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Know Your Place

In Mountain Sea City.

When Zhong Pei arrived, only Qin Yanzhi and Zhou Jinting were present.

"What's going on?" Qin Yanzhi waved his hand, signaling his cousin to sit down.

Zhou Jinting put down his cup, "Yanzhi said you wanted to see me. What's the matter? If I can help, I will."

"Thanks, brother."

Time was of the essence. Thinking of Xiangsi's dispirited look, Zhong Pei didn't beat around the bush and spoke directly.

"Let me get straight to it, it's like this..."

After listening to Zhong Pei, Zhou Jinting's expression became indescribable.

"Something like this happened?"

Back then, Fu Hanjiang had gone through great lengths to pull Sheng Xiangsi out of a place like Mise and into Gu Shaohua's dance troupe.

But now, before she could make a name for herself, she was expelled.


Zhong Pei's words were urgent, "Isn't Auntie good friends with Ms. Gu? Can she help?"


Zhou Jinting was hesitant; this connection had already been used once by Fu Hanjiang.

But he couldn't refuse either. He nodded, "Alright, I'll talk to my mom and see..."

"Thank you, brother!"


Zhou Jinting quickly waved his hand, "Don't thank me yet, there's no guarantee this will work."

He had heard from his mother that Gu Shaohua was extremely upright. She had made an exception to recruit Sheng Xiangsi because of her talent.

But this time, it was about the troupe's rules.

It would be difficult.

Hearing this, Zhong Pei felt a weight in his heart but still held onto hope, "Regardless of the outcome, thank you for helping."


Zhou Jinting stood up, "I'll call my mom right now."

"Thanks, brother!"

The call didn't take long.

Before long, Zhou Jinting returned with his phone, "I talked to her. Let's wait for my mom's reply."


Zhong Pei nodded slightly, then looked at Qin Yanzhi, "Brother, I should go now..."


Qin Yanzhi stopped him, "Where are you going? Since you're here, stay for dinner."


Zhong Pei smiled apologetically, "Xiangsi is upset about this. She probably hasn't eaten."

He needed to go check on her and try to get her to eat something, to calm her down.

After saying this, he nodded at Zhou Jinting, "Thank you, brother... I'll head out."


Qin Yanzhi couldn't help but sigh, "That kid is really in love with Sheng Xiangsi."

"It's understandable."

Zhou Jinting didn't find it strange, "Don't you think Sheng Xiangsi has changed a lot?"


Qin Yanzhi nodded slightly, "Yes, she has grown up."

She had shed her childishness and was no longer the loud, excitable young lady she used to be.

Now, she was gentle, calm, and resilient, with an outstanding appearance, a complete transformation.

Otherwise, why would even Fu Hanjiang be interested in her?

But, who knew if this was a blessing or a curse for her?

The private room door was suddenly pushed open, and Fu Hanjiang walked in, a bit late due to traffic.

Seeing him, the two exchanged knowing, inscrutable smiles.


Fu Hanjiang leaned back on the sofa, rolling his eyes at both of them, "Crazy? Possessed? Western medicine? Chinese medicine?"

Zhou Jinting: "Lovesickness."

Qin Yanzhi: "Jealousy syndrome."

They looked at each other and laughed, "Western medicine? Chinese medicine? Haha..."

Fu Hanjiang: ??

"Enough jokes."

Zhou Jinting stopped laughing, "Zhong Pei came to see me earlier."

As a brother, it was necessary to let him know about Sheng Xiangsi's situation.

After explaining, he asked Fu Hanjiang, "What do you plan to do?"


After a few seconds of silence, Fu Hanjiang sneered, "What does it have to do with me? Isn't Zhong Pei working on it?"

He's just an ex-husband now; he should know his place.


Zhou Jinting sighed, "Even if my mom steps in, I don't think there's much hope."

Zhong Pei returned to West Twelfth Street.


When the door opened, Sheng Xiangsi was surprised, why had he come back?

"Don't be sad."

Zhong Pei's handsome features were softened by the orange light of the hallway, creating a gentle halo. "I'm trying to help with your situation."

He briefly explained the relationship between Zhou Jinting's mother and Gu Shaohua, "Maybe, there's still some hope."

Sheng Xiangsi was momentarily stunned.

He had left for a while and had gone to find a solution for her?

Even if it didn't work out, his intention alone was enough for her to not shut him out anymore.

Sheng Xiangsi smiled softly, "Have you eaten?"

"Huh?" Zhong Pei was taken aback, shaking his head, "No... I was just going to ask you..."

"Then let me treat you to dinner. Wait a moment..."

Sheng Xiangsi turned around, grabbed her bag, and locked the door. "But I can't afford anything too expensive... Please don't mind."

"How could I? Am I that kind of person?"

She knew he wasn't, otherwise, she wouldn't have dared to invite him.

West Twelfth Street was like a microcosm of the old River City, although it was far from fashionable, it had everything one could need.

Sheng Xiangsi took Zhong Pei to a private kitchen restaurant.

It was the 'most upscale' restaurant she had been to since returning to River City. Considering Zhong Pei's background, she was embarrassed to invite him to a cheaper place.

They found a private room and sat down, ordering food.

"I heard the rice here is especially fragrant."

Sheng Xiangsi whispered with her hand by her mouth, "I'm going to eat two bowls."

She held up two fingers.

"I usually can't eat much... Dancing requires eating less."

Especially recently, preparing for the best performance, she only ate half a bowl of rice daily.

"Today, I'm going to eat my fill."

When she spoke like this, there was a touch of childishness.

Zhong Pei couldn't help but smile, "You're making me hungry."

He took off his suit jacket and draped it over the back of the chair, revealing his shirt.

Sheng Xiangsi's eyes paused, and she smiled.

—Zhong Pei was wearing the shirt she made for him.

She asked, "Does it fit?"

"Yes, it fits well." Zhong Pei lifted his arm, "You didn't even measure me, yet you made it so well."

"Basic skills."

Sheng Xiangsi smiled, "I learned from my grandmother. I can't claim it's perfect, but it's usually accurate."

She added, "Though the fabric isn't the best."

It was made of pure cotton.

Zhong Pei's clothes were usually pure wool.

"No way," Zhong Pei disagreed, touching the sleeve, "It's very comfortable, soft on the skin."

Each stitch was made by her, filled with her thoughts. No high-end fabric could compare to that!

"I'm glad you like it."

Sheng Xiangsi smiled, joy filling her eyes.

The fact that her intentions were accepted brought her immense joy.

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