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Chapter 21 Show Skills 

"What a Xiao Yan! He actually broke through to the Core Formation Realm before me!" Liu Meng said through gritted teeth. After coming out of seclusion, the news of Xiao Yan's breakthrough hit him hard.

Although they had entered the Xuan World through the same portal, Liu Meng hadn't encountered Xiao Yan inside. If he had, he wouldn't have let Xiao Yan leave so easily. After returning from the Xuan World and rejoining his family, Liu Meng learned that Xiao Yan had resolved his cultivation issues. At that time, he didn't think much of it, still confident in his own abilities. But now, the reality hit him hard.

"It was the Xuan World that changed his life. It's useless to get angry now. What you should focus on is breaking through to the Core Formation Realm, so you don't fall too far behind him," Liu Laohu, Liu Meng's father, advised.

Although Liu Meng didn't want to accept this fact, he still nodded in agreement, saying, "Yes, I know, Father."

"How confident are you in breaking through to the Core Formation Realm?" Liu Laohu asked.

"In as short as one year, and at most three years," Liu Meng replied confidently. Liu Meng's cultivation was sufficient to melt and condense core essence, but he hadn't yet attempted to break through. He still needed comprehension, which was the understanding Cultivators gained through cultivation. This process took time, depending on how much understanding he achieved.

"Hm, you just lost to Xiao Yan once. Don't dwell on it. But you can't lose to the young boy from the Hong Family. In terms of talent, only both of you are the best in your generation. So, you can't let our Liu Family lose face. You are the hope of our Liu Family," Liu Laohu said with a solemn face. Liu Laohu was not the patriarch of the main family but of a branch family. With his child's talent surpassing Liu Kong, the son of the main family's patriarch, Liu Laohu would be qualified to challenge for the position of patriarch of the main family, given the circumstances that his son's rise in cultivation.

"I understand, father. I won't lose to Hong Yao," Liu Meng said, clenching his fists.

Meanwhile, at the Xiao Family, in the courtyard of Xiao Yan's residence.

Xiao Yan looked at Shuang'er with a gaze of belonging. Although he pretended to be cold and aloof, Shuang'er could sense the unusual warmth in his gaze.

She had been with Shangguan Yi for a few years, learning a thing or two about dealing with him every time. At this moment, Xiao Yan's gaze made her feel uneasy, prompting her to consider leaving as quickly as possible.

"I have delivered my Young Master's message. Please excuse me for leaving," she said, despite her unease. When dealing with a Core Formation Cultivator, she knew she must not be impolite.

Xiao Yan had been quite absent-minded all along, only snapping back to reality when Shuang'er was about to leave. His cold and aloof demeanor melted away immediately.

"Are you about to leave? Why don't you stay for a while? I have some tea here that aids in cultivation. Don't rush to leave; let me offer you a taste," Xiao Yan suggested, finding an excuse to keep Shuang'er there.

Shuang'er, being just a Foundation Establishment Cultivator, couldn't afford to offend a genuine Core Formation Cultivator. Therefore, she nodded and sat down.

Xiao Yan went to his room to take out the Four Seasons Tea.

The Four Seasons Tea was a natural treasure that could help Cultivators absorb the world essence. One pot of it was equivalent to a single high-grade essence pill. If Cultivators used it to refine the Four Seasons Pill, its effects might be better than a high-grade essence pill. This tea was one of Xiao Yan's fortuitous opportunities in the Xuan World.

However, at this moment, he didn't hesitate to take it out to make a good impression on Shuang'er. Speaking of which, while Shuang'er's beauty might not be at the level of Xiao Xing'er or Chu Lanlan, for unknown reasons, Xiao Yan did fall in love with her at first sight.

Teacher Yao was in deep sleep and couldn't be with Xiao Yan all the time, so he wasn't in a position to learn about this matter. Even if he knew, he might not care about Xiao Yan's personal affairs.

Shuang'er didn't wait there long before Xiao Yan came back with a pot of tea in his hands. What caught her attention was not the pot of tea, but Xiao Yan himself.

Xiao Yan completely changed into clean, neat black robes, with his hair neatly combed, shining with a pleasant herbal fragrance. Coupled with his handsome appearance, he looked almost divine. If Xiao Xing'er saw him like this, she might not believe he was the same Xiao Yan she knew.

