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29.31% Wrong Turn: No Turn Back / Chapter 16: Chapter 11: 3 Years Later

Chapter 16: Chapter 11: 3 Years Later

The Origin Story


1974 - Glenville Sanatorium, West Virginia


Doctor Brendan Ryan walks alongside another doctor, Ann Marie McQuaid, through the sterile corridors of Glenville Sanatorium.


"We have 182 patients," Dr. Ryan begins, his voice echoing slightly in the empty hall. "Most are horribly deformed, due to inbreeding and birth defects."


As they continue their walk, Dr. Ryan gestures toward a heavy, reinforced door. "Ward 'C' is high security," he explains. "Each patient in here should be considered dangerous or a danger to himself."


They stop at the door, and Dr. Ryan places a hand on the doorknob, looking at Dr. Ann. "No one can get in or out without first passing through this door. In case of a fire, we can open all the cells at once, but the protocol is one cell open at a time." He knocks on the door, which does not immediately open.


After a moment, a buzzing sound indicates the door is unlocking. It swings open to reveal Charlie, a burly security guard.


"Thanks, Charlie," Dr. Ryan says.


"No problem, boss," Charlie replies, stepping aside to let them pass.


The next door buzzes open as well, and they step into a dimly lit hallway lined with cells. Deformed and mentally ill patients peer out from behind bars, their distorted faces and hollow eyes creating an unsettling atmosphere.


[Patients Chattering]

[Man Laughing]


Dr. Ryan glances at Dr. Ann. "I know what you're thinking. But we have to do this for their own good," he says, flicking through a stack of documents in his hand. "We hope to rehabilitate the patients, if at all possible, and have them rejoin the general population."


As they walk further, Dr. Ann gazes into the cells, her face a mixture of curiosity and concern. Dr. Ryan continues, "Before any cell is opened, you must have an orderly—"


Suddenly, a hand shoots out from one of the cells and grabs Dr. Ann's hair, pulling her violently against the bars.


[Screaming] "Ah!! Ah!"


Dr. Ryan quickly reacts, recognizing the patient as Bobby. "Bobby! Bobby! Let go, you psycho!" He pries Bobby's hand off Dr. Ann's hair and steps back, breathing heavily.


"Are you okay?" Dr. Ryan asks, concern etched on his face.


"Yeah. That just surprised me, that's all," Dr. Ann replies, still shaken.


Dr. Ryan nods. "You shouldn't wander past the yellow lines," he warns. "They can and will grab you from their cells."


From the cells, a crazy mental person chuckles ominously, the sound lingering in the air long after they move on.


Doctor Brendan Ryan and Doctor Ann Marie McQuaid stop in front of a row of cells. Dr. Ryan gestures towards three particularly menacing figures behind the bars.


"These are the Hilliker brothers," Dr. Ryan begins.


[Shouts] [Gasps]


"We call them that because Mrs. Hilliker found them in the woods, standing over the partially eaten remains of what we think were their parents. And the little bastards are smart," he explains, his voice low and grave. "Definitely the most dangerous patients in the hospital."


Dr. Ann looks at Dr. Ryan in disbelief. "They're just kids. And the most dangerous?"


Dr. Ryan meets her gaze. "Yes. Trust me."


He points towards the youngest brother, who is sucking on the stump of his hand. "The youngest one, the one sucking on the stump of his hand?"


Dr. Ann nods, looking horrified. "Yeah?"


"He chewed off his other two fingers. We never found them. We think he ate them," Dr. Ryan explains.


Three Fingers, the youngest brother, walks around the cell, sucking on his hand. Dr. Ann is visibly shocked and a little scared.


Dr. Ryan continues, "The middle child. He poked out his own eye with a fork. Ate it right in front of a nurse."


One-Eye, the middle brother, shuffles in their cell, his single eye glaring menacingly.


Dr. Ann gulps, turning to the largest boy with a mask. "And the large boy with the mask?"


Saw-Tooth, the eldest, sits in the cell, moving his head in an abnormal, unsettling manner.


"He has abnormally large teeth, which he was sharpening on the stone walls," Dr. Ryan explains. "We put the mask on him after he bit several orderlies."


Dr. Ann, fascinated despite herself, asks, "Sharpening? How can he tolerate the pain?"


Dr. Ryan smiles slightly. "That's the fascinating thing about these children. They can't feel pain. They have an advanced form of congenital analgesia."


"That's extremely rare," Dr. Ann remarks, still trying to process the information.


"Yes," Dr. Ryan agrees. "But it's more prevalent in homogeneous societies."


"Like the inbred communities of West Virginia," Dr. Ann realizes.


"Exactly," Dr. Ryan confirms.


[Grunting] The trio responds in their guttural language.


"Can they talk?" Dr. Ann asks.


