantage of Kushida?

It's just that one is for short-term use, and the other is for long-term use.

To be honest, compared with Karuizawa, it is not easy for Kushida to win. At least you need to have experienced the fingerprinting incident.

Although the fingerprint sister incident has appeared in many fandoms, from the perspective of real estate agents, it is not easy to take the initiative to intervene.

No, not only is it not small, it can even be said to be very high.

First of all, in order to ensure that his other side will not be seen, Kushida will definitely find a place that is difficult to find. Secondly, she doesn't necessarily go every day, so it's easy to miss out.

Then you need an eyeliner to help keep an eye on it. The real estate agent's first reaction was to find Shiina-san, but he shook his head.

It's better to talk to her less about your plans. Although her character is not a big talker or a person who fails to succeed but is prone to failure, she is very soft-tempered and telling her will only increase her worries.

So who else in Class C can handle this problem?


There is no way, the first reaction of the real estate agency is that there are a few big losers around Ryuen Xiang. As for the other people... the fans are basically just the masses. It is still difficult to say whether it can be used. For example, Kinoshita Minori, Yamashita Saki, Morodo Rika, Yajima Mariko, etc. If the real estate agent hadn't been in Class C all his life, he might have no impression of these girls.

Forget it, let's talk about it then. If it doesn't work, mobilize them. Whoever can detect Kushida sneaking out will be given thousands of points or something. There will be a brave man under the heavy reward.

She is by no means the kind of person who would accumulate a lot of resentment and not express it, so it is not difficult to seize the opportunity for her to leave. It's just that the real estate agent is a boy. What kind of thing is it to follow a little girl? It seems like I have to go back and think about this matter carefully by then.

He felt that ruling the class could not rely solely on force. It was a good choice to give a stick to a sweet date. It's also great that he and Ryuuen play the red face and the other the bad face.

Chapter 22: No matter what else, start spraying first

He was thinking inwardly, but on the surface he continued to chat and laugh with Kushida.

Not to mention, after getting rid of those stereotypes, Kushida's emotional intelligence is really high.

She can get along well with many girls, especially those who look like crazy girls to the real estate agency. It is impossible for her to have low emotional intelligence.

The two of them had a pleasant chat along the way. Although it was only two days, the two of them had a lot to talk about.

Yes, many. It seemed like boys and girls had nothing to talk about, but if it was Kushida, she could always find a topic to talk about with the real estate agent.

What can we talk about? The real estate agent talked most about information and his boss, Ryūen Shoko. The information is nothing more than gossip about Class A and Class B. The situation of my boss is nothing more than bragging and boasting, and by the way, I talk about the unity and friendship of the classmates in Class C.

He didn't even believe what he said.

He didn't know whether Kushida believed it or not, but on the surface she looked like she believed it completely.

She was also talking about the situation in Class D and couldn't help but sigh.

There is no way, there are many problem children in Class D, especially the Rokusuke of Gaoyuan Temple, which is really a headache.

Ah, beautiful brother, it's normal to have a headache.

While expressing sympathy for Kushida, he began to think about the troublesome existence of Kogenji.

What did he say... a senior music man?

He came to this college just to enjoy life. As long as he didn't drop out, he could make all kinds of mistakes. If this kind of person uses it well, it is a wonderful move, but if it is not used well, it will be a trouble.

Well, no matter how you think about it, that will happen later. He... has to slowly consider how to use it.

He walked into the coffee shop with Kushida, and when he saw that it was full of students, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Oh my god, you guys really, even if you have 100,000 points a month, you wouldn't come to such a high-end place to enjoy it, right?

He doesn't usually come here. At most, he says he comes to have a drink with a girl.

"Eh? I saw a classmate from my class, classmate Fang Fang, can you buy me a mocha? I want to chat with my classmates."

"Of course, easy to say."

We've come to this point and the real estate agency still doesn't know what Kushida is planning to do? She wants to make friends with Horikita.

Let Brother Lu help bring Hori out, and then pretend to meet him accidentally, and then successfully make friends. It is an ideal and beautiful plan.

But the result should be a failure. After all, Horikita is a problem child. At the beginning of the game, she was the one who had nothing to do with herself.

Unlike the many students sitting there, there were no students in the card pile here. The housing agent quickly ordered two cups of coffee and chose one of them with extra milk and sugar.

Well, he chose the standard version of Mocha. After all, he didn't know what flavor Kushida liked, so he went with the regular version.

Anyway, she came to the cafe more to establish a good relationship with Horikita than to drink coffee.

The coffee was made quickly, maybe because it was peak season so hot drinks were prepared? Anyway, within two minutes the real estate agent had picked up coffee and went to find Kushida.

It wasn't difficult to find Kushida, after all, she seemed to have some problems there.

Opposite her, a girl with long black hair and straight hair was confronting her, even looking a little aggressive.

"Huh? What happened?"

The real estate agent joined the chat group very naturally, and handed the mocha to Kushida: "Kushida-san, your mocha."

"Thank you."

Kushida, who didn't expect the real estate agent to suddenly intervene, took the cup of coffee in a daze, while Horikita Suzune, who was opposite with her arms crossed, couldn't help but sneered when she saw the real estate agent's appearance.

"What happened? It seems that our victim didn't know that he was being taken advantage of."

"What does it mean to be taken advantage of?"

