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13.79% Villain's Contract With The God / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Took Everything

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Took Everything

Wait! Wait! Wait!

I paused, my excitement momentarily put on hold, and quickly regained my composure. Taking a deep breath, I glanced around the main hall and then sprinted back in the direction from which I had come, heading straight for my room.

Back in my room, I rushed over to the mirror, staring at my reflection in disbelief. The image that stared back at me was indeed that of a sixteen-year-old.

"I'm back," I whispered, the reality sinking in.

This was it, the end of that endless loop that had tormented me for years. The relief was overwhelming, and a weight I hadn't even realized I was carrying had finally lifted from my shoulders.

"Fuuu....calm down, dude," I mumbled to the reflection in the mirror, my own face now sporting a rare and genuine smile. I couldn't remember the last time I had smiled, but for some reason, I couldn't help it this time.

"I can finally live my life," I whispered, a sense of joy and anticipation filling my words. But before I could finish my thought, something twisted and sinister occurred.

My words were abruptly cut off as I felt a powerful grip close around the back of my neck.

My eyes widened, and I instinctively reached out to fight back, but an overwhelming force yanked me backward.


I felt my feet leave the floor, and the back of my head collided with the mirror.

I was overwhelmed by the shock and pain that surged through me as the mirror shattered into a thousand shards. The world seemed to blur for a moment, and then I was falling.

"Ugh!" My body crashed onto the cold, hard floor, and I let out a cry of pain. Everything around me was a chaotic mess of broken glass, and I lay there, disoriented and hurting.

"What the hell just happened?" I groaned, trying to piece it all together.

I turned my face to look back, and the only thing I saw was the hand—a grotesque hand that emerged from the shattered mirror. It was there for a second, its fingers like long, bony claws, and then it withdrew as if it had never existed.

"Huh?" A shiver ran down my spine, and I couldn't comprehend what I had just witnessed.

The blood that dripped down from my head was hot, but my mind was buzzing.


I scrambled to my feet, determined to leave the room. But as I rushed out...


I tripped on the threshold, my heart pounding with a nameless dread.

"Tch....why is the filth on the floor?" I heard a familiar voice, a cold, disdainful tone that sent shivers down my spine. "Someone get a broomstick."

With shaking eyes, I looked up and saw a young man, about two years older than me. His jet-black hair, just like mother's, framed his sharp, angular face. His skin was as pale as a ghost's, and he stood in front of me, towering high like a monolith.

"H-hey..... B-brother Eldric!" I stammered, my voice quivering. "T-there's something in my mirror... help me." I immediately planted my knee on the ground and grabbed the hem of his shirt, desperately trying to get up.


But before I could comprehend what had happened, I felt as if my whole body moved, and the next thing I knew, the left side of my head hit something... wooden. Was it the railing?

"Mongrel," his words were sharp as a knife, cutting through the air. could I forget? He's not my friend or anyone. How could I actually talk to him on my own accord? Was I that scared?

It was at that moment that it all hit me. I never asked for help from this elder sibling of mine.

"...." I heard another footfall behind.

"Try not to mess with him too much..... it's his event too," a feminine voice coiled inside my ears, and it pulled me out of my stupor.

I grabbed the railing and tried to get up, looking back, only to meet another person. It was Esme, another sibling of mine. She was a couple of years younger than me and shared the same facial features as Eldric, but she was petite and...expressionless.

"Better wash your hands before eating breakfast, though," she side-eyed me from top to bottom. "Street mongrels aren't that great."

Her words stung, and she earned a chuckle from Eldric.

"Move," pushing me aside, Eldric moved me from the way as he walked down the stairs.

Esme watched him go down before she turned to me and said, "You better wash up too... don't be any more of an insult family than you already are."

She turned around but stopped.

Her right hand extended a bit towards me, and I tried to step back, but she reached me sooner and managed to touch my left cheek.

".....even your blood is filthier," her eyes flashed an emotion, a twisted sense of happiness when she said that.

"Aphos! Get me a cup of boiling hot water.... I need to wash my hand," she shouted aloud, her voice carrying through the entire house.

As the servants rushed to fulfill Esme's request, I remained frozen, my hand on my stinging cheek, processing the harsh words and cold gestures that had just unfolded.

Esme's comment continued to linger in my mind, a stark reminder of my place within the family. Even though we shared the same blood, my status was clear - I was the outsider, the anomaly in this family.

