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34.48% Wrong Turn: No Turn Back / Chapter 19: Chapter 14: Alpha The Watcher

Chapter 19: Chapter 14: Alpha The Watcher


Kenia Perrin led the way with her flashlight, casting flickering beams across the darkened corridors of the old sanatorium.



 Jenna Rivers shivered, her breath visible in the chilly air. "Ohh! I'm freezing," she murmured, wrapping her arms around herself for warmth.



As they explored further, Jenna glanced around and asked, "What is this place?"



Daniel, his voice echoing in the silence, replied, "An old hospital maybe?"



Kenia paused, her flashlight illuminating a worn sign on the wall. "Well, it looks like we're visiting for the night," she said with a hint of resignation.



Kyle chimed in, his tone laced with sarcasm. "Great."



Kenia turned to face her friends. "Shall we?" she asked, gesturing for them to follow.



With nods of agreement, they ventured deeper into the eerie building. They eventually stumbled upon a living room area, illuminated by the faint glow of their flashlights.



Claire marveled at their surroundings. "What is this place?" she wondered aloud.



Vincent's flashlight swept across the room, revealing dusty furniture and forgotten things. "Holy crap," he muttered in awe.



Sara, feeling the warmth emanating from the room, exclaimed, "Why is it so warm in here?"



Kyle, ever the pragmatist, speculated, "Maybe there's a janitor here or something."



Kenia offered a logical explanation. "They probably keep the boiler going so the pipes won't freeze."



Daniel, grateful for the shelter, turned to Kyle with a smile. "You're really lucky this place was here, man," he remarked.



Lauren giggled nervously, her eyes darting around the room. The others followed suit, shedding their winter jackets and exchanging relieved glances.



Claire wrinkled her nose at something she spotted. "Oh, wow," she commented.



Kyle's flashlight revealed something unsettling. "Creepy," he muttered under his breath.



Jenna recoiled in disgust. "Gross," she exclaimed, taking a step back.



Bridget, noticing something on the floor, voiced her disgust. "It's disgusting," she declared.



Lauren, eager to change the subject, interjected, "I'm just glad we're inside."




Bridget, her expression a blend of shock and curiosity, turned towards Jenna. "Ew! Did you find that in here?" she asked, her tone filled with disbelief.



Jenna nodded "Yeah. Don't touch it," she warned, with a half-amused chuckle.



Bridget's voice broke the uneasy silence. "That's so creepy!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with apprehension.



Jenna nodded in agreement. "Uh, huh," she murmured softly, her gaze darting around the dimly lit room.



a few nervous laughs spread among the group



Kenia, ever the practical one, took charge. She removed her winter jacket and addressed her friends. "Can you guys find something to burn?" she asked, her tone urgent yet composed.


Their attention now focused on Kenia, the group nodded in unison, understanding the gravity of their situation.



"Scrap wood or furniture? Something," Kenia reiterated, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency.


Daniel stepped forward and said "Yeah. We're on it. Absolutely,"



As Sara and Claire settled onto the sofa, Kenia joined them, positioning herself between them.



Sara glanced at Kenia, concern etched on her face. "What about Porter? He's going to be expecting us," she pointed out, her voice tinged with worry. "You don't think he'd go out in this weather, do you?"



Kenia shook her head reassuringly. "No. Porter's way too smart for that," she affirmed confidently also with a little bit nervous about her boyfriend.



Claire chimed in, suggesting, "Maybe you should give him a call. Let him know we're safe."



Kenia agreed with the suggestion, acknowledging, "Good idea."



Meanwhile, the three college men—Kyle, Daniel, and Vincent—prepared themselves to search for items they could burn to keep warm. Daniel stole a quick kiss from Lauren before heading out with Vincent, both armed with flashlights.



As Kenia attempted to make the call, she grumbled about the poor cell service. "My freaking cell service sucks," she muttered in frustration.



Bridget and Sara shared a laugh at the situation, and Jenna joined in too.


 Then Kenia turned to the group, asking, "Does anyone have a signal?"



Bridget and Claire both checked their phones, shaking their heads in disappointment. "Nothing," they confirmed in unison.



Kenia cursed under her breath, feeling the weight of the situation.

