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Incident at the Ship

It had been more than 15 days, since Jon had left White Harbor.


They had covered more than half of distance to Dorne. Since then, the ship had travelled non stop and had only docked once at King's Landing.

It would take them around another 11 days to finally reach Sunspear.


Jon was teaching Slyvia some basic combat moves in their small cabin. Although the cabin was small it had enough to do few moves of simple unarmed combat.

Due to the effect of Jon's blood essence, Slyvia had gotten much more stronger than before. Although she had have not extensive sword practice, she improved tremendously in sword wielding too.


The duo was in middle of their move when a knock on the gate of the cabin interrupted him.

Jon walked towards the gate and opened it. Standing outside the cabin were 2 thin looking men. They were part of the ship crew.

One among them stood uptight, "Captain wants to see the both of you?"

Jon frowned, "What for?"

The second man replied in loud tone, "We don't know. And, don't ask too much questions. Just come with us."


Jon frowned hearing this and he understood that something was going to happen.

He nodded and walked inside the room. He arrived near his bed and picked up his sword.

"Slyvia, come with me. The captain wants to see us," said Jon.

The girl nodded and she also picked up her sword and followed behind Jon.

On their way the duo of the ship crew did not speak anything and led them straight to the deck of the ship.


The burly middle aged man, who was the captain of the ship was sitting on a large wooden chair on the deck of the ship. On seeing Jon and Slyvia arrival, he let out a toothy grin.


Excluding the duo of Jon and Slyvia, on the desk were 11 people, half of the total crew of the ship.


Jon felt a headache coming.

The captain laughed, "Here you are, boy."

Jon did not involve himself in small talk and questioned, "What is the matter?"


The captain laughed again, "Ah! Coming straight to point. I like it very much."


He continued, "You see, my men here are not so much used to the sea and hence they are feeling quite sick."


He gazed lecherously at Slyvia, "If your female companion is willing to help them then we will have a smooth journey."


Jon sighed and rubbed his temples in irritation, "Look, don't do this. I don't want to kill all of you."


The captain got angry, "We are requesting you out of god will and you are talking about killing us."


"Boy, cooperate peacefully and both of you can have your life," he declared.


As an after thought he added further, "Otherwise, few of my men won't mind having the taste of a young boy like you."


At this few of the men present on the desk let out a laughter.


Jon gripped his sword and pull out his sword followed by Slyvia who also pulled put her sword.


Seeing this the captain and the rest of the men were startled. Supressing their surprise, they also quickly pulled out their swords.


Jon nodded at Slyvia who with a nod in response took three steps in quick motion and then jumped at one man slashing her sword on his neck. The man was taken by surprise but fortunately he was able to bring his sword just in time to block the attack. But the force behind Slyvia's attack sent the man tumbling back two steps.

But before he could react and steady himself, he felt something sharp against his neck and then a fountain of blood rushed from his slit neck.


Slyvia's entire action left the entire group of men stunned and Slyvia was not someone to let go such a golden opportunity.


These people were mostly merchants with little or no training in swords. Their only hope to defeat the duo could have been their strength in their numbers and that too if they had all their 22 members at the desk.


By the time the remaining men came out of their surprise, Slyvia was already on her next target.


Jon also did not remain ideal and he pressed forward and two men jumped at him.

Jon ducked in motion to avoid the two sword slashes at his neck and passed below the two swords. Before the two men can turn to attack once again, Jon turned around and in one swift motion slashed his sword, slitting behind the neck of both the men in single strike.


Meanwhile, Slyvia had also killed her second opponent and was already on her third and fourth enemy. Both of the men were trying to besiege Slyvia.


Since Slyvia had lost the surprise element, her effect had reduced drastically.

Despite the blood essence, she had very less training with the swords and she was not greater than an average soldier.


Battling against two was proving to be a difficult affair to her and she was merely able to hold the two men back.

Seeing that Slyvia was struggling, Jon stopped dilly dallying and he started his slaughter spree.

In a very short amount of time, Jon killed another 3 men. This left 5 men remaining including the 2 battling Slyvia.


This time the captain along with two other men attacked Jon. Jon parried, blocked and dodged few attacks but ultimately killed the captain and the two men.


The fall of the captain brought a sudden shock to 2 men battling Slyvia and this led to them momentary losing their focus. This was enough for Slyvia and she killed one of these 2 men by stabbing in his heart.

The other man turned to face Slyvia only to be his head being decapacitated from behind by Jon's sword strike.


This left only one man remaining who was frightened to the extreme. In anxiety he jumped towards Slyvia who easily blocked his attack and then slit his throat.

[Got my P@treon. Support me if you like my story. 5 Advanced Chapters and my other fanfiction available.

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