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Go Ahead, I Won’t Force You

Sheng Xiangsi thought to herself, of course Junjun is more important than you. How could he ever compare to Junjun?

But she couldn't say that...

"Where are you?" Sheng Xiangsi pursed her lips, trying to soothe him, "Let's meet up and talk, okay?"

"Where am I?" Fu Hanjiang laughed bitterly, then asked her back, "What do you think?"

They had agreed that he would pick her up from the dance troupe.

"I know." Sheng Xiangsi frowned slightly, "I'm coming over right now, wait for me, okay?"

The man on the other end neither agreed nor disagreed.

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Xiangsi rushed to the dance troupe.

When she arrived, she immediately saw Fu Hanjiang's car.

Sheng Xiangsi ran over and pulled on the passenger door, it wasn't locked. She bent slightly and got in.

The car heater was on, making it warm inside.

Sheng Xiangsi tried to calm her breathing, thinking about how to get through tonight.


Suddenly, Fu Hanjiang turned his head and looked down at her, "Where did you go? For what reason?"


Sheng Xiangsi still hadn't thought of an explanation, "Something came up suddenly."

"What thing?" Fu Hanjiang's brow twitched, anger gathering in his eyes, "Is that your explanation?"

Sheng Xiangsi hesitated and gave a vague explanation, "It was my roommate, she needed something from me."


Is that her explanation?

Fu Hanjiang couldn't understand, his eyes filled with shock, "Sheng Xiangsi, I waited for you all night, and you ditched me because of a roommate?!"


Sheng Xiangsi frowned and lowered her head.

She was in the wrong for breaking the appointment tonight.

Moreover, she couldn't afford to fall out with him now.

"Fu Hanjiang."

Sheng Xiangsi sincerely apologized, "I'm sorry, it's my fault for breaking the appointment… I apologize…"

"So, what exactly was the issue?"

Fu Hanjiang interrupted her with a shout.

"A roommate, what kind of important matter made you disregard our date and not answer my calls!?"

Sheng Xiangsi lowered her eyes, not daring to meet his gaze, "Sorry, I can't tell you…"

Can't tell? What a good excuse!

Fu Hanjiang felt himself being consumed by rage, suddenly gripping her shoulders.

"To you, what am I? Hmm? Our date fell through, and I don't even deserve a proper explanation? Do you know… do you know…"

How did he spend these past hours?

Worrying if something had happened to her while being angry that she disregarded their date!

For her, he endured the torment of both worry and anger!

In the end, he couldn't even get a clear explanation?

"Sheng Xiangsi, I am your boyfriend, don't you care about me at all? Don't you consider my feelings?"

His disappointment and dissatisfaction were clear.

But all Sheng Xiangsi could say was, "I'm sorry, it's my fault."


Is that what he wanted?

This apology sounded insincere and ridiculous!

Ha, haha.

Fu Hanjiang laughed coldly, his gaze suddenly chilling, finding it all very meaningless.

"Do as you wish."

He let her go, grabbed the steering wheel, and started the car.

As the car moved, he asked her, "Are you still coming with me?"

"!" Sheng Xiangsi was startled and quickly nodded, "Of course."

Watching his stern profile, she realized he was really angry, very angry…

On the way back, Fu Hanjiang said nothing.

It was as if Sheng Xiangsi didn't exist, and when they arrived at Silver Beach, he went straight upstairs after entering the living room.

Sheng Xiangsi sighed helplessly and followed him.

When she saw he went to the study instead of the master bedroom, she had no choice but to follow him there and knocked on the door, "Fu Hanjiang?"

There was no response.

"Fu Hanjiang." Sheng Xiangsi kept knocking, "It was my fault tonight, please open the door, don't sulk inside, okay?"

Still no response.

"Fu Hanjiang?"

Knock knock…

Inside, Fu Hanjiang listened, frowning, as he stood by the liquor cabinet, opened a bottle of whiskey, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes from the bottom drawer, lighting one.

She didn't care about him, so why should he quit drinking and smoking for her?

Who cares about her!

Suddenly, Fu Hanjiang froze.

Did he hear it wrong?

No, he didn't…

Outside had gone quiet.

Did she leave just like that? So quickly? Did she have so little patience for him?

"Sheng Xiangsi!"

Fu Hanjiang breathed heavily, tore off his tie, and threw it aside, then gulped down the whiskey.

After a while, everything outside remained quiet.

Fu Hanjiang collapsed on the sofa, his head aching.

What was Sheng Xiangsi doing?

Could she have gone to sleep already? Ha, heartless woman! Ungrateful wretch! He treated her so well, couldn't she give back a little?

Suddenly, there was a noise outside.

Specifically, the sound of the door lock.

It sounded like a key was being inserted into the keyhole, and not just once…

Finally, after several tries, the lock clicked and opened.

"This is the one!"

Outside, Sheng Xiangsi murmured to herself, then pushed the door open.

Before she walked in, she smelled the strong mix of alcohol and nicotine, very pungent.

"What are you doing?"

Sheng Xiangsi immediately walked in and saw the whiskey bottle on the coffee table and the cigarette butts in the ashtray.

How much had he done in such a short time?

And why had he started drinking and smoking again? The room was filled with smoke.

Frowning, Sheng Xiangsi went to the window, opened the curtains, and opened the window to let some air in.

Looking back, she saw Fu Hanjiang still smoking.

Suppressing her anger, she walked over, snatched the cigarette from his hand, and put it out in the ashtray.

"Tsk." Fu Hanjiang frowned in displeasure but said nothing.

Facing his gaze, Sheng Xiangsi gathered her courage, "Are you treating cigarettes and alcohol as meals? Don't you care about your health?"


Fu Hanjiang found it amusing, "What, you care about me?"

"Mm." Sheng Xiangsi nodded.

"Haha." Fu Hanjiang laughed loudly, blowing out a long puff of smoke, "Surprising, you care about me? Don't you not care about me at all?"

"I, ah…"

The man suddenly grabbed her by the waist, pulling her onto his lap. He looked up at her.

"Xiangsi, tell me, do you like me? Hmm? Do you like me or not?"

"…" Sheng Xiangsi was stunned.

How should she answer?

What answer did he want?

She vaguely felt he wanted the former.

But she couldn't say it…

"Tell me, hmm?"

His hand caressed her waist, coaxing, but she felt her body gradually tense and her gaze avoiding his.

Fu Hanjiang's heart turned cold, "I get it, you don't like me."

Thinking about it, sadness welled up inside him.

He sighed, "Yeah, from the beginning, it was me who forced you, you didn't want to be with me, it was all my doing."

He suddenly let go, "Go, I won't force you anymore."

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