Bridget, sensing Kenia's worry, offered some reassurance. "Kenia, Porter's a really smart guy. Ηe's gonna know we wouldn't go out in this weather," she said, trying to calm her friend's nerves.



Claire interjected with a playful jab at Porter's intelligence, eliciting laughter from the group. "You're talking about Porter being smart?" she teased, earning more laughter.



Kenia defended her boyfriend, with a smirk. "Well, he's a hell of a lot smarter than Kyle, who got us lost. Remember?" she reminded them, recalling their earlier misadventure.



Claire's humor continued to lighten the mood as she quipped, "I didn't say Kyle was smart either," prompting laughter from the group.


Claire smiled at Kenia, trying to ease her worry. "Porter's probably nice and toasty right now," she said with optimism, hoping to reassure Kenia.

Kenia nodded, though the worry still lingered in her expression. "Yeah. I hope so," she replied softly, her thoughts consumed by concern for her boyfriend, Porter.


[Meanwhile Adam side]


As they walked through the freezing landscape, Porter and Adam were searching for the Glenville Sanatorium, where Porter's friends were. Porter appreciated the warmth from Adam's patches and decided to chat to pass the time.



Porter remarked on the bitter cold, acknowledging, "It's so cold, but thanks for these warm patches you gave me."



Adam, focused on their goal, replied shortly, "Sure.



Curious to learn more about his companion, Porter inquired, "How old are you, man?"


Adam simply answered, "I'm 19."



Porter shared a bit about himself, stating, "Oh, I'm 21, and I'll be graduating college next year."



"Thats cool," Adam acknowledged briefly, his attention fixed on their surroundings.


Undeterred by Adam's reserved demeanor, Porter extended his hand and introduced himself, "By the way, I'm Porter Harmss."



With a strong handshake, Adam introduced himself, "I'm Adam Wilson," then turned back to continue trudging through the snow.



As they walk trying to lighten the mood, Porter chuckled nervously and commented, "Well, this is really cold, huh? If it weren't for your warm patches, I could have been screwed by now."



Adam remained silent, his focus unwavering. Sensing the urgency of their mission, he urged Porter, "Hurry up, we don't have time for luxury."



Porter nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of their situation. "Yes, man," he replied, matching Adam's pace as they pressed on through the biting cold.


Meanwhile Inside Glenville Sanatorium


Alpha, seated in the control room of the Glenville Sanatorium, surveyed the array of monitors displaying different areas of the facility. His presence exuded authority as he observed the unfolding events with a sinister smirk.



Muttering to himself, Alpha noted, "The cast is now on set," his eyes glinting with malevolence.



One of the disfigured figures approached Alpha, grunting and gesturing, seemingly eager to take action.



Alpha glanced at them dismissively, commanding, "Not now. Don't kill them yet. Let them have some fun."



The disfigured figures grumbled and voiced their dissatisfaction, but Alpha's piercing red gaze silenced their protests. "I told you, not now," he reiterated, his tone brooking no argument.



Reluctantly, the disfigured figures nodded, cowered by Alpha's intimidating presence.



With a satisfied nod, Alpha declared, "Good. Now, stay put and wait for my command."



As Alpha returned his attention to the monitors, he chuckled darkly. "Have some fun... enjoy your moment while it lasts because tomorrow will be hell," he declared ominously, his laughter echoing through the control room.


[Meanwhile back to Kenia]


Daniel, equipped with a flashlight, returned with Kyle and Vincent, bearing cardboard and wood for a makeshift fire.



"Okay. Who's up for a weenie roast? You?" Daniel playfully pointed the flashlight towards Sara, then Claire, Kenia, and Bridget, before finally directing it towards his girlfriend. "I know you are."



Kyle busied himself organizing the wood and materials, readying them to light the fire. "All right," he affirmed, while Vincent assisted him.



Vincent then joined Jenna, his girlfriend, sitting on her lap. Jenna greeted him with a coy smile, and Vincent teasingly asked her to move over so he could sit in her chair, allowing her to take his place on his lap.



As Kyle successfully lit the fire, cheers erupted from everyone present.



With the fire ablaze, Kyle took a moment to address the group. "All right, guys. I just want to say sorry for the mix-up out there," he began, expressing gratitude for their safety. "I know things could have turned out really bad, but I'm glad we're all okay."



Vincent reassured him, saying, "Don't worry about it, dude. It could have happened to anyone."



