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Deal With the Good Master

For the next 3 days, Jon merely walked around the city. Slyvia also followed behind him with a confused expression all the time what was he doing but did not pry. She knew if asked, Jon would give half baked answers which she would never understand in a lifetime.


Finally, after 3 days of rest, Jon was going to begin his plan to take over Astapor.


With confident strides, Jon walked towards the pyramids of Astapor where he was going to meet one of the most powerful good masters of Astapor. Kraznys mo Nakloz, the bald man from whom Daenerys had bought the unsullied in the shows.


He reached one of the big mansions and two unsullied guards stopped him near the front gate.


Jon smiled, "Tell your master that I have a deal for him."


The unsullied guard stood without any change in expression and continued to stare grimly at Jon. After few moments he nodded stiffly and walked inside the mansion.


After some minutes a fat man wearing a yellow robe around his body and without a collar on his neck, indicating his status as a freeman arrived near the front gate.


He was here to welcome Jon, but seeing the young age of Jon and Slyvia disdain flashed through his eyes.

"For what you here, boy?" asked the man in high tone.


Jon answered calmly, "I want unsullied."

"Then come at the market place," retorted the man.

Jon chuckled and pulled a pouch from his breast pocket and threw at the fat man.

The man caught the pouch and busied himself in opening the pouch while Jon voiced with calmness in his voice, "I am afraid the deal I want to do can be done only your good master."


The fat man was surprised the few gold coins in the pouch and soon a grin appeared on his face, "Ok! I will let you meet my good master. But remember, whether you succeed in the deal or not is not my problem."


Jon chuckled, "Definitely. I will remember your help…."

The fat man laughed, "Don't worry, my name is not important."

Jon nodded and walked behind the fat man. The man led Jon into the mansion and then a certain hall which was adorned with rich furniture and items of decoration.


"You may sit here comfortable, while I go inform and the good master," said the man.


Jon nodded in response and comfortably took his seat.


"Slyvia, how do you like the mansion?" Asked Jon some moments later.

Thinking it to be a normal question, she answered, "It is quite nice, My Lord. Personally, I have never witnessed something as luxurious as things here are."


"Good," laughed Jon.


The duo remained in silence and it was only after half an hour the bald man Kraznys mo Nakloz walked in the room with four unsullied guards following behind him.


 Behind the four guards was an old woman wearing a slave collar but what attracted Jon's attention was the 13 14 years of age little girl with dusky skin walking with measured steps behind the old woman. Missandei of Naath.

The master took his seat while his six subordinates stood behind him.


"What are you here for boy?" asked the bald master in annoyed tone in High Valyrian. The old behind the master quickly translated into the common tongue.


Jon did not answer the question but flipped a single unmarked gold coin towards the good master.

The good master caught it and began to observe it very carefully.

"How many of it would I need to buy an Unsullied?" Asked Jon in the common tongue.


The old woman again translated it to the good master.

[All the conversation from now takes with help of the translator.]


The good master spent some time studying the coin and spoke, "70 to 75 coins based on its exact weight."


Jon nodded and did not argued over the price, "And how many of you have them for sale?"


The good master was taken aback by surprise on Jon's question and he voiced his opinion disdainfully, "You little boy, are you're here to play jokes on me? Look at your age. Buy all my unsullied?"

"I think you still shit and piss in your pants," laughed the good master disdainfully.

Although the old woman was hesitant to translate it and ultimately said the thing a bit more respectfully but Jon understood the Valyrian very easily.


Jon did not react on these words. He looked towards Slyvia and simply nodded his head.

Slyvia was quick in her action and she leaped across the table placed between them with her hand drawing her sword from the sheath.

The four unsullied acted quickly. Two of them thrusted their spear from where they stood while two of them stepped in between Slyvia and the good master.

Slyvia dodged the spears with little movement of her body and slammed a kick into one of the unsullied, sending him tumbling into the empty chair next to the good master.


She then stabbed the sword towards the other unsullied but he was no slouch and parried the attack at the last moment with his spear. But before he could react further a fist struck his stomach. He felt vomiting all what he had in stomach and crouched in pain.


With another swift motion, Slyvia placed her sword on the neck of the good master. A warning gaze from her then stopped the two unsullied who had remained behind dead in their track.


All this event took no more than few seconds and even before the bald master could understand anything, he felt a shar metal placed on his neck.


Jon was still sitting with the same neutral expression on his face.


"How many unsullied do you have, good master?" Asked Jon in playful voice with a taunt in his eyes.


Finally understanding the Jon was not joking the master answered, "6200 unsullied."


Slyvia removed her sword and returned back to her seat in her original position.


"I want them all. I even want all the trainees you have. I will pay 35 coins for the trainees," declared Jon.


The master nodded his head in agreement.






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