The servants returned with the cup of boiling water, and Esme began to meticulously wash her hand, as if my mere touch had contaminated her.

A whirlwind of emotions stirred within me – anger and humiliation, but I knew better than to confront my siblings at this moment. It wasn't worth it, not until I ascended to the head of the family, as my father's rightful heir.

I turned away and made my way back to my room. The bizarre encounter with the mysterious hand haunted my thoughts. Was this still a dream? Had I not truly escaped the loop?

Upon entering the room, I was met with the sight of shattered mirror shards scattered across the floor. The sight served as a painful reminder of my bleeding head. I couldn't help but reach up to run my hand through my hair, only to feel a few glass fragments embedded in my skin. I plucked them out with care.

I moved into the bathroom. The cold water from the showerhead rushed over me, and I allowed it to wash away the blood, cleansing my body and my mind. After drying off, I wrapped a white cloth around my head to cover the injury.

Changing into clothes appropriate for the day's events, I realized I didn't have a vast selection of attire. But I understood that it wasn't the clothes that defined an aristocrat; it was the person within and I had none of it.


Once I was dressed, I took a deep breath to regain my composure. I had faced an unsettling morning, but I couldn't let it deter me. Today was an important day, an opportunity to prove myself to the family.


As I left my room, I couldn't help but notice the cautious glances from the servants I passed in the hallways. It wasn't common for me to engage with them or even raise my voice, so I said nothing, and they avoided me too.


Reaching the grand hall, I was greeted by a mix of anxious excitement and formalities. The aristocrats and their families had gathered, all dressed in their finest attire, eager to witness the event of the day.


My father's wife, Lady Elaria Vaishè, stood near the entrance, her eyes fixed on me. She was the epitome of grace and nobility, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of unease.

Her refined posture and delicate grace are her defining features. She boasts a tall and slender figure, accentuated by her elegant gowns made of exquisite fabrics.

Her hair, as dark as midnight, flows gracefully to her waist, often adorned with intricate braids. Her eyes are a deep shade of grey.

She's not my birth mother but a woman that my father married after the death of my mother, and she treated me as such, like a stepmother would.


Besides her stood Esme,

Esme shares the same bearing as her mother. She's petite, standing at around five feet, and has the same raven-black hair that characterizes the Vaishè family. Her eyes are usually set in a unemotional gaze and now- her eyes focused on me as she mouthed something that was clearly spelled as-



You are fucked.


I sighed as I ignored her completely and entered the grand hall, but Elaria grabbed my shoulders as she whispered a warning,"Don't speak a word till your father asks too."



I clenched my jaw but managed to squeeze out a nod and a smile. She let go of my shoulder, and I entered the grand hall.



Which made quite a bit of gossip.


It looks like everyone is aware of the last-night feud.



My engagement with Aurora was not a small topic to begin with, but its annulment was an even bigger shock for everyone, and the timing was even worse.


I navigated myself towards the raised platform at the other end of the grand hall, where stood a large man with broad shoulders.


He has a robust build and stands tall, approximately six and a half feet in height. He possesses short, grey hair and piercing blue eyes, which seem to penetrate every matter at hand. The large scar on his square face hints at a life full of experiences.



This man here is my father, Lord Amire Vaishè, 12th heir of the Vaishè bloodline and main house.

Everyone gathered here is from our collateral families or friends from neighbouring noble houses; the only reason they came was to know.


The contract of the next heir- His first legitimate son,who was me.


His eyes settled on me as I was walking towards the stage.


Besides him stood Eldric, who was also going to get contracted with me today.



He was older than me, but because he was not the first born in the household and was from a wedlock,he had no right to get married before the legitimate heir.



Another reason why he hates me-

My heart began to race as I followed my father away from the expectant gazes of the crowd. What could he possibly want to discuss with me at this critical moment?

We walked into a small, private chamber just off the grand hall. The air in the room felt heavy, as if it carried the weight of countless family secrets and expectations.

"Father, what is it?" I couldn't hide the concern in my voice.

He turned to face me, his deep-set eyes fixed on mine. "Asher, I want you to understand the gravity of this moment. The contract you're about to make is not just a formality. It's a bond that ties you to our family, our legacy, and our responsibilities."

I nodded, trying to absorb his words. I had always known that being the heir came with its share of duties, but his tone and demeanor made it ....weird..

His hand reached inside his vest as he pulled something out, it was a bundle of papers.

"I am officially disowning you," His words.....they took everything that I had.

Satan03 Satan03

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