Kenia chimed in, offering reassurance. "It's fine. We're all fine. We'll go to the cabin in the morning," she suggested optimistically. "I think the weather should be clear by then."



With the prospect of rest ahead, Vincent, seated with Jenna, protested playfully. "No way! Have you seen this place? It's freaking fantastic."



Their laughter echoed through the room, signaling a moment of relief and camaraderie amidst the uncertain circumstances.



Vincent proposed, "Let's check it out. Do a little exploring," casting a glance at Jenna.


Daniel, seated in a chair with Lauren in his lap, serious said, "Trespassing?" His comment elicited awkward laughter from everyone.



"God, Daniel," Kyle interjected, attempting to diffuse the tension.



Lauren, sensing Daniel's discomfort, leaned in and kissed him, silently urging him to ease up.



Daniel, now more relaxed, turned to Vincent. "All right. All right. I'll go with you," he agreed.



Kyle, standing up, joined in. "Yeah, me too," he declared.



Vincent, considering the safety of the girls, inquired, "You girls gonna be okay alone?"



Sara, with a teasing tone, warned Kyle, "Don't get lost again."



Kyle chuckled, thanking her for the reminder.



Bridget voiced her concerns, "Wait. You expect us girls to cook dinner?"



Daniel can't believe about what bridget saying his expression was like [SERIOUSLY WOMEN], He said "It's hot dogs. I think you ladies can handle that."



Bridget, unimpressed, countered, "Well, maybe I don't want to."



Vincent, teasing Bridget, remarked, "That's right, Bridget. You don't do hot dogs, do ya?"


Their banter sparked laughter from the group.



Bridget, shot back, "Fuck you, Vincent."



Kyle, eager to depart, urged, "Let's go."



Kenia, Jenna, and Claire quickly decided to join the expedition, with Kenia saying, "Wait. I'll go with you,"



Their laughter echoed through the room as they prepared to embark on their adventure together.



Jenna, not one to be left behind, added, "Yeah, me too."



Claire, with a mischievous grin, said, "Hey, wait up. I'm coming too."



Their laughter filled the hallway once again as they walk.




As Vincent and Kyle illuminated the hallway with their flashlights, guiding the group forward, they stumbled upon a Medical Folding Cot, complete with a lamp.



Vincent, intrigued, remarked, "Hey, check this out. Looks like somebody's been here recently."



Kyle, suggested, "Hunters probably use this to hold up in during the spring runoff."



They continued their search, with Kyle passing one flashlight to Jenna approaching the Medical Cot While Daniel, curious about the lamp, observed as Kyle attempted to light it.



With Jenna and Vincent leading the way, their flashlights pierced through the darkness of the hallways. Jenna, voicing her thoughts, wondered aloud, "Do you guys think anyone would actually be here right now?"



She swept her flashlight around, illuminating the eerie surroundings. "I mean, that would be really creepy."



Vincent assured, "No. No one's hunting in this weather."



Daniel, being cautious, remarked, "Ax murderers do," simply stating a fact rather than trying to make a joke. This caused an awkward chuckle from the group.



Jenna shot him a look, but Daniel just shrugged, "What? Just saying."



Vincent's voice echoed through the hallway, breaking the silence. "Hey, this must be the head honcho's office," he remarked, aiming his flashlight at the door bearing the name "Dr. Brendan Ryan, Chief of Staff."



Kyle, intrigued by the discovery, made his way to the door, reading the name aloud. "Dr. Brendan Ryan, Chief of Staff," he announced to the group. With a curious glance at everyone, he grasped the doorknob firmly. "Well, let's see if the chief had any good stuff."


Meanwhile Alpha


Alpha, still monitoring the group's movements, chuckled sinisterly to himself. "They're already in Dr. Brendan Ryan's room, kekeke. They'll find those deformed patient pictures soon enough," he mused darkly. "I can't wait for Adam to arrive. I've got quite the show in store for him."


Alpha's mind wandered back to Adam, savoring the excitement of anticipating their next encounter. The fierce determination burning in Adam's eyes had ignited a primal thrill within Alpha, heightening his anticipation even more.


Glancing back at the monitor, Alpha's expression turned more serious. "Hurry up, Adam, or these fools will meet their end before you even get here."


To be continue

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