"Just grunts and gestures. It's their own language," Dr. Ryan replies. He then adds a warning, "Never turn your back on them or their cell. No offense, Doctor, but these are beyond your kind of therapy. Musical or otherwise."


"I'd like to work with them, Dr. Ryan," Dr. Ann insists.


Dr. Ryan looks concerned but tries to keep his tone neutral. "Maybe after a while. Why don't we play it safe for now?"


Dr. Ann nods, reluctantly agreeing. "Sure."


Dr. Ryan leads the way. "Come on. I'll show you the rest of the hospital."


The two doctors move on to the next area.


[Growls] Three Fingers and One-Eye follow their movements closely, their eyes filled with a disturbing intensity as they watch the doctors leave.


[Knocking] [Buzzing] The door closes behind the doctors, leaving the Hilliker brothers to their ominous existence.



Bobby, a deranged patient in Glenville Sanatorium, is trying to unlock his cell, grunting with effort. Suddenly, the Hilliker brothers—Three Fingers, One-Eye, and Saw-Tooth—start making noises from their own cell.


[Brothers Grunting]

[Grunting Continues]



They grab the bars and shake them vigorously, trying to communicate with Bobby. Their intent is clear: they want him to help them unlock their cells.



Bobby pauses and looks at the Hilliker brothers, sensing the threat in their grunts and gestures. They continue to rattle the bars and grunt louder, becoming more aggressive.


[Brothers Grunting]


Seeing their violent intent, Bobby grows more fearful. He grunts in response and, in a panic, throws the lock pick towards their cell. It lands just out of Three Fingers' reach. He stretches his arm but can't quite get to it.



Saw-Tooth, the elder brother with the mask, steps in. He manages to grab the lock pick and quickly hands it to Three Fingers.



Three Fingers, now holding the lock pick, begins to work on the lock of his cell. The other patients in the surrounding cells start grunting and smiling, sensing the impending chaos.



[Patients Grunting and Smiling]


Bobby also grins maniacally, believing they are all on the verge of freedom. The air is thick with tension and anticipation as Three Fingers continues to fiddle with the lock, determined to unleash the mayhem that will follow.

With a final, deft twist of the lock pick, the cell door of the Hilliker brothers swings open. The trio—Three Fingers, One-Eye, and Saw-Tooth—step out into the corridor, their faces twisted into malicious smiles. They exchange nods of understanding, a silent agreement to free their fellow inmates.


All around them, the other prisoners shake their bars and cheer, treating the Hilliker brothers like celebrities. The sound is a cacophony of metal clanging and voices shouting, creating an eerie symphony of impending chaos.


The Hilliker brothers make their way towards a door they remember from previous observations.


Pushing it open, they enter a room with various controls and machines. Among them, they spot a prominent button—one they know will unlock every remaining cell in the sanatorium.



One-Eye, with a malicious grin, approaches the button and presses it.



[Doors Unlocking]


The sound of buzzing fills the air as the mechanism activates, and every cell in the sanatorium is unlocked. The inmates, now completely free, flood the corridors, adding to the growing chaos.



The trio, followed by the horde of released inmates, starts moving through the sanatorium with a single, terrifying purpose: to reclaim their twisted freedom and wreak havoc on anyone who stands in their way.


When Charlie was called in to check on the cells, the Hillicker brothers sneaked up on him. Before he could react, they pounced on him. Saw-Tooth tore out his neck with a savage bite, blood spurting everywhere, while One-Eye stabbed him in the eye, the blade sinking deep. To finish it off, Three-Finger, with a twisted grin, began eating Charlie's nose.


[Charlie Screaming]

The trio stood up, wiping the blood from their faces, and continued their rampage through the sanatorium. The other prisoners, now fully unleashed, ran wild, smashing equipment and attacking anyone they encountered.


Amidst the chaos, Dr. Ann Marie McQuaid was trying to find a safe place to hide. However, she was caught by the Hillicker brothers. They dragged her, kicking and screaming, to the electroshock therapy room. With a sadistic glee, they strapped her into the chair. Saw-Tooth threw the switch, sending a lethal surge of electricity through her body. She convulsed violently, her screams echoing through the halls, until she finally fell silent, smoke rising from her charred remains.


[Electricity Buzzing]


Dr. Brendan Ryan was frantically trying to find an escape route when the brothers found him. They overpowered him and, with a cruel sense of purpose, tied him up with barbed wire. Dr. Ryan screamed in agony as the barbs dug into his flesh. With a sickening grin, the brothers began tearing his arms and legs off, one by one, relishing in his screams of pain and horror.


[Dr. Ryan Screaming]


Three-Finger, covered in blood, laughed maniacally as they finished their gruesome work. The sanatorium was now a scene of utter chaos and bloodshed, with the Hillicker brothers at the center of it all.