Seeing him like this, even Shuang'er was moved. Men love beauty, and women equally appreciate good looks.

"Ahem, Fairy Shuang'er, I hope I didn't keep you waiting long, did I?" Xiao Yan adjusted his voice to a soft and charming tone.

"It's no trouble at all. Actually, Young Master Xiao, there's no need for such grand treatment. I'm just a humble maid here to deliver a message and will be leaving soon," Shuang'er politely excused herself.

"Fairy Shuang'er is a maid? Who? Who dares to put you in such a position, letting you become just a maid? What a brainless person!" Xiao Yan said with displeasure.

"Young Master Xiao, please be careful with your words," Shuang'er replied firmly, her tone tinged with anger, though she remained respectful in expressing her stance.

Seeing her anger, Xiao Yan quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm sorry, Fairy Shuang'er. I didn't mean that. I just feel that you shouldn't lower yourself to be a maid."

"Thank you for your kind words, Young Master Xiao. Shuang'er doesn't feel any discomfort in being a maid," she said with a softer expression.

"Alright, let's not dwell on that. Let me demonstrate my poor tea-brewing skills," Xiao Yan said, trying to change the topic.

Right then, he used the skills that Teacher Yao had taught him in brewing tea to the fullest, and the result impressed Shuang'er. It could be said that Xiao Yan's skill was noteworthy, as every step he took was skillful and pleasant to the eye.

Shuang'er watched him attentively, she couldn't help but think of Shangguan Yi, [If he ever do it for me, how good it will be.] 

Still, she dismissed this thought immediately, knowing it was impossible for someone like him to do such a thing.

Fifteen minutes later, the fragrance of the tea spread throughout the courtyard. Xiao Yan finished brewing the tea, but he didn't try it first. He poured the tea into the golden cup professionally and handed it to Shuang'er.

"Fairy Shuang'er, I would be grateful if you could taste my humble brewing skills," Xiao Yan said in his refined voice.

Shuang'er accepted the golden cup and took a sip. The moment her tongue touched the tea, its sweet fragrance entered her body, followed by a soft and pleasant sensation. Simultaneously, her body absorbed the world essence eagerly. She couldn't help but feel the urge to start cultivating right there.

Still, knowing she was in the Xiao Family, she suppressed her feelings and found an excuse to leave.

"Young Master Xiao, your tea brewing skill is indeed top-notch. Shuang'er has learned a lot. Now that I've tasted it, I will take my leave," Shuang'er said, finding another excuse to depart.

However, Xiao Yan wasn't willing to let the opportunity slip away easily, so he found another excuse to detain her.

"Since you enjoyed the tea, why don't you stay a little longer? I still have something I'd like to ask you about."

As for the reasons why Shuang'er was here, Xiao Yan had completely forgotten them.

Meanwhile, in southern Xi'An, at the Mu Family's residence.

Mu Xinghan, as the Young Lady of the Mu Family, was listening to the report about Xiao Yan. However, her attention was not focused on him becoming a Core Formation Cultivator; instead, it was on him being a level 2 mid-grade pill refiner.

"It has only been a year since he left the Xuan World. How did he achieve this? What did he encounter there that allowed him to progress so quickly? Even considering his time in the Xuan World, which is just a few years, he has accomplished what took me years of effort," Mu Xinghan muttered, furrowing her eyebrows.

Mu Xinghan was the number one genius of her generation in the Mu Family. She was one of the lucky few who entered the Xuan World and seized her opportunity. While her talent was recognized as being in the middle among the geniuses of Xi'An, few truly understood her real talent.

"Xiao Yan and Shangguan Yi, they are worth mentioning figures," Mu Xinghan whispered to herself.

"Now that my opportunity to break through the Core Formation Realm has arrived, I should not dwell on external matters," Mu Xinghan declared as she stood up and left her room. She headed to seek her father to request permission to enter the ancestral land and make her breakthrough there.

In the Azure Cloud Pavilion, Shangguan Yi sat in the living room for a few hours, but Shuang'er had not returned yet. This made him feel abnormal, but he remained confident in her. After leaving a message, he returned to his room for seclusion.

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