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17.24% Wrong Turn: No Turn Back / Chapter 9: Chapter 6:Alpha fuck you

Chapter 9: Chapter 6:Alpha fuck you

My eyes locked onto the man with the violet-red hair, a fierce determination burning within me. The chaos around us seemed to fade as I focused on him. "Get away from him!" I shouted, my voice cutting through the tension.



The man turned to face me, a look of surprise crossing his features. He smirked, clearly amused by my outburst. "Well, well, I was wondering when all of the cast would show up," he said, his tone dripping with condescension.



Two disfigured figures, monstrous in appearance, stood ready to kill us, but this guy stopped them with a simple gesture. Shit, this bastard is probably their leader.



I couldn't contain my anger. "Who the fuck are you?!"



The man with the violet-red hair and piercing red eyes smiled coldly. "Me? I am Alpha," he replied, his voice calm and menacing. His eyes locked onto mine with an unsettling intensity. "You should probably run now."



His words shocked me. "What do you mean?"



Alpha's expression remained unchanged, his voice devoid of emotion. "I can't let you all die too early; that would be boring."



I realized this bastard wanted us to run first, to prolong the hunt before killing us. This motherfucker was a disgusting, a sadistic fuck. I glanced at Jonathan and the others, my mind racing. "Look, everyone, they want us to run. You three should go first. I'll save David."



Jonathan's eyes widened in disbelief, anger flashing across his face. "What do you mean save? Are you kidding me? Look at what they did to David and Rebecca! Do you think you'll be fine?!"



I clenched my fists, frustration boiling within me. "But I can't just leave him behind. You know that."



Jonathan's anger flared even more. "But that bastard didn't even try saving you back then!"



I sighed, a mixture of resignation and determination in my voice. "I already expected it. After all, that motherfucking David is a piece of shit, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't help him."



Jonathan stammered, struggling to find the words. "B-b-"



Alpha interjected, his patience wearing thin. "Hurry up and run. You don't have much time before my minions kill you."



Jacob cursed under his breath, urgency in his voice. "Shit, we don't have time for this. Let's run!"



I nodded firmly, trying to convey a sense of urgency. "You heard what he said. Now go!"



Diane, still in shock, muttered, "No, no, no, We can't leave you behind."



I snapped, desperation creeping into my voice. "Fuck, just go!"



Jacob grabbed Diane's arm, pulling her away. "Let's go. Let Adam handle this. We're just going to drag him down."



The trio began to run, their footsteps echoing in the distance, but Jonathan hesitated, looking back at me with a mix of worry and determination. "You better be fine, Adam!"



I met his gaze, trying to reassure him. "I will. Now go!"



As they disappeared into the darkness, I turned my attention back to Alpha. My heart pounded in my chest, but I stood my ground. This was my fight now, and I wouldn't back down.




Alpha turned to his two disfigured minions and commanded, "Go chase those survivors."



But there was no way I was going to let that happen. Before the disfigured creature could take a step, I charged forward with all my strength and rage, slashing that one disfigured motherfucker through its neck with a swift motion. Its head tumbled to the ground, and its body collapsed.



I faced Alpha, breathing heavily, and shouted, "Not on my watch!"



Alpha laughed, a sinister and mocking sound. "You... you don't fear death, do you?"



"Fear death? No, I just don't fear you!" I spat back, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through me.



Alpha's laughter ceased abruptly, his face turning cold and serious. "Is that so?" he said, stepping towards me with a machete glinting in his hand.



He moved faster than I could react. Pain exploded in my right hand as his machete sliced through it, severing my hand clean off. I fell to my knees, clutching the bleeding stump, the agony almost unbearable.



David, still lying on the ground with his own injuries, looked at me in horror. "Adam!!!"



I gritted my teeth and yelled at him, "Run, you idiot!"



David scrambled to his feet and started running, his fear evident in his eyes. Alpha, however, ignored him completely, his gaze fixed on me with an unnerving intensity.



Turning to his remaining disfigured minion, Alpha ordered, "Tell our people what happened and join them in chasing those survivors."



The minion mumbled some incomprehensible gibberish. Whatever it was, Alpha seemed to understand perfectly and nodded. "Now hurry, go!"



The disfigured creature left to carry out Alpha's orders.



I struggled to my feet, the pain in my severed hand throbbing. "I told you, not on my watch!" I shouted defiantly, preparing to fight despite my injury.



But Alpha was faster. Before I could react, he delivered a powerful kick to my chest, sending me sprawling to the ground. I gasped for air, the wind knocked out of me.



As I lay there, pain radiating through my body, I could see the sadistic pleasure in Alpha's eyes. He was enjoying this, toying with us like a cat with a mouse. I knew I had to buy more time for the others, no matter the cost.



Summoning every ounce of strength, I pushed myself up, determined not to give up. "Is this the best you've got?" I taunted, my voice shaky but resolute.


Alpha approached me with a predatory grace, his crimson eyes gleaming with malice. With each step, the weight of his presence bore down on me like a suffocating shroud. As he drew closer, he bent over slightly, bringing his face dangerously close to mine. His breath was hot against my skin, carrying the faint scent of blood.



As Alpha bent over, his red eyes locking onto mine. "Hoh.. Those eyes of yours are full of anger. Why? Why can't I see fear in them?"



I glared back at him, my rage boiling over. "Fuck you!"