The brothers, having exacted their revenge, looked around at the carnage they had unleashed. They were free, and nothing would stand in their way again. The sanatorium was left in ruins, a testament to their horrific and unstoppable brutality.


Three Fingers: "[Laughing Manically]"




Timeline: February 15 2003


Three years have passed since that fateful incident, and I am no longer in New York. I've relocated to Virginia, a place where I can continue to grow and prepare for what lies ahead.




I've been training in kickboxing for the past three years. While I'm not as skilled as fighters who have trained for five or ten years, I've become significantly stronger. I feel ready to face Alpha and his goons.


After hours of training—throwing left and right jabs at the punching bag and finishing with spinning kicks—I stop, panting heavily.


That's when Coach Brad Copper, a middle-aged man with short brown hair, approaches me.


"Hey, Adam," he says.


I look at him and nod, "Coach Brad."


"I heard you're leaving," Coach Brad continues.


"Yeah, I'm heading to other places... traveling," I reply.


"I'm sad to see you go, but I'm proud of how far you've come," he says, patting my shoulder. "I remember when you first came to this gym. Your eyes were filled with anger and revenge."


He looks into my eyes, searching for answers. "Don't tell me you're planning to kill someone? I've already told you that revenge won't help."


I try to reassure him. "Relax, Coach. I'm not planning to kill Human or people."


But in my mind, I think, "Those bastards aren't human anymore—they're monsters who eat and kill people. Taking them down, especially Alpha, is the right thing to do."


Coach Brad interrupts my thoughts. "I'm glad... wait, what do you mean by 'human'? Are you planning to kill animals? I'm confused."


"It's not like that," I say quickly. "Anyway, I'm just traveling to find peace of mind."


Coach Brad sighs in relief. "Thank God you've abandoned revenge. Remember, revenge can lead to your destruction. It's better to move on, live a peaceful life, and start a family."


"Just like you, Coach?" I ask.


"Yep, just like me," he replies with a smile.


I chuckle. "I'll keep that in mind."


"Good," he says, looking at me earnestly. "Good luck on your next journey."


"Thank you, Coach," I say with a nod.


"Okay, I'll leave you to your agenda," Coach Brad says as he walks away.


With Coach Brad gone, I gather my things and prepare to leave as well. My next destination is the Glenville Sanatorium in West Virginia.


[Material Girl

Song by Madonna]


Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me

I think they're okay

If they don't give me proper credit

I just walk away


They can beg and they can plead

But they can't see the light (that's right)

'Cause the boy with the cold hard cash

Is always Mister Right


'Cause we are living in a material world

And I am a material girl

You know that we are living in a material world

And I am a material girl




Meanwhile, at Weston University in West Virginia...


Kenia Perrin and her friends were gathered in the campus common area, discussing their upcoming plans. The group included Kenia and her boyfriend Porter Harmss, along with Claire Swafford and Kyle Turner, Jenna Rivers and Vincent Bryant, Daniel Mullins and Lauren Perry, as well as Bridget Manalo and Sara Washington.


Porter, always the enthusiastic one, spoke up first. "Hey guys, how about we go have some fun, you know?"



Kyle, who had heard about Porter's family cabin, chimed in. "Oh yeah, I heard about those cabins of yours, Porter. How about a winter cabin trip?"



Porter grinned. "That sounds good too."



Kenia, always supportive, kissed Porter on the cheek and said, "Let's go there, babe."



Porter nodded, "Yeah, let's go there."



Jenna Rivers, wrapped in the arms of Vincent Bryant, looked lustfully at him. "There are different rooms there, right? Because I want Vincent to violate me," she said with a mischievous grin.



Porter, slightly uncomfortable but not wanting to ruin the mood, replied, "Um, yes? Yes."



Jenna smiled, satisfied. "Good." She looked at Vincent, who chuckled, and they kissed passionately.



Claire Swafford, more cautious, murmured to her boyfriend Kyle, "Babe, are you sure we should go there?"



Kyle, eager to reassure her, said, "Yes, we are, babe. Trust me, it's going to be fun."



Claire sighed but nodded, "If you insist."



Daniel Mullins and Lauren Perry, as a couple themselves, exchanged excited glances.


"This is going to be fun," Daniel declared.


Lauren nodded in agreement. "I know, right?"



Bridget Manalo and Sara Washington, also a couple, kissed each other, the thought of having some private time in the cabin filling them with excitement.



Kenia, taking charge, clapped her hands. "Okay, stop your lusty fooling around. Let's go and prepare for our outing."



Everyone laughed and nodded, their excitement palpable.



Little did they know, the fun they anticipated would turn into a harrowing ordeal of agony and tragedy.


To be continud

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