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Be Good, Xiangsi, Don't Cry

What a curious coincidence.

For a fleeting moment, Fu Hanjiang felt an impulse to rush out and hug her.

However, just as he took a step forward, he was pulled back by Rong Zheng. The elevator door closed right in front of him.

"Second Master, where are you going? Aren't we going upstairs?"

Fu Hanjiang snapped back to reality. Yes, where was he going?

He was here to find Xiangsi. How could he be distracted by a little girl?


They went up to the ninth floor.

This floor had two apartments, one of which was unoccupied, leaving just one other.

Bai Ran sat on the bed, handed a glass of water to Sheng Xiangsi, and touched her forehead, "It doesn't feel as hot anymore."

She opened a fever patch and placed it on Xiangsi's forehead.

"Are you sure you don't want to take medicine?"

"No need." Sheng Xiangsi took small sips of water and shook her head. "I feel much better."

She had caught a cold and had a slight fever, but she dared not take any medicine.

At this point, she wasn't sure if she was pregnant, and she couldn't risk taking any medication.

"That's good then."

Bai Ran didn't push further. She picked up an already warm ice pack. "I'll get you a fresh one. Do you want something to eat? Aunt Xu said she made millet porridge with some side dishes."


Just as Bai Ran was heading to the kitchen, the doorbell rang.

"Who is it? Coming."

When she opened the door, she was stunned, swallowing hard, "Fu... Fu Hanjiang?"


Fu Hanjiang sneered. Her expression said it all!


He brushed past Bai Ran and strode into the master bedroom.

The moment he appeared, Sheng Xiangsi trembled, instinctively pulling the quilt tighter and shrinking back.

He found her!

He actually found her here!

Bai Ran was a step behind, jogging over to block the bed, spreading her arms wide, "Mr. Fu, please leave. Xiangsi doesn't want to see you!"


Fu Hanjiang raised an eyebrow and glanced at her.

He laughed mockingly, "You think you can stop me?"

Then, as if recalling something, he continued, "Of course, I shouldn't underestimate you. You knew everything yet said nothing, hiding it all!"

Impatiently, he waved his hand, "Move aside."


Bai Ran was terrified, her small face pale with fear, but she didn't budge.

"Xiangsi is hiding because she doesn't want to see you!"

Though she didn't know the details, friends should support each other.


Fu Hanjiang chuckled. His patience had worn thin.

He wasn't here to argue with irrelevant people!

He lifted his hand, gripping Bai Ran's wrists with two fingers, "Sorry, but if you won't move, I'll have to be rude!"

With a gentle pull, he yanked Bai Ran aside and tossed her away.


Bai Ran gasped, stumbling backward and accidentally crashing into Fu Hanchuan, who was just wheeling himself in.


Fu Hanchuan quickly raised his hand to steady her.


Bai Ran, still shaken, blushed instantly—she was practically sitting on Fu Hanchuan's lap!

Oh my!

A man in a wheelchair? Was he disabled?

Did she just break his legs?


Bai Ran recoiled as if electrocuted, bouncing off his lap, apologizing profusely, "Sorry, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Fu Hanchuan didn't immediately release her, only letting go once she was stable, "You won't fall now if I let go?"

"Uh, no!" Bai Ran shook her head vigorously, stuttering, "I-I'm steady now."

"Good." Fu Hanchuan nodded slightly, letting go.

His gaze shifted away from Bai Ran without further comment.

In the room.

Fu Hanjiang sat on the edge of the bed, "Xiangsi."

Sheng Xiangsi turned away from him, closing her eyes, ignoring him.

Fu Hanjiang wasn't surprised at all. From his angle, he could see Xiangsi's damp, trembling eyelashes.

He turned to look at the table, which held fever patches, ice packs, disinfectant, and bandages.

Suddenly, he felt a blockage in his chest, his mind filling with boiling water, causing him intense frustration.


He leaned over, embracing Xiangsi along with the quilt.

With a muffled voice, he said, "I'm sorry. I was a jerk. I made you suffer."

Sheng Xiangsi, with her back to him, thought about his actions that day, feeling a surge of anger! How she hated him!

"Get away! Let go of me!" She struggled in his arms.

"Xiangsi, Xiangsi!"

Fu Hanjiang held her hand, "I know you're angry. Here, hit me! Just hit me! As long as it makes you feel better, do whatever you want!"

"Really?" Sheng Xiangsi glared at him, gritting her teeth, "You think I don't dare?"

She suddenly raised her hand.

"Go ahead!" Fu Hanjiang lifted his face, "Hit me until you feel better!"


Instead of hitting, Sheng Xiangsi kicked out.


Fu Hanjiang grunted, bending over to clutch his abdomen. His voice was strained, "Xiangsi... it's fine if you hit me, but... don't kick randomly."

What happened?

Seeing his somewhat pale face, Sheng Xiangsi guessed she might have hit a vital spot. Could it be?

She didn't care for him, but he was still useful!

She sighed heavily. Why, why?

She had to be so cautious even in her hatred?


She suddenly lost control, bursting into tears, "Why did you have to come? Can't you let me have some peace? I don't want to see you! Leave! Just go!"

She wasn't with him because she loved him!

She only wanted a child!

Could they not see each other the rest of the time? But he wouldn't allow it, not only that, he also bullied her like that!

Sheng Xiangsi suddenly grabbed his collar, trembling all over, "Why is it so hard to hide from you now?"

Back in Philadelphia, when she was barely surviving with Junjun, why didn't he come looking for them?

Clearly, if he wanted to find someone, it was so easy!

Yet, he abandoned her, ignoring her! For years!

A flash of hatred crossed her eyes. She wished she could strangle him, "Bastard! Bastard!"

"Yes, I'm a bastard!"

Fu Hanjiang closed his eyes tightly, not arguing at all, admitting his fault honestly, "Don't cry, it's all my fault! I won't dare anymore! Never again!"


Sheng Xiangsi didn't expect this attitude. She was a bit stunned, not understanding him.

The proud and arrogant Second Master Fu was bowing his head?


At the door, Fu Hanchuan wheeled himself in.

Sheng Xiangsi, her eyes filled with tears, looked up, choking out, "Big Brother."


Fu Hanchuan got closer, raising his hand, holding a handkerchief, handing it to her, "Wipe your tears, your eyes are swollen."

"Mm..." Sheng Xiangsi obediently took the handkerchief, covering her eyes.

Fu Hanchuan's hand slowly lowered to her hair, gently patting it like he used to do many years ago.

In a warm voice, he soothed her, "Be good, Xiangsi, don't cry."

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