Alpha merely laughed, a cruel, chilling sound. "You know, people like you are the ones I most want to see afraid."



With a swift motion, Alpha swung his machete again, severing my left hand this time. The pain was excruciating, a white-hot agony that seared through my entire body.



"Fuck! It hurts! It hurts!" I screamed, tears springing to my eyes from the sheer intensity of the pain. I looked up at him, tears of pain and anger mingling together. "Kill me, you bastard, because when I get back, I'm gonna fucking kill you! Mark my words!"



Alpha laughed even harder, shaking his head. "You're a real crazy bastard. Just my type. But sadly, you're going to die here."



He raised the machete again, and I felt the sharp, relentless blows as he hacked at my head. The pain was unbearable, each strike a new wave of agony. I could feel myself slipping away, darkness closing in around me as my body gave out.



Just as the world went black, a voice whispered in my mind, "Third Death: 1-minute cooldown."



As I lay there, waiting to return to life, I had an idea. I wanted to trick Alpha, to make him think I was truly dead. So, in my mind, I told the system not to remove my body. I wanted it to stay where it was, a fake corpse. It was like creating a dummy for Alpha to fall for.



After what felt like an eternity, the system voice spoke again. "Host, you are revived again."



With a gasp, I jolted awake, finding myself back in the familiar beginning room. The pain was gone, replaced by a burning determination. I clenched my fists, still whole and unharmed, and shouted, "I'm gonna kill you, Alpha!"





Inside a dimly lit room, the trio—Jonathan Hudgerson, Jacob Morales, and Diane Gayle—huddled together, terror evident in their eyes.



Jacob's voice trembled. "Did Rebecca just die? Tell me, tell me if it's real."



Diane nodded solemnly. "Yes, Jacob. Rebecca Prit was killed by an arrow to her head."



Jonathan, his voice laced with disbelief and fear, said, "Holy shit, why the fuck did this happen to us?"



Diane, pacing nervously and scanning the room, suddenly spotted something. Her eyes widened as she pointed to a corner. "Guys, look!"



Jonathan turned to where she was pointing. "What?"



Diane walked over and picked up a few items: an axe, a knife, a crowbar, and a baseball bat. "These are weapons."



Jacob, grabbing the baseball bat, swung it experimentally. "Yeah, these are weapons."



Diane's eyes glinted with a newfound determination. "Do you know what I'm thinking?"



Jonathan hesitated. "No, don't tell me you're suggesting we fight those disfigured people."



Diane nodded firmly. "Yes. If Adam can kill them, so can we."



Jacob, feeling the weight and balance of the bat, looked at his friends. "I think we have a shot at killing those bastards." He looked directly at Jonathan and Diane, his resolve clear. "Let's do this!"



Diane grabbed the knife, gripping it tightly. "Yeah, let's do this!"



Jonathan, though visibly uneasy, picked up the axe. "Well, this is a bad idea. Killing someone makes me sick, but..." He looked at Diane and Jacob, his expression hardening. "Those bastards don't deserve my conscience."



Diane's eyes were fierce. "Exactly. Let's go!"



Armed and determined, the trio readied themselves to face the horrors lurking outside.


 [David side]

David clutched the bleeding stump of his severed right arm, blood pouring down as he staggered through the dimly lit corridor. His breath came in ragged gasps, tears streaming down his face. "I need to find Jonathan and the others," he panted, desperation lacing his voice. "Fuck, what did I do to deserve this shit?"



As he pushed forward, an arrow suddenly pierced his back. David let out a guttural cry of pain. "Aargh!" He collapsed to the ground, his vision blurring as he struggled to stay conscious. The agony was unbearable, but he forced himself to crawl, each movement sending waves of torment through his body.



A maniacal laughter echoed through the corridor, chilling him to the bone. David's heart pounded in his chest as he heard the metallic clatter of something being dragged along the floor, drawing closer. Panic surged through him, but he kept crawling, his mind filled with fear and desperation.



"Nonono, please, please, please," David pleaded, his voice breaking. His cries were met with cruel indifference as the laughter grew louder. ignoring his pleas, the disfigured figure loomed over him, wielding an axe with a sadistic grin.



Without hesitation, the axe fell without mercy, swiftly severing David's head in a brutal strike. His body convulsed, muscles twitching in a grotesque display of death. Pain became a distant memory, consumed by the overwhelming darkness.



The disfigured figures, one holding the bloodied axe and the other with a bow, exchanged a glance and a twisted smile. They grabbed David's lifeless body, dragging it down the corridor as they conversed in low, guttural tones. Their destination was clear—a grim kitchen where they planned to feast on their gruesome prize.




As Alpha looked down at Adam's lifeless body, a dark gleam flickered in his eyes. He felt a twinge of regret that their interaction had come to such an abrupt halt. "What a shame," he said quietly, almost to himself. "I thought this one could have been interesting."



A sudden urge took hold of Alpha, a craving for something new and exciting. "Maybe it's time for a change," he pondered out loud, his tone tinged with excitement.



Looking around at the chaos he'd orchestrated, Alpha's mind drifted to darker ambitions.


"I want the Wrong Turn Franchise to be more interesting," he declared aloud, his voice carrying through the desolate space. It was a cryptic statement, one that hinted at a deeper purpose behind his actions.




"Who exactly is Alpha? What's his story? And why mention the Wrong Turn Franchise? All will be revealed in the upcoming chapter. Don't miss out, readers."


To be continue


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