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46.15% I AM DANZO SHIMURA / Chapter 6: Mito Uzumaki and Hiruzen

Chapter 6: Mito Uzumaki and Hiruzen

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The next day, Danzo woke up feeling relaxed.

"Did I fall unconscious? Looks like my body is still under a lot of strain," he muttered to himself, looking up at the sky.

"Even though my body is a half-sage body, carrying my sensei Senju Tobirama's body back to Konoha was exhausting. The cherry on top was fighting Cloud Shinobi's reinforcements three times, which pushed me to my limits, both physically and mentally."

(First time while running from the Silver and Golden Brother duo, second when taking his sensei's body and the Six Paths Ninja's Weapons, and third while coming back.)

"Well, now there's no need to worry. I guess this is the time to prepare to take over as a kage... no... as ho... Hokage," Danzo said, noticing his hospital dress and smiled. "But first, I need to change out of these clothes."

Just then, the door opened.

"Lord Danzo, you're awake!"

An elite chunin ninja responsible for his care entered, holding fresh clothes.

"Thank you for the clothes," Danzo said, taking them from the ninja's hands.

"Quick! Tell Lady Mito that Danzo-sama is awake!" The ninja's voice echoed through the hospital, filled with surprise and relief.

"How long was I out?" Danzo asked, not surprised by the ninja's reaction.

"Just one day. If you're feeling well, then please look at the current situation," the ninja replied, his tone slightly bitter, hinting at some underlying issues.

"What's going on in Konoha?" Danzo's brow furrowed.

"The Second Hokage's body hasn't been buried yet. Lady Mito insisted on waiting until you woke up. You're the Third Hokage appointed by the Second Hokage, and Lady Mito has been firm on this because it's the law till now."

Danzo listened intently, his expression changing as he processed the news.

"Is that Uzumaki Mito showing her support for me?" he murmured to himself. With the Senju clan's support, his position as Hokage would be unshakeable.

"Well, I'll do my best," Danzo said, a faint smile on his face. He respected the Senju clan because of the legendary ninja produced by this clan and knew their support was valuable. Despite future uncertainty, he was determined to let the Senju develop safely.

"It's time to meet Lady Mito," Danzo decided, changing his clothes and heading to the Senju clan's area. As he walked through Konoha, he noticed the somber mood. Even the usually noisy children were silent, looking up at the Second Hokage's rock statue in sadness.

"If she comes to know about the canon world, what will be her reaction? I mean, because of me... I mean Danzo, the Senju clan, Nawaki, her son, and her Uzumaki clan all got a direct ticket to the Pure Land," thought Danzo while sweating.

Soon, Danzo arrived at the Senju clan land, where the atmosphere was filled with grief due to the death of his sensei, Senju Tobirama. A Senju clan member recognized him and led him quietly to Lady Mito.

"Where is Lady Mito? I came here to see her," Danzo asked with politeness.

"Please follow me, Lord Danzo," the clan member replied, surprised by Danzo's approachable demeanor despite his impending role as the Third Hokage.

Danzo followed, impressed by the size and decoration of the Senju clan's estate. Without his intervention, he thought, the Senju clan might have been slowly diminished by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The Senju member knocked gently on a door. "Lady Mito, Lord Danzo has arrived."

"Come in," a beautiful voice replied from inside.

Danzo entered and saw two figures: a red-haired middle-aged woman, Lady Mito, with the Nine Tails sealed within her, and a little blonde girl sleeping in her arms—Tsunade, her eldest granddaughter, and the granddaughter of his sensei and Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage.

"Sorry, Lady Mito," Danzō said, bowing slightly, his voice full of sadness.

After all, Senju Tobirama had died just to save them, and Shimura Danzō and the others still felt indebted to him for that.

"It was Tobirama's decision. I understand his feelings and decision, so you don't have to feel guilty," Mito said, her eyes filled with complex emotions.

"Thank you for bringing back Tobirama's body. The Senju clan will always remember your kindness," she added, acknowledging Danzō's efforts and showing her support.

Uzumaki Mito had learned about Danzō's deeds from Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, but she chose to trust him, well, not completely because of Tobirama. A man who could fight his way out of Cloud Shinobi and carry a body back from the chaos required unprecedented courage.

"Now that you're awake, you should preside over Tobirama's funeral. After all, you are the Third Hokage he appointed, and you also carried him back from the battlefield," Mito continued, her tone tinged with sadness. The eyelashes of Tsunade, who was in her arms, trembled slightly, as if she might wake up.

"Yes, I'll start preparing for the funeral," Danzō nodded. He was about to leave but then remembered Tobirama's last words and turned back to Mito.

"Mito-sama, before he died, the teacher asked me to personally train Tsunade to become an excellent ninja. Of course, if you want to teach her by yourself, then I won't interfere," he said.

His words made Mito's expression change slightly, and she seemed momentarily confused. But she quickly understood Tobirama's intentions. He had planned everything to ensure Danzō remained allied with the Senju clan.

"Since these were Tobirama's last words, we'll follow them. When Tsunade is old enough, then you can train her," Mito agreed, gently caressing Tsunade's back and smiling at her sleeping face. Tsunade was her last hope because her child with her was always on a mission.

"Understood. I'll start preparing for the funeral," Shimura Danzō said as he left, heading to the place that would soon be his office.

Mito watched the door close and fell into deep thought. Then, clear tears began to flow from her eyes, dripping onto Tsunade's cheeks. As Tsunade stirred, Mito quickly wiped away her tears. She couldn't show weakness; otherwise, the Senju would truly be vulnerable.


Soon Danzō arrived at the Hokage's office and opened the door. He was surprised by the scene before him. His companions—Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura, Uchiha Kagami, and Sarutobi Hiruzen—were there. But it was Sarutobi Hiruzen sitting in the Hokage's chair.

"WTF, had to put him on the line," thought Danzo as he saw Hiruzen checking documents, as if the position already belonged to him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked up and saw Danzō, his expression becoming awkward. Even with his thick skin, he couldn't withstand Shimura Danzō's strange look.

Mitokado Homura and the others watched the scene unfold, sensing the tension. After all, Shimura Danzō was the appointed Third Hokage, yet Sarutobi Hiruzen was acting in his place.

"Danzo, I'm sorry. I thought you were still in a coma, so I took care of recent affairs for you," Sarutobi Hiruzen said awkwardly, quickly standing out of the Hokage's chair and sitting beside Uchiha Kagami. His movements were smooth, trying to hide his embarrassment. But Danzō noticed a fleeting look of reluctance in Sarutobi's eyes.

"It's okay, Sarutobi. It doesn't matter who is Hokage, we're all friends," Shimura Danzō said with a kind smile. "Then... how about I tell everyone that you'll be the Hokage from now on?" while mocking him.

His words made Sarutobi Hiruzen's face even more embarrassed, and the others couldn't help but feel a bit of embarrassment.

"No, Danzo, you are the Third Hokage appointed by Sensei. He chose you because he believed you had the ability to lead Konoha to glory," Sarutobi Hiruzen said, suppressing his own ambition and trying to appear humble, which will become his craze.

"Alright. Let's focus on preparing the sensei's funeral. Everyone must be present, and those who aren't should have a valid reason for that," Shimura Danzō said, his tone serious as he took his seat in the Hokage's chair.

His words echoed through the room. They all realized that Konoha had changed. The new Hokage would show Konoha and the entire ninja world that they hadn't been defeated by the death of the Second Hokage.

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