"Of course I used you as an excuse to come to me. You are just a guy who is being used. It doesn't matter who you are, as long as you are a classmate from another class. Speaking of Kushida-san, is it appropriate to do this? So Scheme against your classmates? "

The real estate agent had to pretend not to understand at this time. When he looked at Horikita Suzune in confusion, he was also looking at the other customer at the table.

If I guessed correctly, it should be Brother Lu... Damn it, Sister Lu?

Sitting next to Kushida was an aloof girl with long brown hair who looked sick and seemed to have no energy.

But this shock to the housing agent made him stunned for several seconds. But he soon adapted to it. After all, it's understandable that Ryuuen Shoto became Ryuuen Shoko, and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka became Ayanokouji Kiyohime, right?

He was in a daze because of the housing agency, but in Horikita's eyes, he was hit. How will he react after learning the truth?

Yes, if you start arguing and questioning, as long as he makes a fuss, you can take advantage of the chaos and leave.

Although she could leave directly now, she didn't believe that Kushida would just watch her leave. She might be going to do something else, so it would be best to simply give her some trouble.

"Ahem, you say I'm an excuse? Kushida's purpose is to make friends with you?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Who are you?"

But what Horikita didn't expect was that the real estate agent didn't feel disappointed or angry. Instead, he showed a... puzzled look?

Not sure?

"What a fool you are, do you think you are so important? It's so hard to be your friend together, and you still have to calculate to be your friend? Are you tired?"

No matter what the truth is, the real estate agent can feel that the woman in front of him seems to be looking for trouble with him.

It is true that Kushida most likely took advantage of her, but she did not let herself fall into the position of a clown. Horikita's words made him look like a clown, a licking dog, who was attracted by a bad woman like Kushida. Utilized waste.

Can he bear this? Who is your Jaguar?

"No, with someone like this, you don't really want to make friends with her, do you?"

The real estate agent tilted his head and asked Kushida, and continued talking: "Although I know you want to make friends with everyone, there are some people who are not worth making friends with, right?"

After saying that, Kushida looked at Horikita again: "Who makes friends by scheming? Are you paranoid about being persecuted? Or are you a bitch who likes to be plotted? Let's just drink a cup of coffee. Tell me that I met a classmate and just chatted with you. You feel that you are superior to others. Who is more valuable than the other in class D? She wanted to come to the coffee shop because I suggested it. Why, could it be that she was plotting against me? Can you plan enough to let me tell you where you are?"

The real estate agent immediately started telling Horikita that he had long been unhappy with this woman. Who do you show this look to when you open your mouth? Who are you? I'm not from Class D. How can I be afraid of you? I'm not even afraid of you, Ryūen Shoko.

Chapter 23 Begins 'Following the Instructions'

Is Kushida embarrassed? It's so embarrassing.

She didn't expect that the housing agent would actually quarrel with Horikita Suzune.

But at this time, she couldn't help anyone and could only watch from the side.

Help Horikita? It's impossible. Horikita will not treat her better just because of her help. Instead, he will think that this is a cruel trick. And the house will treat her badly because of her rebellion.

Help with housing? It's even more impossible. She can't turn her elbows outward to help students in other classes. Otherwise, how will she be able to hang out in the class in the future?

It's torture and pain no matter what.

Kushida is in pain here, and Horikita's expression is not good-looking at this time.

The real estate agent's words revealed one meaning - ugly people often cause mischief.

Who are you? Why do you always feel like someone is targeting you? Do you really take yourself seriously?

"Okay Kushida, you should stop interacting with her like this. She is like this. She doesn't understand the rules of this academy. She will probably be expelled from the academy in a short time. Oh, you still have the surname Hori. Bei, compared to the student council president, you are a real loser."

The real estate agent even stretched his thumb toward the ground with a look on his face that said, "You are the younger brother among younger brothers."

Fist, hard.

"how do you know..."

"The surname Horikita is not common, so he is either your brother or your cousin, or a distant relative. Even if it is nothing, there is a huge difference with the same surname... How about you change your surname?"

"You bastard!"

In the end, Horikita cursed at the real estate agent and left quickly. This loud curse made everyone in the coffee shop look at him.

But the real estate agent shrugged and sat on the chair: "Okay, you can sit down too. I was right about what I just said, there is no benefit in making friends with this kind of woman."

Kushida looked back at Horikita who was angrily walking away, and then at the real estate agent who was sitting and drinking coffee. Her brain was a little unable to react. She had never encountered such a thing, so she didn't know how to do it now. Know whether to follow or not.

"Besides, I advise you not to go looking for her now. She is angry and whoever goes after her will suffer... Oh, except for her parents."

The real estate agent was still talking about Horikita, and Kushida sighed helplessly.

Now that things have come to this, what else can be done?

She sat down helplessly and said to the classmate next to her: "I'm so sorry, Ayanokouji-kun, but your trip was in vain."

"Ah, it's okay, I'm bored anyway."

Ayanokouji Kiyohime didn't feel unhappy because of this, she was such a boring person. Just because she was simply asked, she decided to give it a try.

She also wants to live a normal life. Logically speaking, normal people...should be like this, right?

On the opposite side of Ayanokoji, the real estate agent watched her movements quietly.

Hmm... He is indeed an extraordinary person.

Ayanokouji Kiyohime's sitting posture is very standard. Although she doesn't seem to have much presence, it makes people feel like she is a lady.

But this sitting posture is very explosive. If something happens, she can stand up and knock the opponent down with one punch.

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